"Hehehehe... Of course we have to do this!" The four people on the opposite side laughed strangely, "You can go back to raise money. Whether this child can survive depends on you!"

Vizet cleared his throat, "Everyone, you didn't even ask for my opinion, and you just decided everything without authorization?"

"My family is still waiting for me. If I go back late, they will be worried... So I'm sorry, I can't stay here overnight."

The four people on the opposite side were stunned for a moment, and laughed even more wildly.

"Did I hear correctly? He is threatening us? I am really scared!"

"A freshman with a cauldron, I guess he just bought his wand today? What can he do? Fluorescent flash?"

"Looking at the clothes you are wearing, you don't look like a child from a rich pure-blood family... If you are, it would be great, then we can ask for 2,000 Galleons!"

Vizet said calmly: "Do you know the Obscure? Or do you have the habit of reading newspapers?"

The four people on the opposite side were a little impatient, "What Obscure? Stop talking nonsense! Big guy, go and prepare the money!"

"Okay..." Vizet sighed, "Hagrid, I remember you brought the Daily Prophet, is it still there?"

"Oh...still there!" Hagrid immediately searched his pockets and took out a crumpled newspaper.

Vizet took the newspaper and handed it to the four people on the opposite side, "You can take a look."

Only the black-robed wizard spread out the newspaper, and the other three remained vigilant.

Soon, the black-robed wizard's expression changed from suspicion to surprise.

He raised his wand, and the tip of the wand emitted a warm white light, which shone on Vizet's face.

The black-robed wizard's expression changed rapidly, from surprise to fear, and beads of sweat gradually covered his forehead.

"A natural black wizard, a walking barrel of explosives, an extremely dangerous person." Vizet pointed at himself, "That's me... I'm an Obscure."

The black-robed wizard wiped the sweat from his forehead and pretended to be calm and shouted: "You said it was? Who knows if the reporter took the wrong photo... The content is also written nonsense!"

"He is Vizet!" Hagrid said angrily, "He has been given a cold shoulder by many people because of this matter today!"

"Maybe you need some evidence?" Vizet smiled and rolled up his sleeves, and each gesture was extremely smooth...

Chapter 15 How can you bargain like this?

"Ancient Magic: Shield"

The scene of encountering the runes snake at the beginning seemed to appear in front of Vizet.

The silver-blue light smudged his whole body, and a spherical barrier appeared, covering him and Hagrid.

"The reporter was obviously not really there." Vizette said softly, pulling his index finger and thumb outward.

The barrier immediately spread outward and stopped in front of the black-robed wizard.

Vizette smiled coldly and said loudly: "I forced the runes back to a dead end and crushed it bit by bit with this magic... Do you want to try it?"

"Of course, you can also try to resist. Now I can still control my power. If I activate the Obscurus... I can't say what will happen!"

He looked around, "The location here is really good, just a straight line. If it's here, the Obscurus will definitely perform well."

Not only the black-robed wizard was sweating, but his three accomplices were also sweating.

"Boss... this magic is not that powerful, right?"

"Let's go! Can't the four of us beat the two of them?"

"Is he trying to scare us? Is the Obscurus fake? I don't even know what this thing is!"


The accomplices' noise made the black-robed wizard very upset.

He shouted, "Shut up! Even if the identity of the Obscure is fake, is the wandless spellcasting fake? Have you seen a few little farts... kids who can cast wandless spells?"

He threw the newspaper to his companions, "Look for yourselves! Don't think about getting on top without knowing anything!"

He regretted it very much now. He should have driven the Obscure away, otherwise he would not be facing such a situation.

The silver-blue shield magic was still continuing, and the black-robed wizard could only grit his teeth and asked very unwillingly, "What do you want?"

Vizet laughed and took two steps forward, "I just want to go home, a very simple wish."

The black-robed wizard and others immediately stepped back more than ten steps, with their backs close to the three-headed dog who was still sleeping.

From the performance of these people, they already knew what the Obscure was and what Vizet had done before.

Thanks to Rita Skeeter, this outrageous report in the official report allowed Vizet to achieve the desired effect without explaining too much.

"By the way, there is this three-headed dog. How much do you plan to sell it to Hagrid for?"

"Are you still willing to buy it?" The black-robed wizard was surprised. "Four hundred Galleons! This three-headed dog is a cub, and its eyes are not even open yet!"

Vizet looked aside, "Hagrid, is the three-headed dog cub worth this price?"

His understanding of the three-headed dog mainly comes from "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

The book mainly mentions the precautions of the three-headed dog. As for the price, it is still necessary to rely on this Hogwarts gamekeeper.

Hagrid nodded repeatedly, "Of course it's worth it! And it's super value! I didn't see such a favorable price when I was traveling in Greece!"

"See!" The black-robed wizard breathed a sigh of relief, "Just follow this price, we will never raise the price!"

Vizet looked at Hagrid speechlessly. Now they have the advantage, and they should be more aggressive.

Maybe it's because wizards in the magical world are relatively simple?

Or is Hagrid just naive?

Four hundred galleons is not a small amount, and Weizet's calculating instinct kicked in, "This price is obviously unreasonable, this is not Greece."

The black-robed wizard immediately looked at him and asked nervously: "What do you want to say?"

Old God Weizet said on the ground: "As far as I know, the three-headed dog is a dangerous and rare magical animal. It is very troublesome to buy a three-headed dog!"

"In addition to the purchase price, there are also various procedures that need to be completed. If you follow the normal purchase process, it will also take a lot of effort... Do you understand?"

This is from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a brief introduction to adopting a three-headed dog.

"Uh..." The black-robed wizard decided to pretend to be stupid and shook his head repeatedly, "I don't know! This price is really good!"

He also gave Hagrid a wink, "Big man! Say something! It's a cub! Don't you want to be the owner of this little... cutie?"

"Oh..." Hagrid purred for a long time, but did not reply. He lowered his head and looked at Weizet, with a look of "I will listen to him."

Vizette held out his scissor hands, "Two hundred galleons, this is the highest price we have given."

"Two hundred Galleons!" the black-robed wizard screamed, "You might as well kill us! How is this price possible?"

"What a good idea!" Weizet touched his chin, as if he was thinking about this problem seriously, "Such a dark alley... is indeed suitable for this kind of thing."

"Vizet!" Hagrid was frightened. "You must calm down! You are a good boy!"

The black-robed wizard was also frightened, "Yes! The big man is right! You must calm down! Let's discuss it again!"

Vizette shook Scissorhands, "Two hundred galleons."

"Three hundred and ninety Galleons! This is our bottom line!"

"One hundred and ninety galleons, if you had a bottom line, you wouldn't have held me hostage in the first place."

"You..." The black-robed wizard regretted even more now and feebly lowered the price, "Three hundred and eighty Galleons, we can't lower it any more!"

Weizet smiled calmly and said: "One hundred and seventy galleons. Looking at the clothes of you guys, I'm afraid Feng Dian has been sleeping in the open for a long time, right?"

"Did you commit a crime in Greece? So you brought the three-headed dog here to hide? This money should be enough for you to live for a while, right?"

"Besides... Hagrid is the gamekeeper of Hogwarts. Only a place as big as a hunting ground can allow the three-headed dog to live happily. Do you understand?"

The black-robed wizard seemed to have been caught in a painful spot, and his voice was as sharp as chalk scratching across glass, "Then you can't lower the price further and lower! Where can you bargain like this?"

"One hundred and fifty Galleons!" Weizet remained calm, "I said, the bottom line can be lowered...especially when dealing with people like you."

When the moon was high in the sky, Hagrid, who was smiling from ear to ear, carried the three-headed dog on his shoulders and led Weizet back to Diagon Alley.

"Weizet, thank you so much for today! If it weren't for you, I might not even be able to get out of Knockturn Alley!"

He fumbled in his pocket and took out a beautifully embroidered cloth bag, "It really scared me to death! They also wanted to search me, and I didn't want this to be taken away by them!"

This was the reason why Hagrid was determined not to let those people search him—Vizet temporarily entrusted him with his wallet.

The rune snake was brought here by Hagrid. If Hagrid had selfish motives, Vizette would not get the five hundred galleons.

At least in terms of character, Hagrid is a trustworthy person.

Not only that, Hagrid's smock has magic resistance and can resist ordinary stealing magic. Putting this money on him will also make Weizet feel more at ease.

Seeing Weizet take the wallet away, Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a relaxed tone: "What do you think this little cutie should be called?"

Weizet looked at the dozing three-headed dog and shrugged, "I don't know... I'm not very good at naming, but it looks furry, and it's really... cute, right?"

Hagrid's eyes lit up, "Yes! Why don't you call your furry little cutie Fluffy?"

He reached out and stroked the three-headed dog's back, his tone full of endearment, "Lu Wei, what do you think?"

Perhaps Hagrid's call had an effect. The three-headed dog Lu Wei snorted and slowly opened his eyes, "Woof?"

However, when Lu Wei was being carried on Hagrid's shoulders, the first person who caught his eye was not Hagrid, but Weizet who was following behind, pulling a small trailer.

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