"I want to save him! I want to save him! I can't let that happen again!" Luna encouraged herself, her voice getting firmer, "Wingardim Leviosa!"

Vizette felt an invisible force appear around him, and was immediately blocked by the black film of evil thoughts.

"If ordinary magic doesn't work, what about adding the power of ancient magic?"

Through Luna's levitation spell, he quickly adjusted his response direction, and a feasible plan was already brewing in his mind - "Ancient Magic: Throwing Mastery".

He gathered the ancient magic power in his hands and tried to make a fist to break the shackles of the black film of evil thoughts.

Although the restraint of the black film of evil thoughts is tenacious, it cannot stop Weizet's determination.

He tried to make a fist bit by bit. After all the water dripped through the stone, he finally clenched his fist successfully, and then raised his entire arm...

"No! I have to think carefully, and there will be a way!" Luna has regained her composure, murmuring and thinking about countermeasures.

Both she and Weizet realized that what was needed most at the moment was calmness.

"That magic... that magic that can make people levitate! I will succeed this time! Mom's note said... a strong wish!"

Luna raised her cold left hand and put it against her face. The coldness of her palm made her calmer.

She kept talking to cheer herself up, condensing it into a mantra belonging to ancient magic: "La Wei Ah Sa!"

The spell that was originally tried once and should not have worked, now produced a flow of air, gently lifting Vizette up.

Even the black film of evil thoughts cannot stop this gentle airflow...

When Vizette heard Luna's chanting, he felt a push from behind. As a result, he gained more strength and raised the wand with all his strength.

The black film of evil thoughts on his arm instantly shattered, and countless pieces of black film of evil thoughts floated in the air, then turned into bits of nothingness.

"The dirt is gone!" Weizet shouted calmly, and the cyclone swept through his body, dispelling all the black film of evil thoughts on his body.

At the same time, the "Wizard's Practical Guide" suddenly opened in his mind, and new content appeared in the blank pages.

"Original Power: Obscurus State (Elementary)": Eliminate all evil thoughts and restore the original state... Use the "Guardian Meditation Method"... Release a small amount of the original Obscurus power...

There seemed to be a flash of lightning in Weizet's mind, and his thoughts returned to that beautiful world again.

He once again witnessed the process of pure black energy being contaminated, and finally understood everything.

Obscurus became what it is today because of the evil curse of the skeletal figure.

After a wizard suppresses his magical talent and is forced to become an Obscurus, he will be implicated by the Obscurus and suffer the effects of the curse of evil thoughts.

Now, with the help of spherical white light, Wizette has purified the curse of evil thoughts. Even if he uses black magic again, he will not be invaded by additional evil thoughts.

Not only that, he can also get help from Obscurus with the help of "Guardian Meditation".

For example……

"Primal Power: Obscurus (Elementary)"!

Vizette felt that the core of the Obscurus was trembling violently, but it no longer radiated malice, and the chains that bound it were loosened.

Black energy was released from his whole body, and his eyes became deeper, as pure as black crystal.

Countless black energy lingered around his body, lifting him up and floating in the air.

This feeling made him feel more comfortable than using a broomstick.

With just one thought, you can turn around and fly up and down in the air...

But Vizette didn't try. He flew in front of Luna and stretched out his arm with his palm facing up.

Luna smiled slightly, pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, and placed it on his palm.

Their palms were touching, and there was a layer of cool sweat on their palms.

Weizet felt that his ears were a little red and his neck seemed to be a little warm.

Luna's palm was cooler, and when her fingertips touched her wrist, it was like a cool breeze blowing gently, taking away his inexplicable fever, leaving behind a trace of comfort.

Vizette exhaled and tried to let the black energy envelope Luna, wanting Luna to fly in the air with him.

However, he could only separate a few strands of black energy from his body, and could not let the black energy envelope Luna's body.

Luna also noticed this and asked softly: "How about we get to the ground first?"

"I also want to try a way..." Weizet said. He tried to use transformation magic to maintain the black air in front of the toes to form two pedals.

The moment Luna saw the pedal, she jumped forward without any hesitation and landed right on the black gas pedal.

The two looked at each other, and Luna was much more relaxed. She looked around curiously, lowered her head and looked down, looking at the villages that were like small squares, and laughed like wind chimes.

"We are like the stars in the sky, hanging high in the sky and looking carefully at the ground, right?"

Weizet was indeed cautious now. He held Luna's hands tightly, not daring to relax at all.

He felt like he was lacking oxygen. After all, the World Tree had disappeared, so it was normal for him to have difficulty breathing.

Luna squeezed Weizet's hand. She felt that her hands were very warm. Not only the palms of her hands were warm, but even her fingertips were wrapped in warmth.

The warmth was like a fire in a winter fireplace, and her heart seemed to flutter with it.

Weizet said with some embarrassment: "Now... we may just have to stand here."

"Well!" Luna smiled sweetly, "That's good. There's still a long future ahead, isn't it?"

The two got back on the back of the eight-legged horse and finally landed on the ground.

Xenophilius ran over immediately, circled around Luna, and asked anxiously: "Baby, are you injured anywhere?"

"Should I take you to the magic hospital? If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me... Did you catch a cold up there? Why are your ears so red..."

He turned the back of his hand and put it against Luna's forehead, "Hmm... I feel like it's not bad... I remember there is an uplifting potion in Vizette, let's drink one when we go back..."

Chapter 40 Newt Scamander’s Obscurus

Vizette took two deep breaths to relieve the feeling of hypoxia.

I don't know if it was because of his eyesight, but a wisp of black energy floated in front of him.

He subconsciously spread out his hands, and the wisp of black energy waved its tail, trying to get into the palm of his hand.

The moment the black energy touches the skin, white light suddenly appears, like a sieve, driving the black energy to drive away evil thoughts, and then it truly blends into the palm of the hand.

Newt appeared in front of Weizet with a slightly strange look on his face, "It actually came back to you?"

Weizet looked up at Newt and remembered the previous question about the Obscurus - whether the relationship between the wizard and the Obscurus could be understood in a "chicken-and-egg" way.

When Newt was young, he could separate the Obscurus from the Obscurus, and he should have studied the Obscurus deeply.

Perhaps the answers to the questions he was thinking about could be found in Newt.

Thinking of this, he raised his head and greeted, "Hello, Mr. Scamander! Excuse me... did you just say that it came back to me?"

"Oh, it's just a small problem." Newt shook his head slightly and put his hand into his pocket without leaving a trace.

Weizet did not cancel the "Guardian Meditation Method". He naturally felt Newt's movements. The hand that reached into his pocket seemed to be holding a glass ball.

"Mr. Scamander, may I ask... was the Obscurus that entered my body just now? Behind it, I feel a strong sense of familiarity."

"Yes, that's right." Now that Weizet had made it clear, Newt didn't want to hide it any more. He nodded and said, "I came to Sweden on this trip not only to travel, but also to investigate Obscurus."

Weizet followed Newt's words and said, "We did encounter an Obscurus in this village."

"I came to this island because of the information you left on the wanted poster." Newt said, "Where is the Obscurus? Has he escaped now? Or..."

"He became a sacrifice." Weizet mixed his thoughts into it. "I suspect that he was not a complete person from the beginning..."

"Because I fought with him, and he was too unstable... It seemed that he was only proficient in Obscurus' own ability, which is similar to extremely powerful transformation magic."

"He can turn the three sharks into humans, accompany him to this island, carry out a guided act of revenge, and finally become sacrifices."

"Another sacrifice?" Newt frowned, "Is there nothing left?"

Wizer nodded, "He became a sacrifice for the World Tree that just disappeared... and should have completely disappeared."

"Mr. Scamander, can an Obscurus be transformed into an Obscurus? I mean... is this process reversible?"

"If a wizard can become an Obscurial by suppressing his magical abilities, then can an Obscurus become an Obscurial through some kind of magic?"

"I derived a guess from that person that Obscurus can exist independently...but I can't find the answer because I only saw such a special case."

"This is a very profound question." Newt blinked and thought seriously, "I once met a girl in Sudan..."

"That girl was also an Obscurial, and she was only eight years old. I was looking for poison horned beasts in Africa at the time, and happened to encounter a girl who lost control."

"With the help of the local wizard, I successfully separated the Obscurus. Unfortunately, it was too late. The girl was deeply corrupted by the Obscurus, and I could not save her life."

Weizet apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Scamander, I reminded you of something bad."

"You don't have to say such things, everything is over." Newt sighed, "Besides, you are doing well now, so I can rest assured."

"Huh?" Wizette groaned, a little confused.

"Back to the topic just now." Newt touched his nose, "African wizards retain many ancient spell-casting habits and names for various types of magic."

"For example, they called ritual magic 'sacrifice' or 'sacrifice', or they would use hand gestures to perform magic. It was not until this century that they began to use wands extensively..."

"They also have their own names for the Obscurus and the Obscurus. They call the Obscurus the 'curse of resentment' and the Obscurus the 'host of the curse'."

"'Curse of Resentment' and 'Host of the Curse'?" Vizette matched these two titles based on the information obtained from "Primal Power: Obscurus State (Elementary)".

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