"So you can drive?" Harry said in a somewhat eager tone, "I can't drive..."

"I've learned! Just step on the accelerator and turn the steering wheel..." He leaned into Harry's ear and whispered as quietly as possible, "Dad has made a lot of magical modifications, so driving is very easy!"

"Is there really no problem? Do we use magic?" Harry sounded excited, but still a little worried, "You also know that I have just been warned by the Ministry of Magic."

Ron put his luggage into the trunk, "This is dad's car. In fact, we just got in it and started it, without using magic."

"That's right!" Harry closed the trunk, left Hedwig in the back seat of the car, closed the door and fastened the seat belt, "We didn't use magic!"

The moment Ron held the steering wheel, something suddenly happened, and he remembered a few words that Wizette had said: If an accident occurs and Muggles notice the movement, the Ministry of Magic will hold Mr. Weasley accountable...

There is also a picture that comes to mind - Arthur, who worked overtime all night, came home, with dark circles so thick that it looked like he was smeared with ink, and his eyes were so tired that they were bloodshot...

Ron suddenly trembled and looked at Harry guiltily, "Harry...how about we wait? Dad should be back soon."

"Vizet also told me that Dad can give us useful advice. He also graduated from Hogwarts and must have encountered this kind of thing."

Hearing his best friend's words, Harry's restless heart calmed down a bit. He nodded and said, "That's right. After all, driving to the sky is too risky."

Ron forced a smile and said, "Anyway, school hasn't really started yet, so there shouldn't be any points deductions, so Hermione doesn't have anything to worry about."

The two sat in the car for a while, and finally saw Arthur's surprised expression through the car window.

"Why are you in the car? We have been looking for you on the platform for a long time!" Arthur opened the car door, "What happened?"

While explaining, Ron picked up his sleeve, revealing the bruises on it, "That wall is sealed, and you can't even go inside. You see..."

"You're sensible! Our Ronald has grown up!" Molly's tone was very touching. She hugged Ron into her arms and kissed him on the face.

"Mom, this is outside...Don't be like this..." Ron's face and neck turned red instantly, and even his ears turned to the same color as his hair.

Seeing Molly with a happy face, Harry was not only envious, but also felt a little lucky.

If they really drove to Hogwarts, it's hard to imagine how troubled Molly would be...

Chapter 65 It’s better to drive to Hogwarts by yourself!

Arthur still had to go to work at the Ministry of Magic, so he just took a half-day off.

He sent Ron and the others to Charing Cross Street and left in a hurry.

Molly took Ron and Harry the rest of the way and walked into the Leaky Cauldron.

Bald old Tom was wiping the wine glass when he saw Harry at a glance, "Oh! Harry! Today should be the first day of school, right?"

"Why are you back?" He thought it was because he was too old and glanced at the clock to confirm the time, "Did you miss the Hogwarts Express?"

"Yes! Fortunately, my Ron is sensible now!" Molly was in a good mood and talked to Old Tom with a smile. "It's just a small matter. Arthur went back to the Ministry of Magic to find someone to check it out."

"This kind of thing really needs to be investigated. It will be troublesome if something goes wrong next time." Old Tom nodded in agreement, "What do you want to do?"

Molly, who was in a good mood, showed her affection, touched Ron's head and asked, "What would you like to drink?"

Ron usually eats at home, so he felt a little uncomfortable when encountering this kind of problem, "How about...hot chocolate?"

Molly looked aside, "Harry, what about you?"

Harry scratched his head and finally said, "It would be nice to be like Ron."

Molly ordered: "Tom, two cups of hot chocolate...don't add wine to it! You've had this happen before."

Old Tom has no teeth in his mouth, and his smile has an inexplicable sense of joy.

He chuckled and said: "It was because I saw you and Arthur coming together that I just followed the trend..."

"Okay, stop talking!" Molly glared at Old Tom.

She leaned down and told Ron and Harry, "You sit here for a while, Arthur will deliver a message to Hogwarts, and a professor will come to pick you up soon."

Harry asked curiously: "Will it be too late to deliver the letter? The owl has to fly to Hogwarts, so it shouldn't be that fast, right?"

"It's another way." Molly shook her head, "You guys sit here for a while, and I'll go to the door and wait for news."

The Leaky Cauldron is a bar after all, and the food it offers is limited in variety, and the taste is hard to describe.

Ron and Harry drank a cup of hot chocolate and ate two pieces of toast with butter.

"I want to eat chicken legs..." Ron missed the Hogwarts first-term dinner very much.

Seeing that it was past two o'clock in the afternoon, Molly became a little anxious and told Ron and the others: "You guys sit here while I go ask Arthur."

Watching Molly's back disappear, Harry shook his chair out of boredom, "Ron, who do you think will come to pick us up?"

Ron tilted his head and guessed, "It should be Professor McGonagall, right? She is our dean!"

Harry put forward his own idea, "It should be Professor McGonagall, and Hagrid would be great too!"

"That's right!" Ron nodded in agreement.

"Don't let it be Snape!" The two said in unison.

"I don't think you can get what you want." A cold voice came from the door.

The appearance of this voice made Ron and Harry shiver.

Darkness suddenly enveloped the Leaky Cauldron, Snape was still wearing a black robe, his face as cold as frost.

He blocked the door of the Leaky Cauldron, blocking all the light that could enter.

The breeze occasionally blew into the bar, and the light could only pass through the edge of the robe and shine into the inside with difficulty.

"Hiss..." Harry and Ron looked at each other and took a breath of cold air.

Snape walked up to them quickly and asked condescendingly: "Just the two of you?"

"And my mother..." Ron said weakly, "She didn't see anyone, so she went out."

"Then wait for her, and then set off." Snape did not sit down, and continued to examine Harry and Ron, "The entrance to the platform is blocked?"

"Well..." Ron and Harry just nodded.

Snape raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Weasley, didn't Professor McGonagall say that face-to-face communication is polite?"

"Uh..." Ron raised his head stiffly, he felt that his good luck had come to an end.

Snape crossed his arms, "Anything else? What did you do after you found that the entrance was sealed?"

"We packed up our things... and then went back to wait for Mom and Dad." Ron's voice became weaker and weaker.

He now had a strong feeling that he felt like a chocolate cup on the table. Snape only needed to take a casual look to find the remaining chocolate at the bottom.

"Tsk..." Snape frowned, his tone was extremely regretful, "Gryffindor is really smart, I thought you would rob a Muggle train and let it go to Hogwarts..."

"Severus Snape?" Molly appeared like a hero, blocking Ron and Harry, "Hogwarts asked you to come and pick them up."

"This is unfortunate news." Snape curled his lips, "Professor McGonagall needs to hold the sorting ceremony, so I came."

"Okay..." Molly was a little helpless, but didn't say much.

"Then let's go." Snape left the Leaky Cauldron first after saying a word.

The group walked through the streets until a cold open space appeared in front of them.

There was a strange carriage parked in the open space. Although there was no horse pulling the carriage, the wheels would occasionally shake.

"If this is it, it can be in time for the opening dinner." Molly was relieved after seeing the carriage.

She helped put the luggage on the carriage, hugged Ron and Harry and said goodbye, "Be careful on the road, and be good in school."

"I know, Mom!" Ron nodded.

Harry did the same, "I will, Mrs. Weasley."

The two looked at the carriage curiously, but didn't know how they would get to school.

Snape stood outside the door and just put his wand inside, "Put your head over here!"

Ron and Harry looked at each other, but still did as they were told and put their heads over.


After the spell, Ron and Harry both felt liquid flowing down their foreheads, and this feeling instantly covered their whole bodies, as if they had just taken a cold shower.

They were surprised to find that their heads had disappeared, followed by their bodies...

"What is this? Ron? Where are you?" Harry reached out his hand randomly and touched Ron's ear.

"Behave yourself! We are leaving!" Snape frowned and cast a spell on the carriage, luggage and himself, "Hide!"

After everything was ready, Harry and Ron heard the "creaking" sound of the wheels turning, and the carriage tilted instantly. They flew up and continued to climb along the surrounding buildings.

But in the blink of an eye, they were already in the air.

"I'm afraid of heights..." Ron's voice was a little terrified, "Harry... look down..."

Harry didn't understand, and looked down as Ron said, and there were smaller and smaller buildings below.

Unknowingly, they had already flown high in the sky, surrounded by clouds.

The two had only one thought in their minds:

If I had known earlier, I would have flown to school...Compared to being picked up by Snape, it would be better to drive to Hogwarts by myself!

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