"Magic can always extend more possibilities, that's why we need to study it! I believe that now, you should all have learned something."

"Remember! Excellent wizards can learn from experience, summarize lessons, and do better! Since we are all Ravenclaws, we should understand this principle, right?"

No matter how he performed in class, what Lockhart said was absolutely right.

Looking at the elf standing on Lockhart's shoulder, Vizet coughed and asked: "Professor Lockhart... Can you demonstrate it again? It's the Oblivion Charm..."

Lockhart's smile suddenly froze, "Haven't you seen enough?"

Vizet nodded, his expression was very serious, "I thought it was too incredible just now, so I didn't see the whole process clearly."

"Hahaha! Since we have to do it again..." Lockhart's smile was a little forced, but he still reached into the big iron cage and quickly grabbed a elf, "Oblivion is empty!"

Vizet used the magic eye to observe Lockhart's casting process very seriously.

The elf also has a magic circuit on its body, and the pattern is very similar to the magic circuit of the Golden Snitch, except that there are not many circular patterns stacked on each other.

As Lockhart chanted the spell, an extremely pure silver light bloomed, instantly occupying the elf's body, crushing the magic circuit in its body.

Those crushed magic circuits did not disappear, but just rippled in the body in disorder.

Lockhart's voice sounded, "Mr. Lovegood, what do you want it to become... Why don't I make the decision! Turn it into a frog loyal to me!"

"Oblivion!" With another spell, the silver light appeared again. This time it did not further crush the magic circuit, but began to reshape the magic circuit and turn it into other patterns.

The newly formed magic circuit is a bit special, with many broken places, not as complete as the original magic circuit.

The elf half-squatted on the table, his eyes rolling around, trying to puff his cheeks, and a low "quack" sound came out of his throat.

Anthony and the others couldn't help but praise: "Professor Lockhart! You are so amazing!"

"After all, I won the Order of Merlin, third class, and Defense Against the Dark Arts..." Lockhart talked about his honors as if he was speaking a running gag, "Anything else you want to see?"

"Professor Lockhart, can you... turn it back to what an elf should look like?" Vizet asked curiously.

He wanted to know if Lockhart's forgetfulness spell could reshape the magic circuit...

Chapter 85 Dumbledore's work at the beginning of the school

Anthony stretched out his finger and poked the elf that was still "quacking", "Professor Lockhart, we want to see it too."

Noticing Vizet's expression, Lockhart was even more excited.

Because he knew very well that his previous operation had successfully attracted Vizet's attention.

Lockhart checked his hat and said seriously, "Aren't you going to the next class? It should be almost time for class!"

"Go to class first... Mr. Lovegood, if you have time, you can come to my office and I will show you again! You should know where it is, right?"


When Vizet and the others left the classroom, Anthony walked two steps faster and stood in front of Vizet.

He walked backwards while looking Vizet up and down.

Michael looked at Anthony's strange behavior and wanted to touch Anthony's forehead, "What's wrong with you? Have you been affected by the Forgetting Curse? Don't you recognize Vizet?"

"Just a little strange..." Anthony slapped Michael's hand away, "This is the first time I've seen... Vizet wants to finish class on time."

"Now that you say it, it's true!" Chris said thoughtfully, "It seems that except for the History of Magic class, he never really finishes class on time."

"That's right! Either stay to write your experience, or ask the professor questions..." Michael scratched his head, "The History of Magic class will end on time because Professor Binns left earlier than us!"

Hearing this, Terry laughed, "It's so convenient for Professor Binns to finish class. Just get into the wall and come out from the other side of the wall."

"You just like to talk nonsense!" Anthony smiled, but still accused him in a serious manner, "How do you feel? Lockhart seems... more..."

"Your relative is Newt Scamander! He also knows Slughorn! Since you think so, what else can we say?" Michael asked back.

Terry nodded in agreement, "Anyway, the Oblivion Charm is magical enough! And the theories he said seem to make sense..."

Anthony looked at Vizet and asked, "Vizet, what do you think?"

Vizet was still savoring the special Oblivion Charm, and murmured, "Maybe he is more suitable for adventure rather than teaching?"

"At least what he showed in the book is still worth studying... Let's take a look at the back! Let's go to the Charms classroom quickly!"


Watching Vizet and the others leave the classroom, Lockhart let out a long breath.

He took out a small mirror from his pocket, looked at his face back and forth, and there was a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I believe such a superb Oblivion Charm will definitely attract his attention..."

He took out a comb and trimmed his hair very carefully in front of the mirror in order to welcome the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Not long after, another group of students walked into the classroom and greeted Lockhart excitedly.

Lockhart waved his hand in response.

He revised the class process in his mind and felt that there was no need to use a cage of elves. He only needed to take out one of the elves and demonstrate the forgetfulness spell.

Using the questionnaire survey prepared in advance, plus demonstrating how to control an elf, a class can be finished quickly.


I am such a genius!

The bell rang, and Lockhart showed his signature smile, with eight teeth shining brightly, "Hello, students! I! Lockhart! The Order of Merlin, Third Class Medal was awarded..."


In the afternoon, Hogwarts Castle, the principal's office.

Dumbledore stood in front of the bird stand, holding a small box of berries in his hand, feeding the phoenix Fawkes.

Fawkes' bright red feathers became dull, his bright eyes lost their spirit, his eyelids drooped and he was full of unspeakable fatigue, looking much older than before.

Dumbledore picked up a berry and carefully stuffed it into Fawkes' mouth.

Fawkes stretched his head forward, rubbed Dumbledore's cheek with his beak, then turned his head to look at the desk, blinking slowly.

"Okay... okay..." Dumbledore waved his hand, and the box of berries flew to the bird stand.

"You are just getting old now... you will be young again soon. How can you urge me like this and not let me relax for a while?"

Fawkes spread his wings, as if he wanted to pat Dumbledore's head.

"Okay! Okay! I know you are old now, I will let you go." Dumbledore walked to the desk, where there were documents almost piled up to the ceiling, all waiting for his approval.

Among them were not only documents from Hogwarts School, but also documents from the International Confederation of Wizards and the Wizengamot, all of which needed his approval.

Dumbledore sat in his seat, looking at the documents and thinking for a while.

He picked out a small stack of documents, all of which had the emblem of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: a capital "H" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

With a light snap of his fingers, a box of candy flew out from the cabinets around him. On the package, there was a Viking warship attacking a mint leaf.

This was mint licorice candy from Sweden. It had a very special taste and had replaced the cockroach pile as his favorite candy to eat while working.

"When I finish eating, I'll have to ask Vizette where he bought it..." Dumbledore stuffed the candy into his mouth and instantly took a breath of cold air, spreading a layer of frost from his mouth to his beard.

"Cool and refreshing, it's delicious!" Dumbledore hummed a soothing tune and started working with the mint licorice candy in his mouth.

The sun in the sky gradually turned orange, and the Sorting Hat cracked a crack, screaming with all its might, and the whole hat was wrinkled, looking really hard.

"Hogwarts in the moonlight, magic is calling! Facing the bottomless black lake, we must have the courage to swim across it!"

Its singing was more hoarse and harsh, like the sharp noise of nails scratching glass.

Fawkes, who was taking a nap, woke up instantly, dropping a few slightly dim feathers.

The feathers did not fall to the ground, but gradually burned in mid-air, turning into ashes and gradually disappearing.

After singing this line of lyrics, the tip of the Sorting Hat shook up and down, as if gasping for breath, "Albus, how do you feel about these two lines of lyrics? I've been thinking about them for several days!"

"Hmm..." Dumbledore stopped writing and looked up at the Sorting Hat.

He thought about it very seriously, and then slowly said: "I don't understand this technique, but the lyrics are very good..."

"Facing the bottomless black lake, we must have the courage to swim across it..." He recalled the lyrics just now and hummed softly.

But he used the singing style of country music, "What I want to say is... I like this kind of lyrics very much, it's good!"

"That's great!" The tip of the Sorting Hat shook, as if it was happy that Dumbledore could praise it, "But your singing is too comfortable, which doesn't quite fit such lyrics."

Chapter 86 Dumbledore's considerations

The Sorting Hat continued to think, "Death metal... there are many elements in it, but they are not suitable for singing at the beginning of the school year... so I replaced them with elements of fighting and courage, and it seems to work well!"

"Ah... that's not good! This is too Gryffindor! As a Sorting Hat, it can't be like this! I have to think about it again... By the way! Albus, have you found a band?"

"Band?" Dumbledore just picked up another document to correct, "I plan to invite the 'Weird Sisters'."

"They are very popular among young people, and their styles seem to be a bit similar. What do you think?"

"I believe in your vision!" The tip of the Sorting Hat shook, as if laughing, "I'll think about the lyrics again..."

The Sorting Hat stopped talking, and the headmaster's office became quiet, with only the rustling sound of the feather pen scratching across the documents.


As night fell, a knock on the door broke the silence.

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