He pondered over what Sprout had said, and connected it with the magic circuits he had seen, which led to new questions.

"Professor Sprout, will the effect of the mandrake leaves become weaker as it grows?"

"Of course!" Sprout nodded and said, "When the mandrake grows up, its leaves will be hallucinogenic."

"Especially in the Middle Ages, when the mandrake was still widely distributed, it was not as difficult to obtain it as it is now..."

"The wizards at that time would keep the leaves and make them into tea, which would inspire their inspiration to a certain extent..."

"When the effect fades, in addition to the hallucinogenic effect, it will also make the wizard's senses dull, and even the ability to cast magic will be temporarily lost."

Vizet took the mandrake leaves in his hand and sighed at the magic of this magical plant.

When the mandrake was young, the tubers could not be used for medicinal purposes, and it would also make dizzy cries, but the leaves could play a role and be used for Animagus practice.

When the mandrake grows up, the tubers become a powerful restorative agent and can be added to various potions to enhance the medicinal properties of the corresponding potions. On the contrary, the leaves will become hallucinogenic poisons.

For the mandrake to mature, it needs to go through several potting changes.

According to Sprout, the leaves can be picked before the second potting change and used as Animagus practice materials.

Vizet also plans to take advantage of this time to try to analyze through the magic eye to study and understand the mandrake more deeply.

Sprout took the students to the second greenhouse, admired several beautiful magical plants, relaxed briefly, and then returned to the third greenhouse to continue the herbal medicine class.

The mandrake that has experienced the first potting change will continue to be curious about the outside world because it has seen the outside world.

Students need to hold a small wooden hammer and keep hitting the exposed roots of the mandrake, which feels like playing whack-a-mole.

In this way, their curiosity about the outside world can be dispelled and they can be made aware of the dangers of the outside world.

At the same time, it can also stimulate their desire to grow, so they will absorb fertilizer more actively and shorten the time required for maturity.

Whether it is repotting or tapping the roots, these are special methods developed by Sprout based on the habits of mandrakes, which can enhance the survival rate of mandrakes.

For example, mandrakes in the wild, without savages to help them do these things, can grow smoothly to maturity, which is a rare thing.

After the herbal class, Vizet strolled in the corridor and sorted out the notes he got in class.

The notes not only include Sprout's teaching content, but also the magic circuits he observed through the magic eye.

Recording the notes is only the first step. It is also an extremely important step to classify them and sort them into things that you can understand.

"There is no shortcut to success, and hard work is also important!" Lockhart's voice sounded, "No wonder Professor Flitwick and others are so optimistic about you!"

Vizet looked up and saw that Lockhart was holding a pot of mandrake in his arms, which seemed to be the pot he was repotting.

Lockhart smiled, "Professor Sprout said that you moved this mandrake with your own hands. No one knows mandrake better than me!"

"The first time I saw it, I felt that it was different, more vigorous and more energetic, just like you!"

Vizet nodded, walked two steps to the side, and kept a distance from Lockhart, while speeding up his pace.

Lockhart didn't seem to care about it at all, with a smile on his face, and followed Vizet to speed up his pace.

"Vizet, I'll call you that! After the first class at the beginning of the school year, weren't you very interested in the Oblivion Spell? Why didn't you come to see me?"

Vizet said, "Professor Lockhart, because there are a lot of things to do at the beginning of the school year, there is a lot of new knowledge to learn and study."

"If someone else said that, I would definitely think they were perfunctory to me." Lockhart grinned, "But if you say that... then it must be true!"

Chapter 90 Theory is powerful Lockhart

Lockhart was right, Vizet didn't mean to be perfunctory at all.

During the school term, in addition to watering and fertilizing the greenhouse on a daily basis, there is also the "Magic Cube Theory" waiting for him to consult and study.

Lockhart occasionally nods and greets his book-loving students.

However, his main attention was still on Vizet, "I heard from Professor McGonagall that you also study magic props, which I am also good at!"

"Remember the book "Walking with Ghouls"? It was the last part, where I caught the crazy ghoul with a tea strainer, and that was not an ordinary tea strainer."

"I cast the traceless extension spell on the tea strainer! The ghoul was trapped directly inside. It wanted to destroy the tea strainer, but its claws were almost crushed by the strainer!"

"The traceless extension spell?" Vizet frowned slightly, "Professor Lockhart, I remember you mentioned it in "Walking with Trolls"..."

"You learned the traceless extension spell through an altar in an ancient forest, and the altar was surrounded by mandrakes."

"But "Walking with Ghouls" was earlier than "Walking with Trolls", right? Did you master the traceless extension spell at that time?"

"Ah... maybe I misremembered it?" Lockhart's expression was a little stiff, "It's a magic similar to the Traceless Stretch Curse... Yes! That's it!"

"That's why I realized the importance of the Seamless Stretching Spell, so I paid attention to how to learn this magic... The point is that I can make magic props!"

"This is an ancient science. The prototype comes from ritual magic, and then it is extended to alchemy. Then it is further simplified and becomes the science of making magic props."

"Prank props such as magic fireworks are an extension of the science of magic prop making. But if you want to make a magic stone, you must return to alchemy."

"Alchemy has an important principle, which is the principle of 'equivalent exchange'. In addition, we must pursue a balance between the two. We must not let the magic props be stronger than the makers..."

For many of the theories mentioned by Lockhart, Weizet could find support from the book, indicating that what Lockhart said was not groundless, and that he had indeed done some research on the production of magic props.

Weizet took notes and Lockhart spoke. Unknowingly, the two of them approached Lockhart's office.

Lockhart was holding a large flowerpot in his arms. He was out of breath from walking all the way, and beads of sweat slid down his forehead, past the tip of his nose and fell to the ground.

Despite this, his blond hair was completely undisturbed, and neither the shape nor the luster was damaged in the slightest.

"Huh...wei...weizet...can you know the descaling spell?" He breathed heavily and tried to put the flower pot down.

Vizette hurriedly stepped forward, took the flowerpot into his hand, and at the same time cast a wandless and silent levitating spell to reduce the weight of the flowerpot.

"Professor Lockhart, let me get this for you! After all, Sprout said that mandrake is a dangerous magical plant."

"Uh... that's also..." Lockhart nodded, groping in his robe pockets with both hands, and took out a lilac-colored handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"Actually, I have no other intention, I just want to test you... Professor McGonagall told me that you can use this magic to make magic props before!"

"I have another piece of advice for you... Even though we know magic, we can't always think about using magic. We are still human beings and we must learn how to live!"

"Don't think of anything without thinking of magic first, such as washing, taking a bath, and arranging your hair... These are the joys of life. You have to know how to enjoy..."

They came to the door of the office, where there lay a pink package with a greeting card on it.

"Enjoy life... Weizet!" Lockhart smiled brightly, took the greeting card very skillfully, and showed it in front of Weizet, "I can't help it! I have too many book fans!"

There is a line written on the greeting card: My dearest Professor Lockhart, I heard that you are injured, I hope our gift can help you and make you feel better - the book fan who loves you the most?!

I don't know why, but these handwritings gave Weizet a familiar feeling.

Lockhart tore open the package. Inside was a toilet seat, a lilac-colored plush toilet seat.

Lockhart's face darkened when he saw the gift. He threw it forward and threw it to the other side of the corridor. He had the potential to be a chaser.

Seeing this gift, Weizet's face tightened. Thanks to the special training in private potion lessons, there was no smile on his face.

Seeing such a unique "gift for book lovers", he knew who the gift-giver was.

"Huh...huh..." Lockhart tried hard to adjust his breathing, and finally calmed down, "Forget the gift just now...come in...come in..."

The interior of the door is decorated in a familiar style, with large and small picture frames and picture frames on the walls, all filled with moving portraits or oil paintings, depicting the same character—Lockhart himself.

When Weizet entered the room, the various Lockharts had similar glints in their eyes.

Weizet carefully arranged the flowerpot, which acted like a wall, creating a barrier against Lockhart.

Lockhart gave him a really strange feeling. Compared to an experienced adventurer, he looked more like a researcher who only understood theory.

But in the magical world, generally those who have excellent magical theories will also have corresponding magical talents.

Weizet couldn't feel this in Lockhart's body.

So far, the only magic Lockhart has demonstrated is the "Peschi Pixi Pesternomi" spell and the incomparably magical Oblivion Charm.

Lockhart took a sip of water and stood in front of Weizet, spinning his wand back and forth between his fingers, as if he was playing with a pen.


Inadvertently, his wand fell to the ground, scattering a few sparks.

"Oh... little naughty!" Lockhart's voice was a little playful, "I usually don't use the Forgetting Charm, so it's in a mood!"

"Vizet, do you know wandology? 'The wand chooses the wizard'...many wizards don't understand this, so they can't be like me!"

"Understood." Vizette nodded.

There is nothing wrong with this theory of wandology, but it cannot be applied in this way.

Lockhart coughed in a decent manner, "Ahem! Let's officially start the class... Let's learn wandology... Bah! Learn the Oblivion Charm!"

He pulled over a small blackboard and said, "Let's start with the gestures. They need to be as elegant and neat as holding a baton. Turn your wrist...and then draw the 'N' word..."

"Very standard casting action... No wonder Professor Flitwick praised you so much... Next is the spell, pay attention to my lip shape and tone..."


Lockhart listened to Vizet's spell, and his expression froze again, "I didn't expect you to be so fast at this step... Haha... It's amazing..."

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