The three of them were talking and laughing, and Vizet felt a very faint sound, which seemed to be some kind of scream, which made him a little dazed.

Not only him, but also George and Fred.

The Weasley twins seemed to react more violently. The two of them fell to each other in tacit understanding, supporting each other, as if forming the letter "A".

"Strange..." Vizet frowned and immediately cast the "Guardian Meditation Method", and his mind instantly became much clearer.

Combining the sound with the trance, he vaguely had an idea, "Could it be Mandrake?"

He immediately tore off the paper on the notebook and turned it into three earmuffs.

After the three put on the earmuffs, the trance was immediately relieved.

Vizet turned and ran to the office. The table was in a mess, a small pit appeared in the middle of the flowerpot, and the soil was scattered all over the table.

The collector's edition of "I Am Magic" was also covered for the most part. Lockhart on the cover had an exaggerated expression, his hands were spread wide, and he looked like he was screaming.

The mandrake fell to the ground, and its roots swayed stiffly, as if it was fiddling with something.

Wezzet approached the mandrake, and it turned out that it was fiddling with fertilizer with its roots, screaming and stuffing the fertilizer into the hole of the tuber.

He performed the "Elementary Plant Cultivation Technique", picked up the leaves of the mandrake, stuffed it back into the flowerpot, and put the original fertilizer back.

After making sure that the mandrake was well behaved, he took off his earmuffs and looked in the direction of Fred and George.

The Weasley twins also took off their earmuffs, and George had a smirk on his face, "Hehe! Our Professor Lockhart... he fainted!"

"It seems that it was because of the cry of the mandrake, tut tut tut! It's so funny!" The smile on Fred's face was obvious.

George's tone suddenly became serious, "How can you talk like that? He is our most beloved adventurer!"

"Oh... yes! Dear professor!" Fred's tone became heavy, "I mean, I am very sad, very sad!"

Vizet coughed twice, "Let's send him to the school hospital!"

The previous letter paper was still on the table. He turned it into a cart and worked with the Weasley twins to move Lockhart on it.

"Your Transfiguration magic is so cool!" Fred praised while pushing the cart, "Professor McGonagall always uses you as an example when we are in class!"

"Unfortunately, it is not easy to find a suitable base. Filch knows too much!" George sighed and said with some regret.

"What are you doing?" Filch suddenly appeared, speaking viciously, with Mrs. Norris standing at his feet, "A professor who is unconscious!"

"Aha! I finally caught you! You are so bold that you knocked out a professor! That's great... so abominable!"

"Mr. Filch, he was knocked unconscious by the mandrake." Vizet explained, raising the flower pot in his hand.

"We were just passing by and were affected by the call of the mandrake. This magical plant is quite dangerous, so you have to be careful."

"Do you think I will believe you?" Filch's tone softened, revealing a doubtful look, "This blond hair... blond hair is Lockhart, right?"

He narrowed his eyes, with a disgusted expression on his face, "Using magic indiscriminately and sending greeting cards indiscriminately! Tsk! He is not a good guy either!"

Finally, he left a vicious look and limped away.

Looking at Filch's receding back, Fred said with interest: "He seems to know a lot about Lockhart's inside story!"

George nodded and said: "That's for sure! When Lockhart was still in school, Filch was the janitor, he must know some secrets!"

Vizet was still thinking about that look, "He won't give up, will he?"

George looked at Mrs. Norris who was following him: "Of course not! He must have gone to Professor McGonagall, anyway, we are not afraid!"

Fred said confidently: "Anyway, you can testify for us, Professor McGonagall will definitely not say anything when she comes."

He changed the subject, "By the way! Should we use a small iron cage to lock it up? Anyway, it has been following..."

"Wait until next time! When it's out at night!" George shook his head, "We are doing good things now, and we will lock it up when we do bad things!"

Although the Weasley twins love to play pranks, they are very popular in Gryffindor.

In addition to their likable and cheerful personalities, they never fall behind in their studies. Apart from the deductions in Potions, there are no more deductions.

This is why Filch hates them. As they get older and more experienced, it becomes increasingly difficult to find fault with them, not to mention how to punish them.


In the school infirmary, Madam Pomfrey first praised the three of them, "No Buffy Brain Wake-up Potion, no weird magical wounds, good job!"

She leaned over to check Lockhart's condition, "He was knocked unconscious by the cry of the Mandrake... It's just a small problem, and he will be fine after a good night's sleep..."

"Well... He was not affected..." She took out her wand and put it against Lockhart's temple, "Do you know how long he heard the cry?"

"No more than five minutes." Fred said with a smile, "That cry was very powerful! We only heard a little bit, and we felt very uncomfortable."

"It's OK here... The memory shouldn't be damaged, just a good sleep will do!" Madam Pomfrey said, moving Lockhart to the bed.

George's guess was correct. Filch and two professors came to the school hospital, and Mrs. Norris led the way.

Professor McGonagall looked at Vizet and the others at the first time, and asked with concern: "How are you? Are you wearing earmuffs?"

After seeing the three nod, she was relieved.

Professor Sprout looked at the flower pot, and said with a bit of a smile: "I told him... That pot of flowers is a little special, I thought he had a way to solve it!"

She knew that Mandrake would be picky, so she took out this pot of Mandrake, put it aside, and prepared to think about how to deal with it.

Lockhart was just in time, and he patted his chest to assure that "No one knows Mandrake better than me."

It was for this reason that she gave it to Lockhart, hoping that Lockhart could help take care of it.

After confirming that Lockhart was fine, Sprout and McGonagall looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths trembled slightly...

Chapter 95 Squib Filch

"Filch, I think the situation is clear now." Professor McGonagall looked at Filch, "This is just an accident. They just happened to pass by."

Hearing Professor McGonagall's explanation, Fred winked at Wizzett, as if to express "What do you think? Am I right?"

Filch's expression suddenly changed, and the grim smile on his face just now in the hospital ward disappeared, and turned into a distressed expression as if he had swallowed a fly.

His voice became much sharper, like nails scratching across glass, "But I saw them... They used to work with Peeves before..."

"The patient needs to rest!" Madam Pomfrey raised her eyebrows and said to everyone, "If you have anything to say, go outside and talk!"

Filch's argument was suppressed, and he limped out of the hospital ward, glared at Fred and George fiercely, and hurried away with Mrs. Norris.

Fred and George looked delighted, clapped their hands and shouted "Yeah".

Vizet looked at the figure disappearing at the end of the corridor and shook his head thoughtfully.

Filch is a Squib, and it is not difficult for most Hogwarts students to find this out;

This also makes his status very awkward, neither a professor nor a student, neither a wizard nor a Muggle;

Such a vague and marginalized identity naturally makes him dissatisfied and struggling, thus breeding a sense of inferiority that he is unwilling to admit;

In order to minimize this inferiority, he transforms it into jealousy and hatred of students, so that he can feel better.

Filch has almost no friends in Hogwarts, and the only one who really accompanies him is perhaps the cat named Mrs. Norris;

Such a long-term lonely life will also make him have a negative attitude, and will intensify jealousy and hatred;

When he treats energetic students, he will subconsciously prejudge them, and treat all students with a bad mouth with the subjective judgment of "troublemakers".

In the final analysis, it is because he can't use magic, but has to watch students perform magic, which is the reason why he has become what he is now.


Outside the school infirmary, Sprout stretched out his hand and said, "Vizet, let me take another good look at the pot of mandrake."

She took the pot handed over by Vizet, hugged it in her arms, and carefully checked it back and forth.

"There is still some dragon dung... the quality is very good... but it has been scraped to the edge... It is just as I thought... the original fertilizer is very special, this little guy likes it very much..."

After the inspection, she handed the pot to Vizet again, "It seems that this little guy can only be taken care of by you in the future."

"Can we also take two pots of mandrake?" Fred and George had a tacit understanding and spoke almost at the same time.

Fred looked at Sprout, and George looked at McGonagall, with expectations in his eyes.

McGonagall adjusted his glasses, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"The position of janitor is very important. Hogwarts needs Filch. Mrs. Norris is even worse, she is just a cat!"

As the head of Gryffindor, she understood what Fred and George were thinking.

As a wizard, some minor fights are acceptable, but the special nature of the mandrake itself requires her to be cautious.

Although Fred and George are naughty, they are both very talented children, and she doesn't want them to go astray.

So she will tolerate some behaviors and regulate others.

"Why would we do that?" George clenched his fists and raised them above his head, with a very aggrieved expression, "We are just interested in flowers and plants!"

"That's right! We just want to improve our Herbology class." Fred nodded in agreement, sighing with a funny expression, "We really want to improve like Vizette!"

"If only it were true!" Mag coughed twice, trying to suppress the smile in his throat, "I can add more to your homework, which is also a way to improve."

"Let you study less bag spiders, dead cockroaches and vixen eggs, and study more transformation magic, what do you think? I can do it now!"

"Aha!" Fred and George looked around, holding their stomachs in unison, "It must be because they heard the cry of the mandrake just now, so they are uncomfortable!"

They walked backwards with exaggerated expressions, stumbling several times and almost falling to the ground.

Until the two of them retreated to the end of the corridor, holding their stomachs, they both made faces and quickly escaped from Mag's sight.

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