Vizet nodded, "I have read books on ritual magic."

"Let me add one more thing." Professor McGonagall said, "Only pure and powerful enough dew can clearly convey the inner will of the wizard and determine the specific image of the Animagus."

"It turns out that there is this layer of deep meaning, it is really magical!" Vizet exclaimed, and quickly wrote down this key point.

Professor McGonagall said with some expectation: "I feel that we can save a lot of time, please continue."

"Next is the pupa of the ghost-faced hawk moth." Vizette felt that his thoughts were flowing like a spring, "It is in the middle stage from caterpillar to adult, and it also has the meaning of transformation and rebirth."

"And it also emphasizes the use of the pupa of the ghost-faced hawk moth, which is a moth that does not belong to the European region, so the key point is that after it becomes an adult, it will have a very unique appearance."

"That ghost face like a skull... should be a warning! I think... in the process of changing from a wizard to an animal, the wizard will naturally produce fear and resistance."

"And with the help of the special characteristics of the ghost-faced hawk moth, this fear can be minimized. As a pupa, it also has a protective function, and the ghost face after adulthood will deepen this protection!"

"I have nothing to add, it is very complete!" Professor McGonagall said with relief, but her tone was a bit complicated.

Why is such an excellent student in Ravenclaw...

Perhaps only in Ravenclaw can such excellence be brought into full play...

She exhaled lightly, picked up a piece of small fish biscuit, and chewed it slowly, as if to crush and digest all the distracting thoughts in her heart.

"There is also the choice of time." Vizet continued, "Ritual magic can use the waxing and waning of the moon to achieve completely opposite effects."

"For example, the earliest curse ritual magic needs to be carried out after the full moon, and the best time is the new moon."

"And the earliest protective ritual magic can be performed on the night before the full moon and the full moon, and the best time is the full moon."

"So Animagus will choose two full moons, also for protection and for perfection. From this, it can be inferred..."

Vizet frowned slightly, looking at the listed information, and gradually got the answer in his heart.

"Professor McGonagall, can I understand it this way... Animagus is not only about exploring external changes, but more importantly, it is about going deep into the inner... understanding the soul!"

"Through enough protective measures, it is possible to understand the soul in a relatively safe way in the most intuitive way... The wizard who can come up with this method is really amazing!"

"You are also very amazing!" Professor McGonagall did not hesitate to smile, "I thought... we needed a longer course to finish these contents."

Chapter 99 Broken Wand

Teaching Vizet is a very worry-free thing.

Some things only need to be mentioned slightly, and he can make associations, integrate the knowledge he has learned, and extend the deep meaning contained in them.

Professor McGonagall originally planned to divide it into a few weeks, slowly leading Vizet to study in depth, and try to ensure the success of Animagus.

Unexpectedly, in just one class, she has already taught all the knowledge that can be taught.

It's just a little bit wrong, it seems... a little unsatisfactory.

Professor McGonagall also understood that on the road of exploring magic, professors only play the role of guides. If they want to go further on this road, it depends more on the students' exploration and understanding.

She just felt that this "guide" seemed too easy, as if it was just a road sign.

Vizette just glanced at the "road sign" and found the corresponding direction to continue exploring.

Thinking of this, she stood up again, took out a notebook from the drawer, and handed it to Vizette.

"Professor McGonagall, this is..." Vizette took the notebook with both hands, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

"These are some of my thoughts recorded when I was studying Animagus." Professor McGonagall said.

"In addition, some of the ideas I had when deriving this ritual magic are also written in it."

Vizette opened the notebook, and the content inside was written in great detail. For those ideas and experiences, additional color markings were made to distinguish them.

"Professor McGonagall, this is so precious!" He said in surprise, "I will do my best to keep this notebook well! Study the contents carefully."

For such a notebook full of magic experience, he really couldn't resist and could only thank him repeatedly.

"This is what I should do." Professor McGonagall waved her hand, "It's still a while before the full moon, you can try the first step first."

"In addition, you can also proceed to the second step and collect the materials you need. If you encounter any unclear points, you can always come and ask me."


Vizet expressed his gratitude again and backed out of Professor McGonagall's office.

He solemnly put the notebook into his pocket. Since he wanted to protect it well, he naturally couldn't read it while walking.

Although he couldn't study Professor McGonagall's new notebook while walking, he could study his own notebook.

He turned the corner along the corridor and heard Ron's voice from a distance. His tone sounded a little frustrated, "Hermione, don't you know how to fix it?"

Hermione's voice sounded, "You were also in the library just now, following me and Harry to find so many books, but you didn't find a way to restore the wand."

"Professor Lockhart's "A Year with the Snowman" also said that if the wand is broken, it cannot be restored. Even if it is restored, it is only the surface of the wand."

Harry suggested: "Why don't you write home and ask Mr. Weasley for another one?"

"They will definitely not buy me one!" Ron's voice became desperate, "I broke my wand because of a fight... Mom will definitely say that I deserved it..."

Damaged wand?

Vizet was a little moved, and didn't know what kind of damage it was. Is there any similarity with the damage caused by ancient magic power?

Harry's voices were getting closer and closer.

Ron held a wand in his hand, and the wand was broken in the middle. Inside was a slender unicorn tail hair, which struggled to maintain the other half of the wand and prevented the wand from breaking completely in two.

"Vizet!" Harry came running up to him, "You know what! The Slytherin team has changed their equipment! Everyone has the latest Nimbus 2001!"

Vizet smiled and said, "That's really rich."

Although the Nimbus Competition Broom Company was established relatively late, it was loved by European professional Quidditch teams through the revolutionary design of the "Nimbus 1000".

After that, the Nimbus series of flying brooms continued to be innovated, and the "Nimbus series" flying brooms also dominated the industry, and the price was a few cents more expensive than other flying brooms.

Generally speaking, competition brooms are rarely used in college Quidditch matches, because these brooms are usually faster, and it still takes talent and practice to really control them.

While gesturing the appearance of the Nimbus 2001, Harry talked about what happened this morning.

Ron added some details on the side.

As an avid Quidditch enthusiast, Wood has always dreamed of winning the championship.

He thought of a package of training plans during the summer vacation and planned to start training a week in advance to win at the starting line.

Surprisingly, the Slytherin team seemed to have the same idea. They came to the stadium with Snape's signature and planned to train the new seeker.

Harry said, "Slytherin's new seeker is Malfoy, and those brooms were provided by his father."

"The Slytherin team showed off the Nimbus 2001 and made fun of Fred and George's brooms, saying they were used to sweep the floor."

"So Ron couldn't help but say that at least his brother joined the team based on his ability, instead of sponsoring a batch of new flying brooms."

Vizet looked at Ron's dangling wand, "And then... you started fighting? And broke your wand?"

Harry nodded, "After the Slytherin team finished talking, Fred and George quietly chanted a spell to create a small mud puddle on the ground, and Flint's legs sank into it and fell to the ground."

"That Flint... the captain of the Slytherin team, definitely has troll blood! He got up from the ground, like the troll that chased us last year, screaming and rushing towards us..."

Harry and Ron used their hands and feet to try to restore the fierce battle at that time.

During this period, Ron used too much force, and the wand, which was about to break into two pieces, drew a swaying curve in the air.

"The wand is flying!" Vizette instantly raised the wand, gently lifted it up, and held the flying wand in his hand.

Ron's face flushed, and he stammered: "I also lost my hand like this at that time... and then someone... Anyway, it was a big guy from Slytherin, who stepped on me."

Vizette spread the wand in his palm, "Magic and external forces will cause damage to the wand. The wand is actually very fragile. After all, its main components are only the wand body and the wand core..."

He used the magic eye to observe Ron's wand and check whether there was any problem with the internal magic circuit.

Compared with the wands damaged by ancient magic power, most of the magic circuits in this wand are intact in broken form, and there is a theoretical possibility of repair.

But before he did anything, he still had to ask, "Ron, what are you going to do with this wand?"

Ron's face became even redder, almost the same color as his hair, "Here's my plan... just stick it together with tape and use it for the rest of the year..."

Chapter 100 Fleeting Whisper

Vizet looked at the broken wand and patiently explained, "Ron, if you just stick it together with tape, it will easily cause 'wand backfire'."

"Wand...backfire!" When Ron heard this word, the redness on his face instantly faded a lot, and he trembled when he spoke, "Is it possible for 'wand backfire' in this way?"

Hermione and Harry looked confused, wondering why Ron suddenly became like this.

Harry scratched his head and asked, "What does wand backfire mean? Is it scary?"

"Of course it's scary!" Ron swallowed his saliva, "Haven't you heard it? Wands that backfire are eaten by worms, wands that backfire are burned by fire..."

He recited several slangs about wand backfire like a limerick, "I grew up hearing these, anyway, it's very dangerous!"

Hermione and Harry have lived in modern cities since they were young, so it's hard for them to understand Ron's slangs.

Hermione frowned, trying to understand these slangs, "So... once the 'wand backfires', it will be eaten by worms and then burned by fire? Is that what it means?"

"Do you know what a short circuit is?" Vizet smiled slightly, thought for a moment, and explained it in another way.

"It's because the wires are not connected correctly, causing the wires to suddenly spark, and then the wires will burn and the electrical appliances may be burned."

Hermione's brows relaxed, "Then I understand!"

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