Professor Snape did not speak, his eyes became complicated, constantly flashing with coldness and struggle.

His lips were tightly pursed, and his eyebrows were locked together, almost twisted into a knot.

Seeing Professor Snape with such an expression, Vizet was a little uneasy.

It was the first time he found that... Professor Snape could have such a rich expression. Something big must have happened.

"You..." Professor Snape finally spoke, his tone full of vigilance, gloom and coldness, "What is the current situation of your Obscurus?"

"Obscura?" Vizet was a little confused, but still told the truth, "I went to Sweden before, and the risks of Obscurus have been eliminated."

Professor Snape's cheeks bulged, "Prove it to me..."

Vizet nodded and directly cast "Original Power: Obscurus (Primary)", letting the black air linger around his body.

As the first professor who warned him that he needed to be sufficiently vigilant against the outside world, he trusted Professor Snape very much.

Professor Snape clenched his wand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and cautiously probed into the black air.

The tip of his wand emitted a warm silver light, which kept stirring in the lingering black air.

After a few rounds, he extinguished the silver light and retracted his wand, his expression relieved a little.

"Follow me!" He said this, took the lead in collecting his robes, and disappeared at the door of the office very quickly.

Vizet restrained the black air around him and hurriedly trotted to keep up with Professor Snape's pace.


During this period, Vizet also met Harry who had returned from training and Ron who was accompanying him in the corridor.

Harry looked tired, and there were all kinds of mud marks on his robes. It seemed that he had gone through a hard special training.

Exhausted, he obviously didn't want to provoke Professor Snape.

Unfortunately, Professor Snape was in the wrong state now, and said to Harry very smoothly: "If you are not dressed properly in the corridor, Gryffindor will deduct two points."

After saying this, his steps were a little lighter.

"Snape!" Harry looked at Professor Snape's back and gritted his teeth.

"Clean it up!" Vizet waved his wand and used the Descaling Charm to help Harry clean the mud marks on his body.

After doing all this, he hurriedly quickened his pace to make sure he could keep up with Professor Snape.

Harry looked at the two people's disappearing backs, "Ron... do you think we should tell Professor McGonagall?"

"Say we were deducted points for no reason?" Ron shook his head, "Or did Vizet get bewitched by Snape and follow Snape around? It doesn't seem right..."

Harry nodded and murmured with a little regret: "That's right, take care..."

"Vizet should be fine." Ron comforted, "I heard from the Hufflepuffs that he has never been deducted points by Snape."


Professor Snape came to an abandoned classroom. When Vizet also walked into the abandoned classroom, a dilapidated wooden box in the corner suddenly jumped up and fell to the ground with a clang.

"Boggart, do you know what it is?" Professor Snape asked.

Vizet nodded, "It is a very strange existence that will change into a corresponding image according to the things we are afraid of in our hearts."

Professor Snape did not respond, but put the tip of the wand against his temple and pulled out a silver thread.

Vizet could see that Professor Snape was performing mental magic, pulling out a small piece of memory and making some changes to it.

After a few breaths, he stuffed the silver thread into his temple again, "The course has changed. You have to master the Patronus Charm today."

"Patronus Charm?" Vizet learned about this magic from the Book of Spells.

This magic is extremely mysterious. He searched in his mind, but could not find the specific time of its birth. He only knew that wizards had used it in ancient times.

Casting this magic can summon a magic patronus;

For many wizards, this so-called magic patronus is only a silver mist without entity;

Simply conjuring silver mist without entity is not considered to be a real casting of the Patronus Charm. Only when the magic patronus has entity can the casting of this magic be considered to be completed.

Wizards who can summon physical magic patronuses often have more opportunities than other wizards to be reused by the Wizengamot or the Ministry of Magic.

There is such a difference, not only because the Patronus Charm is extremely complicated, but also because in order to cast it, you must mobilize extremely positive emotions.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for dark wizards to cast the Patronus Charm. Even if they force it, they will be "backfired by the wand" and devoured by the maggots brought by the backfire.

"It's the Patronus Charm!" Professor Snape continued, "Even if you have mastered it, I may check it at any time. You need to make sure that you can complete the Patronus Charm at any time."

"Yes!" Wizette nodded.

Of course, he was very happy to learn a very difficult magic, and he had no resistance at all.

Snape's expression eased a little, and he explained the details of this magic, "Patience and soul, these are what you need to pay attention to."

"As long as you can successfully perform this magic, you can consciously explore your inner self by chanting the spell. Pay attention! Do it consciously and actively!"

Professor Snape mentioned that one can tap into one's own positive emotions and communicate with the soul through the Patronus spell "Expecto Patronus".

This should be his exclusive insight, at least Vizet has not seen a similar description in the "Book of Spells".

The learning method in the "Book of Spells" is that the caster should mobilize happy emotions and increase the success rate of casting the Patronus spell by recalling happy things.

Most people can obtain positive emotions such as happiness, which is the easiest emotion to access.

In addition to happiness, there are many positive emotions;

Love for family, partners or friends is an extremely powerful positive emotion;

In addition, gratitude, touching, hope, pride, optimism, sympathy...

These are also positive emotions and can be used in the Patronus spell...

Chapter 111 Heading Towards the Soul

There is a rumor about Professor Snape among students.

It is said that becoming a professor of potions is not his original wish, but a professor of defense against the dark arts is his goal.

Perhaps Dumbledore felt that the potion master should focus on the potion class, so he did not approve Professor Snape's transfer application.

Professor Snape has unique insights in potion science. He has some special requirements and requirements for the processing methods of materials and the specific steps of brewing potions.

These special requirements and requirements are often very useful and can effectively increase the success rate of brewing potions.

It is not unreasonable for him to apply for the professorship of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts, the Patronus Charm is a complex and high-end magic.

And Professor Snape has unique insights and ways of mastering this high-end magic that ordinary wizards do not have.

"Those spell books also tell you to recall happy memories and focus all your thoughts on a particularly pleasant moment..."

"This method is equivalent to the fish hooks used by Muggles when fishing, and the fish that lure fish, using fish hooks and bait to try your luck..."

"This method is feasible, at least it can catch fish and help wizards cast the Patronus Charm, but it is not stable enough and is very low-level! You need to cast the Patronus Charm more stably."

Regarding the way to cast the Patronus Charm, Professor Snape used a few simple sentences and a vivid metaphor to explain the method that ordinary wizards would use when practicing the Patronus Charm.

It can also be regarded as a practical action to show that he has the same excellent insights into Defense Against the Dark Arts and is absolutely competent to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Professor Snape returned to normal, his eyes were brighter and sharper, and he seemed to be enjoying the teaching process with some kind of pleasure.

Perhaps for him, imparting the relevant knowledge of Defense Against the Dark Arts can make him feel more happy?

"The method I'm going to tell you now needs to be based on various positive emotions. The more positive emotions you can use, the better..."

"These positive emotions can not only help you understand the soul, but also stabilize the soul and maintain the purity of the soul itself..."

"You have to remember!" Professor Snape changed his tone and suddenly became cold. His expression became serious and cold again, and his eyes stared straight at Vizette.

"When you feel the darkness and are about to be swallowed by evil thoughts, the Patronus Charm cast in this way can provide you with the last refuge!"

"The history of the Patronus Charm cannot be verified, but its function can be used to infer its initial motivation. This is a magic to protect itself."

"The so-called Patronus, if it can't even protect itself, what other characteristics and functions can it talk about? When you are abandoned, the Patronus Charm is your last resort..."

At this point, Professor Snape frowned and folded his hands in front of his chest, as if he realized that he had said too much.

"I've said enough. You can start casting the Patronus Charm... You should know all the written stuff."

Everything he said just now was about the concept and understanding of the Patronus Charm itself, and did not involve other elements of casting, such as the tone and gestures of chanting.

In his opinion, Vizet may have known about this magic for a long time.

This is indeed the case. Vizet did not live up to Professor Snape's trust.

Vizet said: "Recall the memory that can bring positive emotions, draw a circle with the wand, let these positive emotions become the patronus, and finally firmly chant the spell "Expecto Patronus."

"There is a Boggart in the box, but it will become a Dementor." Professor Snape patted the old wooden box casually, "You need to help me dispel the Dementors."

Dementors and Boggarts are very similar in some ways.

If Boggarts crave fear, then Dementors crave happiness and all positive emotions.

That is why one of the functions of the Patronus Charm is to deal with Dementors.

Vizet thought of the elves, and what they longed for was ridicule, which was also a kind of emotion...

But now was not the time to think about it, casting the Patronus Charm was what he had to do at the moment.

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