"Is it Wezzet?" Hearing Mrs. Norris's hesitant call, Filch was a little confused, "Why did he run?"

"Meow meow meow?"

"He was walking around at night with someone else?" Filch was still confused, "So what? I'm not arresting him. I still expect him to make a wand for me!"

After that, he took out a cowhide bag from the lining of his coat and took out the fake wand wrapped in velvet.

"You must be tired after patrolling for a while. Let's clean up!" He held Mrs. Norris in his arms and chanted a spell in a high-spirited voice, "Clean up!"

Chapter 117 Hogwarts Kitchen

"They shouldn't have caught up." Luna let out a long breath and put her sweaty hair behind her ears, "It was a close call!"

Looking at Luna's happy expression as if she had survived a disaster, Vizet smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, I was almost discovered by Mr. Filch."

"It's here!" Luna looked at the huge oil painting in front of her, "Let me think... Which fruit did Hannah say?"

Like other oil paintings in the stone corridor, this huge oil painting has a huge silver bowl with various common fruits in it.

"It's this!" Luna's eyes lit up and she pointed to a large green pear.

She tickled the pear, and it immediately trembled, as if it was very sensitive to tickling, and it chuckled, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a green doorknob.

The doorknob was pulled open, and there was indeed a different world inside. Looking through the entrance, it was a kitchen that was almost as big as the auditorium.

Vizette walked around the kitchen and felt that the kitchen was a one-to-one replica of the auditorium's floor area.

Various cooking pots were piled up against the stone wall, polished spotlessly and shining with a metallic luster.

At the end of the kitchen, there was a huge fireplace burning with flames, which completely dispelled the cold air from the underground.

The most eye-catching thing was the four long tables in the center of the kitchen and the circular long table in front of the fireplace.

The positions of these long tables were exactly the same as those of the long tables in the auditorium.

The long tables were filled with tableware, which was also polished to a sparkling shine, waiting to be used again tomorrow.

Among the "Five Exceptions to Gamp's Basic Law of Transfiguration", the inability to directly conjure food was the first exception.

Vizet has understood where all the delicacies that appeared instantly at Dumbledore's command came from.

There are countless secrets in the magic world, and this is also the place that Vizet is most fascinated with.

For example, this kitchen hidden in Hogwarts was not mentioned in "Hogwarts: A History of the School".

Vizet and Luna entered the kitchen, and many house elves looked up at them at the same time.

As an ancient castle that has been passed down for thousands of years, it is reasonable to have so many house elves.

The house elves were wrapped in clean tea towels with the school emblem of Hogwarts on them.

They came over one after another, smiled at Vizet and Luna, and bowed.

An elderly house-elf came forward and said respectfully in a deep and vicissitudes voice: "Sir, what do you need us to do? We are willing to serve you wholeheartedly!"

The other house-elves blinked their eyes, showing full of kindness and a little expectation, as if they could do anything for them.

Faced with such kindness, Vizet smiled and asked: "Can you please help me prepare some flour, water, salt, oil, tomatoes and a few eggs?"

The elderly house-elf opened his eyes wide, with some doubts and hesitation in his eyes, "Sir, are you going to... make noodles?"

They have been providing food for Hogwarts for a long time, so they can naturally guess what Vizet wants to do through these ingredients.

"Yes, I want to make noodles." Vizet looked behind the elderly house-elf, and other house-elves had already taken action and sent all the ingredients he needed.

The older house elf bowed again, "Sir, if you need anything, we can do it for you."

"I want to do it myself, it's also a kind of... commemoration, right?" Vizet said, "I also want to borrow the pot, can I ask?"

"Of course!" The house elves were a little flattered. They retreated in a circle and tried to raise their heads to see what Vizet wanted to do.

As if they were worried that they would not have enough, the house elves did not hesitate to send bags and boxes of ingredients directly.

"Excuse me, if I use them all, it's okay?"

"Sir, of course it's okay! Do you really not need help?"

"Yes, thank you. I also want to borrow the kitchen..."

"Don't say that! Sir! Please feel free to use the kitchen!"

Vizet roughly counted the house elves present, smiled and snapped his fingers, and skillfully performed household magic.

The salt was dissolved in the water, and then flour was added to knead it into dough. With the help of household magic, everything seemed in order.

While the dough was resting, he set up a big pot to light a fire, boiled a large pot of water, and took another pot to make toppings with tomatoes and eggs.

With the help of magic, the resting time of the dough was much faster.

The cutting spell quickly cut the dough into strips, and then mixed it with oil and flour, and officially entered the step of pulling noodles.

Not only Luna was fascinated, but even the house elves who were proficient in cooking opened their eyes wide and paid attention to every detail of Wizette's magic.

House elves can also make noodles, but the method they use is to knead the dough, directly press it into thin sheets and then cut it into various shapes, without involving the "pulling noodles" step.

If Weizet had to pull the noodles with his own hands, he might be very embarrassed and might break the noodles.

But with magic, everything becomes different.

The strips of dough quickly turn into noodles thanks to the magic of home life.

As Weizet flicked his fingers, the noodles overlapped and flew in mid-air, stretching into long strands of uniform thickness.

As Weizet presses his fingers, the noodles seem to dive into the boiling water like a dragon swimming into the sea, tumble, mature, and then fly into the bowl.

The tomato and egg toppings have also been prepared and poured into bowls one after another.

"Clean up!" Weizet took out his magic wand and waved it, returning the kitchen to its original cleanliness.

He said to the house elves: "If I remember correctly... you should also be busy at night and need to clean up Hogwarts Castle."

The elder house elf's voice became hoarse and there were tears in his eyes, "Mr. Merciful...those are the things we should do."

Weizet greeted: "I've worked hard for you tonight, so why don't you come and have some too?"

He picked up a small bowl, thrust it into the older house elf's hand, and picked up another bowl for himself, adding an extra poached egg to it.

"This bowl is yours." He handed another bowl to Luna, which also contained a poached egg.

Luna's eyes were very soft, "Today must be an important day."

Wizette smiled slightly, "It's a noodle day."

Luna blinked, "I will definitely remember this day and will never forget it!"

"Yeah!" Wizer nodded.

Between them, sometimes they don't need to say so much to understand what it means.

Weizet took a bite of the poached egg, which contained soft-boiled eggs with a faint sweetness.

He recalled the feeling of eating longevity noodles for the first time. The sweetness from the soft-boiled eggs overlapped with the sweetness in his memory...

Chapter 118 The Memory of Helga Hufflepuff

After a bowl of noodles, Weizet walked back and forth in the kitchen with the thought of "come here", dispelling the fog related to the map in his mind, and then collected ancient magical power.

"Mr. Merciful!" The elder house elf appeared in front of him, holding a fire dragon skin notebook in his arms.

The notebook was so big that it almost blocked his body.

"Can you please leave the magic here? We hope it can be recorded."

"Oh?" Weizet looked at the notebook, "I just used the magic of home life and combined it with some past experiences to make the noodles. Can I also record it in this way?"

"Of course, no problem! Helga Hufflepuff is a great wizard!" The older house elf nodded repeatedly.

"Not only did she take in our ancestors, but she also left us with amazing magic, which is all recorded here!"

He lifted up the notebook and explained: "You only need to recall the process just now, and this notebook can record the memory!"

After listening to the elder house elf's words, Weizet immediately understood that this notebook was not ordinary, but a magical item containing spiritual magic.

Helga Hufflepuff is not only proficient in home life magic, but also has extraordinary attainments in the production of magic props and even alchemy.

"Hogwarts: A School History" mentioned that after Helga Hufflepuff passed away, she left a magical item to her descendants, which was a golden cup containing magical magic.

However, the specific magic contained in it is not recorded in detail in the book "Hogwarts: A School History".

Thinking of this, Weizet opened the notebook, which contained one recipe after another;

The content of the recipe is very concise, that is, a description of the ingredients and simple techniques;

The only special thing is that there is a silver light emitting between the lines.

He looked to the older house elf and asked, "What should I call you?"

The elder house elf immediately bowed, "Mr. Merciful! Just call me Rake!"

"Rake, my name is Vizette, just call me by my name." Vizette asked, pointing to the recipes.

"You can learn how to cook by touching these silver lights, right?"

"Yes! Mercy...Vizet!" Lake nodded repeatedly, "But it needs to be touched a few times, and it won't be able to fully learn it once."

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