After determining the shape, the witch picked up the carving knife and carefully carved the words, filled the words with some kind of powder, put the wand against the powder and chanted: "Hitting your teeth will offend your mouth!"

Under the influence of magic, the powder is condensed into one piece, then covered with a layer of soil to cover up the engraved words, and then calcined with flames to finally complete the production of the clay tea cup.

Not only was Weizet watching extremely carefully, but the Weasley twins also became serious. They were no longer laughing and joking like before, and their expressions were full of concentration.

The witch stood up, changed the style of her robe, and turned it into a plain dress. She also tied a ruffled apron, and her pointed hat turned into a plain turban.

From the witch's dress and the surrounding furniture decoration, it can be seen that the era of this memory should be a certain period in the Middle Ages.

After getting ready, the witch left the wooden house and walked along the cobblestone path towards the village square.

The square is surrounded by circles of villagers. They crane their necks to look at the center of the square, where there is a makeshift execution platform.

A thick wooden stake was erected in the center of the execution platform, with a thin and unconscious girl tied up, and firewood piled around it.

The three of them looked at each other and quickly understood what was happening, "This should be the execution site of the 'Witch Hunting Movement'."

Fred thought about it, "The magic tea cup? What is she going to do?"

"And he also changed his costume..." George came up with a hypothesis, "Could he be planning to sabotage the execution?"

The disguised witch moved very quickly. She replaced a servant, replaced the original tea cup with a magic tea cup, poured a cup of herbal tea, and sent it to the inquisitor on the stage.

The judge looked furious and read out the charges of the thin girl while dancing, such as using black magic to curse the village, causing the village to fall into drought, and causing mysterious deaths of livestock.

The onlookers became angry after being incited. They dug up mud and stones from the ground and threw them at the thin girl on the execution platform.

Some villagers showed a little bit of intolerance on their faces and tried to persuade them, but they were drowned out by angry shouts and were expelled from the square by other villagers.

The witch in disguise followed the executioner holding a torch onto the execution platform.

She smiled and handed the herbal tea to the inquisitor. In the inquisitor's fearful eyes, sharp teeth sprouted from the mouth of the tea cup, biting the inquisitor's nose and refusing to let go.

The scene suddenly became chaotic. Many militiamen gathered and tied the witches to the execution platform.

A large piece of the judge's nose was bitten off, and his face covered in blood ordered the executioner to be burned at the stake immediately.

The flames instantly ignited the firewood and engulfed the cross-dressing witch and the thin girl.

The roars around him continued, and the crackling sound of the flames igniting the firewood became more and more restless. Only the screams of pain caused by the flames burning the skin were not heard.

Wizette and the Weasley twins walked through the flames. They saw the cross-dressing witch protecting the thin girl in the flames. Neither of them was burned by the flames.

The cross-dressing witch even looked like she was enjoying it, "Ah... this kind of tingling pleasure is so addictive!"

The thin girl looked at the cross-dressing witch timidly, "Sister...are you really a wizard?"

The cross-dressing witch touched the thin girl's head, "Yes! Do you want to leave with your sister?"

The thin girl looked at the flames blankly, as if she wanted to see who she looked like through the flames.

However, the flames blocked her sight and burned away the confusion in her eyes. "Maybe they will live better now that I'm gone?"

"Then I'll take it as your consent!" The cross-dressing witch closed her eyes, as if she wanted to feel the numbness of the flames again.

With the sound of "pop", the surrounding scene changed, from the village square to the embankment of the lake. In the distance was a towering castle, which was the Hogwarts that Wizette and the others were familiar with.

Watching the cross-dressing witch and the thin girl enter the castle, Wizette and the others also left the pensieve.

Fred rubbed his eyes with a big smile on his face, "The process of making the nose-biting tea cup! This is simply a trade secret!"

"Yes! Wizette!" George nodded repeatedly, "How could you find such a good place? Not only does it have a pensieve, but it also has such precious memories!"

Weizet waved his hand and said in a helpless tone, "I'm not sure. They seem to be very interested in such... riddles?"

Compared to the magic teacup that the Weasley twins were interested in, Weizet was more interested in the history of the "witch hunt".

After all, this is the content of "History of Magic" that he is currently studying. If he guessed correctly, this memory should come from the weird Wendelin.

According to the description in "History of Magic", the weird Wendelin really enjoyed the feeling of being burned.

She had carried out similar actions at least forty-seven times, disguising herself in various appearances and costumes, and enjoying the Muggle-fired torture.

New conclusions can be drawn from the memory. She not only enjoys the burning of the fire, but also saves innocent people with magical talents, brings them back to Hogwarts, and trains them to become wizards.

Thinking of this, Weizet couldn't help but wonder - how did Serena obtain this memory?

Weird Wendelin is a witch from the Middle Ages, at least five hundred years ago. He doesn't belong to the same era as Selina. How did he extract his memory?

With such questions in mind, he directly left a message on Serena's notebook and wrote down all his questions.

Serena's answer was quick and in keeping with her usual character.

Only a few words appeared on the notebook: It’s not time yet!

Fred suddenly put his arm around Wizette's shoulder, "Wizette, are you interested in making magic props?"

George put his arm around Wizette's other shoulder, "Getting such a secret is just the right time to strike while the iron is hot and make a nose-biting teacup!"

Wizette nodded, "Of course!"

Fred smiled with satisfaction, "Good job! It seems that your position may not be enough... you have to upgrade!"

George agreed and said, "You can develop in the direction of partners!"

Chapter 122 How to make a nose-biting teacup

Fred and George's magic prop making technology comes from the Weasley family. They found the corresponding collection of books in Arthur's room.

Their father, Arthur, also studied magic props. For example, the car that can fly is based on the ancestral magic prop making technology, which allows it to have the ability to fly.

In the living room of the Burrow, there is also an extremely special clock.

There are nine hands on the dial of this clock, each of which is shining with gold and engraved with the name of each family member.

Not only are the hands special, but the clock face is also very strange. There is no time scale, but the place or status is marked, such as "home", "school", "work", etc.

It seems that it can also predict danger. At the twelve o'clock position of an ordinary clock, "Deadly Danger" is written in blood-red characters.

According to Fred and George, when they played a prank on Ron and planned to set up a magic similar to "Unbreakable Vow", Ron's name pointed to "Deadly Danger".

And this special clock was brought from the ancestral home when Arthur separated from the family and established the Burrow.

It can also be seen that the Weasley family has quite extraordinary attainments in the production of magic props.

However, other family members are not keen on this. The eldest son Bill works as a curse breaker in Gringotts, the second son Charlie studies dragons in Romania, and Percy wants to join the Ministry of Magic;

Only Fred and George want to develop prank props with personal characteristics based on this ancestral technology...

And the Grindelwald notebook held by Wezzet also has the production method of magic props.

Alchemy is also used to create the corresponding magic powder, which is then used to make magic props.

As a connection between props and powder, transformation magic is needed, which is the type of magic that Vizet is best at at present.

From some details in the notes, it can be intuitively seen that Grindelwald and Dumbledore have extraordinary talents and ambitions.

They hope to change wizards, Muggles, and even the whole world through themselves.

However, fate is unpredictable. They went to opposition by accident, and finally one was imprisoned and the other returned to school.

Back to Grindelwald's notebook, most of the methods recorded in it require a fairly comprehensive knowledge reserve to understand the deep meaning.

And the techniques and methods that can be simply mastered were already used by Vizet in the Christmas gifts for Luna in the first year of school.

He wants to study the contents of the notes more deeply, and he needs to learn more relevant knowledge.

Fred and George's invitation is undoubtedly a good opportunity, and Vizet certainly has no reason to refuse.

As the saying goes, learning from others, Vizet hopes to learn more about magic and gain more experience so that he can read Grindelwald's Notes more deeply.

And watching the whole process of making magic props is itself a very interesting thing.

The first step that Fred and George have to do is to determine the prank effect they want to achieve;

Since it is a nose-biting teacup, it means that when people use the teacup, the teacup must grow teeth so that they can bite the nose;


As a prank prop, the nose-biting process needs to be safe enough to be broken by the universal breaking spell;

If even this cannot be guaranteed, they have to consider the possible risks-in the event of an unpredictable accident, the Ministry of Magic staff will come to the door and take them back to "be guests".

Although the two are very keen on pranks, they will also consider the possible risks with the thinking of wizards to avoid making bigger troubles.

Of course, this is also from the thinking of wizards.

After all, various potions have magical effects and can deal with a variety of injuries. Ordinary fractures and knife wounds can be directly cured by magic.

The second step requires alchemy, through which magic powder is made, and the corresponding magic is preserved through this magic powder.

Even if Fred and George have alchemy inherited from their ancestors, it takes a lot of time to experiment with materials suitable for alchemy.

In order to get the magic powder for the nose-biting teacup, they started experimenting during the summer vacation, and it was not until the past two days that they were truly perfected.

After determining the formula, after a series of experiments and continuous adjustment of the proportions, you can enter the third step - enchantment.

From the third step, a different idea from Grindelwald's notes appeared.

Fred and George took out the "Runic Dictionary" and searched the dictionary based on the words engraved by the weirdo Wendelin, constantly looking for the correct text symbols.

They need to engrave runes, then fill in magic powder, and finally apply magic to complete the enchantment step.

In the end, only simple repairs were needed to complete the production of the magic props.

During this period, Vizette communicated with them and shared their experiences with each other to achieve the goal of seeking common ground while reserving differences.

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