According to Aberforth Dumbledore's teachings, the key to building a soul maze is emotion. Sufficient emotion can build a sufficiently solid soul maze;

The brain occlumency that extends the soul maze also needs to manage one's own emotions to resist Legilimency.

In this school year, Vizet taught himself the Oblivion Spell, and got a lot of inspiration from Lockhart on how to break the Oblivion Spell;

If you want to cast the Oblivion Spell's breaking spell and make it more efficient, you need to find the corresponding emotion, use the emotion as a "fulcrum", and then "pry open and destroy" the effect of the Oblivion Spell.

Continue to extend these foundations, and combine them with the memory extraction spells mastered during this period...

Emotions and emotions can be classified as the same thing...

Thinking of this, Vizet made a judgment, "Such direct contact with memory caused me to be infected by the emotions in the memory."

"In fact, it is similar to the principle of using the Pensieve, but I began to understand the soul, so I would not be affected much when using the Pensieve."

"But I just directly contacted the memory, which is slightly different from the nature of using the Pensieve, so I was troubled by personal subjectivity."

In Hagrid's memory, Snape was treated specially and bullied. This emotion is not unique, and Hagrid himself can resonate with it;

After all, Hagrid's body shape is unique. For those who don't know him, even if they don't say anything openly, they will criticize him in secret;

Especially when Hagrid mentioned his student life, he would subconsciously avoid it even if he mentioned it. He must have encountered something bad during that time...

Combining these points, Vizet thought that the unwillingness from Snape actually came from Hagrid.

However, Hagrid's character is kind and he would not express such emotions directly. He would only reflect them in his subconscious and keep them in his memory.

Those resentments that came from himself and from Hogwarts...

All kinds of resentments that were gradually formed gathered together, and when Vizette sorted out his memories, they slowly appeared and then quietly transferred to him.


After figuring this out, Vizette quickly came up with a plan and started to deal with it.

He picked up the wand, gently pressed it against his temple, and cast mental magic to peel off these emotions.

What surprised him was that the process of peeling off the memory was actually a bit difficult.

Hagrid's accumulated resentment was very heavy. If ordinary magic was used to peel it off, it would definitely take a long time.

Vizette also had a way to deal with this. He drove the Obscurus Core to pump out the ancient magic power and use this power to peel off the emotions.

Using the ancient magic power as a medium, the speed of peeling off the resentment was significantly accelerated, but the speed was still not fast enough.

Vizet didn't want to be affected by these emotions any more, so he used the third method - the ancient magic power brewed by time.

If the process of stripping away resentment is like pulling out a nail, then Vizet's initial method is equivalent to directly pinching the end of the nail with bare hands and pulling it out bit by bit;

Using the ancient magic power of the Obscurus core is equivalent to using a tool like a crowbar, and the speed of prying the nail will undoubtedly be much faster;

And using the ancient magic power brewed by time is equivalent to using some kind of precision tool, just lock the end of the nail, and you can quickly pull it out.

Vizet pulled the wand far away and pulled out a large ball of dark orange substance, which looked like a ball of light, but also like mist, hazy like smoke and fantasy.

At this moment, the "Wizard Practical Guide" in his mind suddenly opened, and the ancient magic power obtained during this period was turbulent, and flew into the "Wizard Practical Guide".

Not only that, even the dark orange light ball at the tip of the wand was shrinking and merging into the "Wizard Practical Guide".

Similar to the previous experience of "Ancient Magic: Self-Shaping (Devil's Web)", "Wizard's Practical Guide" releases the magic understanding derived from emotions.

Vizet did not hesitate to absorb these magic understandings derived from emotions, and at the same time integrated and improved his mastery of spiritual magic.

When he came to his senses, the two blank pages of "Wizard's Practical Guide" had already displayed new magic:

"Ancient Magic: Explosion Spell": Guide ancient magic to cast blasting spells... enhance the power of magic... after hitting the enemy, attach to its body and continue to burn...

"Ancient Magic: Strong Explosion Spell": Guide ancient magic to cast strong blasting spells... enhance the power of magic... after hitting the enemy, cause another explosion...

These are two very pure attacking ancient magics.

After hitting the enemy, "Ancient Magic: Explosion Spell" will continue to cause burning damage;

"Ancient Magic: Strong Explosion Spell" also has a follow-up effect. After hitting the enemy, it can cause a secondary explosion, causing unexpected effects.

"Sure enough... When these emotions are removed, I feel much better immediately!" Vizette let out a long breath.

He looked towards the door of the principal's office and tried to knock again, "Principal Dumbledore, I'm sorry to bother you so late at night. May I come in?"

The other end of the principal's office was still very quiet, without any response.

Vizette's mood had calmed down at this moment, but he still habitually reviewed what happened today.

After all, a lot of things happened today. Not only did he advance the progress of Animagus, but he also got memories of the past Hogwarts from Hagrid and learned about Snape's past.

From those memories, he seemed to understand why Snape was keen on deducting points, especially Gryffindor's points.

Compared with the Hogwarts where Snape lived, the current Hogwarts is obviously better...

In addition, he also gained a lot.

When he helped Hagrid seal his memory, he learned about the potential threat of facing the memory, which deepened his understanding of mental magic.

After stripping away the unwilling emotions from Hagrid's memory, he also obtained two ancient attack magics and an understanding of magic related to emotions.

He glanced at the door of the principal's office again, stretched his back and murmured: "That's right, it's so late... I should go back and rest."

"I have to get up early tomorrow to continue the Animagus practice, and these magical understandings about emotions... also need to be sorted out..."

On the way back to the Ravenclaw Tower, he wrote down the next goal.

"Combining emotions with mental magic, we can study the wonderful connection between the two... It can help both the Oblivion Spell and the Occlumency..."

Chapter 138 October is Coming

After Vizzet left, the door of the headmaster's office slowly opened.

Dumbledore stood at the door with a smile on his face, and raised his wand after a little thought, "Appearance!"

The tip of the wand trembled slightly, and countless golden smoke flew out of it, gathering into a vortex in the air.

The vortex slowly rotated, and after a slight sound, it scattered layer after layer of gold powder.

The gold powder danced in the air and gathered into a figure holding a wand, which was the casting action that Vizzet maintained when he stayed in the corridor.

Dumbledore looked at Phoenix Fawkes, "His ability to adjust is also very good, isn't it?"

Phoenix Fawkes became older and his movements were much slower than before.

It did not make a long groan, but nodded slightly, as if responding to Dumbledore's words.

Compared to Dumbledore who was unpacking candy, Phoenix Fawkes had a more decadent feeling.

Dumbledore seemed to realize this, and while eating candy himself, he also fed a berry to the phoenix Fawkes.

"You have been busy for so long, let me take good care of you during this time."


As time came to October, the day of the Halloween dinner was getting closer.

Unlike last October, this year's October was accompanied by a damp chill.

This cold dampness permeated the campus, and the entire castle seemed to have been soaked in water, and even the walls were wet.

In order to avoid being attacked by dampness, students are avoiding going out, at least for Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

The common rooms of these three colleges are very warm. After class, students are willing to come back and choose a place closer to the fireplace to do what they are interested in.

Slytherin College is not so lucky. Their common room is right by the Black Lake. Even if the fireplace is burned more vigorously, there is no way to warm up the common room.

Such a situation will naturally lead to influenza, especially the students of Slytherin College, who are almost wiped out.


In the potion class, Ron and Harry were very close, trying to enjoy the warmth from the cauldron as much as possible.

The flames under the cauldron danced happily, reflecting the red cheeks of both of them.

Seeing Snape picking on Neville, Ron whispered: "Snape didn't catch a cold..."

Harry stirred the cauldron and said in a lower voice: "Maybe he is cold, so he is not affected?"

"Cough cough cough..." Ron wanted to stop laughing, and quickly replaced it with coughing.

"Hehe..." Snape could sneer freely, "Five points from Gryffindor for making irresponsible remarks about the professor!"

Hearing this, Harry and Ron looked at each other, and they felt that the blush on each other's faces was disappearing.

"Stop talking!" Seamus Finnigan looked back at Harry, "He has to brew a stimulant recently, which can improve his mood..."


Before Seamus could finish his words, his cauldron made a loud noise, and the potion inside exploded, splashing onto him and Dean Thomas.

However, the two did not scream, but fell to the ground and fell asleep, enjoying a baby-like sleep.

"Another ten points deduction for Gryffindor!" Snape said sternly, "Everyone go to the blackboard! Find out what to do in the sixth step!"

"The awakening potion needs to be stirred three times clockwise in the crucible! These two 'geniuses' stirred it counterclockwise, so it has the opposite effect!"

He leaned over to check the two people's condition, and after confirming that the surface of the body was only slightly burned, he said: "Now... someone needs to take the trouble to send them to the school hospital..."

Harry and Ron's eyes lit up, and they lowered their heads in an instant, posing a serious posture of brewing potions.

They were closest to Seamus and Dean, and there was a high probability that they could send them to the school hospital.

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