"Training in the rain! Look at our clothes..." George pulled his robe forward, "Uh... it's dry. Wait, I'll wet it right away."

"At least the clothes in the dormitory are all wet!" Fred pressed George's wand hand, "He's under a lot of pressure this year, with you and Slytherin..."

"Nimbus 2001 is really fast!" George sighed, "It's just like that... jet plane that Dad talked about, whooshing!"

Vizet rubbed his eyebrows. The Weasley twins were talking more and more off topic, so he had to return to the original topic in time.

"Did you study Animagus before? So you thought of making this kind of biscuits?"

"Huh?" This time the twins widened their eyes and asked in unison, "How do you know so clearly?"

Vizet said: "I found some clues based on the makers of the Marauder's Map and learned that they also have an Animagus notebook."

He still remembered the agreement with Hagrid, so he didn't tell him everything, but just gave a general idea.

At least when he and Hagrid entered the secret room, they gradually deduced the identities of James and the others.

George suddenly realized, "Oh, right! I remember, were you collecting dew before?"

Fred took over the conversation, "Are you practicing Animagus? How far have you progressed?"

"Currently waiting for a thunderstorm." Vizet said, "Didn't you try to learn?"

"Wait for me!" George turned and ran out of the corridor, "The Animagus Notebook is in the dormitory, I'll get it for you!"

Fred was left here to explain, "Animagus is too time-consuming... and there are many precautions in it, so we don't have the energy to practice."

In just a few words, Vizet's expectations for the notes have been raised.

The Weasley twins don't want to learn Animagus, but they still have a good understanding of Animagus through the notes.

Things are just as Vizet speculated. This Animagus Notebook records the relevant experiences of James, Padfoot and Wormtail.

With this notebook as a supplement, the paper that Vizette is preparing will be more convincing.

Not only that, he also saw some more interesting content in the last few pages of the notebook.

"Prongs mentioned a place..." Vizette pointed to the notebook and said, "It should be deep in the forbidden forest, do you know?"

George nodded, "That is a very large altar. According to Prongs, as long as the altar is activated, the weather can be controlled."

"But the altar may be broken... at least we can't start it." Fred added, "Or there is a lack of materials, causing the magic hidden in the altar to fail."

Vizet asked curiously: "Materials? What do you need? Herbs or crystals?"

"Crystals feel similar to alchemical magic circles." Fred said, "At least in our opinion, the altar is broken. It looks like a large alchemical magic circle. "

"So we tried to simplify the alchemical magic circle and use it to make this..." George took out the cookie again, "Canary biscuits! You can turn into a canary after eating it!"

"That's pretty amazing." Vizette wanted to try the effect of the cookie, "Can you turn into a canary at will?"

George shook his head, "Our best result now is... for twenty seconds."

Fred added: "And after turning into a canary, you can't fly. After twenty seconds, the feathers will fall off and return to your original appearance."

The two took out the simplified alchemical magic circle and briefly explained some of the key points.

Vizette listened quietly and became more interested in the altar.

There are still many secrets waiting for him in the Forbidden Forest, just like the altar he encountered last school year, which is also worth exploring.

Those altars have symbols similar to rising cyclones, which must be closely related to ancient magical powers.

Unfortunately, it has been raining heavily in the Scottish Highlands recently, and it is not suitable to go to the Forbidden Forest to find the altar. There are too many potential dangers.

Vizette asked Fred and the others for a route map, planning to wait until the weather gets better before setting off for the Forbidden Forest.


After saying goodbye to Fred and George, Vizette and Luna strolled in the corridor.

Luna asked lightly, "Vizette, do you want to go to the Forbidden Forest?"

Vizette looked at Luna's profile, her eyes were very bright, flashing with anticipation.

"There are many interesting magical animals in the Forbidden Forest, you must want to see them too... shall we go together then?"

"Okay!" Luna's eyes became brighter, like the brightest star, "I still need to learn something, right? I don't want to worry you."

Vizette nodded, "I have just mastered some interesting magic recently, which can help you master that power."

"That power?" Luna raised her white wrist and looked at the mistletoe bracelet in a trance, "It seems... Teacher Vizette's private lessons are about to start again!"

Vizette smiled slightly and said, "Yes."

Chapter 145 How far will this letter be?

Since he began to understand and learn spiritual magic, Vizzet found that his methods of "reviewing the old to learn the new" have become more diverse.

Not only can we use the notes we have recorded, but we can also directly sort out our memories to complete the process of "reviewing the old and learning the new".

He used the Extract Memory spell to extract the related memories and put them into the Pensieve...

In this way, he can review the thinking process of this knowledge from a different "third-person perspective".

Not only can he continue to refine the knowledge points, but he can even "argue" with himself and trigger more related thinking.

At least for Vizet, the process of "arguing" with himself is quite interesting.

It is precisely because of his proficiency in mental magic that he has a new idea-to share memories with Luna and directly teach Luna to master ancient magic.

In order to realize this idea, the Pensieve is naturally indispensable.

In the Pensieve room, Vizet and Luna stood at both ends of the Pensieve, facing each other.

Vizet briefly described what he was going to do next, "Luna, I need a memory as a bond to establish an emotional connection based on it."

When he learned "Ancient Magic: Explosive Spell" and "Ancient Magic: Powerful Explosive Spell", he also gained a magical understanding of emotions.

After studying this magical understanding, he came up with such a method: emotions based on a memory can produce a unique resonance.

As long as he and Luna can feel this resonance, a special magical connection can be established.

Through this special magical connection, Luna's safety can be completely guaranteed and will not be affected by personal subjective influences from memory.

If this magical connection cannot be established, then he will retreat to the next best thing and return to the teaching method they are most familiar with.

"Memory? Bond?" Luna tilted her head, curiosity flickering in her eyes, "Do you need a memory between you and me?"

Vizet has been amazed too many times at Luna's smart intuition.

He nodded gently and continued to explain: "But it can't be too close or too far."

"It's like two parallel lines. Although they don't intersect, they are on the same drawing paper."

Using lines as an explanation, Luna quickly established the concept and nodded repeatedly to express it.

Seeing Luna nod, Vizette continued: "So I think there is a memory that is particularly suitable..."

Luna said happily: "The letter you wrote to me last year! And it was the first letter!"

Vizette smiled and nodded, "And the first letter you wrote back to me."

Sol, the owl who delivered the letter, is such a parallel line, and the drawing paper is this magical world.

Charcoal can draw black parallel lines on white drawing paper, and Sol can fly in such a colorful world and dance out the trajectory of going towards each other.

Luna had a sweet smile on her face, her eyes were closed, her soft eyelashes trembling slightly with her breathing, "Then let's get started quickly!"

"Okay!" Vizet waved his wand and gently pressed it against Luna's temple, "Remove the soul to the memory!"

A familiar living room appeared in front of him, Luna was writing a letter with a faint smile on her face, and Thor was flapping his wings and circling above his head;

How far away would this letter be? It's as far as from the Lovegood family to Hogwarts.

Vizet carefully extracted this memory, pulling the shining silver thread out of his temple bit by bit, his movements were extremely gentle.

"Ancient Magic: Throwing Mastery"

He injected the power of ancient magic into his five fingers and gently picked up this extremely precious memory.

"Remove the soul to the memory!"

Vizet cast the memory extraction spell again and extracted the corresponding memory.

The memory started from the moment Thor pecked his heart and ended at the moment Thor delivered the letter in the auditorium;

How far away would this letter be? From Hogwarts to Lovegood's house, and then back again.

Both shining silver threads were held in his hands, and the Obscurus Core pumped out ancient magic power to hold the two silver threads together.


Vizet felt that the world was submerged in silver-blue. In the silver-blue brilliance, he seemed to become a letter;

The letter that looked like a paper airplane that the Ministry of Magic had seen floated slowly in the air, seemingly wandering around aimlessly.

Accompanied by the sound of flapping wings, an owl that looked very similar to Thor appeared.

She blinked her eyes smartly, happily controlling the feathers to fall slowly, and the wings slowly covered the letter.

The silver-blue brilliance disappeared, and the moment Vizet opened his eyes, Luna also opened her eyes.

Vizet put down his fingers, and a rising cyclone-like pattern appeared there, connecting the two silver threads of memory together.

They looked at each other, and Luna's tone was a little firm, "Success!"

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