Filch was very cooperative and opened up his memory almost without reservation.

Despite this, Vizet still felt the difference between a Squib and a wizard in the process of extracting memories.

It was an indescribable feeling, extremely obscure and twisted.

Unlike Hagrid's "impenetrable" feeling, this was an intermittent feeling, like walking on a river that was about to dry up, and every bit of magic was extremely difficult.

Vizet's mind moved, and the core of the silent mana pumped quickly.

With the help of ancient magic power, he successfully completed the spell and extracted the relevant memories.

"Let's do a little test." Vizet put the silver thread into the glass bottle, "What happened yesterday... do you remember it clearly?"

"Remember it clearly?" Filch suddenly gritted his teeth, "That Harry Potter! I just cleaned up that place! But he stepped over it with mud all over his body!"

"He is a bad boy! He even peeked at my things! I haven't thrown away the letter... the letter of the fast chanting spell correspondence course, but he took it out! He must have read the content on it!"

Vizet nodded, "If you remember it clearly, then there is no problem."

Filch opened his mouth, his eyes full of confusion, "What do you mean? I don't quite understand..."

Vizet explained: "I just extracted the memory of the past two days. Since you can still remember it, it means that the whole process went smoothly."

"This... is this also magic... magic can do it?" Filch said with some stammering.

In his understanding, magic is the power that can directly affect life, such as the Descaling Spell, the Levitation Spell and the Summoning Spell. That is the magical magic.

Just like the content of the fast spell correspondence course, it is actually learning this kind of magic.

As for the mental magic such as memory extraction, since he is a squib and did not study in Hogwarts, it is really difficult to get in touch with this kind of magic knowledge.


Bringing Filch's memory to the corridor, the Weasley twins are also here.

Seeing George turning the firework tube, Vizet couldn't help asking: "Where is your pet? I remember it was still there yesterday."

Fred covered his nose and said in a dull voice: "Don't mention it! I'm sad again when I mention it..."

"Ah!" George sighed, "It has sacrificed for our prank career..."

Vizet still knows something about the magical animal such as the salamander.

"I remember that salamanders have strong self-healing abilities, and they feed on fire... If they were just fed fireworks, nothing should happen."

"I remember that when you designed the fireworks, some of your inspiration came from 'Dr. Filibuster's fireworks'. Could it be because of the characteristic of 'blooming when exposed to water'?"

"Because it does the opposite, it needs moisture to ignite the fireworks, so the salamanders themselves repel it, and then the salamanders...sacrifice?"

"Uh..." George groaned, and the firework tube in his hand fell into the water cup and ignited instantly.

As soon as Vizet picked up the wand, Fred immediately shouted: "Don't use the Vanishing Spell!"


In just a blink of an eye, the firework tube has expanded and sparks are flying.

The Weasley twins raised their hands very skillfully and covered their faces.

The next second, the firework tube made a crisp sound, and green and golden sparks exploded at the same time, like a blooming geranium.

"Sweep away the whirlwind!" Vizet waved his wand to disperse the rising smoke.

"Cough cough cough..."

Fred and George put down their hands and coughed a few times. Only the places covered by their hands were clean, as if they were wearing palm-shaped masks.

They seemed to have been used to it for a long time, pointing at each other's faces and laughing non-stop.

Seeing that the two were in high spirits, Vizet did not take any further action until they laughed a little exhausted, and finally stopped.

"Huh..." Fred lay on the table, looking weak, "It seems that the effect is still good."

"Yeah!" George was in a similar posture, and he didn't wipe the black spots on his face, "It's not in vain to feed the fire lizard!"

He barely raised his head and tried to open his eyes to look at Vizet, "In fact, I fed the fire lizard with fireworks, and then it flew into the sky and slipped away..."

"Right! I remember!" Fred suddenly straightened up, "Percy seemed to be writing a letter at that time... He was frightened by the movement of the fire lizard, and then he found out Crazy..."

"Writing letters...writing letters..." George frowned, his eyes rolling, "He is so abnormal! He has been writing letters since the summer vacation!"

"He must have a secret!" Fred said with a smile, "I also want an owl of my own..."

"Who said it wasn't?" George responded, "It's very difficult for us to get orders during the summer vacation. Errol can't stand our tossing."

"But I feel that this year will definitely be much better!" Fred suddenly laughed and winked at Wezzet.

"Wezzet, those Animagus theories you said are great! The research on canary cookies is going well!"

George also straightened up. He noticed the glass bottle in Wezzet's hand, "Where did you get this memory from?"

Wezzet said: "It's Mr. Filch's. I found a magic pattern before and carved it into a fake wand..."

"According to Mr. Filch's feedback, the fake wand produced some interesting effects. I plan to study it carefully."

When it comes to things related to magic props, the Weasley twins become excited. They have great enthusiasm and talent for this kind of things.

George asked quickly, "Study it? Study the triggering conditions of the magic pattern?"

Fred immediately added, "Do you want to study the specific effects of the magic pattern? Where did you get the magic pattern?"

"On the elf." Vizet said, "According to what Professor Lockhart told me... elves can absorb ridicule and use it to strengthen themselves."

"And according to Mr. Filch's description, the fake wand can be used twice as long. He seems to have a feeling that as long as it is used sparingly, the fake wand can be used for a longer time."

Chapter 148 Coolik in Hagrid's Hand

"Merlin's garter stockings!" Fred showed a surprised expression, "Lockhart... How can you say such a thing?"

"Merlin's pantyhose!" George showed exactly the same expression, "The key is that Vizet, you believe it, and successfully verified it?"

Vizet shook his head and gently shook the glass bottle in his hand, "No, I'm going to verify it."

The Weasley twins both gave a thumbs up, "Strict!"

They still stared at the glass bottle, as if their attention was focused on it.

Vizet noticed the expressions of the two and asked curiously, "Are you interested in Mr. Filch's memory?"

Fred nodded and said with an ambiguous expression, "It's very interesting to know what he does every day."

"Don't say such misleading words!" George grinned and patted Fred on the shoulder.

"We also want to understand the role of the magic pattern... You know, we love to tinker with magic props!"

Fred rubbed his hands, "If it is because of the magic pattern that the fake wand can be used for a longer time... then this magic pattern is not simple!"

"Oh?" Vizet has not studied the production of magic props too deeply, so he doesn't know much.

The Weasley twins are different. They spend a large part of their spare time at Hogwarts tinkering with magic props, so they are naturally more familiar with them.

George changed to a more comfortable position, "Actually... there are differences in magic props. At least what we have mastered now is only the production skills of short-term magic props."

"There are many types of short-term magic props, including various balls used in Quidditch, wizard chess, Gobstone, nose-biting teacups, and candy boxes... there are too many!"

"These entertainment-type magic props are basically time-limited. They are usually only used for one or two months... or one or two years, and then they lose their magical effects."

"But there are always some magic props that are very special... like the clock in our house... Vizet, do you remember it? The one that can't show the time..."

Vizet nodded, "I have a deep impression, very interesting."

George raised his eyebrows, "Right? That's a family heirloom! My dad brought it from my grandfather..."

"Let's talk while drinking..." Fred brought over three bottles of Cool Rick, "As far as we know... we also made long-term magic props some time ago."

"But these skills may have been stolen, or robbed... in short, they were lost. Despite this, our ancestors still worked out the skills to make short-term magic props."

Vizet raised his head and drank a sip of Coolik, white smoke coming out of his ears, "So you want to... restore the glory of the Weasley family?"

George showed a sly smile, "Hehe! Good idea! We can say this to mom!"

Fred had the same smile on his face, "If we can make long-term magic props, mom will definitely not stop our great cause!"

They said in unison: "Pranks are our favorite! Restoring the glory of the past... that's a matter of fate!"

Vizet couldn't help laughing. It was the style of the Weasley twins to say such things.

Sometimes, the love that can be rewarded is the greatest motivation;

It is precisely because of this love that Fred and George took the initiative to tinker with magic props, even if they failed or encountered danger, they could face it calmly, even with a smile.

Vizette also has a passion for magic;

It is also because of this passion that he will study magic day and night, and can constantly generate inspiration to explore the mysteries of magic.

After a simple handover, Vizette handed over the plan to study the magic circuit to Fred and George to complete, which can be regarded as the second activity of the club.

This is also one of the benefits of the club. Once there is an inspiration, the members of the club can study together.

After all, a person's energy is limited, and brainstorming can produce better results.

Just like the previous guardian Selina, she also gathered many excellent companions around her.

However, how to attract like-minded people is also something that needs to be carefully considered.


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