"It takes a long time to influence the weather with emotions, so I haven't taught him this yet..."

"I know he can control it, but I still can't help but worry. If he loses control... it's still very dangerous."


Dumbledore chatted with Flitwick and Snape for a long time before returning to the headmaster's office.

He crossed his fingers, looked at the older Fawkes, thought for a long time, and finally raised his wand, "Expecto Patronus!"

The silver phoenix jumped out of the tip of the wand and began to shrink until it was only the size of a palm...


On the way back to the common room, the teams of the two colleges were restless.

Ravenclaw and Gryffindor were exchanging intelligence and the news they knew about each other.

Ravenclaw was responsible for providing some actual books to prove or refute the existence of the Chamber of Secrets.

Gryffindor shared various rumors, which had no basis at all, but were interesting enough or sensational enough.

Vizet did not take the initiative to join the topic, but mainly tried to collect potentially useful information from various stories.

Unfortunately, he had seen the prototypes of the rumors Gryffindor told in the library.

In fact, the stories and rumors about Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets were almost all spread from the end of the 17th century.

A major event happened at the end of the 17th century, which had a great impact on the magic world:

In 1698, the Ministry of Magic of various countries completed the signing of the "International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy", and wizards gradually hid themselves and built a wizard world separated from the Muggle world.

For the few pure wizard families at that time, this was a concession made by wizards to Muggles, which was a very shameful act.

It was precisely because of this that the hatred of excluding Muggles arose spontaneously and spread among pure wizard families.

This type of pure wizard family extended the concept of "pure wizard", established the theory of "pure blood superiority", and pursued "pure blood wizard supremacy".

In order to support this theory, this type of pure wizard family quoted classics and some works of Salazar Slytherin to explain the existence of pure-blood wizards and prove their superiority.

Although the Ministry of Magic quickly refuted the rumor, it did not have much effect.

These pure wizard families claimed that the Ministry of Magic was suppressing wizards and then destroying them.

Such a conspiracy theory actually won the support of many pure wizard families, making "pure blood superiority" spread.

Because of the spread of this theory, many people have created many anecdotes related to Salazar Slytherin's deeds.

The most popular one is naturally the story about Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets.

A secret room that has not been discovered by other founders has a strong mysterious color and is also in line with the preferences of wizards.

They had a great chat along the way. When the Ravenclaws returned to the common room, they felt more tired than usual.

They also listed a set of book lists and planned to go to the library early tomorrow morning to borrow all the books on the list and study them carefully.

On that list, Vizet also provided the names of many books.

After saying good night to Luna, Vizet walked to the dormitory and washed up simply.

When he sat on the bed, he found a patronus on the pillow.

The patronus was a phoenix, which looked very delicate and only about the size of a palm.

Vizet asked tentatively: "Principal Dumbledore?"

As if hearing Vizet's voice, the phoenix did make Dumbledore's voice, "Vizet, if you have time, come to the school hospital at noon."

The phoenix patronus did not dissipate. After a pause, it added: "Come back after your lunch break! Remember to have a good sleep. The next thing... is quite energy-consuming."

Chapter 155 The writing on the wall

The next morning, Vizet and Luna came back from the greenhouse and found that the Ravenclaw common room was full of people.

All the books on the book list were borrowed back. The students who borrowed the books were scattered around the lounge, holding heavy ancient books and reading aloud as if they were holding a reading club.

There were many people around, and they all brought breakfast back to the common room and filled their stomachs with the sound of reading, which satisfied both the body and the spirit, killing two birds with one stone.

The readers would rotate constantly, and when one person's mouth was dry, another person would take over.

In fact, not only Ravenclaw, but the whole Hogwarts was discussing what happened last night.

As Vizette listened along, she found that the students were not limited to discussing the Chamber of Secrets, but also talking about Mrs. Norris's current situation.

Mrs. Norris was now in the school hospital, and she looked like a statue, lying straight on the hospital bed.

Vizette could tell from this that Mrs. Norris was still alive, otherwise she would not have been transferred to the school hospital.

Dumbledore wanted him to go to the school hospital, which was probably related to Mrs. Norris.

The library was unprecedentedly lively, and everyone wanted to borrow a book, which must be "Hogwarts: A History of the School".

Mrs. Pince had already talked until her mouth was dry, but she still had to say in a hoarse voice: "Wait, come back in a week."

As more and more students pre-registered, her words changed, and she said helplessly: "Come back in two weeks! You can't borrow it now!"


The students couldn't forget it, and Filch, as the person involved, naturally couldn't sleep all night. He wandered in the corridor with dark circles under his eyes early in the morning.

He was like a ghost who wanted to kill someone. He would pounce on a student for no reason and viciously identify the student as the "murderer".

If the student denied it repeatedly, he would try to make trouble with excuses such as "ruddy face" or "wearing a black robe".

Faced with this situation, the students ignored the puddle of water and quickly crossed the corridor to avoid being "killed by Filch's ghost" as much as possible.

Colin Creevey held a Polaroid camera in his hand, so it was not so easy for him to run.

When he waded through the puddle of water, in order to avoid Filch's arm, he slipped and almost fell into the water.

"Colin, fly over!" Vizet waved his wand and pulled Colin to his side.

Colin suddenly flew up, which also scared Filch.

When he saw Vizet holding a wand, he calmed down a little, leaned against the wall with a dry mouth, and made way.

Vizet walked up to Filch, "Mr. Filch, have you seen Mrs. Norris?"

Filch shook his head and shed a few more tears, "I dare not go over... Seeing Mrs. Norris lying on the hospital bed... I feel so heartbroken..."

Vizet continued, "I think you can take care of Mrs. Norris more and help rub her joints."

Filch seemed to grasp some hope, and asked timidly and urgently, "Will this... work?"

"At least it can get company." Vizet said, "I heard from others that Mrs. Norris was hit by some kind of black magic and became like a statue."

"I have read some magazines before, which talked about a very similar disease, and also mentioned some treatments."

Filch asked impatiently, "What is the treatment?"

Vizet said, "One method is called family therapy, and family members can Talk and chat with the patient as usual, this can help. "

"If Madam Pomfrey thinks this will make a fuss, you can also try to touch Mrs. Norris, stroke her fur in the way she was familiar with, and help her get through the difficulties."

"Then I'll try!" Filch nodded repeatedly, and after turning around twice, he found the right direction, "The school hospital is in this direction... I almost forgot... Thank you! Thank you!"

Colin's face was full of admiration, and his voice was trembling a little, "Vizet, you are so amazing! You actually convinced Filch!"

Vizet waved his hand, "Mrs. Norris is a very important family member to Mr. Filch, but the incident happened too suddenly and he didn't know what to do."

Colin left quickly, with a look of elation on his face, as if he knew some incredible secret.

Vizet approached the wall and carefully examined the handwriting on the wall.

"It feels like he is showing off..." Luna didn't get too close to the wall, "It's like... a hedgehog living in a hedgehog... I saw a lot of harassment flies..."

"It does seem like he is showing off..." Vizet raised his wand, not too close, to feel the magic attached to the wall.

"It contains malice... black magic... very delicate, if you use those magic cleaners, it may be difficult to clean..."

"To clean these words, you need magic similar to the Patronus spell to offset those malice and black magic..."

There is no doubt that "Ancient Magic: Purification Spell" is a very good choice.

In addition, Transfiguration Magic is also a good choice.

In addition to ancient magic power, Transfiguration Magic is the type of magic he is best at.

"Very comprehensive analysis." Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly sounded, "But I don't recommend you stay any longer, otherwise you will be too late to go to class after breakfast."

"Can't delay the class!" Vizet nodded and saluted to Professor McGonagall, "Professor McGonagall, we'll leave first!"

Looking at the backs of Vizet and Luna leaving, Professor McGonagall nodded gently, her eyes full of appreciation, "If Filch can go to accompany the cat, the students will be better off."


After a nap at noon, Vizet met the Ravenclaw ghost, Ms. Grey, on the way to the school hospital.

Compared with the Gryffindor ghost "Nearly Headless Nick", Ms. Grey is much more arrogant and indifferent.

Ms. Grey is usually a little arrogant and doesn't pay much attention to students;

Even when dealing with Ravenclaw students, she will only float in the air and simply answer the questions raised by the students, and will not have in-depth conversations.

She seems to like places where few people appear. Instead of looking for her all over the castle, it is better to stay in the common room and wait for her, or rely on chance encounters.

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