Snape stepped forward, carefully inspected the snake slough and said, "The quality is good...much better than the African tree snake skin fragments. Vizette, break it down."

"Okay!" Weizet stepped forward and cast a cutting spell on the snake slough as he usually does when dealing with various materials, "Split it into pieces!"

The snake shed its flesh with a dull sound, but only white marks appeared.

The basilisk is a dangerous animal at the XXXXX level, and unlike most magical animals, it is an animal cultivated by a dark wizard.

Since it is cultivated, it will naturally be optimized for certain characteristics, so the basilisk is extremely resistant to magic, and may even surpass the scales of the fire dragon.

Weizet looked at the snake slough in front of him and thought about a solution.

"Ancient Magic: Improved Cutting Spell (Elementary)" should be considered the best solution, but he was not sure whether there would be any changes once the ancient magic power came into contact with the snake slough.

Just like the mandrake plant he took care of, it seemed to be relatively well-behaved. It didn't make any noise every time it was repotted, and it was quiet the whole time.

Snape's purpose was very clear. He hoped to use snake sloughs to replace African tree snake skin fragments, so avoiding accidents as much as possible was the optimal solution.

Based on his research on "Ancient Magic: Improved Cutting Spell (Elementary)", he tried to combine its characteristics to enhance the penetrability of the cutting spell;

Coupled with the ability to "freely" cast the cutting spell and adjust the power of magic, combining the two can increase penetration and enhance the power of magic...

After making up his mind, Weizet raised his wand again and waved it slowly. His wrist shook slightly when he waved the wand, "Split into pieces!"


With a seemingly continuous but crisp sound, a straight gash appeared on the snake's slough.

"Interesting technique..." Dumbledore stroked his beard, "Although he only recited the spell once, he could cast the spell multiple times by adjusting his casting gestures..."

"At the same time, he also controlled the speed of magic to ensure that it can hit the snake slough at the same time..." He looked at Snape, "It seems that he has a lot of work at your place."

"That's me helping him accumulate experience, it's a learning process." Snape curled his lips, "What are you going to say?"

Dumbledore smiled, his eyes as cunning as an old fox, "Just like a spell, the cutting spell emphasizes relatively gentle segmentation... It pays attention to control and precision..."

"In my opinion, he should have mastered the control and precision of the cutting spell...perhaps he can go a step further and master some more labor-saving methods, what do you think?"

"Haha!" Snape sneered, "Ah... the terminator of the Wizarding World War... the only person the Dark Lord fears..."

"Can I understand this? Principal Dumbledore, who is famous for fighting dark wizards, seems to want me to teach students to use dark magic?"

"Yes, it's a pity that you graduated. I can't add three points to Slytherin." Dumbledore nodded, "Besides, Wizette seemed to have a different view on black magic."

"Very good..." Snape narrowed his eyes, walked to Weizet and said, "Stop! How long do you plan to spend here? Do you need me to prepare a bed for you to spend the night?"

Weizet put down his wand, his eyes were very bright, and there was a notebook in his hand.

"Hmm..." Dumbledore opened a lemon snowflake, stuffed the candy into his mouth, raised his wand and transformed into a fat mouse, heading towards an unknown place.

"I'm only going to say it once." Looking at Dumbledore's leisurely look, Snape put on a look of disgust, "First follow me and recite the incantation... The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

Weizet put the wand against his temple, used mental magic to review the spell, and made sure that the tone, mouth shape, and pronunciation were all proficient before he said: "The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

"Don't forget the 'control' and 'precision' of the cutting curse. I will only talk about it once." Snape said solemnly.

"Concentrate your attention, gather all the magic to one point as much as possible, and then extend it from this point to a line..."

Wizette took notes while listening. The principle of the Shadowless Curse was similar to that of "Ancient Magic: Improved Cutting Curse (Elementary)". Even if Snape explained it briefly, he could understand it.

Even if you don't understand something, you can review it through mental magic. If you still don't understand it, you can ask Snape for advice.

After all, he was now very used to Snape's way of speaking.

Snape walked to the other side of the snake's slough, followed closely by Vizette.

"I'll only do it once." Snape raised his wand, "Cut from here... all the way to the tail, show me clearly! The sharp edge is invisible!"

Chapter 173 The sharp-edged Snape

Seeing Snape holding the wand, Weizet maintained the "Guardian Meditation" and observed Snape's movements with concentration.

At this moment, Snape was filled with a different kind of coldness, the kind of coldness made of iron and blood, like a sharp sword full of blood.

Weizet held his breath. At this moment, when he looked at Snape, he actually felt like he was looking at a swordsman, a sharp swordsman.

In fact, the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse also gave him a similar feeling, like swinging a sword.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

Snape's voice seemed very soft and short, but every word he spoke was full of explosive power and unstoppable will.

This is a contradictory feeling.

The Divine Edge Shadowless Curse is not a contradictory magic.

Snape raised his wrist slightly, and the action was as if he was lifting a heavy object with ease.

As the wand was swung, the cold invisible sword energy quickly spread from point to line.


The sharp sound was like the sound of blowing bamboo, short but unstoppable.

The snake skin shook slightly twice, then split into two, and fell silently to both sides.

Snape put down the wand just in time, like a sword returning to its sheath, and returned to the gloomy look that Vizet was familiar with.

"This snake skin is not that tough, I will only give you ten minutes." Snape put down the wand, "In addition, converge the black magic in the God Edge Shadowless Spell..."

"Use 'control' and 'precision' to make this balanced magic unbalanced, and only play the 'sharp' characteristic. What I want is the snake skin fragment, not the black magic fragment."

Vizet's previous judgment was correct. Snape valued the snake skin itself, the kind of purity that did not need additional characteristics.

What a fast sword.

The style of that sword is worth savoring again and again.

Vizet exhaled lightly, still using mental magic to recall Snape's casting movements, the tone of his chanting, and the spirit he showed.

He suddenly realized that Snape's appearance when casting the Sharp Spell was highly consistent with the Snape in Hagrid's memory.

If so... perhaps he could use another memory as a "fulcrum" to present the Sharp Spell.

As the saying goes, "all roads lead to Rome", the mental magic-related knowledge that Vizet studied can also help him master other magic.

Snape asked him to complete the cutting of the snake skin as soon as possible, so he needed to use some "tricks".

Vizet closed his eyes, raised his wand against his temple, and silently pumped out the ancient magic power from his core and used it to cast the Extract Memory Spell.

Using the ancient magic power to establish a link and then connect the two memories will produce some different effects.

This is one of his magical research results. When teaching Luna, he actually used a similar method to produce a similar "empathy" effect with the help of the Pensieve.

He first extracted the memory of the young Snape, then the memory just now, and finally the concept of sword energy...

Gathering these memories together, just like rubbing a wick, rubbing them all together...

Vizet opened his eyes, and a different kind of coldness was revealed in the depths of his eyes.

Snape turned his head to look at Vizet, frowned at first, and then raised his eyebrows, as if he had discovered something strange.

Vizet lowered his arms, and it seemed that what he held in his hand at this moment was not a wand, but a sharp sword.

He adjusted his standing posture again, and his figure was as straight as a pine tree. Then he raised his hand calmly, swung the wand from bottom to top, and cut a neat straight line in the air.

"God's Edge Without Shadow!"

Unlike Snape's chanting, Vizet's chanting was brighter, but equally unstoppable.


The sound of the bamboo was blown again, but it was much longer and could not be controlled as freely as Snape's.

The result was indeed the same. Snape's Sharp Edge Shadowless Curse only made the snake slough tremble, but his Sharp Edge Shadowless Curse would affect the skeleton.

The skeletons that came into contact with the Sharp Edge Shadowless Curse were chopped into pieces along with the snake slough;

The surrounding skeletons were like being blown by the wind, making a "click-click" sound and rolling to the side.

Snape's eyebrows twisted into knots, and the emotions in his deep eyes were filled with disgust and nostalgia, just like when he cast the Sharp Edge Shadowless Curse.

Dumbledore also felt something, walked to Snape and whispered: "In him... I seem to see you in your school days..."

"Haha... Is this kind of thing worth remembering?" Snape sneered twice with his hands on his chest, and his fingers were placed on his upper arms and gently tapped, as if he was counting.

Dumbledore shook his head and did not continue speaking.

Vizet maintained this feeling, waving his arms continuously, releasing sword energy to cut the snake skin.

Unconsciously, bone powder flew in the cave tunnel, as if it was snowing heavily, and the huge snake skin kept shrinking, being cut into small regular pieces and falling to the ground.

Until the cutting of the snake skin was completed, Vizet let out a long breath, put the magic wand against his temple again, and restored all the memories of rubbing.

The fingers holding the magic wand felt a burning pain, and he raised his hand to see that there was a deep cut on his index finger and thumb.

At this moment, he relaxed, and blood flowed out along the cut.

"Heal as before!" Vizet cast a spell with his other hand and quickly healed the wound on his finger.

"You're using tricks, this is the punishment." Snape stepped forward and glanced at the wound that was left with a white mark. "It took almost six minutes, I can barely give it a passing grade."

Vizet nodded, "I understand! I will concentrate on practicing this magic in the future and won't use such tricks again."

If he could cast the Shadowless Curse as "easily" as Snape, he wouldn't affect the skeletons nearby. Vizet was very clear about this.

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