The basilisk's body rose and fell slightly, as if resting on Slytherin's promise, it fell into a deep sleep.

Weizet looked at the basilisk with a complicated expression. He felt that the basilisk at this moment... was like a child with a simple mind.

Slytherin said: "It is just a type of magical animal, so naturally it is not that complicated."

Wizette was a little confused, "But it... didn't feed on students from 'Muggle families', it ate all kinds of small animals."

Slytherin asked: "What is the biggest difference between basilisks and other magical animals...?"

"The biggest difference?" Weizet frowned slightly, and various information related to the Basilisk flashed through his mind. "It was specially cultivated... just like the Acromantula."

"Head of Slytherin, you mean...this is the result of your training?" He recalled the records related to Salazar Slytherin and the information about the habits of the basilisk.

"The basilisk obviously preys on all flesh and blood, but it just lives in a secret room and feeds on all kinds of small animals... So its function is not to 'clean'... but to 'protect'?"

"Interesting idea." Slytherin smiled, "Cleaning is a necessary method, and there is always some dirt that requires more effective detergents..."

Weizet was still a little confused and continued to ask: "Dean Slytherin, I still don't understand. What is your real purpose?"

Slytherin gently stroked his beard, stared at Weizet and said, "Very interesting information... You really put a lot of effort into completing the test. Do people in later generations think this way?"

"I can satisfy your curiosity. At least what you consider 'pure blood', I don't care at all. If it has to be based on that, how many talents will Slytherin lose?"

"Strong, smart, resourceful, strong-willed, contempt for those rules, ambition that is more rare than courage...these qualities are what I hope they have."

"Ambition is rarer than courage?" Weizet suddenly thought of the tradition before the sorting ceremony-senior students would always tacitly exaggerate the horror of the sorting ceremony.

"Could it be that...the legend of the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk is actually a test for you? Can it be passed down to screen out people with ulterior motives? Especially those with 'Muggle family origins'?"

Chapter 199 Give them a ride!

Slytherin smiled faintly, "Yeah... they just said how scary the sorting ceremony is, and you may have to face trolls, hippogriffs or fire dragons..."

"I don't think it's enough to scare away those people with ulterior motives...especially some people from 'Muggle families'. I don't think they have a strong will..."

"Every natural and man-made disaster that happened at that time can be accused of being caused by wizards... If you can really strengthen your will and abandon your prejudice against magic, I am willing to accept it..."

"So I left the basilisk behind, a real threat... It occasionally wanders around the castle, telling those who are incompetent... If you want to stay in Hogwarts, be careful!"

After hearing this, Weizet finally understood that the "Witch Hunting Movement" was prevalent in the Middle Ages, coupled with the fact that Hogwarts had just been established, the internal and external situation was extremely complicated;

If you want to determine the true purpose of some students, you have to rely on Legilimency and other magic to distinguish. It is too troublesome. It is better to add obstacles and deter some people;

Promoting the horror of the sorting ceremony can be regarded as a preliminary screening of people with "Muggle family origins" and can also improve the overall quality of students in disguise. This is a deliberate move by the four founders.

However, Slytherin felt that the strength was still too light, so he left the news of the Basilisk and the Chamber of Secrets to further deter those with evil intentions, thereby ensuring the stability of Hogwarts in the early days.

"Head of Slytherin, that means..." Weizet asked, "In fact, this is the result of your negotiation? Including the quarrel between you and Godric Gryffindor..."

"Why do I need to negotiate with them?" Slytherin raised his eyebrows and interrupted Weizet, "If they don't understand this, they are not qualified to build Hogwarts with me!"

Wizer nodded. Tacit understanding is a wonderful feeling, and he has experienced it himself.

Slytherin continued: "They will care about certain of course there are certain things that I have to do, and I am happy to do these things..."

"For example..." Weizet thought of a possible thing, "What if there really is a student who harms Hogwarts but can't find any evidence? They will let the basilisk..."

"Otherwise?" Slytherin's smile revealed cruelty, "There are some trash who want to die... Then let's give them a ride!"

"And the deaths of those traitors will only bring me more fame. Doesn't the information you found also prove this?"

"Only my reputation, Salazar Slytherin, has been passed down to this day... Of course, it is inevitable that some fools will take advantage of me."

"Being used by some fools?" Weizet asked tentatively, "Dean Slytherin, are you referring to those supporters of the 'pure blood theory'?"

"Yeah... the name of this theory is too ridiculous." Slytherin smiled sarcastically, "So... there is no need to discuss these fools now."

Weizet originally wanted to say something, but he nodded anyway.

"I know what you want to say." Slytherin raised his eyebrows, "That Ravenclaw's death... to a certain extent, is indeed an accident."

"That's why, when I met you, the new guardian, I put forward such a find my pet."

"Since you can appear in front of me, it means that Hogwarts is stable enough. The Basilisk's mission has been completed, and it's time to have a good rest."

He put his hand on the scales of the basilisk, "The approach taken at that time certainly has limitations now..."

"It's like what I say and do to people who are born from Muggle families, aren't they being used by some stupid people?"

Vizette thought of something and immediately asked: "Dean Slytherin, if I really kill it... what will you do?"

Slytherin stared at Weizet, "I still know Ravenclaw very well... Since I know you have the empty shell of the spell, I can be sure that you will not kill it."

"But I must admit that this test... you completed it very well! Another thing that surprised me is that you actually started to understand the soul..."

Vizette took out the bag of ashes from the Stone Chamber of Secrets, "Dean Slytherin, these are some of the things I found inside after entering the Stone Chamber through the statue."

"Do you want to eat it and wipe it clean?" Slytherin narrowed his eyes slightly, "There are some records of magic research in that stone room..."

His tone was full of emotion, as if he was recalling something, "It's mainly about the research on the 'Spell Contract', and a small amount of content about blood magic."

Sensing the emotion in Slytherin's tone, Weizet asked: "Dean Slytherin, can I do something for you?"

"Obviously he is a pure Ravenclaw, but he is also like Hufflepuff..." Slytherin showed a smile, "No wonder he is so popular, he is so cunning..."

"There is no need to retrieve the destroyed things. After all, this is the destination of all existence..." He looked at the bag of ashes and said, "I even feel a little envious of them..."

Weizet was a little confused, "Homecoming? Envy?"

Slytherin waved his hand, "Let's get back to the topic! Since we have completed the test, we should be rewarded..."

"Now that you already understand the soul, you should start to understand the body... Are you interested in blood magic?"

Weizet nodded repeatedly, "Of course I'm interested!"

Regarding Wizette's reaction, Slytherin had already expected it, "Ravenclaw is more greedy than a snake when it comes to knowledge..."

"Dean Slytherin, you said that the body and the soul are connected to each other?" Wizette analyzed in a low voice, "In other words, the soul can change the body...the body can also affect the soul?"

"Where should I start..." Slytherin stood up and put his hands behind his back.

The basilisk woke up suddenly, but did not open its eyes. Instead, it spit out the snake letter and felt it. It seemed to be sure that Slytherin was still with it, and then fell asleep again.

"Some things... if they are all seen through, a lot of fun will be lost..." Slytherin looked at Wizette, "Let me ask a few questions first... Do you know anything about alchemy?"

"I just dabbled a little bit...I don't really understand it." Weizet said, "I have read several related books before, mainly focusing on the understanding of materials and characteristics."

Slytherin asked: "So in your opinion, what is the core concept of alchemy?"

Wizette thought for a while before speaking slowly, "Dean Slytherin, I really don't know much about alchemy, so these are just some personal opinions..."

"I think the core concepts of alchemy are...transformation and regeneration. If we extend give examples, it would be the 'Philosopher's Stone' and the 'Elixir of Life'."

Chapter 200 Soul Blood Body

"What a cunning little eagle..." Slytherin smiled slightly, "It's enough that you can think of these concepts."

"Didn't you discover one thing? The 'transformation and regeneration' you mentioned has already answered the question I just raised."

"Answered these questions?" Weizet looked at the resting basilisk, his brows sometimes frowning and sometimes relaxing, trying to find the corresponding answers through his own known knowledge.

"The body and soul are interconnected..." He suddenly thought of a person's name - the legendary Auror Alastor Moody mentioned by his roommate Anthony when he told the story;

If he followed the routine, Alastor Moody could completely regenerate an eye by taking potions and cooperating with the treatment of a therapist;

Just like Harry, even if the bones in Harry's arm are gone, they can still be restored through the Bone Spirit;

However, Alastor Moody failed to do this and had to replace his original eyes with the magic eye.

While he was thinking about it, he said: "Dean Slytherin, can I understand this? It's like the relationship between the 'Philosopher's Stone' and the 'Elixir of Life'..."

"The body and soul can transform and regenerate each other, but just like the 'Philosopher's Stone' and the 'Elixir of Life', the soul and body have a subordinate relationship..."

"The soul is the dominant one. As long as the soul is intact, body defects can be easily repaired; and if the soul is damaged, the damaged soul state will be reflected on the body in real time."

"Repairing the body? These are all potions-related knowledge." Slytherin rubbed his fingers, "It seems that you are better at potions than alchemy, right?"

Wizer nodded.

Slytherin asked: "If you were asked to choose a potion to describe the relationship between body and soul, what potion would you choose?"

Weizet barely hesitated. As soon as Slytherin finished speaking, he blurted out, "Polyjuice Potion!"

"The leech 'absorbs' the hair, and then 'wears' a layer of skin for the soul through the fragments of African tree snake skin, so that it can become another person."

"Actually, it is somewhat similar to transformation magic... I once used a similar method to 'wear' a layer of skin on the crab claw plant, turning it into a devil's net."

"Therefore, Polyjuice can embody the 'connection between body and soul'; there is also Infatuation Water. In addition to feelings of admiration, users who take it can also smell their favorite scent..."

"It shows that not only the soul of the user is in love, but the body also has an instinctive love; many injuries caused by black magic are difficult to be cured by magic or potions, which can also be reflected in this!"

Slytherin leaned forward slightly and looked directly at Weizet, "Polyjuice Potion... Love Potion... Transformation Magic..."

"Being able to say these things at least meets the basics. We don't need to continue to waste our time and can move on to the next stage."

"Okay!" Wizer nodded, took out his notebook and wrote down his thoughts.

He planned to re-examine his current ideas based on the new knowledge that would be imparted later and find out the immature aspects.

Slytherin did not urge him, and sat back on the basilisk, quietly waiting for Vizette to finish recording.

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