"For example... coming to Hogwarts to teach, gaining Harry's favor and even support, can make Lockhart go one step further and let him achieve what he really wants to do."

"This is what I said to Lockhart at the beginning, and it is also the reason why he is willing to enter Hogwarts. He really can't refuse this... become a professor of the 'savior'."

The influence brought by Voldemort still remains even now, otherwise he would not be called "He who must not be named" or "Your Highness" instead of calling him by his name.

And Harry's defeat of Voldemort, which led to the collapse of Voldemort and his followers, and put the English wizarding world back on track, can also have a far-reaching impact.

Thinking of this, Vizet looked at Dumbledore and asked, "Principal Dumbledore, can I understand this? If it is not an unexpected situation... he should not leave Hogwarts easily, right?"

"Yes!" Dumbledore answered very straightforwardly, and asked with interest, "Have you thought of a solution?"

"It's just an idea." Vizet pondered, "Since he won't leave Hogwarts easily, then we can use Mr. Avakian... to stimulate Lockhart a little."

Dumbledore stroked his beard and smiled, "Before you wanted to try to 'lure the snake out of the hole', now you are ready to 'stir up the snake'?"

Vizet nodded and explained his thoughts , "Based on my understanding of mental magic and memory, Avakian's confusion is actually a good thing."

Altom Avakian and Marlo Ferfang were both confused, "What does this mean?"

Dumbledore helped explain: "It means that the memory is not destroyed by some means, but is hidden and kept. We can think of the stored memory as a dessert cabinet..."

"Altom's current situation is that one of the desserts and the drawer grid have been taken away... The extra space will affect other memories."

"And if this memory is erased, then this cabinet will actually change... It will directly discard This empty space will not be affected if it re-enters the sealed state. "

After saying this, he picked up a piece of toffee finger biscuit, "Vizet, you can continue."

Vizet nodded, "Lockhart's magic theory is very powerful... Now it seems that the reason why he can master these magic theories is because his memory has not been destroyed."

"Lockhart needs to review those memories regularly to ensure that he can answer questions... avoid forgetting the contents of the book and reduce the possibility of exposure and questioning."

"And Mr. Avakian's appearance in front of him will make Lockhart suspicious... doubt whether there is an accident with the saved memory, so he will check it. "

"I understand this !” Artom Avakian chuckled, “Once that bastard feels guilty, we can find where the memory is hidden!”

His smile quickly disappeared, “But I am in a very bad state now. Even if I use the Bafe brain-stimulating agent, I can’t stay awake for a long time.”

Vizet said: “Since the story in “Wandering with Werewolves” is your own experience, then we can create a temporary grid to temporarily replace the real grid.”

“Did I hear it right?” Artom Avakian said in surprise, looking at Dumbledore for confirmation, “It can actually be done... to this extent?”

Marlo Ferfang was also looking at Dumbledore, with a very similar puzzled expression on his face.

"Magic is so magical." Dumbledore said with a smile, "But... I'm afraid I'll have to trouble Vizet for this kind of thing."

"Didn't I tell you when I brought you here? I found a very reliable helper."

"I think it's okay!" Artom Avakian rubbed his hands, looking excited, "If a student comes to execute... Isn't it a small win for a big gain? I love playing this trick!"

"Principal Dumbledore, I still need your help." Vizet looked at Dumbledore and said, "Because I don't have enough experience, I may not be able to reproduce many of the contents in the book."

"Of course." Dumbledore nodded and put his wand against his temple, "Please wait a moment..."

After a while, he pulled out a silver thread and handed it to Vizet.

According to what Lockhart said, Vizet continued to improve the "Fulcrum Theory". What can be done based on this theory is not just as simple as breaking the Oblivion Curse.

Vizet still remembers Archimedes' famous saying: Give me a fulcrum, and I will pry the whole earth.

This sentence can also be applied to the "fulcrum theory". As he continues to study in depth, the things that can be pried by the "fulcrum" will become more and more.

What he can do now is to use "the sense of accomplishment after winning the chips" as a fulcrum, and then pry Artom Avakian's memory and stuff the false memory constructed by Dumbledore into it...

Chapter 18 A potion out of nothing?

The process was smoother than expected. Dumbledore's shaping of the false memory was very good, and there was almost no resistance when filling it, as if this was the original memory.

So much so that Vizet felt that Dumbledore should have been prepared in advance, otherwise it would not have taken only a small amount of time to achieve such a degree of completion.

When the effect of Bafe's brain-stimulating agent faded, Artom Avakian did not fall into confusion, which showed that Vizet's approach and idea were not wrong.

Marlowe Fulfon had a bit of astonishment on his face, looking at Wizette in a daze, and murmured: "It's incredible..."

Artom Avakian covered his head, closed his eyes and felt it, "I feel like I have recovered..."

"But why...I feel like things that were originally interesting are no longer so interesting..."

"Altom, you need to stay at Hogwarts for a while." Dumbledore explained, "So there are some things that need to be avoided."

Artom Avakian nodded and said nonchalantly: "That's right! Anyway, shuffling and dealing the cards is also an important part, just wait for that bastard to fall into the trap!"

"Use the Patronus Charm to give properties to make potions..."

Weizet left the headmaster's office, recalling Snape's words along the way.

Today, in addition to continuing to practice the "fulcrum theory", his biggest gain was the conversation with Snape.

When he thought that he might actually be able to brew a magic potion "out of nothing", he couldn't help but want to try it.

After learning new knowledge, being able to try it effectively will definitely consolidate the corresponding knowledge.

Before he knew it, he was in the Potions classroom, standing in front of his locker.

"Currently, the potion ingredients that I can call familiar enough and have simple enough properties are..." Wizette opened the locker, "horned slugs and dried nettles."

"If you want to make a potion to cure boils, you also need snake teeth...porcupine quills..." He rummaged through the potion ingredients inside and found the remaining snake teeth and porcupine quills.

"Calling the Guardian!" Weizet raised his wand and tried to directly construct a steamed horned slug according to Snape's method.

Of course, he also has his own ideas.

Using the Patronus Charm is the way to build it, and the process of building it... He chose the magic circuit, which is a secret that is unique to him.

Mobilizing the soul through the Patronus Charm to construct the horned slug's magic circuit is an extremely mentally consuming process that requires a high degree of mental concentration throughout the process.

Not only that, Vizette also needs to add ancient magical power to speed up the construction of potion materials.

And even if he only completed the construction once, he would feel that his vision went dark and he would feel faintly dizzy.

In order to avoid passing out again and entering the school hospital, he rested for a while before starting to build the second horned slug.

The horned slug obtained in this way actually exists like a fluid, and may be described by words such as "extract".

Horned slug "extract" is a deep black color, while dried nettle "extract" is a dull yellow.

Weizet added the crucible and immediately followed the steps of boiling boil healing potion, adding various ingredients into it.

After all, I have been studying with Snape for a long time, and now I am very familiar with making such a simple potion, and pure pink smoke rises smoothly from the crucible.

Looking at the potion in front of him, Weizet felt an unspeakable excitement in his heart, "This method is really feasible! That legendary realm... is just water and sugar, flame and crucible!"

He quickly came up with a new association, "If you can brew a magic potion 'out of nothing', it doesn't seem to be much different from casting a spell to release a certain effect... right?"

"Why should there be a difference?" Snape's voice suddenly appeared.

Wizette turned to look, and Snape was also looking at him expressionlessly.

"Whether it's potions or magic, that's the prerogative of wizards." Snape continued, "Even if a Muggle brews potions according to the same steps, he can only get a pot of poison."

"You can even think that each syllable of the spell can correspond to each type of potion... The boundary between the two does not need to be so clear."

Weizet tried to understand what Snape said, "Professor Snape, you mean..."

"You don't need to know this yet!" Snape crossed his arms, "First lay the foundation and fully understand the properties of potions... Then you can go!"

He made a way and said: "I don't want another annoying ghost wandering around the Potions classroom because of sudden death!"

Wizette blinked, transformed into a simple mirror, and found that his eyelids were drooped, looking tired.

He quickly waved his wand and tidied up the Potions classroom before saluting Snape and saying, "Professor Snape, I'll go back and rest first."

Snape picked up the bottle of boil healing potion and looked at the color of the potion, his eyebrows raised unknowingly.

His cheeks bulged, but in the end he said nothing and returned to the office in silence.


The Christmas holidays were only two or three days away. Lockhart held a small mirror between his fingers. A bloodless and extremely haggard face was reflected in the mirror.

He moved the small mirror with difficulty so that it could shine on the top of his head, reflecting an extremely shiny scalp, even brighter than the hair that had been carefully taken care of before.

Lockhart felt a little dazed. He had forgotten how long he had been in the school hospital.

It was as if the door in the school hospital separated him from the world.

Through the crack of the open door, he saw Ravenclaw celebrating outside, and Filch holding students, but he didn't see anyone coming to visit him.

"Is it because my bed is too far inside? So they didn't see it?" Lockhart put down the mirror and couldn't help muttering.

"I'm the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts... I've been away for so many days... Don't they really feel that something is missing?"

The door of the school hospital was opened, and the person who came in was Madam Pomfrey.

Seeing Lockhart holding the mirror, Madam Pomfrey comforted him: "Lockhart, you should take the next step bravely. Getting a wig is also a good choice."

"Oh... OK..." Lockhart nodded a little woodenly, put the mirror in his pocket, slowly moved to the bed and stood up.

Madam Pomfrey was right. The potion couldn't make him grow hair at all. During this time, he also gradually recovered some ability to cast spells through the notebook. It's time to leave!

Lockhart let out a long breath, forced out a smile, put the wizard hat firmly on his head, and then walked out of the school hospital...

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