"Hehe! I'll definitely be able to do it after I study for a while!" Xenophilius smiled, holding the pump in his hand and shaking it, "I'll use this now! Let's see who is faster!"

Before the three of them could compete with each other about who could cheer up faster, they encountered a new problem.

"Why is it flying?" Xenophilius filled up a balloon and accidentally let it fly out. The balloon made a long series of "pop" sounds in the air.

"You still need to tie the knot...just like me." Wizette stretched the balloon's mouth and wrapped it around his index finger and thumb. He pinched the balloon's mouth with two fingers and retracted it to complete the closing.

"Wait a moment..." Xenophilius rubbed his eyes, "It's a bit fast, I didn't see clearly..."

Luna picked up the balloon and approached Weizet, "I didn't see it clearly either. What should I do?"

She was afraid that the balloon would leak a little and fly out, so she squeezed it tightly with her fingers.

Weizet asked: "Shall I lead your hand and demonstrate again?"

"Yeah!" Luna nodded repeatedly, her expression becoming focused.

"Look, it's like this..." Vizette stretched the mouth of the balloon, trying to avoid Luna's fingers.

"You've squeezed it very tightly, you just need to go around it in a circle...cough! Grab the mouth of the balloon in my hand..."

Even so, the mouth of the balloon was so small that their fingers would inevitably touch it.

Perhaps because of the Phoenix Mark, Vizette's fingers were much warmer. Every time Luna touched Vizette's fingertips, it felt like touching warm and mellow hot tea.

Perhaps due to her physical condition, Luna's fingers were slightly cold. Every time Vizette touched Luna's fingertips, it felt like touching delicate and clear crystal.

Vizette raised his head slightly to take a look at Luna, who happened to have a similar idea. The two looked at each other and lowered their heads in unison, focusing on the balloon.

Passing the mouth of the balloon to Luna, Weizet continued: "You pinch it and pull it back, and it becomes..."

"Oh... So that's it!" Xenophilius suddenly realized, "I learned it!"

He moved quickly and stretched the mouth of the balloon. He was just about to circle it around his finger, but he didn't expect that there was a "pop" sound, the balloon suddenly burst, and the fragments clattered to his hair.

Luna reached out to help pick off the fragments. Xenophilius said with some embarrassment: "Ahem! I have already mastered the principle... This time it was a mistake!"

Wizer nodded, "Well, it's normal for occasionally a few balloons to have poor ductility and explode easily."

"That's right! That's it!" Xenophilius said with satisfaction, "Weizet, you are very smart!"

Maybe it’s because his fingers are thicker and it’s not that easy to puncture the balloon;

After he popped a few more balloons, he proposed that he would prepare dinner and leave the cheering matters to Wizette and Luna.

Luna's knot-tying technique is still a bit raw, but with more guidance, her movements gradually become more proficient.

As there are more and more balloons around, the atmosphere in the room becomes warmer, like the colorful balloons, the crimson color from the earlobes to the neck, and the flames in the fireplace...

Chapter 24 Square Gift

It was late at night, time passed quietly past twelve o'clock, and Christmas Eve passed quietly.

Vizette gently unscrewed the doorknob, walked down the stairs to the living room on the first floor, and stuffed the Christmas gifts into the stockings on the fireplace.

Luna liked the story of Santa Claus very much, so she bought the big red Christmas socks along with the ribbons and balloons.

Vizette had just stuffed the gift for Luna into his sock and was about to pull off the other sock when he heard subtle footsteps coming from upstairs.

He took a few steps back, moved closer to the kitchen, and waited quietly.

There was a faint fumbling sound in the living room, followed by another set of footsteps.

Luna appeared in a pink and blue nightgown. When she saw Weizet, she winked playfully with her right eye, covered her mouth and hid together in the kitchen.

The footsteps outside at this time were of course coming from Xenophilius.

"This is Luna's sock... why is there something inside?" Xenophilius said in a confused tone, "Weizet didn't give him a book, right?"

"Nevermind! These are Weizet's socks...whatever Luna gave me, they're square anyway, couldn't they...be a book, right?"

"It's over, it's over! Vizette's hard work... won't be transmitted to Luna, right? Hey! Since they are both Ravenclaws, there's nothing we can do about it..."

Just as Vizette and Luna were about to walk out of the kitchen, Xenophilius's footsteps had already faded away until they disappeared.

"Merry Christmas!" Wizette whispered, taking the Christmas present from his stocking.

The smile in Luna's words was obvious, and the gift in her hand was also square, "Merry Christmas!"

The two sat facing each other and opened the first gift they received.

The gift from Vizette to Luna was a picture album, and the gift from Luna to Vizette was a photo frame.

"You can draw something on it..."

"You can click there..."

Luna picked up the pen on the album, which was a pen made of crystal. She used the crystal pen to outline the shape of a rabbit. With a burst of light, the snow-white rabbit emerged from the album and jumped up and down.

Weizet pressed the photo frame, and the leaves hidden inside flew up, floated on the photo frame, and stacked on top of each other to form a dynamic picture, which was the picture of him throwing the Quaffle into the door ring.

This is a simple and clever magic prop. The simple part is the magic attached to it. It only uses a basic magic - the Levitation Charm.

There are too many clever parts. Whether it is using the Levitation Charm to adjust the position of the leaves or selecting such colorful leaves, it requires incomparable ingenuity to do it.

Spirituality and ingenuity, patience and meticulousness... In Vizette's opinion, only Luna can combine them so perfectly and present them without reservation.

"I like it very much..."

"Good night..."

The two said at the same time and laughed at the same time.

They took out the gifts that should have been put away just now and put them together in the socks belonging to Xenophilius...

Vizette returned to the room and lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling and falling into memories. Thinking of Luna's serious look when collecting leaves at Hogwarts, he gradually fell asleep...


On Christmas Day, Vizette woke up from his sleep.

There was a lot of noise downstairs, like some kind of collision.

He woke up immediately, quickly got out of bed, cast the Guardian Meditation and the Magic Eye at the same time, and then took out the wand from his pocket, his expression became serious.

He turned the doorknob, and there was a loud banging sound outside the door, and a shrill familiar voice.

"Dobby can't leave here! Dobby already belongs to Mr. Lovegood!"

Then there was another banging sound.


House elf?

Putting the two together, what Vizet could think of was the house elf who liked to punish himself.

He still didn't let down his guard until he went downstairs to see the situation clearly and confirmed that Luna and Xenophilius were fine, then he was slightly relieved.

"Vizet, come and see... what's going on?" Xenophilius looked up and saw Vizet. "He said it belonged to Mr. Lovegood, but he didn't listen to me..."

"I saw him just now, and he kept standing here and hurting himself... He said this was a punishment and he had to show his remorse..."

"Master..." Dobby turned to Vizet and continued to punish himself, hitting his head against the floor, causing blood to flow. There was a smell of blood in the air.

Vizet frowned and said, "Stop!"

Dobby stopped moving, still lowering his head, letting the blood flow from the wound to the ground.

"Here... it can be used to stop the bleeding." Luna ran into the living room, holding a stone mortar in her hand, with some crushed herbs in it, which looked like white mulberry.

Dobby didn't make any move, but just bowed motionlessly to Vizet.

Vizet then asked, "Why are you here?"

"Master... I am... your house elf... I will serve you with my heart..." Dobby's voice was extremely trembling, as if he was suppressing the fear in his heart.

As he spoke, he continued to bow with his head down, slowly approached Vizet, and then presented a letter.

Vizet took the letter and saw that the signature on the envelope was Lucius Malfoy, and there were two pieces of parchment inside;

One piece of parchment was a simple letter with only two short sentences: Loyal Lucius Malfoy, a gift for you.

The other piece of parchment came from the House Elf Resettlement Office, which was a certificate issued by the Ministry of Magic, clearly stating that Dobby was Vizet's property.

"Vizet." Luna also stepped forward and handed over the mortar, "Dobby has lost a lot of blood."

"I understand, I'll take care of it." Vizet smiled, and he also had many doubts in his heart.

Why did Lucius suddenly give a gift, and a house elf at that.

And the so-called loyal Lucius Malfoy...

Why would he say such a thing to him?

Thinking of this, Vizet looked at Dobby again, "Come up with me! Remove all the dirt!"

He took out his wand, cleaned up the bloodstains in the living room, and took Dobby back to the bedroom.

"Apply medicine to yourself!" Vizet handed the mortar to Dobby.

When he made a move, Dobby subconsciously took a step back, and then began to punish himself again.

Vizet immediately stopped him, "Stop! You are not allowed to hurt yourself without my order."

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