"Because I didn't do anything for myself... I couldn't find such a goal before, so I didn't act like this..."

"Now I think the time is right. If my vision is right... I think I should have found such a person... who can let me do more and make up for the mistakes of the past."

"Principal Dumbledore..." Vizette felt his throat dry and his nose sour, "I..."

"You deserve this, Vizette..." Dumbledore waved his hand, "You still have a lot to do in the future... You need to choose some things yourself."

"The world will also change because of you... This is predictable. By the way! If Harry is in danger during my absence, I hope you can help him."


After leaving the principal's office, Vizette wandered outside for a long time.

He had to admit that Dumbledore's words had touched him too much.

Glowing and radiating heat...

Perhaps there is another meaning. Once a piece of candle continues to glow and radiate heat, it may mean...

This piece of candle is heading towards extinction without hesitation.

In any case, he doesn't want this to happen!

Chapter 33 Go to the Forbidden Forest

The end of the Christmas holiday means that the last step of Animagus can officially begin.

Hogwarts gradually became lively, the snow stopped flying, and the thick snow gradually melted.

But the sun did not come out, and both inside and outside the castle were shrouded in cold and dampness.

The recovery speed of the Forbidden Forest was not that fast, and the trees were still very quiet, and only occasionally could small animals be seen moving.

At five o'clock in the morning on a weekend, Vizette left the dormitory with a backpack. He came to the common room, took out a notebook from his backpack, and spread it on the table.

This notebook came from the maker of the Marauder's Map. In addition to some Animagus experience, a map was drawn on the last two pages of the notebook.

The map recorded a mysterious altar located deep in the Forbidden Forest. The magic needed to be activated by crystals to trigger meteorological magic and bring a thunderstorm.

After confirming the sign of the mysterious altar on the map, Vizette took out his wand and placed the tip of the wand against the sign, "Show me the way!"

He threw the wand up, and it immediately floated in the air, with the tip of the wand tilted towards the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

The directional spell is a very practical magic. Its most basic effect is to act as a compass. As long as you hold the wand in your palm and chant the spell, the tip of the wand will automatically turn to the north.

A more advanced application is to chant the spell towards the target on the map like Vizette did. If the location marked on the map is accurate, the wand will float and point out the corresponding direction.

Since the directional spell has been successful, it can also prove from the side that the location of the mysterious altar on the notebook map is accurate.


Luna also woke up and sat next to Vizette, with a faint scent of grass and wood on her body, "Are we going to set off now?"

"We have to wait a while..." Vizette took out the leather armor from his backpack, "For safety, you still have to wear this."

This is the leather breastplate bought during the Christmas holiday. It is made of fire dragon skin. In addition to having a certain magical defense, it can also keep out the cold and keep warm, which is very suitable for use now.

There are many dangerous magical animals in the Forbidden Forest. Even if there will be professors to escort them later, for safety reasons, an extra layer of protection is also a necessary measure.

With Luna's curiosity about the Forbidden Forest, they will definitely go in and out of the Forbidden Forest many times in the future, and the leather armor will always be useful.

"Just wear it like this..." Vizette raised the leather breastplate and demonstrated it to Luna.

Luna imitated Vizette's movements, adjusted the leather breastplate to the right position, and crossed her hands to tighten the belts on both sides;

She twisted her shoulders again to ensure that the leather breastplate could fit her body and would not affect the performance of various movements.

Luna turned around in front of Vizette, "How is it?"

Vizette murmured, "Maybe it needs..."

Before Vizette finished speaking, Luna blinked, as if she had thought of something.

She skillfully combed her long hair, gathered her waterfall-like light golden hair, then took off the crystal ball bracelet on her wrist and tied her long hair into a ponytail.

"Just like an elf..." Vizette thought about it and said seriously, "It's even prettier than an elf!"

"Yeah!" Luna smiled with a faint blush on her cheeks, "Let's go!"


Hagrid was wearing a moleskin coat, carrying a crossbow on his back, and walking in front with a lantern the size of a bucket in his hand.

He glanced back and reminded nervously: "Be careful when walking... The ice in some places has not melted yet, it's easy to slip."

It's understandable to feel nervous. After all, behind him, there are not only Vizette and Luna, but also Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

"I haven't been to the Forbidden Forest much since graduation." Professor McGonagall said with emotion, "It feels like there hasn't been any change here."

"After graduation?" Hagrid scratched his head, "Professor McGonagall, did you sneak into the Forbidden Forest when you were studying? Hahahahaha!"

"Ahem..." Professor McGonagall coughed twice, "I'm just a little curious... I heard there are unicorns here, so I want to come in and take a look."

"Oh! Unicorns! That's no wonder! Those little guys are so pretty!" Hagrid slapped his forehead, "Then should I take you to see them? I know where unicorns like to go!"

"Let's talk about it next time!" Professor McGonagall's tone was a little embarrassed.

Hearing this, Vizet and Luna couldn't help laughing.

Although Professor McGonagall is usually strict, she is a Gryffindor anyway.

"There should be quite a few changes..." Dumbledore looked around, "Newt came to Hogwarts some time ago and released a lot of magical animals into the Forbidden Forest."

"Compared to ordinary forests, the Forbidden Forest is a magical forest where different magical animals can find places to live."

"Then you have to pay more attention to safety." Professor McGonagall looked at Vizet and Luna and said earnestly, "You must not take it lightly!"

"Try not to face the various magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest with the mentality of facing those pets... Not only magical animals, but also those magical plants should be paid attention to."

"Professor McGonagall is right!" Hagrid agreed, "If you encounter a fox nest, you must stay away immediately! A bunch of foxes come around to bite you, which should be quite scary for you!"

Vizet and Luna said in unison, "We will remember it!"

The teeth of foxes are poisonous. If every fox bites you, the accumulated toxicity may indeed threaten your life.

"Oh, right! Red hats are dangerous too!" Hagrid continued to share, "Red hats appeared when the centaurs clashed with the poaching wizards before."

"A lot of red hats wielding big sticks! They surrounded the poachers and knocked them all unconscious! In the end, they were all dragged away... I think they are in danger!"

"Show me the way!" Vizette chanted a spell and threw out the wand. The tip of the wand floated in the air, indicating the corresponding direction, "We should turn here..."

If you want to clarify the final destination again, you only need to cast a directional spell like this, and the tip of the wand will give the corresponding guidance, without the need to use a map to re-determine the location.


The group continued to go deeper into the Forbidden Forest. As time passed, the sun outside should have risen, and the Forbidden Forest was finally a little more lively, with more insects and birds singing.

At this moment, a burst of rapid horse hoof sounds rang out, followed by a twisted and rude shout: "Stop here! The Forbidden Forest is not where you should come!"


With a sharp sound of breaking through the air, an arrow was shot out, presenting a beautiful parabola, and landed on the ground less than five meters in front of Hagrid.

A sturdy black centaur jumped out of the darkness, holding a longbow in his hand, and put another arrow on the string...

Chapter 34 The Original Altar

Just as Dumbledore was about to speak, the black centaur put down his bow and arrow and asked uncertainly, "Are you... a pony favored by unicorns?"

Before the black centaur finished speaking, Vizette felt the gazes of the people around him.

Vizette admitted, "It is indeed me... I met a unicorn when I entered the Forbidden Forest last year."

He walked past Hagrid to the front of the black centaur, waved his hand and said hello, "Mr. Bain, right? Good morning!"

"Uh... ok..." Bain was not used to such a conversation, and his response seemed a little stuttering.

He put down the bow and arrow in his hand and looked at Dumbledore beside him. "I thought it was a poacher coming to the Forbidden Forest so early. It's my fault."

"At least you issued a warning at the first time." Dumbledore nodded, "It means you listened to my words."

Vizet directly stated his purpose, "I plan to come here to find an altar. It is deep in the Forbidden Forest. I hope you can let us pass."

Bane asked, "What altar?"

"An altar that can summon thunderstorms." Vizet took out his notebook and showed the map, "Fluorescent flashing!"

"So it's here..." Bane put the longbow on his back, "Then you don't have to take a long detour. I'll take you through the tribe. It will be faster!"


The residence of the centaur tribe is hidden among the trees, almost integrated with the surrounding environment;

When Bane took them through the tribe, the centaurs wrapped in vines would enter the residence and observe silently in the dark.

The tall male centaurs would come forward and have a brief exchange with Bane in the unique language of the centaurs.

After hearing what Bain said, the centaurs would take two steps forward curiously and set their eyes on Vizette.

Among the few people, only Dumbledore understood what the centaurs said.

"Unicorns are pure creatures. It is not easy to win the favor of unicorns. Therefore, Vizette is very special, so they behave like this."

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