He has black hair, deep features and handsome face, his eyes are slightly narrowed, and he naturally exudes a cold breath.

Vizet held the wand tightly in his hand, "Tom Riddle?"

"It's me, you really know me." Tom Riddle raised his eyebrows, "In that case, you should know my other name, I like that name more."

Vizet was observing Tom Riddle, and he found that Tom Riddle in front of him seemed to be between reality and illusion, with a layer of hazy halo.

It can be regarded as confirming Salazar Slytherin's idea that this is an extremely special existence.

In this case, we need to find a way to consume it, so as to activate the soul box to capture it.

"Completely different treatment..." Tom Riddle dragged his voice and said to himself, "He is so good to you... He is willing to tell you everything..."

"If he treated me like this back then, it would be great! Maybe I can stay in Hogwarts... and then become your professor... teach many students... just like him..."

"Why don't you look for the reason from yourself first?" Vizet raised his eyebrows, "And... is this your purpose? Planning to let them destroy Hogwarts? Is it possible?"

"We have to try, right? We are wizards! There is nothing wrong with trying more!" Tom Riddle's mouth curled up a smile.

"Just like I came to see you... I also want to try... If you die here, will Dumbledore regret it..."

His smile suddenly froze and turned into a sinister expression, "Kill them!"


The eight-eyed giant spiders behind Tom Riddle are all adult size, each as big as a carriage.

With an order, they stopped fiddling with their claws and disappeared into the darkness, with rustling sounds coming from all around.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

A rapid sound of breaking through the air sounded, and several spider silks appeared from all directions, calling out to Vizet.

"Fire shield!"

Vizet lowered his magic wand like he was holding a sword, and bright flames gushed out, turning into a circle of fire walls as he turned around.

The fire wall burned wantonly, directly turning the attacking spider silk into ashes.

Vizet followed the sound of the spider silk and raised his magic wand in one direction. The surging fire wall split into a wisp of flame, which spread upward along one of the spider silks.

The spread of this wisp of flame was extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, it had already ignited an eight-eyed giant spider along the spider silk.

The dazzling flames illuminated the sky, and the other eight-eyed giant spiders scattered to avoid being affected by the flames.

Tom Riddle's cold expression also froze in an instant, and his slightly narrowed eyes revealed strong jealousy.

"Ah... that two-faced guy! He always monitors my every move, not letting me do this... not letting me do that!"

"What a hypocritical guy! He has so many requirements for me, but now he lets you learn black magic? It's disgusting! Extremely disgusting!"

Chapter 51 Tom, aren't you going to teach me black magic?

The flames drilled into the mouth of the eight-eyed giant spider along the spider silk, and its body twisted and trembled violently. The eight spider legs swung wildly, trying to dissolve the heat that spread into the body in this way;

Black smoke and flames came out of its mouth together, making a "woohoo" sound like a boiling kettle, as if the flames had touched its internal organs and ignited its body;

The bristles on the surface of the body curled up, and the black carapace bulged outward, making crackling sounds, gradually covered with spider-web-like cracks, as if it could break at any time.

The eight-eyed giant spiders around made a terrified "click" sound and hid in the darkness again. Not only did they not continue to attack, they even dared not make any sound, for fear that they would become the next victim.


After a tooth-grinding sound, the eight-eyed giant spider ignited by the flames completely exploded, and bright blue flames bloomed in the air, and the surroundings suddenly became as bright as day.

"Really?" Vizet raised his hand and clenched it, and the exploded flames quickly gathered together, gathered into a ball and merged into the fire wall, which suddenly became more turbulent.

"Tom..." He dragged out his voice, with a teasing tone, "Riddle? Is this your level? Have you only seen black magic?"

Influencing the other party with words, this is the duel skill he learned when he was in the Hog's Head Inn.

If it works, the enemy will often make some unwise moves, just like Tom Riddle at this moment.


"Don't call that name!" Tom Riddle shouted sharply, his handsome face twisted, and his cheeks spread out like centipede-like hideous blue veins.

"Don't think I can't see through your tricks! Transfiguration magic... Fire magic... The effect looks good, but how many times can you control the fire like this?"

He took out a wand from his pocket and pointed it in the direction of Vizet, "Let me teach you what is black magic!"

Vizet has studied wands and usually subconsciously pays attention to the styles of wands.

Therefore, he only needs to recognize the original owner of the wand in front of him at a glance, "It is indeed Lockhart's wand..."

The wall of fire that protects him swayed, as if it was affected by some invisible force.

"Look... Your magic seems to be out of control..." Tom Riddle slowly raised his wand, as if dragging something, "Your power already belongs to me!"

The wall of fire made a strange "hissing" sound, as if some kind of animal was bred in it, and was now breaking free from its restraints and trying to come to this world.

Tom Riddle raised his arm to the highest point, and a string of flames was pulled out of the wall of fire, which quickly grew into the shape of a giant flaming snake, spitting out its snake tongue at Vizette.

At the moment the fire snake appeared, the wall of fire that protected Vizette instantly withered, leaving only a very shallow circle of traces, like a ring of fire that could go out at any time.

This also allowed Vizette to split his mind and glance at Tom Riddle not far away.

After Tom Riddle released this magic, the halo around his body spread outward a little, and it was more illusory than before.

The wall of fire was about to dissipate, and the lurking eight-eyed giant spider made a comeback, rushing towards Vizette from all directions, and the clicking sound of its claws was heard.

“Vizet, I’ll take you to escape!” Firenze’s anxious voice sounded, “There are too many Acromanthus, I seem to have heard…”

Before he finished speaking, the Acromanthus was already close at hand. As long as he got closer, he could stretch out his legs to cut the flesh;

The sound of the Acromanthus opening and closing its claws became louder, and its black eyes flashed with cruel light, even imagining the next scene;

Perhaps the fur of the centaur would be rougher and require some effort, but the skin of that student would probably burst into red with just a slight scratch…

Tom Riddle slightly opened his eyes, intending to enjoy the process of blood splattering;

The future seemed to appear in his eyes, Dumbledore finally arrived here, looking at the stumps on the ground with a cold face…

The ring of fire seemed to finally go out, blooming the last spark.

"Ancient Magic: Mastery of Fire" was brewing in Vizette's mind. He gently recited the simple spell, "Burning flames!"

Sparks flew everywhere, everything seemed to be in slow motion, slowly floating in the air, like a firefly stagnating.

Tom Riddle seemed to realize something and shouted, "Idiot! Hide quickly..."


Before Tom Riddle finished speaking, the blooming sparks turned into a thick ring of fire and spread out violently.

The dense bristles on the body of the eight-eyed giant spider were stained with flames, and quickly burned and spread into countless tiny fire points.

Vizet clenched his fists again, and the tiny fire points gathered like a group of fireflies, surrounding Vizette and turning into a wall of fire again.

Usually, magical creatures can resist the damage caused by magic, especially special magical creatures such as the eight-eyed giant spider, which have a stronger ability to resist magic.

The eight-eyed giant spider did not suffer any substantial damage, but basically lost the desire to attack. The burning pain in their bodies told them that it was the best choice to stay away from here at this moment.

Thinking of this, they really retreated, intending to return to the nest and tell Aragog everything that had happened.

Although they left, the surroundings became more and more noisy, and a rumble came from the distance.

"Tom, don't you want to try it?" Vizette waved his wand, and the original wall of fire gathered together, and it was also a giant flaming snake that swallowed and spit out its snake tongue.

"Try whether Headmaster Dumbledore will regret it... The time has come." He stabbed out his wand fiercely, and the fire snake followed the trajectory of the wand and pounced on Tom Riddle not far away.

Finding that the eight-eyed giant spiders disappeared into the darkness, Tom Riddle also guessed what they were thinking, but he had to deal with the giant flaming snake that was rushing towards him, and he didn't have the energy to stop the eight-eyed giant spider from leaving.

"Don't call that name!"


It's true...

Seeing Tom Riddle's gloomy expression and the more diffused halo, Vizet planned to add fuel to the fire.

"Tom... Tom... Aren't you going to teach me the dark arts? Is this what you call teaching? It seems that even... Lockhart can't compare to it..."

Perhaps because Tom Riddle was just a soul fragment, the fire snake he drove was defeated and could not resist the fire snake controlled by Vizet.

The fire snake controlled by Vizet was more flexible and kept devouring the fire snake controlled by Tom Riddle. The gap between the two sides became more and more disparate.

The most intuitive manifestation was that the fire snake controlled by Tom Riddle was getting smaller and smaller, almost shrinking to the size of the fire ash snake.

Tom Riddle felt a shock, and what made him feel unbelievable was that Vizet's control over fire magic seemed to have left him behind.

"Tom, looking at your appearance... you should be graduating soon, why is this happening?" Vizet said slowly.

"I can't seem to learn anything from you. Even... your powers already belong to me!"

Chapter 52 Tom Riddle and Unicorn Blood

Hearing what he just said, Tom Riddle felt an indelible sense of shame.

He no longer maintained control over the fire snake, and instead pointed his wand at Vizette, "Avada..."

Before he finished reciting the spell, the wand in his hand actually passed through his hand and fell to the ground.

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