Weizet clenched his fists, "I should take action too."

He sensed through the Snake Whistle that Harry finally stopped moving and was staying in the hall of the Chamber of Secrets.


Harry woke up from his coma and looked around with a blank expression.

This was an empty and dark hall. Through the surrounding green light, he could vaguely see the firelight in the distance and an approaching figure.

"Hiss..." He shouted in pain, and there was a burning sensation in the scar.

He had experienced this feeling once during the last school year.

"What's wrong?" A gentle voice sounded.

Harry followed the sound and was immediately put on glasses.

A young man appeared in front of him. He looked very tall and was surrounded by a halo, which made him look illusory.

"Who are you?" he asked warily, "Where are you here? Why am I tied up?"

He looked into the distance, saw the man in a turban, and suddenly reacted, "Lockhart! It was you who framed Principal Dumbledore!"

Tom Riddle smiled slightly, his tone full of teasing, "This is really unfair...Why does Dumbledore always treat him differently?"

"It seems that except for being wary of me... he is very good to everyone else... What are you like? A good baby who just woke up..."

Harry felt that his brain was much more active. Faced with such a familiar scene, he suddenly thought of someone, "Beware... you are Voldemort!"

"Well...it's not bad, he is a smart and good baby." Tom Riddle nodded, "I can realize this...it has exceeded my expectations."

"It's just that I still don't understand..." He bent down, pushed aside Harry's bangs from his forehead, and groped for the scar with his long fingers, "It shouldn't be..."

Harry subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but the scar was still touched. He thought the burning sensation would intensify, but he didn't expect... there was only a biting feeling, like an ice cube scratching the scar.

Tom Riddle wondered, "A little baby who is not very special, just pays the price of a scar..."

"I actually defeated the greatest wizard in history...How did I get destroyed in the future? Why was it so unbearable?"

Harry gritted his teeth and shouted: "Future me? What on earth are you..."

He moved his arms with difficulty, trying to find the wand in his pocket.

"You are really rude!" Tom Riddle raised a wand, "Are you looking for it?"

"That's my wand!" Harry lunged forward with all his strength.

"Gryffindor... that's it... I should say you are brave?" Tom Riddle took two steps back.

There was a trace of ridicule on his face, "Or should I say you are reckless... too reckless... Which one do you think is better?"

Harry jumped away and fell to the ground, his eyes even more determined, "What on earth are you planning to do?"

"Let me think about it..." Tom Riddle murmured and said while helping Harry up, "Probably to replace me in the future and get everything back on track?"

"At least I won't be defeated by a little baby like him... Just like now, if you want to get up, you even need my help."

Harry gritted his teeth and fell to the other side.

This is his last stubbornness and resistance. Even if he loses his wand, even if he is restrained, whether it is Voldemort or Tom Riddle, he does not hope that these two people can achieve their wishes.

"I seem to understand... what exactly Dumbledore is thinking!" Tom Riddle's expression became grim, "Then you can continue to fight in vain!"

"It will be over soon!" He turned and looked in the direction of the crucible, "Lockhart, how long will it take?"

"It's ready." Lockhart responded and took the lead in throwing the unicorn blood into the crucible. "The blood of a pure mother and child, squeezed wantonly, can allow the soul to be reborn..."

The moment he uttered the spell, Harry suddenly began to wail. He felt as if his head was about to split in two, and the scar was painfully painful.

The moment the unicorn's blood blended into the crucible, the crucible immediately boiled, and the liquid inside turned into a scarlet color, shooting out sparks like magma...

Chapter 57 Voldemort and Tom Riddle

Lockhart hissed, summoning the snakes that had brought Harry here.

Harry felt his headache getting worse. He could tell it was Parseltongue, the snakes that Lockhart intended to sacrifice themselves to.

Lockhart grabbed the venomous snakes, cut them all into two pieces, and threw them into the cauldron.

Harry kept panting, clenching his teeth tightly, and forced out a voice from between his teeth, "What on earth...are you going...to do!"

He seemed to be experiencing auditory hallucinations. The voices of men and women came to his ears, and a green light seemed to flash in front of his eyes. Then the woman began to scream and beg for something...

Another green light...

"Didn't I say that? I replaced the future me..." Tom Riddle said with a smile, "I am Voldemort! That unbearable future... does not deserve the name Voldemort!"

He seemed to be in a good mood and was willing to explain a few more words, "I will break through the original shackles and have a real body, a perfect body!"

"Look! I also have a body now..." He raised his arm and waved, "A simple resurrection magic allows me to cast spells and allows me to move!"

"The Parkinson family actually possesses this kind of magic, and I don't know about it in the future! I don't even know how to punish him harshly. All resources must be used!"

"Two Voldemorts, what about the other Voldemort...?" Harry said through gritted teeth. The pain caused by the scar made it difficult for him to think. He could only force himself to speak to avoid losing consciousness.

He wanted to keep his consciousness awake, to ask more secrets, to see clearly the screaming woman through the green light.

"That future me?" Tom Riddle murmured, "It's a very interesting question. Maybe while he is still lurking, try to find a way to devour him..."

"There is no shadow without light. It will definitely be difficult to swallow him, but you have to try, right? In fact, I am already ahead of him...I have you in the palm of my hand..."

Putting all the poisonous snakes into the crucible, Lockhart ignored the blood on his hands and took out the rune snake eggs one by one from the cloth bag and put them all into the crucible.

While adding rune snake eggs, he recited the second incantation: "The flesh of innocent people is deliberately cut off so that the soul can be preserved..."

The liquid in the crucible calmed down and no longer shot out sparks. It was like a smooth orange-red mirror, like the color of rune snake eggs.

"Oh..." Harry groaned in pain, his body arching like a shrimp. The pain from the scar was like an electric shock, instantly penetrating his whole body and making his breathing almost stop.

"It's the bones in the end..." Tom Riddle smiled with satisfaction, "I remember... you seemed to have experienced it recently. It shouldn't be too painful, just bear with it."

Lockhart did not leave the crucible. He was still rummaging through the cloth bag and took out a glass bottle with a silver thread inside.

Tom Riddle grabbed Harry by the collar and planned to drag him to the cauldron.

At this moment, Lockhart's incantation sounded, "The thread that traces the origin is waiting to be thrown in, so that the soul can regain perfection..."

Tom Riddle's expression changed, he turned around suddenly and shouted: "Lockhart! What are you doing!"

Lockhart said nothing and threw the silver thread into the crucible.

However, a cold voice seemed to come from his body, saying dullly: "Regaining perfection, haven't you already said it? The past...me!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!" Tom Riddle thrust his wand in the direction of Lockhart, and dazzling orange-red fire burst out of the tip of the wand and went straight to the crucible.

Lockhart made no attempt to resist, and Tom Riddle seemed to realize something, as if he was gliding, he quickly circled behind Harry.

Almost instantly, Harry understood what Tom Riddle wanted to do. He endured the severe pain caused by the scar and struggled desperately like a fish jumping to the shore.

Just when Tom Riddle finally picked up Harry, intending to use it as a shield in front of him, the crucible exploded, and countless liquids flew out and splashed around.

The speed of these liquids was extremely fast, turning into thread-like existences in the air, and all of them plunged into Tom Riddle's body.

The other end of these silver threads are all connected to Lockhart's body.

Lockhart took a deep breath and let it out slowly;

Between these breaths, his appearance changed, the bridge of his nose collapsed, his eyes glowed red, and he looked like a snake face.

The moment he saw this face, Harry recognized it, "Vol...Voldemort!"

When Voldemort revealed his true form, the pain caused by the scar reached its peak. Harry couldn't resist at all, so he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Tom Riddle was a little unbelievable, and his body was a little unreal, "Lockhart, you..."

"Why do you think he knows Parseltongue?" Voldemort revealed a hideous smile, "Can someone like him really learn Parseltongue in a short time?"

"You are possessing him..." Tom Riddle asked through gritted teeth, "Why wasn't Dumbledore discovered?"

"Because I chose another way, to possess the soul...haven't you seen it before?" Voldemort asked, "Lockhart's soul is too broken..."

"Those memories that don't belong to him have opened up too many gaps in the soul level, which is very suitable for me to sneak into them, so that no one can notice..."

"The price I pay is just sleeping, and it is also convenient for me to accumulate strength... No matter how careful Dumbledore is, he can't find me. Not to mention you..."

"The things you did at Hogwarts distracted me from Dumbledore. If I want to hide, it would be easier!"

"Is your target?" Tom Riddle reacted, "You've been waiting for this day!"

"That's right! I've been waiting for this day!" Voldemort nodded, "Are you trying to turn against the guest and be the master? But you forgot what you said... Without light, there is no shadow! I am the master!"

"Of course it's not your fault. I was a bit immature when I was a student. Otherwise, you wouldn't have appeared. Maybe I need to thank Vizette. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have noticed your existence!"

"I really didn't expect..." Tom Riddle narrowed his eyes slightly, "You actually planned to deal with me so early...?"

"Vizet! Vizet!" Voldemort sighed a few times, as if he was recalling something, "I really want to devour his soul... His soul is extremely delicious... You should have felt it too!"

"Even through the disgusting Patronus Charm, I can... taste a different soul flavor from it, a soul flavor that is enough to make me stronger! I think there will be a chance soon!"

He walked towards Tom Riddle step by step. With every step he took, the halo around Tom Riddle increased a little, and the sense of illusion became stronger...

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