"I seemed to have passed out...I didn't do anything." Harry tried to think back, with a hint of embarrassment in his tone, "It seems that I have indeed made progress..."

He scratched his head and said with great emotion: "It would be great if I could be someone like you... I am very good at Quidditch... I am also very good at class..."

"And you also know how to duel... You also taught me a lot about transformation magic... It seems like you can do everything... You are simply omnipotent..."

"Why do you want to be me?" Weizet asked again, "You are you and I am me, right?"

"Huh?" Harry groaned, somewhat at a loss.

Wizette smiled slightly, "You are Gryffindor and I am Ravenclaw. Do you plan to transfer here?"

"I..." Harry was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"There is a difference here..." Wizette spread his hands and said, "Actually, just be yourself. Your resistance to Voldemort shows your courage, which is very important!"

"For me, it's enough to learn a little more every day, make a little progress every day, and make more progress tomorrow than today... You can also try to do the same."

Harry frowned slightly, looking thoughtful, "A little better every day?"

Wizer nodded, "That's right! When you feel a little tired one day, you can look back and see how much progress you have made. You will have a sense of accomplishment and feel that you are great."

"We are all students, and this is a very precious time. Only at this time can we study without any worries and only think about constantly surpassing ourselves without thinking about anything else."

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded in agreement, "After that, you will have more and more things to consider, and it will become difficult to make progress."

Weizet then said: "If you have the chance, you can try to ask your uncle for advice."

Harry was a little confused, "Teach him what to do?"

Weizet said, "Teach him a fourteen line and see if he can recite a fourteen line."

"He will never be able to recite a poem!" Harry pursed his lips and tried to hold back a smile, a picture emerged in his mind -

If this question were asked, Uncle Vernon would definitely blush and growl in a low voice, "Why should I recite it to you?"

"But he's good with drills..." He took a long breath and let it out quickly.

"I understand what you mean!" There was a sincere smile on his face, "Weizet, I really don't know how to thank you..."

Dumbledore had a satisfied smile on his face. What Weizet said just now was actually what he wanted to say.

If Vizet speaks these words, the effect will definitely be better than what he said himself...

Chapter 63 Can’t even use the cutting spell?

Just as Weizet expected, the final trend of this riot in the Forbidden Forest was to evolve into a large-scale practical lesson.

The first thing Dumbledore did when he returned was to imprison several huge trolls and then burn a small half of the Acromantula to ashes.

After solving these hidden dangers, the remaining magical creatures are simply not enough to see;

It is extremely difficult for them to truly break through the defense line composed of magic plants, armor, statues and professors.

With his appearance, the students also became excited. The students who originally planned to stay in the auditorium were willing to come out and face these magical creatures with the professors.

The professors are also happy to see such a scene, occasionally missing a few magical creatures and letting the students deal with them.

In this process, Gryffindor students saw another side of their dean;

Professor McGonagall was particularly enthusiastic and would constantly tell the students within the defense line that if there were any magical creatures that could not be eliminated, they must tell her;

Once a student calls for help and expresses something like being in danger or almost being hit, an armor or statue will fall from the sky and easily knock out the corresponding magical creature to the ground.

Faced with this situation, Fred looked strange, "George, don't you think Professor McGonagall is a little... abnormal?"

"Abnormal? All petrified!" George restrained a red hat that slipped in. "It seems a bit... like we are tinkering with magic fireworks together?"

"Where did Harry go? Why hasn't he come back yet?" Ron looked around, hearing the conversation between Fred and George, and also noticed the look on Professor McGonagall's face.

"It feels like what Professor McGonagall is doing now... is like me playing wizard chess... Hey! How cool would it be if I could play such a big wizard chess game!"

"Mr. Ron Weasley!" Professor McGonagall suddenly shouted.

"Oops!" Ron shrank his neck subconsciously, "Professor McGonagall will definitely criticize me and tell me not to keep thinking about playing wizard chess..."

"Come here and watch for me..." Professor McGonagall said, "If you see any students who need support, tell me immediately!"

Ron was stunned for a moment, then picked his ears, as if he couldn't believe what he just heard, "Huh? Professor McGonagall, what did you just say?"

Professor McGonagall continued: "At the end of last school year, Principal Dumbledore once praised you for wizard chess. Now it is time for you to show your talents!"

Looking at Ron who was scratching his head and walking forward, Fred said in an uncertain tone: "Is this... a code match?"

"That should be it, right?" George whistled, "Why don't you care! Anyway, Professor McGonagall is much more kind now!"

The last evil bird flew back to the Forbidden Forest, and the Forbidden Forest finally calmed down.

Professor McGonagall showed extraordinary physical strength and energy. She asked the other professors to go back to rest first, and she stayed to stay vigil to prevent possible fish from slipping through the net and ensure that the riot was completely over.

The students who left the lawn and the auditorium couldn't help but stand in awe of Professor McGonagall when they saw the armors and statues patrolling at the end of the lawn.

It was not until early the next morning that Professor McGonagall faced the bright morning light and waved her wand to return the armor and statue to their positions;

The students who were attracted by the noise also respected Professor McGonagall even more when they saw the energetic Professor McGonagall.

In the following period, lessons related to those magical animals were conducted outside the castle.

For example, in the Care of Magical Creatures class, Sylvanus Kettleburn uses them as examples to teach students how to deal with these magical creatures if they encounter them outside of school.

The same was true for the Potions class. Snape took the senior students out of the classroom and went to the grass to start teaching outdoors.

Since there is a conflict, there will inevitably be casualties. What are stored in the magic energy fields are the corpses of various magical creatures.

Senior students participating in outdoor classes need to complete the decomposition and processing of these corpses under the guidance of Snape.

Originally, many senior students were so confident that they even practiced cutting spells with their wands in hand, looking eager to try;

However, when they saw Snape raising his wand and dissecting magical creatures with an expressionless face, carefully separating each part, the confidence in their hearts suddenly disappeared;

"Do you see clearly?" Snape picked up a white cloth and slowly wiped off the blood on his hands. "Next...it's your turn. Team up as a group of four and start taking action!"

Looking at the magical creature lying on the table, these senior students looked at each other. They stiffly raised their wands, like freshmen who had just learned the cutting spell, and tremblingly sliced ​​open the fur of the magical creature.

Next, is the moment Snape is most looking forward to...

"Are you dissecting or torturing me? Such a precious opportunity has been wasted by you!"

"Ah... I have been at Hogwarts for five or six years... and you are still at this level. I doubt whether you are wizards after all!"

"I can help you apply and let you go back to the first grade and learn the cutting spell again. Can't you even recite the spell well? It's torn apart! Torn apart!"

"I will tell you... can a new student complete these? Be sure to close your eyes tightly when you sleep at night! Otherwise, I think... you will see them turn into ghosts and float around in front of you!"

At noon, the senior students returned to the castle after their Potions class. Their expressions were very consistent, with earth-colored faces and dull eyes.

They staggered towards the auditorium and directly collided with several wizards with unfamiliar faces.

The wizards seemed to be in a hurry and walked up the marble stairs without quarreling with them.

"Those wizards talk so unpleasantly!"

Some students frowned disapprovingly.


Suddenly a student reacted.

"Those wizards...have we met before?"

"I think I've seen it before... I've seen it somewhere..."

Some students looked up and saw the gemstone rings on the hands of the strange wizards.

"I remembered! It's them! They're from the school board!"

"They must be causing trouble for Principal Dumbledore again! It's so annoying!"

With the diversion of these wizards, the senior students finally recovered a little, and they all ran to the auditorium, planning to share the unexpected news.

They were so familiar with the walk from the Great Hall to the House's long table. After a while, they came to the Hufflepuff table and told them what they had just seen and heard.

After class, the students left the classroom one after another and noticed this group of menacing wizards.

Watch them arrive in front of the gargoyle statue, ascend the spiral staircase and gradually disappear from sight.

The school directors, headed by Parkinson and Yaxley, slammed the door of the principal's office, "Dumbledore, I think we need an explanation!"

What greeted them was an extremely calm "Please come in"...

Chapter 64 Don’t disturb the sleeping dragon

Dumbledore put the dinner plate aside, stood up and greeted cheerfully, "Good afternoon, everyone."

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