Terry asked, "What's in the bottle? Is it a seed?"

"The seed of Airship Lee." Wizer nodded, raised the pendant and introduced, "This is the Airship Lee pendant, which can improve the ability to accept abnormal things."

Anthony frowned, "Airship Lee? Improve the ability to accept abnormal things? Will it keep me awake in History of Magic class?"

"Professor Binns's courses have a special magic." Weizet smiled, "If you adapt to his tone, you will definitely gain something."

"As for the special effects of Blimp Lee, Luna told me that it will vary from person to person. At least for me, Blimp Lee's effect is outstanding."

Terry was a little eager to try, "Then will you plant these seeds? We can try it then!"

Michael immediately joked: "Maybe you need a clever sister who can help you make pendants..."

Weizet didn't pay attention to his roommate's quarrel, his mind was on Luna's reply.

Luna's reply was very simple, describing her day in a long and steady stream.

She harvested blimp plums in the garden, tasted sweet chocolate frogs, and painted a picture in her bedroom...

He also mentioned Xenophilius' praise of him and the airship Lee pendant, hoping that the pendant could bring inspiration to him.

Weizet hung the pendant around his neck and looked at the red airship Lee. His mind seemed to travel through the Scottish Highlands and return to the garden full of strange magical plants...


There is also a Transfiguration class in the afternoon, and Ravenclaw needs to share the class with Gryffindor.

When Weizet walked into the classroom, he saw many Gryffindors standing beside the podium.

Before Professor McGonagall entered the classroom, they tried their best to tease the tabby cat on the podium.

They were laughing and playing, but they still couldn't make the tabby cat move at all.

Weizet frowned. Seeing this tabby cat, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He seemed to have seen it before.

Soon, he thought that when he faced the rune snake, an identical cat had appeared before, and that cat was actually the transformation of Professor McGonagall.

Faced with the joyful atmosphere of Gryffindor, the roommates also wanted to join in the fun, but Weizet quickly called them to stop them.

Anthony sat in his seat, still paying attention to the tabby cat, "Don't you like cats? The patterns on that cat are so beautiful, especially the black spots around the eyes, which are like mirror frames!"

"This is not just a cat," Wieset explained, "it's..."

Before he could finish his explanation, the loud school bell rang.

The tabby cat squatting on the podium turned from silence to movement, took a big step forward, and transformed into a human form in the air.

"Professor McGonagall."

"Professor McGonagall!" the Gryffindors screamed, returning to their seats at great speed.

They tightened their faces and put on serious expressions, sitting upright in an attempt to get through.

Anthony said with lingering fear: "How did you figure it out?"

Wizette whispered: "You just said it yourself, the dark spots around the eyes look like mirror frames. Such patterns are rare."

Professor McGonagall had a serious expression and said loudly: "Perhaps in your opinion, transformation magic is like a cat that you can tease at will without paying any price."

"However, in fact... this is the most complex and dangerous magic that you can come into contact with in school. I don't want you to get hurt or even lose your life because of it."

"Anyone who wants to be naughty in class, I will let him leave here forever! Lest he encounter an accident because of his arrogance. Please keep this in mind!"

Seeing the students nodding their heads, she softened her tone and said, "As your first Transfiguration Magic class, what you need to master most is not the spell, but caution."

"Be cautious about transformation magic. Even if it looks like a cat, you must be careful to prevent it from turning into the thing you fear most."

"That's it for the admonishment. Turn to the fourth page of the "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" and start learning about the techniques for performing transfiguration magic..."

Transfiguration magic is indeed a complex subject.

Although Weizet copied the "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" into a book, he still had only a partial understanding of its contents.

At this time, an excellent leader is particularly important, and Professor McGonagall is just such a leader.

She deconstructed the textbook content based on her own experience, and the originally difficult and obscure theory of transformation was no longer so difficult to understand.

Half a class later, Professor McGonagall finished the theory from the shallower to the deeper, and officially entered the practical operation phase.

She gave each student in the class a match, and the students had to do something simple - turn the match into a needle.

After enduring half a class of theoretical knowledge, the students couldn't wait to start practicing.

For a moment, the classroom was filled with the sound of chanting mantras.

As Professor McGonagall said, transformation magic looks as cute as a cat, but in fact it can be extremely difficult and dangerous.

After a burst of colorful magic light, the matches in front of some students burst into loud noises, instantly exploding into countless sparks and flying around.

Professor McGonagall has quick eyes and quick hands, waving her wand to turn the scattered sparks into birds.

The little bird made a sweet cry, circled in the sky over the classroom, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Focus! Be careful!" Professor McGonagall shouted loudly: "You need to have a clearer goal! Imagine the shape, size and texture of the needle!"

Such a light-hearted transformation magic greatly increased the students' passion for practice.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall inspected the table where Vizette was.

She noticed from just now that Vizette did not cast the spell immediately, but closed his eyes and started imagining.

As if sensing Professor McGonagall's gaze, Vizette opened his eyes.

Through the imagination just now, he constructed a clear enough image, and now only needed the assistance of the spell.

"Change in a proper way!"

Chapter 36 Keep the essence

The feeling of performing transformation magic is wonderful.

With the help of the spell, Vizette's consciousness covered the surface of the match, as if it turned into a pair of hands, and could knead the match at will.

He had a sense of déjà vu, dreaming back to his childhood playing with mud in his previous life.

Clear goal.

A silver needle appeared in Vizette's mind. He drove his consciousness to knead the match, and the match really began to stretch and become pointed.

More details are needed...

He tried to replicate every detail of the silver needle as much as possible.

It should have a shiny silver metal color...The needle tip should be more delicate...There should be a pinhole that can lead the wire...

The matches on the table kept changing their appearance, the edges of the matches became softer, and the red and wood colors on the surface gradually faded;

The bright luster of the metal became more and more obvious, and the shape of the matches became longer and longer, and the ends kept shrinking to form a sharp needle tip...

"This is the first time I cast a spell, and it actually worked?" Anthony glanced at the matches in front of him and couldn't help but praise, "Isn't this too fast?"

Professor McGonagall also nodded gently, approving of Anthony's words.

Transfiguration magic requires not only caution, but also sufficient patience and imagination.

Vizet took the first step of closing his eyes and imagining, and did not rush to act, which was a manifestation of caution.

Professor McGonagall saw the orderly change process, each step was steady, and he did not rush for success, but changed little by little, which was a manifestation of patience.

Vizet has not stopped casting, obviously because the magic has not been truly completed.

A pinhole for threading appeared at the end of the silver needle, and fine lines appeared on the surface.

Professor McGonagall leaned over to observe and found that it was a mistletoe pattern.

The mistletoe pattern was the finishing touch, making this silver needle not just a daily necessity, but more valuable.

Generating complex patterns through will is the role of imagination, which is an advantage unique to wizards.

She held the silver needle in her hand and shouted loudly: "Mr. Lovegood completed this magic and successfully turned the match into a silver needle! Ravenclaw plus five points!"

The students looked up and looked at her at the same time.

"Get bigger quickly!" Professor McGonagall cast a magic spell, and the tiny silver needle quickly stretched and thickened, turning into a beautifully carved awl.

She raised the awl and gestured to the students, "Everyone can see, this is a very successful transformation magic! In addition to the pinhole, Mr. Lovegood also created beautiful patterns!"

"Not only did he create a silver needle, but there are also patterns on it..." Anthony patted Vizette's shoulder heavily, "You are like this... It makes me feel very stressed!"

"Stop the spell!" Professor McGonagall restored the silver needle to its original size, "Vizzette, good job!"

"Thank you!" Vizette took the silver needle and suddenly thought of a question: "Professor McGonagall, is this needle now wood or metal?"

"Very interesting question." Professor McGonagall smiled, "You only changed the appearance of the match, so it is still wood. "

Vizet asked: "Can the essence of the match be changed through transfiguration magic and turned into a real silver needle?"

"Of course, but I don't recommend you to do that." Professor McGonagall patiently explained, "The danger of transfiguration magic comes from this."

"For dead things, changing the essence may just make it less fragile and better used by people. But what if you change your own essence?"

"After changing your essence, are you still you? Having a real steel body means that your essence also needs to become steel, and your original essence will be lost."

"The essence will be lost?" Vizet opened his mouth and felt a chill rising from his back.

Professor McGonagall saw Vizet's fear and nodded gently, "This is the essence. In my opinion, the essence of a wizard comes from his thoughts and wishes, that is, the soul. "

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