[If you see a panther on the roadside or in a tree, please do not approach, touch, or look at it. There are many meat hanging in the area, and a well-fed panther will not attack anyone. ]

[The panther is a magical animal that looks like a puma. It has no mane on its neck, a tuft of hair at the end of its tail, a uniform body, medium-length limbs, and short body hair. ]

[If you have seen a panther with wide ears, it is likely a catkin that has been harmed by the Swelling Curse. Please contact the Magical Congress immediately. 】

After reading the content on the sign, Vizet couldn't help laughing, "It looks... a bit like a weird story."

"Weird story?" Luna blinked, "Is it what Muggles call an urban weird story?"

"Yes... But this should be a simple warning." Vizet nodded, "I learned about a past event when I was making plans two days ago."

"There was a wizard in Cincinnati who claimed to have tamed a cat-leopard. After the Magic Congress conducted a surprise inspection, it was discovered that this wizard was only good at the expansion spell."

"The enlarged cat-leopard is somewhat similar to the cat-leopard. Some wizards who don't know enough will be fooled and buy it home at a high price as a pet to guard the house."

Luna looked at the sign in a daze, "But I think... This weird story is also a very interesting idea. Dad should like it!"

"Then let's take a photo here!" Vizet suggested, "Share it with Mr. Lovegood when the time comes."


Walk a little further inside, there will be wizard vendors.

They were selling amulets, which looked like a small net bag with a few feathers of the evil bird tied around it. They looked good.

According to the wizard vendor, this amulet can filter dreams. Only good dreams can pass through the net bag and flow into the wizard's dreamland along the feathers;

nightmares will be trapped in the net. When the sun rises the next day, these stranded nightmares will be eliminated by the sun.

Perhaps there were not many wizards met today, or there may be other reasons. The wizard vendor was particularly enthusiastic and kept talking about how good and precious the amulet was.

Luna listened to the wizard vendor's words very patiently, but finally shook her head and refused: "Sir, thank you for saying so much..."

"But now every dream I have... is a good dream, and I have never had a nightmare, so I think there are other people who need it more than me!"

Looking at Luna's smile, the wizard vendor was speechless for a while.

Although he thought this might be an excuse to shirk, he felt that what Luna said was true.

In the end, he could only nod his head, thinking about sales tactics while continuing to look for the next buyer.

In addition to selling amulets, there were also wizard vendors selling snacks along the way.

This is a snack similar to zongzi. The cornmeal needs to be seasoned in advance, wrapped in corn husks and steamed, and finally peeled out and fried, and eaten with sweetened sour cream.

The taste is not satisfactory, at least Luna is very happy to eat it, but Vizette thinks that too much sugar is added, so it is a bit too sweet.

The two finally came to the lake in Central Park. Through the clear lake water, they can see many floating horned water snakes.

After asking the nearby breeder to confirm that it can be fed, Luna took out a small piece of meat and dripped a small drop of magic potion on it.

Before the piece of meat even had time to enter the water, a horned water snake jumped out of the water, swallowed the piece of meat into its mouth, and glided a short distance in the air before returning to the water.

As the name suggests, the long-horned water snake has colorful skin and horns on its head. It can even drive water to attack with its horns.

The long-horned water snake that can glide is a rarer and more precious species;

It has a gem on its forehead. It is said that with simple processing, it can give magic props the ability to be invisible and fly;

The Firebolt is the fastest flying broom today. It is said that a little bit of this gem powder is added during the production process.

The time of playing always passes very quickly. Before we know it, a silver tabby cat landed from the air and jumped in front of Vizzet.

The tabby cat patronus made the voice of Professor McGonagall, "Vizzet, Luna, you can come over."

Chapter 77 The Magic Congress hidden in the Woolworth Building

Unlike the English Ministry of Magic, the headquarters of the Magic Congress is even more peculiar. It is hidden in the Woolworth Building.

This skyscraper was built in 1913 and was the tallest building in the world at that time. It has 57 floors and is 241 meters high.

When Vizet and Luna were flying in the air, they only needed to pay a little attention to see this Gothic-style building.

Just as they dived down and were about to dive into the alley, a peregrine falcon suddenly appeared.

Vizet immediately subconsciously approached Luna and protected her.

The peregrine falcon should also be an Animagus, and its falling speed was faster than theirs, piercing the ground like a sharp arrow.

When the two of them regained their human form in the alley, there was a clear sound of footsteps and the sound of small objects colliding in the distance.

The visitor was a middle-aged wizard with a darker brown skin and a lot of decorations on his body;

One of the decorations was extremely strange, including feathers, sharp beaks, and claws, which was the source of the collision sound just now.

The man had thin cheeks, high cheekbones and deep eye sockets, revealing a serious temperament similar to Professor McGonagall;

He looked at Wizette and Luna with a kind smile on his face, "Mr. Wizette Lovegood... right? President Dumbledore has mentioned you a lot recently."

President Dumbledore?

Dumbledore has many titles. If you call him president, he is most likely a member of the International Confederation of Wizards;

Combined with the man's appearance, a very similar serious temperament, and the instructions given to him by Dumbledore...

Wizette asked tentatively: "Are you...Mr. Babajide Akinbad?"

"It's me!" Babajide Akinbad responded, "It's really better to be famous than to meet. Even in Wagadu, it is extremely difficult to complete the Animagus at your age."

The three of them were walking on Broadway, chatting briefly as they passed through the busy traffic.

During the chat, Babajide Akinbad told Vizette and Luna that in addition to serving as the vice president of the International Federation of Wizards, he was also a member of the International Animagus Symposium.

He talked about his feelings after reading that paper, "I was really amazed at that time! Your understanding of Animagus really made me feel ashamed..."

"Mr. Akinbad, you are really flattering!" Weizet waved his hand, "I still have a lot to learn..."

"Maybe it's because of the school's atmosphere, which allows me to devote myself to studying better. This is also my duty as a student. I just happen to be good at this..."

"Yes! School is the best place for learning." Babajide Akinbad agreed, "No wonder President Dumbledore admires you so much."

"I heard President Dumbledore say... Hogwarts seems to be planning to conduct in-depth research on the subject of Animagus. You should participate in it, right?"

"I do have some further ideas." Weizet did not deny it. "I have been studying moonstone recently... and plan to use this as a breakthrough."

"Moonstone?" Babajide Akinbad asked curiously, "Have you noticed that moonstone has any special effects?"

"We have just started researching it now." Vizette nodded, "I plan to use this as a knocking brick to knock on the door of the second Animagus form."

"The second Animagus form? That's really amazing!" Babajide Akinbad exclaimed calmly and naturally.

He asked a few more questions, then casually changed the topic and started talking about herbal medicine.

Only then did he realize that Wizette was far more outstanding than he had imagined, and he also had a high reserve of knowledge about the properties of various herbs.

Wizette naturally understood that Babajide Akinbad would turn to other topics, and naturally did not want to expose too much;

In fact, as he and Dumbledore expected, as the second-in-command of the International Federation of Wizards, it is obviously not that easy to take the bait, so now it is just a stage of laying bait to make a nest.

Unknowingly, the three of them arrived at the downstairs of the Woolworth Building. Like the pedestrians around them, they filed into the large turnstile;

But in the blink of an eye, Weizet appeared in front of a church-like, brightly lit hall;

There is a large clock hanging in mid-air. The dial does not display the time, but the words "Magic Exposure Threat Level" are marked on it.

There is also a tall monument directly in front, on which are engraved the names of many people who were victims of the Salem Witch Trials;

"The History of Magic" briefly mentions the "Salem Witch Trials", which was a trial similar to the "Witch Hunt";

It took place in the late seventeenth century. Only a few of the victims were wizards, and most of them were ordinary people.

"Hey! Tell me your name! I need to register your contact information!" Suddenly a guard not far away shouted, "Stop quickly! Everyone is petrified!"

Babajide Akinbad frowned slightly, and quickly grabbed Vizette and Luna by their arms, pulling them aside to avoid being hit by the running figures.

The human image has good practical experience. With his back to the guard, he made a timely turn and narrowly escaped the flying full-body restraint spell.

Weizet could barely see the figure's appearance and felt that it looked familiar, but he couldn't name it specifically.

The figure was wearing a tattered robe, looking like a homeless man. His expression looked very lonely, with deep worry lingering between his brows.

"You're so lucky?" the guard gasped and muttered, "I wonder if he took too many painkillers? He looks nervous... hallucinating?"

Babajide Ajinbade asked: “Sir, what just happened?”

The guard frowned and said: "They said there was an attack... but when I asked him about the specific time or what other information he had, he hesitated..."

"I wanted to take him to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to at least explain the matter clearly and register his information... and then he ran away..."

"Weizet, Luna, are you okay?" Professor McGonagall's voice sounded, "Mr. Akinbad, long time no see!"

"Long time no see!" Babajide Akinbad nodded, "I still have something to do... Why don't we wait until the seminar is over and let's have a good chat at the dinner?"

"Of course, see you at the dinner." Professor McGonagall nodded and focused her attention on Weizet, "What happened just now? I heard a noise in the waiting room, so I came over to take a look."

"A mysterious wizard..." explained Vizzet, "he said there would be an attack, but he ran away before he could finish his words."

"I heard what the guard said..." Professor McGonagall sighed, "both wizards and Muggles here tend to abuse drugs."

Just then, two more people came through the revolving door and appeared beside Vizzet and his friends.

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