"I suddenly understood why President Dumbledore was willing to stay in school. It is a relatively simple place... There are not too many complicated relationships, which is very suitable for learning."

"After graduation, when you need to consider more things... Life will become more and more complicated, and it will become more and more difficult to find the simple feeling at the beginning."

"You must cherish this time of learning." Vizet nodded, "Principal Dumbledore also said so to me."

Following the path into the Wizard Central Park, the two chatted for a long time.

Luna's focus was on both sides of the path. There were many animals around, which looked more like a zoo than a formal zoo.

This is an international seminar for Animagus, so naturally you will see Animagus from all over the world;

The most conspicuous ones are naturally elephants and giraffes, which are Animagus from Africa.

However, there are also wizards who communicate with each other. They occasionally divert their attention and focus their eyes on Vizet, which is also seen by Luna.


Akinbad sighed, "I didn't expect that so many things would happen in just a regular seminar. I originally planned to take advantage of these few days to get together with other wizards and recommend your paper."

"As a result, because of the dragon attack, I had to take my colleagues from the International Confederation of Wizards and worked for a long time. Fortunately, with the help of Ms. Minerva, this seminar was successfully held."

"In the final analysis, Animagus is too niche, and there are many dangers in the practice process. It takes a lot of time and energy to succeed..."

"In this way, it will become difficult for us to publish academic journals specifically. We can only strengthen our contact in the form of seminars."

Vizet agreed: "It is indeed a niche advanced transformation magic. In addition, due to its special nature, there may be many Animagus... who are unwilling to Register."

"There is also the problem of unwillingness to share..." Akinbad smiled helplessly, "I am actually really surprised... Hogwarts is really generous!"

"They are willing to publish such a paper without setting any threshold, so that all Animagus can see it... It's just that the time is too short and it can't be widely disseminated."

"Wagadu actually has a lot of secrets... But because of the magic contract, we can't reveal it to the outside world... In addition, the special nature of African wizards and magic..."

"For us, Animagus is one of the feathers of the male peacock, which is our capital for showing off. We must maintain it and it is difficult to push it forward..."

For these things, Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore talked about it, so Vizet was not surprised at all.

After thinking for a while, Vizet said, "Mr. Akinbad, maybe we can take another step..."

Before Akinbad replied, a cheetah next to him suddenly pounced on him and turned into a human form in the air.

A tall African wizard hugged him, "Akinbade, you've been too busy lately! You missed the party last night! They all want to see you!"

"Vizert, see you later..." Akinbade said, "I'll go over and catch up with my old friend."

Vizert nodded, "Okay, see you later, Mr. Akinbade!"

Luna came to Vizert and whispered to him, "This international seminar...maybe it will be like the Runespoor..."

"Runespoor?" Vizert murmured, "The paper is still circulating in Europe...The lack of communication among Animagus may indeed cause disputes..."

The next situation is actually imaginable.

At the end of the argument, perhaps he needs to make the final explanation, after all, he is the publisher of that paper...

Chapter 110 Animagus in Europe

After Akinbade left, Vizette took out a notebook from his pocket and wrote a memo:

[Mr. Babajide Akinbade...graduated from Vagadu...often supplies mature mandrake...not for special needs such as hallucinations...]

He connected the phrases in the memo and extended a sentence: [New discovery of Vagadu Animagus. ]

As the most prosperous magic school for Animagus, it is normal to make new breakthroughs in Animagus after Vizette left the "other world".

Limited by the protection of the magic contract, even if Vizette had some speculation, it would be difficult to get an answer from the African wizard;

All he could do was to try to deduce what characteristics Vagado was going to use and what to do with this characteristic based on this speculation;

At present, he has two research directions. One is about Animagus itself, which may be beneficial to the transformation of the second form;

The second is about the failure of Animagus practice. The mature Mandrake leaves may have a miraculous effect, which can prevent wizards from suffering more sequelae and return to normal life as soon as possible.

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded, "Vizette, Luna, you are here."

Beside her was a witch, Sophie Cliona, who had met once before, the editor of "Today's Transfiguration" and one of the judges of the "Most Promising Newcomer Award";

She also has another identity, a descendant of the famous Animagus Cliona;

However, when Weizet followed Professor McGonagall to the Ministry of Magic to register, he did not see Sophie Cliona's name on the Animagus roster.

After a brief chat, Weizet learned that Sophie Cliona had not officially become an Animagus until a thunderstorm last month.

"How should I describe this feeling..." Sophie Cliona said, "Even though I often communicated with Minerva before, I never had that particularly solid feeling..."

"Later I read your paper and pondered and understood it for a long time... It seemed that I suddenly found the direction... This is really a wonderful thing..."

"My ancestor is the famous Animagus. As her descendant, I have always wanted to become an Animagus. Now my dream has truly come true!"

"This is a very strange situation." Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "It's not just Sophie... I just talked with my friends in France..."

"A member of the Lapan family also suddenly felt enlightened after reading your paper, and then started to practice Animagus..."

"The progress is going well at the moment. Maybe we just need to wait for a heavy rain, and then we can be bathed in thunder and lightning... and officially become an Animagus."

"The Lapan family..." Luna blinked, "Dad told me about this family... In one of the stories written by the poet Beedle, the prototype of the character seems to be the wizard of this family."

"Yes, that's that family!" Sophie Cliona nodded, "They took pleasure in pleasing the Muggle King. After harming Charles VI of France, they came to us to harm Henry VI."

"So... French wizards are just like that. They always like to flaunt their etiquette and decorum... What's the reality? They actually like to make fun of Muggles... and they also involve us..."

Due to some historical reasons, wizards from England and France usually make sarcastic comments when evaluating each other in private. This is not surprising.

Professor McGonagall took Vizette and Luna with him, and met many Animagus from Europe;

When they knew Weizet's name, they all showed great kindness and affirmation to him, and were amazed by Weizet's youth.

During the chat, Weizet discovered one thing. It seemed that in the past six months, the European Animagus had a particularly high probability of success;

But any wizard who has read that paper, as long as he understands the content thoroughly, starts Animagus exercises, and welcomes thunderstorms at the right time, there seems to be no failure.

When talking about which Animagus form to obtain, Weizet will ask some questions to understand the personalities of these Animagus, or whether they keep pets in daily life;

These are precious information that can help him expand the theory of Animagus and complete the entire set of Animagus magic.

Before the International Animagus Symposium officially started, Weizet came to Professor McGonagall and asked: "Professor McGonagall, is it because I entered the 'other world' that this change occurred?"

Professor McGonagall nodded, "At least in my opinion, so many similar situations will occur at the same time, and it should be inseparable from you."

Luna said with emotion: "It's like a morning star, able to guide people in the right direction?"

"That's a good description." Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "I very much agree with this statement."

Animagus research is most prosperous in Africa, and the organizers of recent seminars have been African wizards;

Babajide Akinbade was responsible for presiding over the seminar. After a brief opening speech, introducing the theme and agenda of the seminar, it was time for members to speak.

The order of speeches continued as before, with Animagus from Africa taking the stage first to publish relevant research during this period.

The related research topics are all kinds of strange, and just like the first step in the practice method, two African wizards expressed their opinions;

One of the African wizards talked about how to plan your time to ensure that holding the mandrake leaves in your mouth does not affect your normal work and life.

Some African wizards talked about the pronunciation and chanting techniques of the spell "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus";

Analyze the psychological and physiological effects of mantras, as well as the feeling and analysis of resonance with the heartbeat;

Some African wizards talked about how to strengthen themselves, because when the Animagus transforms for the first time, there are usually some unprecedented feelings;

In order to avoid accidents, you can try not to use a magic wand and spend a whole day with a poisonous snake or a lion to temper your state of mind and avoid unnecessary tension when you actually transform.

Also benefiting from the prosperity of Animagus, the more African wizards participate, the more effective information they can obtain, which will then feed back to Animagus research, forming a virtuous cycle.

The current Animagus research in Europe, due to various accidents, is dominated by Vizette's papers. If Vizette wants to obtain more information, he can only get more information through the speeches of these African wizards.

While Weizet was enjoying taking notes, the atmosphere of the seminar gradually changed.

Many European Animagus stood up and began to question some of the research of African Animagus. The atmosphere of the seminar was facing a tendency to heat up and fall into quarrels...

Chapter 111 Tolerant Chrysalis

The Animagus International Seminar is still going on. Weizet didn't pay much attention to the increasingly heavy tone.

He filtered out the insignificant tone and tension just like filtering Professor Binns's drawling, and absorbed all the opinions that collided when they were arguing.

After all, a person's power is limited. Even if he solves many problems by "drawing inferences from one instance to another", there will always be negligence;

It's like a small shadow under a street lamp. There must be other light to dispel this shadow;

Weizet enjoyed this international seminar very much. The collision of opinions from all parties was like a beacon, dispelling the shadow that was difficult to detect due to negligence bit by bit.

Lorenzo Flores from Mexico also took the stage to present some research results he had achieved after practicing Animagus.

Castrobus is a magic school in South America. Thanks to its unique geographical environment, the students here are not only good at herbology, but also study various magical animals, including various creatures.

As a graduate of Castrobusa, Lorenzo Flores was naturally good at these two subjects;

Before deciding to practice Animagus, he not only communicated with Babajide Akinbade, but also went through some preparations and read various materials before officially starting the practice;

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