"So I had a question...how do you make mature mandrake blades effective? And how do you make grimace hawkmoth pupae effective?"

Wizette replied:

"The entire set of Animagus exercises involves a lot of materials, which naturally includes... no exposure to sunlight or dew from living creatures for seven days."

"The superposition of 'seven days' and 'dew that has not been touched by living things' can achieve inner cleansing and rebirth."

"Among them, the magical property of 'rebirth' is the magic property that we need to use... At this time, we need to think about what other liquids can have the property of 'rebirth'."

A wizard said tentatively: "Seven weeks of dew instead?"

Another wizard also offered his own idea: "Or... dew from lotus petals?"

Wizer nodded and expressed his thoughts, "You can use the Living Hell Decoction!"

"Living Hell Potion!"

"A potion instead of dew?"

"Living Hell Decoction...I remember it only works on humans, right?"

"Yes! If you touch those materials, they will be corroded directly, right?"

Weizet said confidently: "Living Hell Decoction, also called 'Water of Life and Death', there is no more suitable substitute. The worries you mentioned..."

"In fact, it is also a way of testing! If the Living Hell Decoction can contain other materials, doesn't it mean that we are only one step away from success?"

Chapter 115 What are the characteristics of Sleepy Bean?

Living Hell Decoction is a very special potion. Under normal circumstances, when it comes into contact with other substances, it will quickly have a strong corrosive effect.

The strange thing is that it is also a powerful sleeping pill. After drinking it, creatures will fall into a deep sleep, and even their physiological characteristics will stop, as if they have lost signs of life.

It is precisely because of this that it has the nickname "Water of Life and Death".

"Mr. Lovegood, I can understand the point of 'rebirth'!" Magnus Gustafson blushed, but still raised his hand firmly, trying to understand the principle.

"But besides that...do you have other deep meanings? Otherwise, you wouldn't have chosen such a...more powerful potion, right? I really want to know why you chose it!"

After Magnus Gustafsson finished speaking, many people present nodded in agreement with these words.

Weizet said: "I think everyone should know that when brewing the living hell decoction, the juice of the sleepy bean needs to be used."

"This is a thick silver juice. If the juice is taken directly, it can produce a similar effect to the forgetting spell, removing the memory of the user."

"There is a strange thing worth noting. If it is used as a potion material and brewed into a living hell decoction, the effect disappears."

"But according to Professor Snape's research, the effect of removing the memory has not disappeared... but has been transferred to the loss of physiological characteristics!"

"In other words, Sleepy Bean's 'forgetting' magical property still exists, but it just causes the human body to lose its memory and forget things that it can do naturally."

"This is really a groundbreaking discovery!" a wizard exclaimed, "Mr. Lovegood, is the person you are talking about... a professor who teaches at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, he is a very powerful potion master!" Wizette nodded repeatedly, "But he is relatively low-key and rarely publishes papers to the outside world."

Hearing these words, the wizards present nodded, and it seemed that they could vaguely construct an image - an old scholar who focused on studying potions and had no interest in worldly affairs.

"A potion master as a professor..." Babajide Akinbad was also moved, "It's a pity that my child has graduated."

Professor McGonagall on the side laughed dumbly and didn't know how to speak for a moment;

Not all students were like Weizet, able to get Snape to share some secrets;

Even students from Slytherin House can only get some preferential treatment at most, and that's it.

Weizet's focus is still on the Living Hell Decoction. "The Living Hell Decoction also uses valerian root. Valerian is a very special magical plant. Its leaves have 'calming' magical properties..."

"The branches of Valerian have the magical property of 'forgetting' and are also one of the ingredients of the Forgetting Potion. The roots, like the roots of various plants, have very similar 'guiding' magical properties."

"It is with the help of the 'guiding' magical properties of valerian root that the 'forgetting' magical properties of sleepy beans are transferred to the human body and stop various physiological characteristics."

"That must be it! I seem to understand!" A Brazilian wizard couldn't help but exclaimed, "We need to modify the formula of the Living Hell Potion! We must abandon the valerian root!"

"Without the 'guiding' magical properties of valerian root, the 'forgetting' magical properties of sleepy beans will not be transferred and can directly take effect on the soul!"

"I seem to really understand!" He clapped his hands suddenly, "Through the magical property of 'forgetting', the deception and subversion that Mr. Lovegood mentioned before can be truly established!"

After Weizet explained it in such detail, many wizards with more experience now realized that they had truly followed Weizet's thinking.

Ajinbad was also one of them. He came to Vizette and asked: "Vizette, you should still need moonlight, right?

"But the full moon was last week... Do we need to wait for the next full moon?"

Weizet looked at the sky and said: "There are very few clouds today, which is considered a good weather..."

"The catalysis of moonlight is essential, but it doesn't have to be so strong. It's the last quarter moon...actually it's enough."

Ajinbad continued to ask: "Please confirm what materials are needed... We can help prepare them."

"Then I'll trouble you..." Weizet took out a piece of paper from his pocket and listed the required materials on it.

"A sufficiently clear bottle... mature mandrake leaves... ghost-faced hawkmoth pupae... mugwort infusion... moon dew flowers, moon dew flower roots... sleepy beans... non-silver daggers... crucible... …”

Akinbad looked at the list and asked: "Weizet, are there any other important points regarding the Living Hell Decoction? I remember that when dealing with sleepy beans, you need to use a silver dagger. Here is..."

"Silver has magical 'purifying' properties that weaken the effects of the sleepy bean, allowing the valerian root to better channel it," Wieset explains.

"We don't need to weaken the effect of Sleepy Beans, so we have to change it to non-silver to enhance the effect of Sleepy Beans."

"So that's it!" Ajinbad nodded, "And this place... I remember that the living hell decoction seemed to use narcissus root."

Weizet continued to explain: "This is to avoid accidents. If the moonlight is not enough, moon dew flowers can have a good supplementary effect compared to narcissus root."

"There is also the Moon Dew Flower Root, which can also play a guiding role, but when used in conjunction with the Moon Dew Flower, it can guide the moonlight, also to avoid accidents."

"Are you considering testing the medicine?" Ajinbad responded, "If you don't mind, I'm willing to test the medicine."

"Mr. Akinbad, I must make it clear!" Weizet's tone became serious, "This is a new potion formula, and there are real risks!"

Ajinbad shook his head slightly, "Magic always comes with accidents and risks. As a member of the International Federation of Wizards, I have seen too many."

"Your theory is very feasible, so I am very confident! So I am willing to try the medicine, not to take a gamble."

"I just think I can be faster than others...become the Animagus who can cast spells, that's all!"

The wizards around heard these words and applauded Ajinbad's courage.

"I understand!" Weizer nodded and no longer dwelled on this topic. "Mr. Akinbad, if you plan to test the medicine...then you need to make some other preparations."

"Your Animagus form is a peregrine falcon... What kind of magic are you good at? Based on the different forms of Animagus, the magic you can cast will also be different."

"Are there any other options?" Ajinbad was a little surprised, "You can't just cast the floating spell?"

Chapter 116 Can you still choose magic? What a happy worry!

The surrounding wizards were equally surprised. Their original thoughts were the same as Babajide Akinbad, thinking that all Wizette could do at present was to let them cast the levitating spell.

Even if he just casts the levitating spell, compared to the Animagus who can't cast spells, there is a gap between heaven and earth.

After all, this was Wizette's impromptu idea, and it was extremely rare to spend an afternoon perfecting it to the point where he could test the medicine...

Weizet explained: "For example, my golden eagle Animagus can cast magic such as floating spells and cutting spells, but the form of expression is slightly different, and it will match the characteristics of the corresponding animal form."

"For example, the floating spell demonstrated before requires waving the wings to cooperate; the cutting spell also requires waving the wings, and the speed and strength must be in place to be able to gather the surrounding wind to form a blade to slash out."

"Mr. Akinbad, you can use your own Animagus form... To be on the safe side, it's best to choose only one magic this time, the one you are best at."

"The method is to hold the mandrake leaves in your mouth, find a relatively safe place, and continue to perform this magic. In the process, you may have hallucinations..."

"This is the mandrake at work. When the illusion stabilizes and no more disorderly changes occur, it means that the magic you cast will be recorded on the mandrake blade."

"I understand!" Ajinbad nodded and smiled unconsciously, "It turns out that being able to choose the magic you are good at... is really a happy trouble!"

With such happy worries, he communicated with several wizards present and went to find the items needed on the note.

After Ajinbad and his party left, the wizards present first explained their thoughts, and then spoke out the questions they had raised, hoping to get answers from Wizette;

Many of the ideas were very interesting. While answering their questions, Weizet recorded various ideas in his notebook;

These are valuable information. You can occasionally read them later and think about whether you can think of a more appropriate answer.

Facing the admiring gazes of the people around him, Weizet slowly walked away from the center of the crowd. He exhaled a long breath, and his mouth suddenly felt dry.

Explaining the reasons to so many people is indeed a challenging task. It is not just about expressing your thoughts, but also making them understand, so that you can answer their questions.

Thinking of the professors at Hogwarts, who do the same thing from morning to night every day, they must be more tired, and I admire them very much.

Luna came up and handed a bottle of water to Vizet, and asked playfully: "Teacher Vizet, how do you feel about the first public lecture?"

"It should be just a mutual exchange..." Vizet drank water while picking up his notebook and waved it, "I also gained a lot."

Looking at the still hot and bright sun in the distance, he stretched and took out a piece of cake from his pocket.

The pocket containing the cake was applied with a moisturizing and fresh-keeping spell, and it was still cold when it was taken out, which is very suitable for summer enjoyment.

"Stay here for so long..." He handed the cake to Luna, "Eat a little first! I guess they will discuss it for a while."


As the sun turned into a warm orange-red, the seminar entered the next stage. Professor McGonagall took over Akinbad's work and organized everyone to come to an open area not far away.

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