From this flying spell ritual magic, he not only saw Voldemort's terrible talent, but also the trap contained in it.

At the end of this spell, there is a trap hidden by Voldemort, which is Voldemort's own name;

The existence of this name means that this ritual magic is inseparable from Voldemort, and Voldemort will be induced by it, and even have the ability to dominate this ritual magic.

If someone really gets this ritual magic in some way and follows the whole process to practice, then the first flight he completes may also be the last flight in his life.

He will take the initiative to fly to Voldemort under Voldemort's control...

According to Voldemort's current actions, this person may become... Voldemort's next possession object.

"No wonder he is called the 'most dangerous dark wizard in history'... At least he himself is an extremely dangerous existence..."

"In that case, it needs to be improved... There are various potion materials on it... Should we ask Professor Snape to take a look?"

"Will it be too dangerous? Maybe we should ask Headmaster Dumbledore first... After all, he is called 'the only person Voldemort fears'..."

At this moment, Vizet felt the pull from the "safety rope" and a thought came to him-his stardust has condensed, and he should leave here.

"This ritual magic is too complicated, and I spent too much time thinking... And just understanding the deep meaning of the spell, I still have to study it later!"

He was satisfied to get a flying spell.

When he shifted his attention from Voldemort's stardust, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

It was the skeleton figure that appeared several times, like death and destruction itself.

Vizet felt the attention from the skeleton figure, followed by a sense of crisis from instinct.

"He's going to attack me?" Without any hesitation, Vizette immediately activated the "safety rope" and retreated at a high speed under the pull of the "safety rope"...

Chapter 123 A fierce and futile attack

The skeleton figure stretched out his finger, and a green substance shaped like light burst out.

It is called green substance because it seems to have suction power. Unlike light, it does not emit light outward, but absorbs the surrounding darkness and attacks Vizette fiercely.

Vizette suddenly felt cold physically and mentally, and an unimaginable strong evil thought attacked him at this moment.

He could feel that this green substance locked him tightly, and there was a feeling of no end and no escape.

Vizette was very alert. Once the green substance accelerated again, he would try to avoid direct contact with the green substance by "blowing".

Although the green substance was fierce, Vizette retreated faster, and the green substance could only keep chasing.

"That dim situation has become less, could it be that the skeleton... is affecting this place... what exactly is he going to do?"

When Vizette was thinking about this question, the green matter burst into dazzling flames, but it was fleeting, disappearing without a trace like a meteor.

Only the malicious sense of lock still lingered in Vizette's heart, making him dare not relax at all and always remain vigilant.

After an unknown period of time, the sense of lock disappeared in an instant, and he was a little confused, "What is he doing?"

"Isn't he planning to attack me? He has clearly locked me completely and put on a desperate posture, but now he gives up the lock..."

Vizet thought of a possibility-the skeleton figure may also realize the key to the problem, and the green matter can't catch up with him in the "other world".

Slightly relieved, he looked at the galaxy in front of him and found that the galaxy before and after the green matter disappeared had some subtle changes.

"It's really brighter around here. Since all these stardusts belong to the wisdom of the pioneers... it means that the 'other world' has always been connected with the outside world... if we deduce it in reverse..."

"The dimness is not caused by the 'other world' itself... or something that would not have grown originally, but a special phenomenon that occurs because of the skeleton here!"

"Putting these together, plus the Isaiah meeting that Ms. Pendragon is fighting against... the most likely scenario is... because of this New York attack, something has grown..."

"And these things can enter the 'other world'... and will be used by the skeleton to play some unknown effect... which makes the 'other world' covered with a shadow and become dim!"

"If we continue to speculate... the skeleton consumed all the things that grew in the New York attack in order to attack me... but it didn't have any effect, so it was a failure, right?"


Vizet returned to the stardust that belonged to him. Compared with the Animagus stardust next to him, his stardust was smaller. The two were like twin stars surrounding each other, but with clear boundaries.

This time he was surrounded by his own stardust, which guided him back the way he came. The stardust around him kept retreating, and he felt more and more tired.

"It feels like the time I spent in the 'other world' this time seemed to be particularly long... Maybe the time outside will also be extended..."

"But it shouldn't matter... Luna will definitely tell Professor McGonagall... Let everyone go back and rest first... I'm actually fine..."

As Vizette thought this, he felt more and more tired. He looked at the "other world" that had become clean again and was no longer covered with a layer of darkness, and slowly fell asleep...


Vizette woke up slowly. He didn't know how long he had slept. He only knew that it was daytime now.

There was a gap in the window not far away, and the breeze broke into the room along the gap, blowing the half-drawn curtains;

The curtains swayed gently under the push of the breeze, and the hem of the floor-to-ceiling curtains rubbed against the blanket, making a rustling sound and casting shadows that danced gently like a waltz.

Judging from the sunlight coming out of the gap, it should be morning.

This seems to be his room, but there are a lot of extra packages, all wrapped like gifts, of various sizes, all piled in the corner of the guest room.

Weizet sat on the bed and looked at the bedside table beside him, where there was a note with a message written by Luna.

[Something seems to have happened in Central Park. Professor McGonagall and I are going to the Magic Congress. I believe you should wake up soon, so let’s eat something first! See you later! 】

The ink of the writing has not dried completely, so it must have been left there only a short time ago;

On the desk next to her, as mentioned in the message, there was an extra dinner plate with breakfast at the perfect temperature.

As Weizet drank the last bit of milk, a rhythmic knocking on the door suddenly sounded.

"Ms. Skeeter..." Weizet frowned slightly, "I thought you had returned to England."

"English is full of dementors now. It's really depressing!" Rita Skeeter said with a smile on her face. "In a country where all happiness is absorbed, what interesting news can there be?"

"What's more, I seems like there are always some big news happening where you are. In that case...Mr. Lovegood, could you answer a few questions for me?"

"It's inconvenient." Weizet responded and closed the door.

Rita Skeeter seemed to have expected it. She directly raised her crocodile leather satchel and blocked it in the door frame.

"Mr. Lovegood, don't you want to read today's New York Ghost? Or something about what happened in Central Park..."

Seeing Weizet pushing her satchel away, seemingly not caring about what she said, Rita Skeeter's tone became urgent, "Or maybe there's news about you..."

Just as the satchel was about to be pushed out, she quickly added a tentative sentence, "For example, someone is searching for you and Miss Lovegood?"

"Luna?" Weizet frowned and opened the door again, "I hope you are not making it up."

Rita Skeeter smiled triumphantly, "I never make stuff up!"


Weizet moved faster this time and closed the door directly. Rita Skeeter, who had originally planned to enter the room, almost got hit in the nose.

"Yes! I can indeed make things up..." Rita Skeeter sighed, with helplessness in her tone.

"But I did not lie about Miss Lovegood... I swear on my secret!"

The door was opened again. She looked at the pile of gifts placed in the corner and couldn't help but sigh: "I really didn't expect that..."

"Not only did you capture the Aurors of the Magical Congress, but the wizards in the seminar... also seemed to be completely captured by you..."

Before Rita Skeeter could finish speaking, Wizette raised her wand and said unhurriedly: "Magic can do many things. I hope you can understand this."

"I don't want to learn about your magical talents, Mr. Lovegood." Rita Skeeter sneered, "Let's get to the point right away!"

Chapter 124 The flamboyant peacock and quill

Rita Skeeter stopped delaying, "The current Muggle world... seems to be different from what the history of magic tells us, at least in North America..."

"I was working for the "New York Ghost" these days, searching for some interesting news...I encountered this kind of thing..."

"Several Muggles have pictures of the attacks in New York, and you are recorded in these pictures... and they are using this to find you."

She opened her crocodile leather satchel and took out the pictures and placed them on the table. "It is the duty of wizards to follow the law of secrecy. I cleaned their memories and kept these."

Weizet glanced at the picture. The buildings on the picture were indeed the buildings attacked by the fire dragon. This was regarded as evidence provided by Rita Skeeter to verify the credibility of this statement.

"Mr. Lovegood, aren't you going to say something?" Rita Skeeter took out the pen and paper in her bag. "They seem to regard you as...a god? Do you have any clues?"

"No." Weizet responded, "You just mentioned the New York Specter. What did you publish in it...the content of yesterday's seminar?"

Rita Skeeter was just about to speak when she heard the second half of Weizet's words and could only smile helplessly, "Yes, it's about the seminar."

"Of course, for most readers, they may have forgotten what an Animagus is, and the ability to cast spells is not very important. Their focus is on you."

Vizette groaned, "Me?"

"Will you be paying attention to the New York Ghost recently?" Rita Skeeter threw the pen and paper into the air, and they automatically formed a writing posture.

Weizet shook his head, "No."

"That's no wonder..." Rita Skeeter said, "Perhaps for you, this is just a simple summer vacation."

"But for the wizards in this land... they can see reports about you in the newspaper every now and then..."

"Such as the 'Most Promising Newcomer Award' of 'Today's Transfiguration', the young talents awarded by the Minister of Magic himself..."

"You wouldn't..." Thinking of what Rita Skeeter had just said, Vizette guessed, "You published the article in England and republished it here?"

"I did re-arrange it!" Rita Skeeter corrected, "I had to find a local wizard to proofread it and change the usage of some words. It's not the so-called 're-publishing'."

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