Vizet asked, "So... do you think it can be matched?"

"It can be matched?" Harry was stunned for a moment, and then he understood, "That is to say... the homework reflects her personality?"

Vizet added, "Or you can say that... Hermione knows what she wants to do, and the homework can reflect her personality."

Harry blinked, as if he understood something, "Vizet, do you think I should write a paper like Hermione?"

He scratched his head and said with some embarrassment, "But where should I start? What if I can't write long enough?"


"You can try to start with the subjects you are good at." Vizet suggested, "Like Hermione, she is more interested in Charms, you should know that?"

"She is indeed good at Charms!" Harry nodded repeatedly, and suddenly remembered that in the first year of school, the first person among the Gryffindor freshmen who mastered the Levitation Charm was Hermione;

At that time, their relationship was not so good, and Ron had an unpleasant incident with Hermione.

Vizet said, "Then find a subject you are good at, any subject will do!"

"Any subject will do?" Harry thought for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly, "Um... does flying class count? I think I'm... just a seeker."

When he said this, his tone was a little weak. After all, he had never defeated the Ravenclaw team since he joined the team.

"Why not?" Wizett said with a smile, "Since Hogwarts has set up this course, it must have its significance."

"Flying class... Seeker... What abilities do you think a seeker needs to have... to be excellent?"

"Seeker?" Harry frowned and thought about this question very seriously, "You need to be focused enough to find the Snitch."

"This also involves reaction speed. Otherwise, even if you see it, you can't react in time, and the opponent will catch the Snitch first, which will be troublesome!"

"That's right! Sometimes there will be some interference, leading to misjudgment. At this time, you have to figure out immediately whether you should try it!"

This is Harry's favorite sport. He naturally talks about it very well and has expressed many of his own opinions.

He actually has his own understanding of magic, but he has not really dug it out and has not really realized it.


Since this is the case, what Wizett has to do now has become much simpler.

As he listened, he wrote something in his notebook, "We can try to combine them and apply them to this preview paper."

Harry looked at the notebook, and there were many more words on it, all related to the shrinking potion, mainly about the effects of various materials and the meaning of the techniques.

"It turns out that one material... can have so many..." He glanced at the notebook, "magical properties... and the same techniques used in different potions can have so many meanings!"

"Harry, all the content I wrote could be the Golden Snitch." Vizet said, "And the paper you are going to write requires you to find the real Golden Snitch from it."

"I am facing a game now?" Through Vizet's guidance, Harry obviously got into the state, "Just find the answer like finding the Golden Snitch, and you can complete the preview paper?"

"These contents are hints, right?" Harry glanced at his draft again, "I need to find the correct answer based on these hints?"

"That's totally understandable!" Vizet affirmed, "You have to base yourself on your own , and find the correct answer by making quick decisions..."

"Of course, the premise for doing this is that you have written a draft of the paper and have some understanding of the shrinking potion. You need to understand this."

Harry nodded and said, "I understand!"

Vizet continued, "This is a game, so you don't need to worry or be afraid. Just think about how to win the game, and don't worry about other things."

"Don't worry! And it has to be fast!" Harry nodded heavily, "This is just a preview paper! Anyway, Snape has given me a 'T', what else do I have to be afraid of?"

"Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of." Listening to Harry's mumbling, Vizet couldn't help laughing, but didn't say much;

During the process of Harry completing the preview paper, he didn't say anything, but just observed silently.

By putting himself in the game, Harry's writing speed was obviously much faster. After looking at the relevant content provided by Vizet, he could quickly make a judgment and write it into the preview paper.


When Harry finished writing this paper, the sundae in the cup was not completely melted.

However, on the other side of the table, there was an extra cup of owl ice cream, which was given to Luna by Wizette.

"Hello!" Harry nodded to Luna, and said to Wizette impatiently: "Wizette, I've finished writing! It feels... very smooth! I didn't encounter any obstacles!"

Wizette nodded, "It's a very good preview paper, and the magic characteristics used in it are all judged very well."

"It feels a bit too easy..." Harry let out a long breath, "Is it because of the information you provided... I feel like I didn't put in much effort..."

"This information is indeed provided by me, but it can also belong to you..." Weizet explained, "because knowledge never belongs to just one person."

"The library at Hogwarts is very large... The books available at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore are also very comprehensive. You can find all the books I have written."

"So I should be like Hermione... and read more books?" Harry nodded in understanding, "So that I can get more help every time I compete... and do my homework?"

"Including magic, this knowledge is also useful..." Weizet said, "The magic world is very rich. If you use what you are good at, you can go further and learn faster!"

"Even if Professor Snape criticizes you later, it can actually be regarded as a variety of competitions. There are too many competitions in life, and losing and winning are normal things."

"Haha! Thinking about it this way, it seems much better!" Harry smiled, "By the way! Can I tell Ron and Hermione this...?"

"Of course..." Weizet agreed, "Knowledge never belongs to just one person..."

“Whether it’s doing homework or doing magic, it becomes easier once you find a way that works for you.”

"I remember it!" Harry nodded repeatedly and wrote this paragraph down.

Weizet stood up, "Luna and I still have some things to buy. See you at Hogwarts!"

Chapter 135 A chance encounter with the werewolf professor

It’s September 1st of another year, the first day of school at Hogwarts.

After enjoying a nutritious breakfast, with Dobby waving repeatedly, Weizet and the others took the Knight Bus and headed to King's Cross Station.

On the way out of the alley, Xenophilius looked serious, as he did every time he traveled far, and started a series of instructions.

"Remember to go to bed on time and don't stay up late... This is not a good habit..."

He also talked about the content of the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, "That Sirius's behavior is very strange..."

"Land from that place...and keep walking...judging from the direction he is heading, his goal is most likely Hogwarts..."

"I can't control Hogwarts. You have grown up... If you have to run to the Forbidden Forest, you must pay attention to safety! You must be alert! Remember I am still waiting for you at home. Woolen cloth!"

At the end of the last school year, Vizette brought back some gifts from centaurs, which happened to be recognized by Xenophilius.

"Dad, I will definitely pay attention!" Luna took Xenophilius's hand and shook it while saying, "Nothing will happen!"

"Hey! Just like your mother!" Xenophilius sighed and said angrily, "She also liked to run into the Forbidden Forest before, looking at this and that..."

"You've said so, of course dad believes you!" He looked at the smiling Vizette, "Vizette, remember to take good care of Luna and don't let her be in danger!"

"Of course!" Weizet assured very seriously.

"Dad! I am very powerful now!" Luna shook Xenophilius's arm again, "I am also an Animagus, and I have also mastered the Patronus Charm..."

"The potions are also very powerful!" Weizet added, "Last time I was in New York, I had Luna's potions to help me!"

"That goes without saying!" Xenophilius couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "Baby must be the most powerful."

"Anyway... you must be careful!" He coughed twice, tried his best to maintain his serious expression, and continued to warn, "Weizet, you must also take care of yourself!"

After crossing platform nine and three-quarters, Xenophilius watched Luna and Vizette get on the bus, waved for a while before leaving.

Weizet and Luna arrived quite early, and there were scattered people in the carriage, so they were not completely satisfied.

They continued walking deeper, planning to find an empty compartment to sit down.

"Vizet! Vizet!"

Colin Creevey's voice came from behind.

He shouted excitedly and quickly ran to Vizette and Luna, "I...I saw that..."

"Daily Prophet! They said fought with the fire dragon...the fire dragon!" His body was trembling with excitement, and he worked extremely hard to finish the sentence.

He raised the Polaroid in his hand, "Can we... take a photo?"

Weizet looked at the Polaroid in Colin Creevey's hand and asked curiously, "Colin, it seems it's still the same camera as before?"

"Yes!" Colin Creevey nodded repeatedly, "Principal Dumbledore fixed it for me! The magic is really amazing!"

"When I learn this magic, I won't have to throw away the broken things in my house. I can just wave my magic wand and fix them!"

After taking the photo, Colin Creevey cheered and couldn't wait to get into a car and start showing off.

Not long after, the two found a carriage, placed their luggage and sat down, when a figure flashed through the sliding door.

Luna looked in the direction of the sliding door, blinked and asked, "Weizet, did you feel that the person who just passed by... looked familiar?"

Before Weizet could answer, the figure who just passed by reappeared in front of the two of them.

This figure was wearing a tattered wizard robe, and his face looked extremely pale. He seemed to be ill and had not yet recovered, giving people a feeling of weakness.

He didn't look old, but his brown hair was gray. He was Remus Lupin, whom I had met once in New York.

Remus Lupin frowned slightly, with a bit of trepidation in his expression, "Would it be convenient for me to sit here for a while?"

Vizet nodded, "Please."

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