"That's so foreign!" Fred and George said, winking, "Why are you so polite to us?"

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the door, it was Penello patrolling the corridor.

Fred immediately made a fuss and said: "Ouch! This is not ours..."

"What are you doing here?" Percy's voice drowned out the rest of Fred's words, "What tricks are you planning to do?"

"Why are you still shy..." George made a "tsk, tsk, tsk" sound, "It's been a year, but he's still really young..."

"Go back to your car!" Percy's face turned red and looked like a ripe red pepper.

"Okay, okay!" Fred and George raised their left hands, put their palms against their right shoulders, leaned their upper bodies forward and said in unison, "I wish you a happy patrol!"

"You guys!" Percy's face was about to turn the color of pig liver, and he raised his head to grab Fred and George.

"Ouch! What do you want to do!" Fred and George burst into cheerful laughter and slipped through Percy's armpits.

Weizet and Luna smiled at each other. Fred and George actually wrote a letter to them. In the letter, the twins mentioned that Percy behaved so strangely in the last school year because of his relationship with Penelo.

Looking at Penelo and Percy leaving, Michael sighed sadly, while Anthony and the others looked confused...


It seems that the comment cannot be posted... Here is my answer to Master Shi Lezhi's message...

According to some recorded information, Nico Flamel copied some alchemical manuscripts, received revelation in a dream, and created the Philosopher's Stone through the "Book of Abraham." The "Jade Record" comes from the "Emerald Tablet of Thoth". Thoth is the god of wisdom in local legend, and the "Jade Record" is considered the source of alchemy, so there will be some interesting situations:

First of all, the earliest origin of alchemy is "The Book of Jade". Nico Flamel may have been inspired by seeing someone else's translation of "The Book of Jade" and obtained the "Book of Abraham" in his dream. So I thought about it again and again. Nicolas Flamel is directly connected with "The Book of Jade", and "The Book of Abraham" is the alchemy that Nicolas Flamel realized through "The Book of Jade". The whole process is probably like this.

Chapter 139 Train Mutation

The Hogwarts Express continues to travel north, and the scenery outside the window gradually opens up;

The lush green fields are dotted with several small farmhouses, and occasionally cattle and sheep can be seen grazing leisurely.

Harry's trio also came to visit. Cornelius Fudge valued Harry very much and sent Aurors to protect them as they headed to King's Cross Station;

It was also for this reason that they almost missed the Hogwarts Express. After boarding the train, they discovered that only the last carriage had seats;

Hermione took a trip to France, was very tanned, and thanked Wizette as soon as she walked in;

Harry's face looked a little pale. He looked at Vizette, who was counting cattle and sheep with Luna, and pursed his lips before he could speak.

Ron inquired about Remus Lupin, and they also speculated that this tired and sleepy adult wizard would be in charge of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this school year.

The reason why Ron has such concerns is because Lockhart from the last school year really left a deep impression on them;

Until the end of the last school year, Lockhart was sent to Azkaban for various reasons.

After solving Ron's doubts, the three of them left the carriage again.

"Harry Potter's eyes are so strange..." Michael Corner looked suspicious, "Always looking at Wizette, what does he want to do?"

"Maybe you have some questions you want to ask?" Anthony Goldstein shook his body and changed to a more comfortable sitting position, "Do you know about Sirius Black?"

"How long has it been reported..." Terry Butt continued, "He is a loyal believer in the mysterious man. The reason why he escaped from prison this time is... Oh! I understand!"

"You understand this, right?" Anthony clapped his hands and said, "It's probably because Cornelius Fudge's movements were too big and scared him..."

"It's hard not to think wrongly when someone and a car are needed to protect them. It's normal to want to come to Weizet for help."

Wizette shook his head slightly. He felt that Harry should not be such a person. After all, when Harry faced two Voldemorts in the last school year, he did not show any timidity and still fought bravely.

Chris Moen asked: "Speaking of which... what thesis theory Hermione mentioned is all about?"

Weizet said: "It's just a little trick. When Luna and I went to Diagon Alley a few days ago, we happened to meet Harry and we chatted a little more. Probably..."

After returning from Diagon Alley, I briefly organized my conjectures about my homework papers and my understanding of magic;

Since the roommates all asked this question, he took advantage of the situation to explain it, but it was only a superficial taste to prevent the roommates from putting the cart before the horse because of their deliberate pursuit of magical understanding.

The Hogwarts Express speeds over the rolling hills, rivers and streams sparkle in the sun, and you can see the distant hills covered with dense woods.

Wizette's narration continued as the Hogwarts Express drove into the forest, and the sky became gloomy. Large swaths of dark clouds gathered together, casting a gloomy veil over the forest that was originally full of life.

The raindrops pounded on the windows of the train, and soon became denser, making a rustling sound, like a requiem, making the lively Hogwarts Express much quieter.

In such a dim environment, Weizet's roommates yawned one after another and fell asleep unknowingly.

Luna stretched out her fingers, gently touched the cold glass, felt the rhythm of the raindrops, and hummed softly according to the rhythm.

Following the ethereal humming, Weizet took out the "Jade Record" left by Fred and George and tried to figure out the strange patterns on it.

As time went by, the rain gradually increased. The raindrops became denser, the sound of knocking on the window gradually became more urgent, and the scenery outside the window became blurry.

Like a sign, the rain became stronger and stronger, turning into a downpour in the blink of an eye.

Rain poured down the window glass, completely blurring the view outside the window.

The sky suddenly became gloomier, as if it was attacked by thick ink, completely soaked in black.

The lights in the carriage and aisles turned on, emitting a warm glow that contrasted with the gloom outside the window.

Luna said softly: "Did something happen..."

"Hmm..." Wizette had already drawn out his wand, "It seems to be slowing down..."

As he said, the Hogwarts Express grew slower and slower with a slight tremor.

The sound of countless sliding doors sounded, and there was a noise in the hallway.

Anthony and the others also woke up with a start, their eyes blurred and confused about the situation.

Michael asked confusedly: "What happened?"

Chris shook his head, "I don't know...it feels like the train is slowing down..."

Anthony wondered: "The train is slowing down? Is it an inspection from the Ministry of Magic?"

Terry was closest to the sliding door. When he reached out to hold the door handle, the Hogwarts Express made a "clunking" sound and suddenly stopped.

There was a ping-ping-pong-pong sound, and Weizet immediately looked up. The suitcase that was originally placed was about to fall down due to the sudden stop.

Just as he gently waved the suitcase back to its original place, all the lights that originally provided light were extinguished, and darkness instantly enveloped the Hogwarts Express.

"Take out all the wands...just in case..." Weizet frowned and said, "Night Peeping!"

Luna's chanting sound came at the same time, "Nightwalk Peeping!"

Vizette first cast a night vision spell on himself, and then cast the same spell on his roommates.

Being able to see again and get out of the dark environment, the roommates were not so panicked. They hurriedly fumbled in their pockets and held the wand firmly in their hands.

The aisles became noisier, with all kinds of sounds, and panic continued to spread around.

"Hiss... do you feel..." Michael rubbed his hands, "It seems to have gotten colder?"

"How do the Ministry of Magic plan to inspect it?" Anthony frowned, "What on earth are they doing!"

"Could it be..." Vizette groaned and glanced in Luna's direction.

"It's a dementor..." Luna pointed out the window, "Look!"

Although the window was extremely blurry, some strange and flying black shadows could be seen.

"Use dementors to check?" Anthony's expression changed. "Is the Ministry of Magic crazy? This is the Hogwarts Express!"

"Merlin's beard!" He exclaimed, looking at the white air that had just dispersed in front of his eyes, he finally reacted and his body trembled subconsciously, "It's so cold!"

"Call the gods to protect you!"

The voices of Vizette and Luna sounded at the same time, and two physical guardian angels, one large and one small, appeared.

The patron saint of golden eagles and horned owls flapped their wings gently, and as the silver light spread outward, the carriage suddenly became warm.

"Two Patronus Charms!" Anthony's eyes widened, "When did you learn this magic?"

Chapter 140 Crazy Dementor

A deep hole seemed to be torn open in the sky, and the rain poured down, hitting the ground and causing countless splashes.

In this rain curtain, a figure stood on the top of the hill, looking into the distance.

Dumbledore did not use magic to protect himself, his robes rustled in the wind and rain, allowing the rain to wash away him, and his silver hair stuck to his scalp;

The rain ran down his cheeks and stuck his beard together. The long beard lost its luster and looked gray, like an old rag that couldn't be shaken dry.

The dementors passed by him, and the falling raindrops became heavy and turned into scattered tiny ice particles, making a series of rustling sounds.

A dementor noticed him, his hood tilted back slightly, as if he was sucking something.

This action did not last long. The dementors were like hyenas that had not found carrion. They did not stay and pounced into the distance with other dementors.

With two crisp "pops", two Aurors appeared beside Dumbledore.

Looking at Dumbledore who was drenched by the rain, the two Aurors opened their mouths, but did not say anything, feeling as if they were stuck in their throats.

After a while, one of the wizards said: "Principal Dumbledore... we have repeatedly warned those dementors... that there will be no problem..."

"Fudge has told me many times." Dumbledore nodded and looked at the Auror who spoke, "I just came to check, it's okay."

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