This is how the Patronus Charm should feel.

Lupin opened his eyes and gave his opinion, "It's your Patronus Charm... maybe not restrained enough..."

The students pursed their lips, looking at each other, not quite understanding what Lupin meant.

"Not restrained enough?" Vizet frowned slightly, "So that's it! This was my first time using the Patronus Charm against Dementors, so I didn't notice this."


This was not the first time Vizet had encountered this situation, so through Lupin's words, he immediately determined what was wrong.

Because every time he participated in Snape's private lessons, he had to cast the Patronus Charm once, so Vizet had some experience with this magic.

He just needed to "cast the Patronus Charm" "freely", make the physical Patronus Charm more restrained, and minimize the overflow.

Vizet shook his wand, and the Golden Eagle Patronus became nothingness and dissipated into the air.

The students in the rear carriage couldn't help but take a breath of cold air at this moment. They felt that the surroundings seemed to be colder, as if a kind of beauty had disappeared.

While walking towards an empty carriage, Vizet made a "lift" gesture towards the window inside.

The carriage window was quickly raised, and he looked out through the window and saw a group of Dementors still aggressively attacking the Hogwarts Express at a very fast speed.

"Professor Lupin, it seems..." Vizet murmured, "It's useless?"

Lupin half squatted down, looked at the Dementors outside the window, and said in a firm tone: "No! They can't absorb more things, just disperse them!"

"If we want to disperse them according to the previous situation, we may have to arrange more people through the Ministry of Magic, otherwise they will not give up!"

"So that's how it is, I understand!" Vizet nodded, and pointed his wand out of the window, "Expecto Patronus!"

He waved his wand to draw a circle, and with the sound of brisk chanting, the Golden Eagle Patronus reappeared, seemingly without any difference.

The Golden Eagle Patronus flapped its wings and stayed on his palm.

He held the Golden Eagle Patronus in his hand, posed a pitching posture, and threw the Golden Eagle Patronus directly out.

Fred and George whistled, "Nice move, worthy of being a chaser!"

"What chaser!" Oliver Wood's voice came from next door, "Who brought the Quaffle on the Hogwarts Express?"

Chapter 142 Is "non-existence" really unkillable?

When the Golden Eagle Patronus was thrown out of the window, Luna also raised her wand, and the Horned Owl Patronus flapped its wings, nimbly flew out of the window, chasing the Golden Eagle Patronus.

The next moment, Vizet and Luna both laughed, and Fred and George laughed even more.

The laughter was contagious, and almost everyone gathered around Vizet smiled.

Draco Malfoy pursed his lips, folded his hands in front of his chest, and put on a serious look, but the corners of his mouth were raised a little too much, making his cheeks red.

Lupin also had a happy smile on his face. He cast his eyes on the seats in the carriage, and his eyes showed a look of nostalgia.

"Expecto Patronus!" He raised his wand suddenly and drew a beautiful circle in front of him.

Accompanied by the firm and high-spirited chanting, irregular silver light balls jumped out of the wand tip and flew out of the window following the horned owl Patronus.

"Colin, it's your turn to perform..." Vizet pointed at the two Aurors in the distance, "Take pictures of them first... Be sure to take pictures of the Patronus as well."

Colin Creevey slowly moved the Polaroid camera, "Patronus? The two flying in the sky?"

"Yes! Take pictures of both the Patronus and the Aurors!" Vizet affirmed, "They are fighting against the Dementors, this is what everyone needs to know."

"I believe in your shooting skills, do it boldly, make them look more heroic..."

"Okay!" Colin Creevey looked a little excited, but his hand holding the Polaroid camera was extremely stable, and he took several pictures of the Aurors in the distance.


While Colin Creevey was taking pictures, Vizet and the others were not idle, driving the Patronus to attack the Dementors.

The golden eagle patronus bravely took the lead and faced the large group of Dementors in front of it;

It flapped its wings violently, and the silver halo immediately spread outwards, accompanied by bursts of "clucking" sounds, and the Dementors scattered around, not daring to get close to the silver halo.

The horned owl patronus followed closely behind, flexibly shuttling among the Dementors, spreading circles of silver halos, and forcing the surrounding Dementors back.

The silver light ball patronus seemed strange, but the silver halo that could be spread was equally strong, and it also drove away a group of Dementors.

Colin Creevey was very active, taking pictures of the Dementors being chased by the patronus one after another.

He pressed down the Polaroid again and pointed it at Lupin beside him.

Just as he was about to press the button, Lupin's face changed and he quickly turned sideways, "Don't! Don't take pictures of me!"

"But Professor Lupin, you look very impressive now! More impressive than..." Colin Creevey frowned, "More impressive than Professor Lockhart!"

"At least for now... this is not a good description." Vizet said with a smile, "Colin, why don't you take more pictures of the Dementors?"

"Okay..." Colin Creevey nodded in agreement, but he was still muttering, "Isn't this a majestic thing? Why don't you want to be photographed?"

Vizette looked at Luna, and both of them shook their heads slightly and continued to deal with the Dementors in the air.

Although the Dementors were very powerful, the Patronus Curse was a natural nemesis. After four rounds of charges, the three Patronuses disintegrated the Dementors' offensive.

The dementors were defeated, and they all raised their bodies, trying to stay away from the sky occupied by the patron saint.

"'Non-existence'..." Weizet looked at the Dementors in the sky and groaned, "Is it really 'non-existence'? It really cannot be..."

The so-called "non-existence" is a very special kind of magical creature. This concept is mentioned in several books in the library;

When explaining "non-existence" in the book, it is explained as "beyond life and death";

Therefore, they neither need to be born nor die, and corresponding "non-existent" magical creatures will continue to appear because of a suitable environment;

After a certain number appears, it will stop growing and maintain a fixed number. The collection will define this situation as "reproduction" or "reproduction".

Precisely because "non-existent" magical creatures are so special, it seems that they cannot be truly destroyed, and at best can only be driven away;

Taking dementors as an example, the Patronus Charm is best used to deal with dementors and can be very effective in driving away dementors.

However, Weizet is still a little curious and wants to try to use his unique advantages to see if he can cause the "non-existent" Dementors... to suffer some real harm.

When he was throwing the Golden Eagle Patronus, he had already used "Ancient Magic: Throwing Mastery" to hide the ancient magic power in it.

When a dementor is actually hit, the hidden ancient magical power will be activated to release its power.

In order to ensure the effect he wanted, the ancient magical power he added was "ancient magical power brewed over time" and was more powerful than ordinary ancient magical power.

Taking advantage of the time when the group of Dementors fled hastily, Weizet locked onto a Dementor at the rear. The Patronus of the Golden Eagle suddenly flapped its wings and flew towards the Dementor.

Silver light spread in the air, and the Dementor seemed to feel something, and its speed seemed to be a little faster than before;

With the blessing of "ancient magical power brewed over time", the Golden Eagle Patron Saint had caught up with the Dementor in the blink of an eye, and an even stronger silver light erupted from his body;

Like an arrow, it pierced into the Dementor's back, then pierced out from the front, and its figure dissipated in a large expanse of silver light.

The Dementor that had passed through it shriveled up at this moment, and the cloak on its body seemed to have lost its support, slowly falling downwards like a fallen leaf in the wind and rain.



There was the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground above the carriage, and along with the sound of soft footsteps, two Aurors jumped into the aisle and walked towards Wizette and the others.

The two Aurors had complicated expressions, not only tired but also a little guilty.

"Sorry..." one of the Aurors said, "We were just planning to conduct an inspection, but we didn't expect this kind of thing to happen."

"Under normal circumstances, they shouldn't do this..." Another Auror answered, "Are the children okay?"

Lupine observed the expressions of the two Aurors, sighed and nodded slowly: "They are fine, they were just a little frightened."

"Those dementors...are they just passing by here for a routine inspection...or are they planning to more extraordinary?"

Hearing Lupine's carefully considered words, the two Aurors looked a bit embarrassed.

One of the Aurors said: "They will be stationed around Hogwarts...I think Headmaster Dumbledore will explain it at the banquet tonight."

"Stationed around Hogwarts?" Lupine frowned, "Doesn't the Ministry of Magic not know... how much impact the Dementors will have?"

The two Aurors didn't say anything, just shrugged helplessly and shook their heads slightly in reply...

Chapter 143 The reward of courage

The problem raised by Lupine did exist, but as employees of the Ministry of Magic, the two Aurors could not change the decision-making of the Ministry of Magic, even though they knew how bad it was.

Faced with this situation, Lu Ping actually knew it very well, so he didn't say much, and the two parties fell into an unspeakable embarrassment.

After a long silence, the two Aurors could only sigh. One of the Aurors said, "I hope your start of school... goes well!"

Another Auror answered: "We need to contact those defeated dementors... I'll take my leave now! A good start to the school year!"

Seeing the two Aurors disappearing at the door and the train door slowly closing, blocking out the wind and rain, Lupine couldn't help but sigh, "It's not easy..."

With a gentle tremor, the Hogwarts Express whistled loudly and continued to accelerate towards the terminal.

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