He talked a lot to himself, and finally reacted, slapping his forehead with a slap, making a dull sound like thunder.

"Look at my memory! I'll bring Buckbeak out now, he's a handsome guy! I compared for a long time, he's the most handsome one! Wait for me, I'll be back soon!"

He shook his moleskin coat, letting the rain slide down the coat to the ground, and ran into the depths of the Forbidden Forest without waiting for Vizet to help cast the Water and Fire Invulnerability Charm.

Before leaving, he also told Fang, "Fang! Bring me a few stoats!"

Not long after Hagrid and Fang left, the rain stopped.

The sun, which was attacked by the dark clouds, reacted, the raindrops gradually became sparse, and the wind blowing in the face became much gentler.

After a while, the sun seemed to react, and while the clouds were spreading around, a ray of sunlight tentatively passed through the gap between the clouds and sprinkled on the wet ground.

In the sunlight, the water droplets reflected sparkling spots of light. As more and more sunlight came through, the paddock became much brighter than before.

Luna smiled and said, "The rain has stopped! It should be a good afternoon! I just happen to have a herbology class!"

Vizette looked at Luna, and a ray of sunlight was wrapped around her shoulders and hair, as if she was covered with a hazy golden halo, like a fairy in the forest.



The voice of Fang came from not far away. It held a few stoats in its mouth, and its eyes and steps were extremely flustered, making bursts of whimpering sounds.

Behind it was a book "The Monster Book of Monsters". The pages of the book were stained with a lot of dirt and grass, and it was chasing Fang aggressively.

Fang was actually very similar to Hagrid. Although it was a Neapolitan Mastiff, it looked tall and mighty, but it was very docile and even a little timid, and was very enthusiastic towards visiting friends.

It was normal for it to be chased by a book at this time.

Yaya quickly came behind Vizette and Luna, rubbed them gently, and poked his head out to sob twice.

"Let's deal with it!" Vizette touched Yaya's head, and faced with the oncoming "Monsters' Monster Book", he easily controlled it.

Vizette slightly adjusted his position to reveal the spine of "Monsters' Monster Book", and Luna tacitly went around to the other side and stretched out her hand to scratch the spine of "Monsters' Monster Book" a few times.

"Monsters' Monster Book" trembled twice at first, and then stopped struggling, as quiet as a normal book.

This was a solution Luna came up with when Vizette wanted to read the book after returning home;

She thought that since "The Monster Book of Monsters" was so much like an animal, it should be soothed in the same way as animals;

Perhaps it was because it came to a new environment or received some kind of stimulation, and "The Monster Book of Monsters" felt uneasy about it, so it showed aggressive behavior;

She gently stroked the cover of "The Monster Book of Monsters" as if soothing a small animal, and after finding that the book was not so agitated, she scratched the spine of the book, and the book was completely quiet.

Luna's judgment was undoubtedly very accurate, and she also wrote a letter to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, telling the bookstore clerk this solution.

"Oh! This book is like a docile kitten in your hands!" Hagrid also came back and happened to see Luna scratching the spine of "The Monster Book of Monsters".

"How is it? This book is great, right? I spent a long time selecting it, and finally decided to use this book as a textbook!"

"It's like a small animal. You can get along with it if you can get along with it... Now it seems that you have done this."

Hearing this, both Vizet and Luna laughed.

Vizet coughed lightly, "It seems that I haven't completely mastered the trick. The way I dealt with it at that time was to hypnotize it with magic. Now this method of scratching the spine was thought up by Luna."

"Good girl!" Hagrid nodded with satisfaction, "By the way! Let me introduce you to a handsome guy! Buckbeak, come out!"

With his greeting, a hippogriff walked out of the shadows, it held its head high, and every step it took was just right, and it slowly walked behind Hagrid.

Just like the name of the hippogriff, it is a combination of an eagle and a horse. The front half of its body is like a giant eagle, and the place where the tail feathers should belong is the body of a horse.

Hagrid was right. Buckbeak was indeed a "handsome guy". His silver-gray feathers were still wet with rain, and they flashed a cold light in the sun.

It had a pair of orange eyes, as sharp as an eagle's eyes, and a sharp beak of steel, hard and cold. Even if it faced a rock, it seemed that it could crack it open with just a light peck.

The hair on the back of his body was also wet. The silver-gray fur attached to his body, outlining the tight muscle lines, as if it contained explosive power.

"Come on! Eat some first!" Hagrid waved to Fangya, picked up a stoat and threw it into the air.

Buckbeak was quickly attracted by the stoat. His sharp eagle eyes did not blink, and he casually poked his head out, but accurately held the stoat in his mouth, and swallowed it with his head tilted back, which was extremely neat and tidy.

"Good boy!" Hagrid gently touched Buckbeak's neck, "Let me introduce him to you! Buckbeak, a hippogriff!"

"They are not picky about food at all. They usually find snacks by themselves, such as small bugs in the soil... Usually, if you don't have a good relationship with them, they won't eat what you give them..."

"Yes! They are so proud, just like eagles, aren't they?" He gently touched Buckbeak's sharp beak, and his gentle tone seemed to be introducing his own child.

Hagrid knew the Hippogriff very well. He could explain clearly the Hippogriff's characteristics, habits, habitat, or how to get along with it.

After hearing the end, both Vizette and Luna clapped their hands.

"Hagrid, is this your lesson plan?" Weizet asked, "Are you going to teach like this when class starts?"

"Lesson preparation manuscript?" Hagrid scratched his head, "Of course not! I'm just introducing it to you! They are so outstanding, of course they can't be introduced in such a dry way!"

Luna asked curiously: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I'm only telling you!" Hagrid lowered his voice, "You must not reveal it, I want to give them a surprise!"

Seeing Hagrid's excited expression, Weizet and Luna glanced at each other, as if they had already guessed what Hagrid might do...

Chapter 155 Making Friends with the Hippogriff

"This is my plan!" Hagrid said without reservation and in a very proud tone: "I plan to use this afternoon class to let the students get along well with them!"

"They are really easy to get along with. Just be polite, bow to each other, and feed them some food, and that's it! Really! It's that simple!"

"These cuties have only been here for half a month, and I'm already very familiar with them! After all, this is the first class, and I want to leave a good impression on the students so that they can relax in the first class!"

"After the students get familiar with these little guys, we can arrange other courses. Then we can go with them to see further places!"

"Do you know? These little guys are not careful at all when giving birth to babies! It is easy to be careless when building a nest, and the eggs they lay are too fragile and can be easily smashed..."

Hagrid ruffled the feathers on Buckbeak's neck and spoke eloquently about the package plan;

It was obvious that he had carefully prepared and planned to take the students with him to learn more about the Hippogriff;

He has high expectations for the students and believes that as long as they abide by the rules and respect the hippogriff, they will be able to interact with the hippogriff safely and feel the charm of magical animals;

It is hoped that through such courses, students will become interested in magical creatures and inspire their enthusiasm for further learning and exploration.

Hagrid's idea is wonderful, but there are quite a few hidden dangers in it.

The current situation is that he can't wait and hopes to introduce his group of friends to another group of his friends immediately;

Although these two groups of friends had never interacted with each other, Hagrid felt that they could have some fun;

Such thoughts should be related to Hagrid's own experience. As a gamekeeper, he had to patrol deep into the Forbidden Forest from time to time. He really came into contact with too many magical animals;

Coupled with Hagrid's status as a hybrid giant, his size and attitude, being able to mingle with magical animals can be regarded as a natural thing;

For students who are new to this course, it is obviously not easy to accept all this immediately;

Once you fail to grasp the rhythm of the class, accidents may easily occur, and it will be very troublesome to end the class.

Hagrid's knowledge of magical animals is undoubtedly extremely rich. Once an accident occurs and his confidence is shaken, it will be much more difficult to obtain this knowledge in the future.

Snape once told Weizet that if you want to go further in the potion journey, you need to constantly understand the potion materials and study the properties of the potion in depth.

This kind of understanding can be multi-faceted, not only from the perspective of potions, it can be a detailed analysis of a certain material, and then enhance the understanding of this material;

You can also study the magical animals that produce the corresponding materials from a more comprehensive perspective, thereby promoting understanding of a certain material;

Hagrid's introduction to the Hippogriff just now was very comprehensive. This is knowledge that Wizette needs very much.

Analyze the material carefully to know what characteristics of the material you need;

And by comprehensively studying the corresponding magical animals, you can understand when to choose the materials to obtain better results;

According to Weizet, meticulousness and comprehensiveness, macro and micro, complement each other, which is one of the secrets to go further on the road of magic medicine.

This is also one of the most intuitive manifestations. Weizet has always understood that "all roads lead to Rome" and "connecting by analogy", and it never hurts to learn knowledge more deeply.

Luna said: "Hagrid, I think your introduction just now is very interesting!"

"The introduction just now?" Hagrid scratched his head, with a bit of embarrassment in his tone, "Is... is it true?"

Luna raised her hand slightly and touched the back of Weizet's hand.

Weizet answered knowingly: "I think it's great too! How should I put it? It's like I have witnessed its life..."

"From when the Hippogriff breaks out of its shell, to when it learns to build a nest to rest, how to forage, and then to when it meets other friends, it's very vivid!"

"After your introduction... I feel like I'm an old friend of them too." Luna walked up slowly, looking at Buckbeak and said slowly.

Vizet gathered his spirits and looked at Luna very attentively.

Buckbeak noticed Luna's gaze, looked at her, and soon leaned down and made a bowing gesture.

"Look, it bowed first!" Hagrid said excitedly, "What a good kid! It's so polite!"

Luna lifted the hem of her robe and saluted, "Hello! Buckbeak!"

She slowly bent down, her eyes full of respect and tenderness, as if she was greeting a long-lost friend.

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