The bright red and translucent pomegranate juice ripples gently, and with the slightly dim light in the bar, the pomegranate juice glows with a deep ruby-like luster, which looks particularly attractive.

"You kid!" Aberforth didn't hide his smile and pushed the two glasses of pomegranate juice forward. "I thought you had such a bad memory that you forgot the way here."

"Thank you..." Weizet coughed twice, took a sip of pomegranate juice, "Aberforth, how about... the gurgling liquor? Is it easy to sell?"

The taste of this wine is similar to that of champagne, but the alcohol content is comparable to vodka. In addition, after drinking it, it will make people laugh wildly and uninhibitedly, so it is called "giggle liquor".

Luna covered her mouth and snickered. Weizet's embarrassed look was something she rarely saw, and it was really new.

"Hmph! An owl comes every time, bringing some gifts." Aberforth snorted viciously, but the smile on his face became even more obvious.

"When those regular customers saw these owls, they thought I had a second youth, so I had to take action and teach them a lesson!"

Luna laughed so hard that her branches trembled, and she let out a laughter as sweet as wind chimes.

Weizet had just told her these things. As a bar owner, Aberforth often mingled with the drinkers here.

Aberforth changed the topic, "But that grog is really good. The wizards in North America are quite good!"

"But this kind of stuff should be the lifeblood of the bar over there... Wizette, why did you get all the formulas?"

"When I was traveling during the summer vacation, I encountered some accidents..." Weizet murmured, "I got it by chance. I think you should like it."

Aberforth nodded, "I can't tell, but you are also a restless master. The matter in North America is quite serious. I didn't expect you to be able to handle it."

"It's all thanks to everyone..." Weizet said, "If the Magic Congress over there doesn't cooperate, I'm afraid I can't do anything."

"Do you think I believe what you say?" Aberforth grinned, "You are considered a semi-celebrity now, why don't I post your name and photo..."

"Then hang it at the door of the bar. Besides, this 'Cluck Spirit' is the secret brewing recipe you gave me. Maybe it will be more popular here than the Three Broomsticks!"

Weizet didn't hesitate at all and immediately nodded and said, "Okay!"

"I can help with painting!" Luna was also eager to give it a try.

"Spare me!" Aberforth raised his hand exaggeratedly, "I opened a bar just for bragging and spanking. It's really like the Three Broomsticks... I'm afraid I'll be exhausted."

"Also, don't think that just because you give me gifts or agree to whatever I want, you can return the favor. Do you think I will take advantage of you so much?"

"I don't have such thoughts!" Weizet stopped his smile and said with an extremely serious expression, "The soul labyrinth can benefit me throughout my life...I didn't think about paying it back..."

"Okay! It's just a joke, don't be so serious!" Aberforth waved his hand, interrupting what Wizette was going to say next.

There was a bit of ridicule in his tone, and he took the initiative to adjust the atmosphere and said: "Speaking of which, at that time you learned the soul labyrinth, and when you patted your butt and left..."

"It seems that after a few days, there are a few old drunkards who are thinking about you! They also asked me if I could talk to them properly like you. How do you think I greeted them?"

Wizette didn't say anything, just smiled, took his wand out of his pocket, and waved it in front of Aberforth.

"Yes!" Aberforth bent down slightly, took out a wine bottle from the bar, and then took out a white-coated glass and poured some amber-colored grog into it.

He picked up the glass, touched Vizette's glass casually, drank the grog in one gulp, and let out a heroic laugh.

"This wine is indeed good! It's refreshing! But let me tell you... I would like it more if you come and have a couple of drinks with me during the holidays."

He patted the barrel containing pomegranate juice again, "I bought a whole barrel. I have to drink it at least, right?"

Wizer nodded, "Of course! We'll come over together later."

"That's true!" Aberforth nodded with satisfaction and took another sip of grog.

After laughing boldly, he danced with exaggerated movements and shared interesting stories about the bar with Vizette and Luna.

Until Vizette and Luna left, the smile still hung on his face.

"Hey, old goat, there's pomegranate juice?" An old wizard walked into the bar and looked at the barrel and said, "It's still Honeydukes's..."

"It must taste good! Let's drink something fancy today! Give me a cocktail, just use grog, add pomegranate juice, and squeeze a little lemon tastes good just thinking about it!"

"Get away!" Aberforth's smile immediately faded, and he poured a glass of grog. "This pomegranate juice is not for you. You can drink grog or not!"

"Okay! Okay!" The old wizard waved his hand, picked up the grog and drank it in one gulp, letting out a sharp and weird laugh.

He put down the cup and seemed to notice the residual smile in the corner of Aberforth's eyes, "What's wrong? Your old friend came to see you today? You're so happy..."

Aberforth directly picked up his wand, pointed it at the old wizard, and said in a vicious tone: "Do you believe I'm going to tell you to get out now?"

The old wizard quickly raised his hands and slapped a Galleung on the table, "Ahem... before you let me go, you have to give me a few more glasses of grog!"

Chapter 179 Poster for the All-British Wizards Duel Competition

"Vizet, come to my office."

Over the weekend, when Weizet passed by Flitwick's office, Flitwick called him over.

Weizet pushed open the door and said, "Professor Flitwick, good morning!"

"Good morning!" Flitwick smiled and nodded, pushing an opened envelope aside.

He stretched out his left hand, held it up, and put a roll of parchment in front of Weizet, "Look at this!"

Weizet caught the parchment with both hands, and as he slowly unfolded it, a spark emerged, floating in the air and burning quietly.

He pulled the parchment downwards, and the burning sparks spread, forming a long series of cursive characters: All-British Wizarding Duel Competition.

Such fonts that look like burning lines of fire are a kind of magic called "marking spell", which can present a good visual effect;

Fred and George had used this magic to attract the attention of their classmates when they advertised their magic fireworks before.

Weizet also had some impressions of this "All-British Wizards Duel Competition";

On the eve of the previous duel club, he remembered that it should also be the eve of the Christmas holiday;

When the roommates were talking about the Duel Club, Anthony Goldstein mentioned it once. At that time, it was Weizet who spoke up and said the complete name of the competition.

According to relevant records in the history of magic, the "All-British Wizarding Duel Competition" was originally just a duel competition held in England;

However, with the changes in history, the duel competition also changed, and gradually became a duel event for wizards in the British Isles, so it was called the "All-British Wizards Duel Competition";

Even in the later development process, wizards from other magical worlds in Europe will be interested in the "All-British Wizards Duel Competition" and specially come to participate.

Wizette continued to pull the parchment downwards, and the line of fire burned out and was reprinted on the parchment. The words "All-British Wizard Duel Competition" also turned into a black and gray color.

Below the text is a series of silhouettes of wizards. Each silhouette has a different color. They are all wearing pointed hats and wizard robes. They are pointing their wands at each other, with the tips of the wands flashing with lights of various colors.

And these silhouettes are all carried in a trophy, which says:

[The loser becomes the embers of the war, while the winner reignites and marches towards the glory of the strongest duelist! 】

【Who can participate? There is no age limit, as long as they pass the preliminary screening assessment, the All-British Wizards Duel Competition welcomes all wizards! 】

[Registration date for the initial screening assessment: October 31, 1993. 】

[Deadline for initial screening and assessment: November 30, 1993. 】

[Registration location: Federot - Irondale's ruined castle - Duelist statue. 】

Under the trophy, a slightly shaking egg is drawn. This egg emits a shimmering light, has no more texture details, and looks very mysterious;

Around the egg and the trophy, there are lots of gold galleons painted, and in extremely flamboyant writing, the prize for this competition is written: two thousand gold galleons;

Under the trophy, egg and gold galleons, there is also a small map, which is the map of Federot's region;

There is also a gray paint mark on the lower right corner of the map, which should be the location of the registration location.

"How's it going?" Flitwick said with a smile, "Are you interested in this? I remember last school year, you mentioned to me that you wanted to experience the atmosphere of a duel competition."

"As a former dueling champion, the organizer of the 'All-British Wizarding Duel Competition' followed the usual practice and sent me such a promotional poster... I happened to want to find you too!"

In fact, Vizette's performance in North America during the summer vacation was the reason why Flitwick made this decision.

"Professor Flitwick, of course I am very interested in the 'All-British Wizarding Duel Competition'." Wizette nodded quickly, "But I still want to ask..."

"Is its entry time fixed... or is it completely random? After all, I am still a student... Although I really want to participate, I can't put the cart before the horse."

"Of course!" Flitwick smiled happily, "'Putting the cart before the horse' is not a good thing, but you can rest assured about the schedule!"

"In the earliest days of the 'All-British Wizards Duel Competition', the schedule was indeed not fixed. However, as more and more wizards signed up, the rules of the competition became more and more perfect."

"Normally, the 'All-British Wizards Duel Competition' events are held on weekends... As a previous duel champion, I still have some privileges..."

"If you are really interested, I will come forward to coordinate and choose a suitable time for you. Of course! There is only so much I can do."

"Professor Flitwick, of course I understand!" Wizette nodded quickly and said, "Since it is a duel, the most important thing is of course the duelists themselves."

"Very good!" Flitwick's smile became more obvious, "So it seems that you have made a decision?"

"Professor Flitwick, I want to participate in this "All-British Wizard Duel Tournament"!" said Vizet, "I am willing to participate in such a grand event and want to communicate with more wizards."

"Very good!" Flitwick nodded and pointed to the parchment scroll, "Did you see the wax marked on the trophy? It is actually a special portkey."

"When the registration time comes, this wax will turn red, which means it can be used. You just need to press this wax to reach the registration location."

"But under normal circumstances, the portkey will not work around Hogwarts Castle, so you have to go to Hogsmeade Village to use this special portkey."

"If you have decided on the registration time, you can tell me the time, and then I can write a letter to arrange a carriage to Hogsmeade Village for you."

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