Luna said: "I'll go with you!"

"Let's go another way!" Weizet nodded, "There is another road leading to the Forbidden Forest, which is in the same direction as the Quidditch pitch!"

Watching Vizette and Luna disappear through the door, Serena Pendragon stretched her body and asked, "What do you about going back to Hogwarts and becoming a professor in the future?"

"I have to admit... when I am talking, there is a student who can quickly take notes and write down everything I say, which is quite a sense of accomplishment..."

"A good choice..." Ominis Gunter affirmed, "but it is not an easy thing to meet a satisfactory student."

"I suggest not to say such things." Sebastian Saru said, "I remember that in some novels in the Muggle world..."

"When it comes to some people in the novel...when they don't win, they think about what they should do after winning. Such people often end up in a miserable state..."

Serena Pendragon raised her eyebrows, "Annie! Don't let your brother read this kind of book in the future!"

"The surname Goizueta, coupled with his methods in the Muggle world..." Ominis Gaunt on the side whispered, "Maybe he is an extraordinary Muggle!"

"I also think this surname is a bit special..." Anne Salu nodded, "Do you remember that Wizette and the others researched a... refreshing drug called 'Koolik'?"

"I drank it at the Leaky Cauldron last time. It tasted good!" Serena Pendragon nodded, "Do you think this can be used to 'root'?"

"You can try it!" Ominis Gunter said, "There are some things we can just do. There is no need to be distracted by such things."

"What's more, he seems to have set up all the nodes... What we have to do is very simple, nothing more than connecting them."

"Of course students should just study!" Serena Pendragon took out her handbag and opened the mouth of the bag towards the two armored giants. "It's almost time for us to leave!"

Ominis Gaunt asked: "Don't you wait until they come back?"

"No need! Otherwise it won't end well!" Serena Pendragon said with a bit of ridicule.

"I'll just leave my place at the Altar of Merlin's Trial and leave! If I don't say goodbye, then we can meet again! Isn't it a good thing?"


The sky was covered with dark clouds, and even though it was raining heavily, the students at Hogwarts were still enthusiastic. They crowded on the viewing platform and tried their best to express their enthusiasm.

For the two Quidditch teams competing in the game, such weather will definitely affect their performance;

Harry sat on the bench in the dressing room, listening to the howling wind outside. He sighed softly, took out his wand and pointed it at his glasses, "Invulnerable to fire and water!"

He was unable to go to Hogsmeade, so during the weekends, in addition to training, he could only study magic in the manner provided by Wizette.

Learning magic with the talent of a seeker is indeed very suitable for him. He can always master magic such as the Water and Fire Invulnerability Curse very well, perhaps because it can be used on the court.

Due to the continuous heavy rain, the grass on the Quidditch pitch was very soft, and the grass and soil were mixed together. The Quidditch team members felt as if they were walking through a quagmire just walking towards Mrs. Hooch.

Oliver Wood kept looking back and noticed that Harry didn't seem to be stained by rainwater. He forced a smile and said, "Not bad! This way it won't affect your performance!"

"There's still a strong wind..." Harry shook his head and looked at Cedric Diggory in the distance, "His body... should be able to perform better than mine."

"You have been training very hard during this period, there will be no problem for sure! Hiss..." Oliver Wood clenched his fists and suddenly groaned in pain with a ferocious expression.

Harry quickly asked: "Wood, what's wrong with you?"

"I didn't have breakfast this seems like my stomach is cramping..." Oliver Wood punched his stomach twice, "It's much better now!"

Mrs. Hooch blew her whistle, and the two teams of Quidditch players kicked into the dirt as hard as they could and flew high into the sky.

Oliver Wood's "Special Training for Vizette" still worked. In less than ten minutes, he was already sixty points ahead of the opposing Hufflepuff team.

The weather became even worse, with streaks of lightning slashing through the sky ferociously, tearing out hideous wounds one after another;

The rain was like blood dripping from a wound, rushing out and hitting the ground crazily.

A bolt of lightning flashed in front of Harry, and he noticed from the corner of his eye that there seemed to be a huge black dog on one of the viewing platforms.

Another thunder and lightning exploded, and the big black dog disappeared. There was only a vast expanse of white in front of his eyes, but he did not hear the roar of thunder.

The surroundings seemed to be getting colder. Rather than the rain hitting his body, it seemed more like gravel bombarding him.

This feeling was very familiar. Harry had had a similar feeling not long ago.


He subconsciously looked at the sky. The sky became extremely dark, and even lightning seemed unable to illuminate it.

The chill quickly spread throughout his body, giving Harry a feeling of suffocation;

He tried to open his mouth, and the air mixed with the rain was sucked into his mouth, irritating him to cough continuously.

Suddenly there were shouts, screams, and begging for mercy, both male and female.

Completely submerging his consciousness and dragging him into the abyss...

Chapter 205 Where are they?

The dazzling lightning was like a silver snake dancing wildly, roaring high in the sky;

The heavy rain poured down, and countless raindrops were like sharp silver needles, whipped by the howling wind, lashing the entire Quidditch pitch.

Despite the bad weather, the students in the spectator stands were still enthusiastic and cheered for the two Quidditch teams on the field.

Ron shouted loudly in the wind and rain to cheer up his best friend, "Harry! Come on!"

Hermione looked nervous and kept looking for signs of Harry in the air.

Hermione said uneasily: "It's raining so heavily...shouldn't the game be suspended?"

"This kind of rain is not heavy..." Ron felt Hermione's uneasiness and immediately explained.

"The Chadley Cannons had worse weather when they played Cork... and they played normally."

Hermione still had a bit of worry in her tone, "That was a professional Quidditch team, right? Now it's just the Academy Cup..."

"Harry must be sure!" Ron comforted, "As you just told me, Harry has cast an invulnerability spell on himself."

"He must be prepared to do this! We have to stand here to cheer him and let him know! Come on, Harry!"

Hermione has lived in the Muggle world since she was a child, and it is still difficult to understand the great enthusiasm shown by Ron at this moment.

But what Ron said was right. The most important thing now was to cheer for Harry and hope that he would catch the Golden Snitch as soon as possible and stay away from such bad weather as soon as possible.

Just when Hermione was about to speak, she suddenly felt a familiar fear, which quickly climbed up her spine like a venomous snake;

Her lips were trembling uncontrollably, and so was Ron beside her. His face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the cheering expression was frozen on his face.

"It's a dementor!" Hermione shook her head hard and grabbed Ron's arm. "Ron, do you feel it?"

"Heaven! Heaven!" Seamus Finnegan tremblingly pointed to the sky, "Look there! It's a Dementor!"

Countless dementors were like dark clouds, approaching the Quidditch pitch from all directions, and the person closest to them at this time was Harry Potter.

Coming into contact with so many Dementors in an instant, Harry lost consciousness almost instantly. Nimbus 2000 flew away from his hand and flew in the direction of the Whomping Willow, and he fell straight down;

The dementors from high in the sky flew towards the fallen Harry, circling back and forth around him like piranhas carving up flesh and blood.

Both Quidditch teams stopped playing at this moment and tried to rush into the group of dementors and rescue Harry.

However, no matter how hard the batters on both sides tried, they could not use the Bludgers to open up the opening and then rush in to save people.

"No! He fell!" Hermione screamed on the viewing platform, quickly took out the wand from her pocket, and pointed it at Harry, who was disappearing and appearing among the dementors, "Stay still! "

This spell, which could be used to control elves, failed to work at this moment, and Harry was still falling.

"Go step by step..." Ron also drew out his wand, seemed to have thought of something, and chanted a spell in the direction of Harry, "Wingardim Leviosa!"

However, the ordinary levitation spell could only pull Harry's clothes slightly, but could not really levitate Harry.

Another flash of lightning flashed, and the biting cold that had enveloped the Quidditch pitch was suddenly dispersed.

The dazzling lightning turned into warm silver light, and several physical guardian angels appeared, charging towards the group of dementors surrounding Harry, and quickly dispersed the dementors in the outer circle.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

An inspiring voice sounded, Dumbledore's voice thunderous.

He raised his wand high, and a huge silver phoenix flew out of the tip of the wand.

Silver light illuminated the dark sky, and the Quidditch pitch was bathed in warmth, dispelling the chill in the hearts of the students.

The appearance of the Phoenix Patronus easily caused the Dementors to be completely defeated. They no longer revolved around Harry, and instead wanted to return to the sky.

Dumbledore waved his wand towards the group of dementors, and the silver phoenix followed the wand's trajectory and shot out instantly, continuing to drive away the dementors.

Harry was getting closer and closer to the ground. Even Cedric Diggory, who was using his broomstick with all his strength, was still some distance away from Harry and could not catch Harry at all.

Dumbledore raised his head slightly to look at Harry, and then stretched out his left hand, making a gesture like lifting.

The surrounding air was slightly distorted, and a magical energy field had been formed to help Harry slow down his fall;

Under the protection of the magic energy field, Harry was like a leaf falling from a branch, falling lightly and swaying to the ground without suffering any harm.

"Huh?" Dumbledore suddenly frowned when he waved his wand and transformed into a giant umbrella to block the rain and a stretcher to lift Harry, "So there they are!"

"Vizet seems to be able to deal with the dementors... Let's see how many dementors will suffer this time... This is what they asked for... I hope it can teach them a lesson!"

The tabby cat jumped in front of Dumbledore and quickly transformed back into Professor McGonagall.

She glanced at Harry on the stretcher, breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought of what Dumbledore had said before, and asked, "Principal Dumbledore, what were you talking about just now?"

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