It was precisely because of this plan that he aroused great dissatisfaction among the people of wizards, and then hurriedly ended his three-year term as Minister of Magic and stepped down in 1962.

In 1990, Cornelius Fudge became the Minister of Magic in England. If he could step down before the end of the school year, he would have served as Minister of Magic for four years.

A little stronger than Ignatius Tufte.

The familiar fragrance of grass and trees came from the tip of his nose. Wizette looked at the white palm approaching and felt a cool and soft touch on his forehead.

"I saw the harassing flies..." Luna frowned slightly, "Is it because of the dementors?"

I don't know since when, the effect of the Water and Fire Invulnerability Curse on her body disappeared, and the rain slid across her face without any obstacles and fell slowly along her chin;

The soft mist danced around her, as if covering her with a misty gauze;

The long pale golden hair curled slightly under the drizzle, like ears of wheat under the morning sun, glowing with a soft halo.

Wizette quickly stretched out his magic wand, "Water and Fire..."

"I lifted the magic myself..." Luna put her hand on Vizette's wand and said softly in an ethereal voice, "Do you feel that the rain is a little different now?"

"The curse stops immediately!" Weizet took the wand and tapped his arm gently, which also lifted the protection of the water and fire invulnerability curse.

As Luna said, the rain is different at this time.

Weizet closed his eyes and stretched out his hands, palms facing up to touch the drizzle, savoring the difference.

The late autumn rain in the Scottish Highlands was naturally cold, but the raindrops that touched his palm at this moment, giving him the most intuitive feeling, were not so cold.

The impure part comes from a biting chill, like the intuitive feeling it brings to people when dementors appear;

This impurity is diminishing rapidly, with each drop of rain being a few points less than the last;

The rain on my palms gradually increased, and the coldness of late autumn gradually increased, more and more, until the biting chill completely disappeared.

"It's strange, isn't it?" Luna could easily feel the subtle changes in Weizet's brows, "The rain will become very cold when the dementors appear..."

"It's so cold that it feels like fallen leaves are crying... The sad bugs should like this kind of rain very much. They will crawl out of their nests and take a good bath in this kind of rain."

She stretched out her hand to catch the current raindrops, "The rain without Dementors is more interesting. Although it is still very cold, it feels like nature's sleeping song..."

Weizet tilted his head slightly, as if listening to something, "The leaves are also singing, but this song... is the song of autumn."

Luna smiled beautifully, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her delicate eyebrows arched, as if she had just listened to a sweet tune, "After listening to this song, the Forbidden Forest will hibernate!"

This is the smallest rain in recent times, and it’s worth stopping to experience.

A fallen leaf floated to Weizet's hand in the wind. He waved his wand and tapped the fallen leaf, turning it into an umbrella and holding it up.

The umbrella held up a small world, and the light rain like fluttering rain fell on the umbrella. It took a lot of effort to gather into a drop, slid down the umbrella frame, and landed on Luna's palm.

One drop on the left, one on the right, and two more raindrops fell on the other side...

In this small world, Luna was like a cheerful and busy bee, circling around Weizet, collecting the raindrops that had finally gathered.

I don’t know how long it took, but the rain gradually stopped, and the sound of wind, rain, and the singing of leaves were no longer so obvious;

What Weizet could feel more was the drum-like sound, which seemed to come from the inside out and seemed to float around.

The sky cleared, and the lead-gray clouds slowly dispersed, revealing a lead-white sky.

The sun shines through the gaps in the clouds, gently caressing Luna's long hair, giving her a faint halo, like a crown woven by the sun.

At this moment, from the biting chill to the coldness of late autumn, and finally to the warmth of the sun, Weizet suddenly felt a different kind of feeling.

But he couldn't tell, it felt like he was still close to the mark.

"Vizet! Doesn't it look like casting the Patronus Charm..." Luna spread her waterfall-like long hair and smoothed it out little by little, "The sun has come out, and the cold has been driven away!"

Patronus Spell Healing Technique!

Wizette now understands how to improve the "Patronus Spell Healing Technique"!

Chapter 208 A Day in the Life of Sirius Black

The failure of sneaking into the Gryffindor common room for the first time made Sirius feel a little discouraged;

He was too impatient at the time and should not have tried to achieve his goals by threatening the Fat Lady's portrait without a password;

As a member of Gryffindor, he knew very well that the Fat Lady was somewhat vain and wanted to be praised for her shrill and unpleasant high notes, but when faced with critical issues, the Fat Lady would never back down;

At least she wouldn't flinch on the spot, but the Fat Lady might be frightened afterwards and temporarily stop being the guard in and out of the lounge.

Perhaps because it took a long time to transform into a black dog, Sirius Black always felt that his memory seemed to have become much worse;

There is nothing that can be done about it. Once you return to your human form, a wizard or Muggle will always find you and expose your whereabouts.

Moving in the form of Animagus can avoid exposing his whereabouts as much as possible;

No one would associate the vicious fugitive with a stray dog;

He is not an ordinary stray dog, but a stray dog ​​with tangled hair, skinny and extremely miserable.

However, in this way, some images that should have been deeply engraved in his mind now have a hazy feeling of seeing flowers through the fog.

The hustle and bustle of the Quidditch game, the cheers from the viewing stand, these once very familiar scenes, he gradually forgot into fragments;

The continuous rain in these days seems to be washing away his memory, and those fragments and pictures are becoming more and more blurred.

On the contrary, there is a picture that comes purely from imagination, which seems to be clearer and clearer--

After he became Harry's godfather, he once expected that one day he could sit in the viewing stand with James and Lily and cheer for Harry's galloping on the Quidditch field.

This wish that has never been realized has become the driving force that supports him to keep moving forward.

The end of Halloween means the beginning of the Quidditch House Cup;

Sirius Black knew that there was a path in the Forbidden Forest, and he could follow that path to reach the Quidditch field without any risk;

This path was discovered by James, so that he could return to the Quidditch field as quickly as possible when necessary to avoid missing the next game.

Sirius Black knew that Harry had also become a seeker, and he really wanted to see with his own eyes the heroic figure of Harry flying on the Quidditch field;

When Harry was one year old, he remembered that he gave Harry a gift, which was a customized mini flying broom that could only be two feet off the ground, plus a series of protective magic to ensure Harry's safety;

He also received a reply from Lily, writing a lot about Harry, and also wrote about James's expectations for Harry-to become a Quidditch star.

Sirius Black thought about the past randomly, and unknowingly he had climbed onto the viewing platform, standing in the place that James thought was the best view, looking for where Harry was.

He only took a glance, and with the help of the dazzling lightning, he found Harry's figure in the wind and rain;

What impressed him was that the figure riding on the flying broom looked so much like James!

Even though the wind and rain were so strong, Harry flew very steadily, just like the scene he saw in his dream.

Compared with James of the same period, Harry seemed to be thinner...

Before Sirius Black could make more guesses, a piercing and familiar sense of crisis came to his heart.

He didn't even need to look back to think of what happened-the damn Dementors are coming!

Has he been discovered?

Why else would it be such a coincidence?

Why did the Dementors rush over when he just glanced at Harry?

Sirius Black learned from the last lesson and dared not hesitate any more. He subconsciously jumped off the viewing platform with his tail between his legs, trying to escape from here as quickly as possible;

When he was searching for food in the trash can before, he read the relevant reports from the discarded Daily Prophet, and understood what kind of punishment he would suffer if he was caught by the Dementors.

It was undoubtedly the wisest choice to escape from here as quickly as possible at this moment;

If the Dementors really found his traces and were attracted here, they could be led away to prevent them from disturbing the Quidditch game;

If the Dementors appeared on the Quidditch field for some other reason, leaving this place in time could also avoid exposing their whereabouts in advance.

Sirius Black ran all the way, as far away from the Quidditch field as possible.

The good news was that the Dementors did not chase him, and the bad news was the same;

It meant that they would interfere with the game, would Harry be in danger?

He was a little afraid to think about it.

There was a thunderclap in the sky. He saw an empty broomstick through the gaps in the leaves. It was Harry's broomstick!

He looked into the distance along the trajectory of the broomstick and saw that it was intercepted by the Whomping Willow and smashed into countless pieces.

The broomstick was out of his hand...what would happen to Harry?

At this moment, he was extremely anxious and even wanted to expose himself to attract the attention of the Dementors and prevent Harry from being hurt by the Dementors.

The appearance of several silver lights made Sirius Black give up this idea.

Yes! The professors of Hogwarts are still here!


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