"Although it sounds simple, as long as these three points cannot be fully achieved, there may be a 'split' situation during the process of apparation, that is, a certain part is separated from the body."

"When the Apparition is performed, the user will disappear into a vortex. When the Apparition lands, there will be a more obvious sound."

"Three 'D' principles?" Godric Gryffindor raised his eyebrows, looking like a calm lion, "Goal, determination... and calmness?"

"If I'm not wrong, learning Apparition in this way will allow you to hold the wand in your hand, focus on the target direction, and then think about occupying the space in the target direction..."

"The so-called 'determination' is the determination to occupy space. Let this kind of determination fill your body... fill every corner of your body, so that you can enter the final step!"

"That's the so-called 'calmness' and 'determination' filling the whole body before trying to spin on the spot, and then use the body to perform the magic of Apparition, right?"

"Yes!" Vizette nodded, "Dean Gryffindor, do you have any questions?"

"Because when you perform Apparition like this, there may be a lot of mistakes." Godric Gryffindor raised his voice, "This is even the reason for 'split'..."

"We are wizards! Then we should use magic to solve problems. We should not think about occupying a certain place. What we should think about is 'I am standing in that place now'!"

"Should I... stand there?" Wizette frowned slightly, "Dean of Gryffindor, what do you mean..."

"Following the so-called three 'D' principles, people will feel that moving to another place is a continuous process..."

"And what Apparition does is actually change... from one place... to another place in an instant... Is it actually considered transformation magic?"

Wizette felt that his thoughts suddenly opened up, "If we speculate based on transformation magic, some things seem to be able to be explained..."

"The reason why 'split' occurs is not because of the lack of strong enough 'determination', but because of the lack of precise enough magic control?"

"As for the sound...because you are no longer in this position, something naturally needs to occupy this position, so the sound was made."

"And you appear in another location because there needs to be room for you, so it will make the same noise."

"My mind spins so fast, I can think of it so quickly... use transformation magic to understand the principles!" Godric Gryffindor said in surprise, "It would be a pity not to come to Gryffindor..."

"Ahem!" He coughed a few times and returned to the original topic, "What needs to be noted is! You are changing your position. This process is 'centered on me', not on space!"

"In my opinion, when a wizard changes himself, if the outside world is involved, the outside world will also react accordingly. This is why it is necessary to 'put me first'."

"If you try to change the space..." Weizet said, following the words of Godric Gryffindor, "it might involve too many things, thus causing unpredictable consequences?"

Godric Gryffindor nodded, "This is something that belongs to the soul level. I can feel it. You should have already started, so I will say this more."

"In addition, Wizette, your inference about the sound is not wrong. Although we only change our position, the space will also change accordingly..."

"How should I describe it? It's like the relationship between the soul and the body? Although the two seem independent, they also influence each other."

"This is what I said. As a wizard, you should use magic to solve problems. This is probably what it feels like..."

"And the skill regarding movement is... to use transformation magic to perform phantom appearance, which can reduce the noise as much as possible and the traces produced as much as possible."

"I'm not a person who is good at theory. Putting it into action and doing something is what I like to do. You can feel everything that happens through practice."

After saying these words, Godric Gryffindor opened his arms, and the entire "Merlin Trial Ruins" expanded outward until it was half the width of the auditorium, and then stopped.

"Including the Forbidden Forest..." After doing all this, he began to explain, "The area around Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is actually protected by anti-Apparition magic."

"But as the founder, I still have certain permissions over Hogwarts, such as temporarily lifting this protection. You can just practice here!"

Chapter 224 The Apparition of the Two “P” Principles

Compared with the three "D" principles for apparation, when using transformation magic to apparate, you only need to pay attention to two points: "Where am I now" and "Where do I want to appear".

In the next week, Weizet and Luna were either exploring the "Merlin Trial Relics" in the Forbidden Forest or practicing Apparition.

In addition to supervising the two of them and giving some necessary reminders, Godric Gryffindor was also summarizing the key points of Apparition.

He figured out two "P" principles, namely the current position (Present Position) and the target position (Projected Position).

The knowledge that Godric Gryffindor taught Vizzet was very different from the knowledge that Salazar Slytherin taught Vizzet.

Salazar Slytherin's teaching method was based on a lot of magic principles, so that Vizzet could understand what a magic needs to go through before it can be released;

But if you want to understand what Salazar Slytherin is saying, you need to have the corresponding magic foundation, so this method is not suitable for everyone.

The knowledge that Godric Gryffindor taught is more inclined to a kind of "feeling". He doesn't like to explore how this magic came about, but he will consider how to use this magic well.

This "feeling" is not only applicable to magic, but also to teaching students, that is, Vizzet and Luna;

He feels that Vizzet should like to study magic, so he will tell Vizzet what points to pay attention to and why he needs to pay attention to these points based on his past experience;

He will even come up with a "two 'P' principle" based on the "three 'D' principle" to help Vizzet learn and master it.

He felt that Luna should be more imaginative, so he would tell her about his own experiences and the feelings he gained from them;

In this process, he would not explain in detail what problems should be paid attention to, and Luna would feel everything by herself, which was quite like listening to a story and then writing a review;

Usually, Godric Gryffindor's words were: "If you think it's possible, then try it! Do you have other ideas? Try it! Anyway, Vizet has a potion on him, so it's okay if he gets hurt..."

As a result, Vizet, who had completed the exercise, looked more nervous than Luna;

Fortunately, there were no accidents in the middle, and Luna also mastered the Apparition when the Christmas holiday was approaching.


The bushes gathered in the "Merlin Trial Ruins" and dispersed into obstacles one after another;

The space left between the obstacles was not large, just enough for one person to stand in it.

"Go to that bush over there..." Godric Gryffindor pointed casually, then immediately moved to the other side, "Wrong! Go there!"

Vizet's figure disappeared instantly, and when Godric Gryffindor stabilized his arm, Vizet had already appeared in the corresponding area.

The effect of training was remarkable. The vortex produced by Apparition was only about the size of a fist, like twisting the air, and it was not very conspicuous even in the snow;

The noise produced by Apparition was also not loud, probably equivalent to the sound of closing a book from the middle. If you don't listen carefully, it's probably difficult to associate it with Apparition.

"Very good! Excellent performance!" Godric Gryffindor nodded with satisfaction.

"My change of direction did not affect your speed of Apparition, which can be regarded as a reward!"

Just like Salazar Slytherin, he can't move for a long time.

But before falling asleep, he made the following summary: "Improve concealment, subconsciously read the battlefield, and improve sensitivity to combat..."

"These are the results that can be gained after completing Apparition. Combat often only lasts for a moment, and subconscious reaction is more important..."

"Because you don't need to spend more energy on it, but it can greatly help the battle... By the way! Are you a Quidditch player?"

"Dean of Gryffindor," Vizet was a little surprised, "Can you feel such a thing?"

"Because you mastered Apparition very quickly... Of course, I have contributed to this!" Godric Gryffindor looked a little pleased. "What does Luna say? I can't comment..."

"But you... Actually, with your current learning method, perhaps the three 'D' principle Apparition practice method is more suitable for you..."

"On the contrary, you should have spent more time on this two 'P' principle Apparition practice method..."

"At least in my judgment, you should have mastered Apparition later than Luna, but the actual situation is not like this. This kind of thing happened, which means you should have a talent for flying."

"Flying talent... Quidditch... Change yourself..." Vizet frowned slightly, and seemed to understand what Godric Gryffindor meant.

"Headmaster Gryffindor, in fact, using this method, you can re-understand and perceive 'space' through continuous practice, right?"

"Although we are only changing ourselves, space will also change... because we only need two 'P's to have extra energy... to perceive the changes in 'space'?"

"You..." Godric Gryffindor pursed his lips, "You have said everything I wanted to say! I was going to give it as the last reward!"

"Then wait for the next time?" Luna said with a smile, "Headmaster Gryffindor, birds and snakes have to sleep well in winter, how can this be said to be the last reward?"

"That's right!" Godric Gryffindor nodded happily, "I'm just sleeping! Now is not the time!"

After he finished speaking, he still had a smile on his face, but his figure gradually dissipated, turning into countless flying leaves, and returned to the top cover;

Everything around him seemed to have been rewound, and quickly returned to its original state.

Vizet aimed at the location of the "Merlin Trial Ruins" and gently waved his wand to connect it with the Starlight Map.

He put the wand back into his pocket, "This way... there are only three areas left."

Luna asked, "Do we have to wait until spring to connect them all with the Starlight Map and exert their due effects?"

"Yes!" Vizet responded, "But Sirius Black... seems to have been silent during this period."

Luna guessed, "Maybe he is waiting for a suitable opportunity?"

Vizet nodded, "No matter what, as long as he stays in the Scottish Highlands, he will definitely be found by the Starlight Map!"

Chapter 225 Holidays are approaching

For Hogwarts students, the Christmas holiday is the longest holiday except for the summer vacation, no one else.

Professors of various magic subjects also began to assign holiday homework;

Some Ravenclaw students would count the amount of homework, even if they only counted the length of the essays required, they could draw the following conclusion - this year's holiday homework is one-fifth less than in previous years.

"It's not just our grade that has reduced homework..." Michael Corner slumped on the bench in the auditorium after "spying" on the information, "Fourth and sixth graders also have reduced homework!"

"Why did they skip fifth and seventh grade..." Terry Booth reacted before he finished speaking, "That's right! They still have to take O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams."

Anthony Goldstein touched his chin and said, "I feel like it should be the credit of "Hogwarts Voice"..."

"There are a few essays on it that inspired me... Actually, they are quite a lot! I feel much better about the button-to-earthworm transformation taught by Professor McGonagall last week!"

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