"Okay!" Wizette nodded. For Ravenclaw, guessing riddles is an integrated part of life.

When they enter the common room, they always need to solve the riddles mentioned by the copper ring.

"Listen carefully..." The stall owner plucked the strings of the harp and hummed a melodious tune, "It is a childhood dream and a companion at night. It is silent and brings laughter. Who is it, guarding you in the dream?"

The stall owner ended by sweeping the harp strings. Wizette and Luna said in unison: "Puppet!"

"Correct." The stall owner smiled, "What do you want?"

Wizette and Luna looked at each other, but neither of them reached out. The stall owner seemed to understand something and smiled and said, "Do you want another riddle?"

He did not wait for Wizette and Luna's answers, but directly plucked the strings and began to hum melodiously.

"It comes from the ordinary and becomes extraordinary. In silence, it tells a story. It is silent, but full of soul. Who is describing the years in silence?"

This riddle is more complicated than the previous one. Both Vizette and Luna blinked and looked at a handicraft on the stall. "It is a wood carving."

The stall owner smiled appreciatively, "Both riddles are correct. Now you can choose two prizes."

A pair of pedestrians were attracted by the stall owner's singing. When they came to ask, the stall owner proposed the same conditions to the pair of pedestrians.

Vizette and Luna both chose a scarf. When they helped each other wrap the scarf, the stall owner smiled knowingly and hummed the next riddle.

"It is silent, but it seems important in the cold season. Soft as a dream, warm as a hug, who is silently waiting in the winter?"

"It is a scarf..." Vizette and Luna thought of the answer, but their voices were very soft, and only each other could hear the answer.

"Let's buy something!" Vizette suggested, "Take it back to Mr. Lovegood."

Luna suggested, "Then... buy another scarf?"

"You can also buy another cup..." Vizette picked up the ceramic cup that Luna had just noticed, "Tell him to rest... drink more hot water?"

"Yeah!" Luna smiled, and two beautiful blushes appeared on her face.

After saying goodbye to the "bard" stall owner, Vizette and Luna strolled for a while, and met "Santa Claus" who was delivering gifts on the way.

Luna was lucky and took out a headdress and a star-patterned hairpin from the gift.

Vizette was also lucky and took out a hair rope from the gift, which was just right for Luna.

Unknowingly, the two strolled from Christmas Eve to Christmas, and the lights of the Letonhall Market suddenly dimmed.

Just when Vizette and Luna put their hands in their pockets and held their wands tightly, a crisp bell rang.

The star on the top of the tall Christmas tree now emits a soft white light, which becomes brighter and brighter, gradually illuminating the entire dome;

The cheerful Christmas music sounded at the Letonhall Market, and the colorful lights on the dome appeared;

Against the stained glass, they danced like ribbons, changing according to the rhythm of the music, sometimes bright and sometimes soft.

"It turned out to be a performance..." Vizette shook his head and laughed, "Merry Christmas!"

Luna tied her waterfall-like long hair with a hair tie, and also smiled, "Merry Christmas!"

Chapter 229 An Extra Happy Christmas

On Christmas, the sun gradually rose, and the sunlight poured into the room through the window. Vizette was awakened by the soft morning light.

He opened his eyes slowly, turned sideways at the first time, and held the wand on the bedside table in his hand.

The wand was tied with a wrist rope, which was a Christmas gift from Luna, and it was also tied to the wand by Luna.

Luna's hands were very skillful, and she tied a flexible knot, so that the size of the knot could be adjusted more conveniently.

The wrist rope is colorful, and with the soft morning light, every strand of magical animal hair on it exudes a different luster at this moment, like a rainbow wrapped around a magic wand;

It has a good texture, soft and warm, and seems to blend into the skin, without any discomfort, just like the feeling of being in bed at this moment.

Although Vizette knew that the knot tied by Luna was extremely strong, he was still subconsciously cautious when pulling the knot, as if he was protecting a treasure.

After putting the wrist rope on his wrist, he gently waved the magic wand, and the tip of the magic wand emitted light, pulling out a rainbow-like halo.

After a long while, Vizette put the magic wand back on the bedside table, looked at the magic wand that seemed to be tied with a rainbow, and smiled and shook his head.

He and Luna were both inspired by Selina Pendragon and chose to give each other wrist ropes as gifts;

However, his hands were not as skillful as Luna's, so the style of the wrist rope he gave was more like a bracelet;

Using "Elementary Magic Forging" to make interlocking silver chains, and then embellishing them with a few polished crystal balls, and then ensuring comfort as much as possible, this is the most important point in his opinion.

When he was dressed and walked downstairs, Luna happened to push the door open, raised the magic wand that was pulling the wrist rope, and gently tapped it behind her to wipe off the mud spots on her body.

She looked up, smiled at Vizette, and gently shook the silver chain in her hand.

Everything is self-evident.


This Christmas, two professors of arithmetic divination and ancient runes also sent gifts to Vizette.

Setima Victor from the arithmetic divination class sent a book called "New Principles of Numerology", which is a book introducing arithmetic divination and contains many novel arithmetic divination ideas;

Professor Bathsheda Baburin from the ancient runes class sent a rubbing of ancient runes, which also has many annotations from Bathsheda Baburin, which is very valuable for research.

Fred and George also sent Christmas gifts, which are two candies wrapped in paper and a very brief instruction manual:

[Puff bubble gum: Why are you entangled about what to wear to parties and dances? You should bring - Pu Pu bubble gum, the surprise of farting will make you the loudest star in the audience! ]

[Warm reminder: Please use Pu Pu bubble gum in appropriate occasions and respect the feelings of others. Pranks are good, but friendship is more important! 】

Neville Longbottom sent a Christmas gift, a gift box containing several herbs;

Weizet didn't even need to open the gift box, just a quick glance at the herbs on display, and he could see that the herbs were carefully selected;

In addition to the herbal gift box, there was also a neat letter underneath, and the wording inside didn't look like his usual writing style;

It can be seen that after the manuscript was typed, it was revised several times before it was copied on formal parchment.

[Weizet, I wish you a Merry Christmas! ]

[I hope this letter can bring you the warmth and joy of the holiday. I write this letter with great gratitude because your advice has benefited me a lot. ]

[Since I changed my new wand, my magic level has really improved! This is a huge surprise and encouragement for both me and my family. ]

[To express my gratitude, I carefully prepared a small gift, I hope you will like it! 】

【This magic plant gift box contains several of my favorite plants, each of which symbolizes my gratitude and blessings to you! 】

【Thank you again for your help and support! 】

【Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 】

【With the sincerest wishes,】

【Neville Longbottom】

Vizet opened the letter, and there was a piece of parchment underneath.

It should be Neville's first draft. The wording inside is indeed colloquial, and there are many traces of smears. You can feel Neville's excitement when he wrote the letter.

"Okay... I roughly know what's going on. He does tend to forget things. Is it because he's too nervous?" Vizet shook his head gently, "Restored as new!"

He raised his wand and gently tapped the two pieces of parchment, and the parchment immediately gathered together, as if it had never been opened.

"That should be enough."


Draco Malfoy also sent a letter to thank Vizet for his suggestion to "try changing a wand";

There was a package under the envelope, which contained an exquisitely patterned ornament;

The pattern was very medieval, but it should be made with goblin craftsmanship, so there was no trace of being destroyed by time;

I think the value of this ornament should be quite high. After all, it is made with goblin craftsmanship, which is extremely valuable for pure-blood families;

Draco also mentioned in the letter that if he had time, he could come to Malfoy Manor as a guest, whether it was summer vacation or Christmas vacation, as long as Dobby came to notify him.


To Vizet's surprise, even Rita Skeeter sent him an envelope.

After opening the envelope, there was a magic photo inside, and the location of the photo was like a manor;

The protagonist of the magic photo was only one person - Cornelius Fudge, who covered his ears with his hands, trying to stay away from the noise of the Howler behind him;

The style of this Howler was also a little special. Unlike the traditional red Howler, this Howler was more like a greeting card, and some Christmas decorations could be seen on it;

I think Cornelius Fudge was also bewitched by the disguise of the Howler, so he was chased by such a letter and had to cover his ears to avoid listening to the Howler's curse on him.

Behind the magic photo, there was a message from Rita Skeeter, which was only a short sentence: [Merry Christmas. ]

"It can be regarded as a very unique Christmas gift..." Vizet put the photo back into the envelope, "But I feel... Mr. Lovegood should like it."

"Like what?" Xenophilius Lovegood, who was sleepy, walked downstairs, yawning and stretching.

"Minister Cornelius Fudge's embarrassing moment." Vizet spread his hands, and with the help of the levitation spell, the envelope slowly floated towards Xenophilius.

"In an embarrassing moment?" Xenophilius finally woke up and laughed at the photo, "I feel that this Christmas... is particularly happy!"

Chapter 230 Research on "Spirit", "Soul" and "Body"

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