"Now you can describe the 'Billywig worm' in your box! In that case... maybe I can tell you what a Horcrux is!"

Since he knew about the Horcrux, a black magic prop, Weizet has deliberately looked for books related to it;

A book called "The Most Toxic Magic" records many terrifying curses, but only has this comment on the Horcrux:

[Regarding the Horcrux, the most evil magic invention, no discussion or guidance will be given here. ]

Another book called "The Secret of Cutting-edge Black Magic" only records the method of making Horcruxes, without exploring its principles, but only leaves a warning at the end:

[Remember, splitting the soul is extremely dangerous! This will make the soul extremely unstable, and eventually lead to permanent damage and irreversible consequences! ]

"The Secret of Cutting-edge Black Magic" reveals the process of performing a lot of black magic in a playful tone;

But only after the method of making the Horcrux, it leaves such a serious and severe warning, which shows that the Horcrux is extraordinary.


Salazar Slytherin did not keep the topic secret and continued: "You can study the soul to this extent, so you must know..."

"Usually, all kinds of magic only work on the 'body' and 'soul' you mentioned. For example, the Oblivion Spell, you should know which part it works on, right?"

Vizet nodded, "It works on the 'soul', mainly targeting memory, and can reverse the effect of the Oblivion Spell."

He reacted and added, "Headmaster Slytherin, that is to say... making a Horcrux requires... 'Spirit'?"

"This is more extreme than I thought!" He frowned and said, "Some black magic can harm the soul, but it only harms the 'soul'... …”

“Then it will affect the ‘body’, causing wounds that are difficult to heal. If the ‘spirit’ is consumed directly, it will cause damage to both the ‘soul’ and the ‘body’…”

Thinking of this, Vizet had a doubt, “Dean Slytherin, if it is just to live longer, is it worth doing this?”

Salazar Slytherin smiled slightly, “This is an extremely crazy path, but it is also a shortcut.”

“Little Eagle… You should also know the relationship between the ‘spirit’, ‘soul’ and ‘body’, right? As a Ravenclaw, perhaps you can rely on yourself to find the answer!”

“Rely on yourself to find the answer?” Vizet murmured, looking at the contents of the notebook, and fell into deep thought…

Chapter 232 Advantages of extremes and imbalance

Vizet said slowly: "The 'spirit', 'soul' and 'body' complement each other and influence each other... From another perspective, it also means that they maintain a certain balance."

He thought of how Voldemort used blood magic to complete the design and frame-up of Tom Riddle, and finally succeeded in annexing Tom Riddle and achieved his ultimate goal;

The method used by Voldemort was to combine two real materials and add an illusory memory to destroy the blood magic that should have been stable, causing Tom Riddle to become weak;

Being able to come up with such a method, it can be seen from the side that Voldemort is a wizard who likes to go to extremes;

I am afraid that he developed such a way of thinking because... Voldemort can always rely on extreme methods to achieve the results he wants.

Thinking of this, Vizette felt that the answer had emerged, "He can become stronger in this way!"

"Hmm..." Salazar Slytherin was still a little surprised. He could actually expect that Vizette could rely on his talent to find the answer himself;

What surprised him was that Vizette seemed to find the answer too quickly.

Hearing Salazar Slytherin's long groan, Vizette thought that there was still something that he might not have considered carefully.

However, thinking that Salazar Slytherin's active time might not be as long as imagined, Vizette decided to express his thoughts first;

After all, he was just a student, and he didn't think he was so special, so it was normal for him to make mistakes in learning;

Despite this, he still needed to express his thoughts, and he had to say them more comprehensively, so that it would be convenient for the professor to point out where his thoughts were wrong.

"Headmaster Slytherin, this is what I think... Voldemort consumed his own 'spirit' by making Horcruxes. The lack of 'spirit' means that it is out of balance with 'soul' and 'body'."

"He also used 'love' as a price to obtain the Death Curse. This has exacerbated this imbalance and made it even more extreme. This is an all-round extreme!"

"Extremeness and imbalance should be a disadvantage, but because Voldemort obtained the Death Curse, this extremeness and imbalance has become an advantage."

"With such an advantage, Voldemort can better... even exert the power of the Death Curse beyond normal."


Salazar Slytherin looked at Vizet's frown, smiled and shook his head gently.

Even without using Legilimency, he could understand roughly what Vizet was thinking at this time;

It was nothing more than Vizet felt that his ideas were wrong, but he had to be brave enough to express his ideas in order to get better correction;

In fact, this kind of research spirit is not only suitable for Ravenclaw Academy, which pursues knowledge, but also for Slytherin Academy.

"The answer is correct!" Salazar Slytherin affirmed, "Being able to start from the perspective of the Death Curse..."

"It's interesting to conclude that making a Horcrux not only prevents death, but also makes that person stronger."

"I can add one more thing to you..." He looked at Wizette and said slowly, "Perhaps you should have known for a long time that if you want to cast magic, you can use emotions to enhance the magic effect, right?"

Vizette nodded in response: "Yes, Head of Slytherin!"

Salazar Slytherin continued to ask: "But the professor will not talk about this to you in the first and second years, right?"

Weizet nodded again, "When Professor Flitwick teaches magic, he will actually mention it, but he will not emphasize it."

Salazar Slytherin said with a hint of ridicule, "That's because for most wizards, being able to learn to cast magic is enough."

"In fact, they don't have the ability to pursue more, so using magic peacefully is enough for them to enjoy the convenience of magic."

"The difference between Muggles and wizards lies in their magical talents, and the difference between powerful wizards and mediocre wizards also lies in their magical talents!"

"There will always be wizards who are keen enough to capture the possibility of improving magic from just a few words, so as to take a step forward of their own."

"Dean Slytherin, can I think so?" Weizet asked, "They have not reached the level of exploring the soul, but they can detect that the soul affects magic?"

"Because the soul is there, even if you fail to open the 'box containing the Billywig Bug', you can still rely on instinct to dig into yourself... dig into the soul?"

"Of course! Of course you can understand it this way!" Salazar Slytherin said with a hint of nostalgia in his tone, "This is the meaning of the existence of Hogwarts..."

"The environment at that time was very complicated. Only by allowing more wizards to become stronger and allowing wizards with outstanding magical talents to display their talents can we better cope with that era!"

He let out a breath and his tone returned to normal, "Generally speaking, black magic is easier to guide emotions, but it can also easily go to extremes."

"Dark wizards are occasionally mentioned?" Wizette reacted, remembering Selina Pendragon's battle memories;

The dark wizards that Serena fights are usually like madmen, and the black magic they cast is also extremely cruel.

"So...Voldemort had a similar reason..." He recalled Voldemort's crazy feeling, and at the same time he understood what Salazar Slytherin wanted to add.

"He also relies on his emotions...The lack of 'love' makes him more focused...for example, focusing on extremely extreme negative emotions!"

"Or it should be said that his emotions became single and concentrated, which also made him more efficient when performing black magic..."

"Such extremeness and concentration...focus and efficiency...actually enhanced his overall ability..."

Wizette let go of the notebook and pen in his hand, took out his wand and put it against his temple. Through reviewing his memory, he re-examined the contents related to the production of Horcruxes in "The Secret of Advanced Black Magic".

Not only that, he also recalled another memory, which was the death curse he cast on Voldemort at the end of last school year.

"That dark hole... that thing that looks like a whirlpool... Principal Dumbledore told me at the time that maybe that dark whirlpool was death."

"Could this be the principle of making Horcruxes? Through a murder full of no regrets and full of malice, a dark vortex symbolizing death is then summoned..."

"The vortex swallows the soul of the victim, and the traction generated can be used to tear the soul of the murderer apart. In this way, the soul fragments are torn out, which can be used to make Horcruxes!"

Hearing Vizet's inference, Salazar Slytherin pursed his lips. Everything he wanted to say was finished by Vizet, so what else could he say...

Chapter 233 Voldemort’s power is hidden in the spirit box?

Salazar Slytherin's original purpose was to clarify the principles of making Horcruxes;

He did not expect that Weizet had already sensed the "object that symbolizes death" and guessed the principle of making a Horcrux just by relying on a few questions.

Without spending much effort, students can figure out the problem on their own under their own guidance, which should be a very fulfilling thing;

It's just that this process was so easy, it made him feel... he seemed to be almost like a guidepost, only providing directions and not really participating in the process of solving the problem.

Weizet said: "Dean Slytherin, this is the principle of making Horcruxes that I tried to deduce based on what you just mentioned..."

Salazar Slytherin let out a breath, "Eagle, how did you find that...'thing that symbolizes death'?"

"I used the Death Curse on Voldemort." Weizet said truthfully. "It is said that as long as the person is hit by the Death Curse, that person will definitely die..."

"But magic items like Horcruxes can ensure the wizard's immortality, so I'm a little curious... what will be the result of using the Death Curse to deal with the Horcrux holder."

"Voldemort looked like a black mist at that time. I think it was a special form that he showed with the help of Horcrux after losing his body."

"According to my research, Horcrux holders will all have similar forms." Salazar Slytherin affirmed, "Go on!"

Weizet recalled: "I found that Voldemort became very strange, as if he had crawled into something..."

"Half of the body is trying hard to fly outward...the other half of the body seems to be pulled by something, and it seems difficult to get rid of the constraints brought by this pull."

"So I used the power of the magic eye to observe a dark hole that looked like a whirlpool. It was this whirlpool that made Voldemort in the black mist state so strange."

"It seems that the protective effect of Horcrux is better..." There was a bit of regret in his tone, "Voldemort finally broke free from the shackles of the whirlpool and left Hogwarts."

"Using the Death Curse to experiment with the effects of Horcruxes..." Salazar Slytherin murmured, "I have done such a thing before..."

"In fact, because of the wonderful characteristics of Horcruxes... as long as we can find the Horcruxes and the wizard who made them at the same time, it will be enough to uncover many secrets."

"Let me think about it..." He closed his eyes and recalled the past. The original blood color on his body gradually turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Dean of Slytherin..." Although Weizet understood that Salazar Slytherin's current situation was actually a normal phenomenon, he still couldn't help but feel a little worried.

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