Even going a step further, not only letting go of the restraints on oneself, but also enjoying the intense pleasure that can be generated after letting go, it can penetrate the "soul" and torture the "spirit";

This is an extremely evil black magic. People who are tortured by the Cruciatus Curse cannot see any wounds on the surface, but their souls are completely devastated inside.

"Such penetrating properties... are actually very suitable for the 'Soul Healing Technique'... It should be used as a 'Spirit Needle' to more easily suture soul wounds and promote the soul's 'self-healing'..."

"It should also be able to be used on the 'Soul Blade' to cut the soul more deeply and treat some deeper and more difficult-to-treat soul damage..."

"The most basic point is... we can further reduce the difficulty of performing the 'Soul Healing Technique'..."

When Weizet first entered school, Snape once asked him if he was interested in dark magic;

His answer at the time was: "I am neither interested nor repelled. Magic can both steal people's souls and save people's lives. It mainly depends on what the caster wants to do."

He still has this idea today, otherwise he would not have thought of the magic of "soul healing";

The initial inspiration came from the "Patron Saint Curse", and then combined with the "Sacred Edge Shadowless Curse" that can harm the soul, the foundation was completed;

Later in the research, the "Patron Saint Curse" was "abandoned" on the surface, and the "Divine Blade Shadowless Curse" that harmed the soul was improved, turning it into a benign cut of the soul;

After researching to this day, Weizet has discovered that the magical qualities of the "Cruciatus Curse" are also suitable for integration into the "Soul Healing Technique";

If the "Cruciatus Curse" can be improved and truly integrated into the "Soul Healing Technique", this magic of healing the soul will become more interesting;

A magic used to heal the soul, but there are actually two magic that harms the soul, almost black magic;

If he could see this level, then as long as he used some more energy, he would be able to discover the core of this magic - it was still the Patronus Charm;

This is very similar to Weizet's understanding of the soul of "spirit", "soul" and "body". The ethereal and seemingly unexposed "spirit" is the most important part and the basis for connecting everything.

Just trying to integrate the "Cruciatus Curse" into the "Soul Healing Technique" is destined to be a difficult road;

After all, the "Cruciatus Curse" itself is an unforgivable curse. As long as someone discovers and reports it when it is cast, Ministry of Magic staff will come to visit;

Once you perform a magical flashback on the wand and obtain conclusive evidence of spellcasting, you can obtain the right to stay in Azkaban for a long time.

Therefore, in order to study this magic, it is necessary to find some safe places and reduce the participation of relevant personnel;

The Forbidden Forest is a good choice. Not only does it meet the requirement of a "safe place", but because of its special location, it can also reduce contact with others and reduce the possibility of being discovered.

Research is always boring, especially if you want to improve the Cruciatus Curse, you need to go through a long and boring life;

Unknowingly, in order to thoroughly study the "Cruciatus Curse", Weizet had fewer and fewer people to talk to, and he spent more and more time in the Forbidden Forest;

It was so long that even after Wizette graduated from Hogwarts, he was unable to complete the improvement;

It has been so long that there is a legend in Hogwarts. It is said that there is a dangerous zone deep in the Forbidden Forest. Students who break into that place will be tortured by the "Cruciatus Curse" and sent to St. Mungo's for long-term treatment;

It has been so long that Weizet has reached middle age and feels at a loss when it comes to improving the "Cruciatus Curse";

It has been so long that Wizette has entered old age, and even formulating a magic experiment seems to require half a day of thinking, and under the influence of Bafei's brain-reviving agent, he can barely write down the next experimental steps.

He needs time...

Wizette finally realizes this. Is there any way to get more time?

He swallowed a bottle of Baffy's brain-refreshing agent, and his head, like a rusty gear, reluctantly moved under the lubrication of Baffy's brain-refreshing agent;


Seems like a... good choice...

After all, there is an example of Voldemort. No matter how he and Dumbledore try, as long as the Horcrux cannot be found, Voldemort cannot be eliminated...

He seems to really need a Horcrux...

Enduring the discomfort caused by various parts of his body, he hunched over and walked in the Forbidden Forest, looking at the darkness in the distance and falling into deep thought...

There will still be students coming to Hogwarts, especially those reckless Gryffindors, and it won't be that difficult to commit murder...

In this way, he can live longer and have more time...

Vizette suddenly raised his head and murmured with a half-smile: "Why do you think...that I would make a Horcrux for such a reason?"

A phantom emerged from the depths of the Forbidden Forest. He was like a slender dementor, with flaming black mist dancing in his cold snake eyes.

Weizet straightened his back, his body was obviously in its final years, but at this moment it looked full of vitality, full of vitality and hope;

He looked directly at the shadow in front of him and said: "Voldemort, it seems that Tom Riddle's soul fragment is... really important to you."

"Even the most preliminary combination can make you think of setting a trap... You know that I will eventually study the soul fragment out of curiosity. This is also your chance..."

"You want me to feel the passage of life, to feel the preciousness of time, and to make me think about whether to make a Horcrux like you do."

Chapter 236 The sense of urgency brought by the passage of time is very wonderful

"Are you willing to accept this?" Voldemort's phantom blinked, and the black mist in his eyes gently jumped. "Maybe with a little more time, the research can be completed."

"Why are you unwilling?" Vizet asked back, "It is precisely because time is limited that I will cherish every moment and strive to achieve the goals I want to achieve within a limited time."

"You may not understand... the passage of time... the sense of urgency brought by the approaching death is actually very wonderful, because it is a kind of motivation! The motivation that encourages me to move forward!"

Voldemort's phantom asked: "Are you willing to watch the research fail to be completed?"

"I have never been alone..." Vizet smiled and shook his head, "If the research cannot be completed, I think there should be others to help me complete the unfinished research."

"I want to be a giant who helps people climb to higher peaks, but if I just become a pile of bones, I think they can also step on me... go a little higher, right?"

"It seems that this is a failed guidance?" Voldemort's phantom said, and the black mist in his eyes jumped regularly.

"Failure? Not really a failure, right?" Vizet shook his head slightly, denying Voldemort's words, "I think it was quite successful."

"At least for me, I did use everything you built to master the Cruciatus Curse more deeply, but it was limited to the Cruciatus Curse."

"I seem to know where the loophole is." Voldemort's shadow said slowly, "It seems to be still rough... The memory of the Patronus Charm should not be suppressed."

"In other words, in fact, you have clearly realized from the beginning that everything around you... is actually built by me?"

"That's right!" Vizet nodded. Nodding, "Because you don't understand the core of 'soul healing'... But I must say that you know too much about black magic!"

"The obstacles and phenomena I encountered when studying the Cruciatus Curse all came from your past experiences, right? Those strange black magic injuries really opened my eyes!"


Voldemort's shadow spoke calmly, but the black mist in his eyes jumped violently, "So this is why you can immerse yourself in it?"

The question he raised was also a disguised admission that everything that Vizet had just experienced was indeed due to his past experiences.

"Yes!" Wizett nodded, "Only by studying the Cruciatus Curse can I be forced to immerse myself in it..."

"You are really a boring person. You seem to believe only in yourself. Otherwise, I would not become more and more lonely when I was going through all that."

"The boring experience you constructed, in addition to allowing me to study the Cruciatus Curse, actually has another function..."

There was a bit of pity in his tone, "These experiences made me understand... It turns out that you want to create Horcruxes because you are afraid of death!"

The shadow of Voldemort narrowed his eyes slightly, and the black mist in his eyes jumped more violently, "I never fear death, because I have defeated it!"

"Did you defeat it... or because of fear, So you want to escape from it? "Wizet's tone was full of mockery, "Don't you think the Horcrux is very similar to a thing?"

"Just like... the branch you can grab when you fall off a cliff? You grab it because you are afraid of death, but you want to say arrogantly..."

"Look! I'm not dead yet! I grabbed the branch so I defeated death! You made a Horcrux, even if it must be attached to a person, but you didn't die, so you defeated death?"

"So, I found a way to defeat Headmaster Dumbledore... As long as I stay far away, then I will defeat Headmaster Dumbledore. Is this your victory over death?"

The black mist in Voldemort's phantom's eyes jumped wildly, but suddenly dissipated, as if it had never appeared.


Wizet smiled and shook his head, "After fusing with Tom Riddle's soul, he really became different. He didn't say anything harsh, but wanted to get away directly."

Everywhere he looked at was gradually turning into nothingness as Voldemort's phantom dissipated.

The world in the mirror reappeared in front of him, and he still held the soul box in his hand. He immediately felt the coldness coming from his back, as if there was something there.

Vizet slightly turned sideways and looked behind him, and indeed saw the thin shadow of Voldemort.

A strange dark light flew out of the soul box, and just as he was about to rise into the sky, Salazar Slytherin suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it in his hand.

He gently rubbed the dark light, "Do you still want to go back? I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult..."

The dark light flickered a few times, and then it seemed to fade, from dark to grayish white, and finally to pearl white, like the color on the ghost.

Salazar Slytherin loosened his fingers, and the pearly white light fell lightly and merged into his body.

As the last bit of light merged into his body, his face also became more bloody.

Vizet asked curiously: "Dean Slytherin, can this help you restore your strength?"

Salazar Slytherin shook his head, "It's not that simple... It contains very little 'spirit'... Only a very small amount of 'spirit' can be transformed."

"Transform..." Vizet tried to analyze the meaning of this word, "That is to say... it will replace you as... consumables?"

"Yes!" Salazar Slytherin nodded, "I look forward to death every day, but not the death we know so far..."

He didn't seem to want to continue talking about this topic, and changed the subject: "When transforming... I felt some interesting news."

"He had been sleeping before... in order to wait for you to go deep into the soul fragment, and then try to seduce you and guide you to make a Horcrux."

"The purpose of doing this is to divide you... This is the disadvantage of making a Horcrux, and you actually have such naive ideas!"

"But he recovered a soul fragment." Vizet said, "and it is a very special soul fragment that can move without a Horcrux."

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