He began to teach magic, his voice becoming more and more bewitching, until Quirrell fainted again.

In the darkness, his eyes radiated a seductive red light, "Quirrel... Do you really want to be a professor who cares about students? What a pity!"

"That's fine! Obscurus' potential needs to be further developed." His voice was full of mockery, "Anyway, you are risking your life, so of course I don't care!"


Learning and practicing always make Vizet feel that there is not enough time.

The weekend came in a blink of an eye, and he came to Quirrell's office as agreed.

The fishy smell here is still strong, and the cold atmosphere is the same as before.

The only change is Quirrell, his face is not as pale as last time, and there is a warm smile on his face.

In addition to the books recommended by Quirrell, Vizet also found some other books, wanting to combine so many books to deduce the spell composition of the chronic curse.

Quirrell saw the spell on the notebook and asked in surprise: "Is this a spell you put together yourself? Have you tried to cast it?"

Vizet said embarrassedly: "I don't know how to try... After all, this is a curse and it is dangerous."

Although he was very open to black magic, he also understood the dangers of this kind of magic and did not try it rashly.

"Then give it a try!" Quirrell waved to the corner.

The linen covering the iron cage fell to the ground. The iron cage was full of dormant venomous snakes, which was also the source of the fishy smell in the office.

A venomous snake slowly flew in front of the two people, and Quirrell said softly: "Practice is often the most effective way to master magic. Read the spell you put together to it!"

Vizet drew out his wand and whispered: "Entangled Illness!"

The venomous snake seemed to be stimulated and kept twisting its body, and a little mucus and scales fell off.

Quirrell nodded and said with a smile: "The general direction of the spell is correct. Both the peeling curse and the pus-flowing curse are effective."

Vizet was a little regretful. "Severe diarrhea, high fever, skin ulcers, these three symptoms, I seem to have only completed the last one."

"You can't say that." Quirrell laughed dumbly, "What you mentioned are the effects that only curses can have!"

"Being able to do this step is enough to show your talent. In some cases, I even don't want to face your magic."

Vizet reacted and immediately replied: "Is it because my magic is new? So it will be more difficult to crack it?"

"That's right!" Quirrell smiled with satisfaction, "As long as you don't meet Aurors or more powerful wizards. After all, the principle of this magic is based on the chronic curse, it is still easy to solve..."

He reached out and grabbed the snake's head, and his lips moved slightly, and the venomous snake returned to its original state and stopped struggling.

"First we need to know the spell of the Sickness Curse - 'Death Sickness Torment', and then correct your pronunciation..."

Chapter 52 Dark Magic and Obscurus

Professor Flitwick also mentioned the importance of spell pronunciation during class.

It's just that there are so many students in the class, so it's impossible to give such detailed instructions as Quirrell.

Pitch and linking, how to change the mouth shape, the distinction between voiced and unvoiced sounds, the intensity and rhythm of pronunciation...

It was the first time that Vizet knew that there were so many things to pay attention to when chanting spells.

Just to record these contents that benefited him a lot, he used two pages of paper.

"Professor McGonagall should have told you that concentration and caution are essential elements of Transfiguration Magic." Quirrell took a sip of water to moisten his throat, "The same is true for chanting spells."

"Only concentration can make the spell as clear as possible, and only caution can keep you awake. Especially for dark magic, you must be cautious about every syllable."

"Is it because of 'Wand Backfire'?" Vizet asked curiously.

During this period, he studied a lot of things, and Ollivander's wand making notes were one of them.

"That's right! I'm afraid your knowledge reserve in some aspects will surpass many graduates." Quirrell's face suddenly became ugly, "Do they usually...target you?"

"No." Vizet shook his head gently, "I have a good relationship with them. We often do homework together, and they will come to watch me train."

"That's good." Quirrell breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's continue..."

As a curse, the Sickness Curse needs to pay attention to many key points, especially if you want to avoid being backfired by magic, you must treat it with caution.

Vizet is very grateful for everything Quirrell has done. As long as you encounter a problem, you will not hide it. Only by sorting out all the problems can you live up to such unreserved teaching.

"The last step is to cast the spell." Quirrell's voice is like a string about to break, "Use your imagination..."

"Imagine that this snake has a plague, all the scales on its body fall off, the skin underneath is festering and pus is flowing, and it is about to die..."

Vizet half-opened his eyes, and gradually constructed the corresponding picture in his mind.

He felt his scalp tingling, but without any hesitation, he chanted the spell in a low voice like a poisonous snake: "Death torture!"

A dark gray light burst out from the tip of the magic wand and sank into the body of the poisonous snake as fast as an arrow.

The poisonous snake began to fester silently, and in just half a second, it turned into a pool of green mucus like snot, and the stench instantly filled the entire room.

"Disappear!" Quirrell retched, pulled out his wand and waved it, eliminating the mixture of mucus and stench.

Vizet subconsciously covered his chest. He felt the restlessness in the core of Obscurus, beating twice like a heart.

At this moment, countless evil thoughts surged like a tide, but most of them disappeared in an instant, leaving only a few throbbing in his heart.

Quirrell noticed something was wrong and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Vizet exhaled a breath of turbid air, "I feel my heart beat faster... Maybe it's the first time I cast black magic?"

"Obscura..." Quirrell said in a low voice, "So that's it!"

Vizet asked in confusion, "What's that?"

"You need to restrain yourself, Vizet." Quirrell's expression was very serious, "Obscura is your talent, but also a curse."

"It will double the power of your black magic, just like the venomous snake that turned into pus just now. At the same time, it will also provoke the evil thoughts of Obscura... You have to be more careful when casting black magic!"

Through these two studies, he realized Quirrell's solid theoretical foundation, "Professor Quirrell, do you think there is any way to eliminate this effect?"

"My suggestion is..." Quirrell thought for a moment and said, "You only need to pay attention to the spell and technique, and don't have to imagine the specific picture, this should be better."

【Disgusted World /亅说фChe Zhuanli 丿⑨ 四 8 ろ 二 ㈣ 0 ⑨②】

He summoned another venomous snake, "You can also try the brain block technique. If you can master the brain block technique... This magic is extremely advanced, at least I can't teach you."

"Thank you, Professor Quirrell!" Vizet thanked sincerely, "I'll try the first method first! Deathly torture!"

Quirrell's judgment was very accurate. If you don't imagine the specific picture, the power of the chronic curse will be greatly weakened.

The venomous snake's scales fell off half, and it spit pus from its mouth, looking half dead.

However, such power also made Quirrell admire it, "Silently brings you an amazing increase! Even without imagining the picture, the power of this magic is still considerable!"

Perhaps it was the stuttering in class that made Quirrell cherish the time of individual teaching more.

Ignoring the pain in his throat, he explained more about the knowledge of compound magic in depth and recommended many related books.


At 1:50 pm on Sunday, Vizet stood at the door of Snape's office.

"Come in directly!" Snape's voice suddenly sounded, "You have a good sense of time."

Compared to Quirrell's theoretical and practical teaching, Snape's teaching is more concise.

A magic energy field was set up in the office, and many materials were piled up in it.

Both magical plants and animal materials can be seen here.

These materials have not been processed. Those animal materials are not only bleeding, but also slightly jumping, which is very fresh.

Snape asked: "What materials can you handle?"

Vizet walked up and took a look, "White fresh, wrinkled fig, jumping toadstool, Gordigen, airship Lee are all OK, I have handled them at home."

Luna's daily routine is to take care of the garden, and she will take him to handle magical plants and sell them to Diagon Alley to supplement the family income.

"Very good." Snape responded coldly, "Go and deal with those dragon entrails."

Having also been in Hogwarts for a while, Vizet was not surprised at all that Snape would say such a thing.

Vizet rolled up his sleeves, stepped into the magic energy field, and then shuddered.

Snape's voice was still cold, "How does it feel?"

"A little cold." Vizet spread his palms to feel it, and took a deep breath.

"The temperature should be close to zero degrees, and the humidity is also suitable, so it won't feel stuffy. It is very suitable for preserving these materials."

Snape said: "I will teach you this magic, you go back and practice it yourself, and you will maintain the magic energy field next time."

Vizet asked: "Can I use it normally? Or the method of processing materials..."

"Use it if you want to, just don't embarrass me!" Snape's tone softened a bit, "Do you know the cutting spell?"

Vizet nodded and replied: "Yes! I have practiced it several times recently."

"Then do it! Use the cutting spell to cut the meat membrane on the surface of the dragon liver..." Snape took out the wand and said.

"Your technique is too crude! Do you think dragon liver is as cheap as pig liver? Congratulations, pigs think so too..."

"Stab it from the concave part of the dragon's kidney! The green mass is extremely poisonous. Either use the cutting spell to remove it or lick it clean. Don't leave any..."

"What are you doing? How can you pick up a dragon's heart like this? There is dragon heart blood in it, which is absolutely precious material! Are you going to sell yourself to Hogwarts to pay off your debts..."

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