"Okay! I'll go find...find Principal Dumbledore!" Quirrell took a step back and handed out the wand in an instant.

"The birds flock!"

Chapter 57 The Confrontation between Snape and Quirrell

More than a dozen little birds with a ball of light, making "chirp, chirp, chirp" sounds, flew towards Snape like a trick to amuse a child.

Snape was obviously displeased with such weak magic.

He stretched out his hand and held it in the air, and the light ball bird was instantly extinguished, as if it had never existed.

"No wonder Malfoy complained to me, hoping that his father would fire you... Is this what you are capable of? Professor Quirrell from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

"What...are you going to do?" Quirrell's eyes widened and he kept backing away.

He showed an extremely frightened expression, and even without paying attention, he tripped over his robe while retreating and fell to the ground.

The corner of Snape's mouth twitched, and when he was about to say something, he noticed that Quirrell's eyes had changed, and it was an extremely focused look.

Silent casting!

Snape instantly became alert and felt a wave of heat erupt behind him.

The light birds reappeared and gathered together, burning like a phoenix rising from nirvana, forming a huge fireball.

The fireball distorted the surrounding air, dragging a fiery red tail flame, like a meteor streaking across the sky, and rushed towards the wooden door at an alarming speed.

"Stop the curse!" Snape shouted.

The fireball was almost extinguished, but it grew rapidly. It was obviously Quirrell casting a spell again.

Everything happened so fast, the wooden door was engulfed in flames in an instant, and ferocious barking came from inside.

Three huge dog heads came out of the door in an instant. They all opened their mouths full of fangs and bit forward fiercely.

Although Snape reacted quickly enough, he still couldn't avoid the bite of one of the dog heads.

The three-headed dog's teeth penetrated Snape's calf, and a demonstrative grunt came from its throat.

Quirrell's expression was very ugly, "Three-headed dog! There is such a thing in the school!"

After receiving this important information, he did not intend to continue to pester, and quickly got up and left.

Snape waved his wand with a serious expression, "Keep the enemy back three feet!"

Accompanied by a huge roar, an invisible force slammed into the three-headed dog. The three-headed dog was hit by the sudden force and instantly lost control.

It screamed in pain, flew out in a panic, and hit the wall directly, causing a tremor in the surrounding area.

Snape gritted his teeth, stood up and looked at the three-headed dog.

The three-headed dog had just regained its balance and couldn't help but tremble when it saw Snape's solemn gaze.

It made a low growl that symbolized warning from its mouth, but did not move forward rashly.

Snape pursed his lips, pulled his wand across the room, conjured an iron door, and closed the three-headed dog again.

"Want to run?" Snape turned to look at Quirrell, only to see that Quirrell had already run some distance away.

He endured the severe pain in his calf, held the wand and pulled it upwards, "The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

Quirrell heard Snape's voice, and felt a sense of crisis in his heart - the sense of crisis of facing death!

He waved his wand like crazy and chanted spells one after another desperately: "Armor to protect you! Armor to protect you! All protection! All protection!"

Several invisible protective magics gathered in front of him and seemed to condense into substance, turning into a solid gray magic barrier.

However, the sense of crisis has not diminished at all. He can only lay down protective magic as much as possible to resist the magic before it comes.

That weird magic finally struck, silently bombarding the magic barrier.

The solid magic barrier shattered instantly, and a huge force hit Quirrell.

He was thrown away like a rag doll with great force, his body drawing a ferocious arc in the air.

Quirrell flew backwards, his arms swinging feebly, with an expression of incredible horror on his face.


He hit the wall hard, and the wall shattered instantly. Dust and debris spread around in the shock, raising a large cloud of smoke.

"Cough cough cough..." Quirrell coughed repeatedly, spurting out mouthfuls of blood.

He felt dizzy, as if his body had been hit by a fire dragon, and every inch of skin and every organ was groaning.

"Quirinus Quirrell!" Snape limped towards Quirrell with cold eyes.

His wand was still trembling, scattering dots of emerald light to suppress the bleeding from the calf wound.

As Snape pressed closer and closer, the sense of crisis from death became more obvious.

Quirrell forced himself to calm down and stammered in defense: "Professor Snape, this is... a misunderstanding!"

He raised his wand, "It's really... it's a misunderstanding! The wand has... backfired! The wand has backfired!"

"So my... magic power went out of control and burned... the wooden door! Fortunately, you weren't... okay!"

"You still want to act..." Snape had already finished speaking, but he still stopped.

The reason for this is that his real target is not Quirrell, but the man behind Quirrell's actions - Voldemort.

Voldemort is the Sword of Damocles hanging above his head.

If Voldemort is still alive, everything he says and does now will affect Voldemort's attitude towards him in the future.

Even if he didn't think about Voldemort, he had other things to think about.

Today is different from the past. This is a relatively peaceful era. Killings in Hogwarts can easily attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic.

He also has the identity of a Death Eater. Whenever there is an outrageous act such as killing, even with Dumbledore as a guarantee, it is not easy to calm down the matter.

Not only that, once Dumbledore comes forward, it will be clear that there is a connection between the two, and it will be more difficult for him to return to Voldemort's ranks in the future.

Snape thought about the past. Perhaps it was because he was walking in the gray area that he encountered so many things.

Lily, Hogwarts, Harry Potter, Voldemort, Death Eaters...

Memories appeared in front of his eyes, and that smiling face that haunted him seemed so close...

He took a deep breath and forced his voice out from between his teeth, "Quirinus Quirrell! What are you doing? Are you doing something for...?"

Quirrell raised his hands and let out an awkward and short laugh: "I am a professor... what else can I do? Of course I work for... Principal Dumbledore..."

At this moment, sharp shouts suddenly appeared, followed by tremors and loud noises.

In the blink of an eye, Snape propped up a magical energy field.

"What did you do again?" he shouted in a low voice, pointing his wand at Quirrell's head.

"I...I don't know either." Quirrell spread his hands, indicating that he had done nothing.

The two faced off for a while, and then the voices of three boys rang out.

"Woohoo! Wizette, the fireworks you helped us improve are really exciting!"

“This year’s Halloween dinner is so innovative, I love it so much!”

"Can you guys be serious? The situation is critical now! Fred, be careful!"

This was followed by a steady and loud incantation, "Come Fred!"

"What's going on?" Quirrell showed an anxious expression and got up in a panic, "Why is Vizette targeted by the troll?"

Snape seized the opportunity and waved his wand to conjure a rope, binding Quirrell.

Quirrell, who was bound by the rope, looked even more anxious. He said in a begging tone: "Snape, please let me go..."

"Oh?" Snape was unmoved and snatched the wand from Quirrell's hand, "You seem to care?"

Another shout came from downstairs: "Weizet, run away! Its target is you! Run away!"

Quirrell continued to plead: "If that child deals with the troll, he will make Obscurus go berserk... We must stop him..."

Snape moved his cheeks and waved his wand to make the rope disappear.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Quirrell struggled to his feet and ran downstairs without even taking the wand.

Snape looked at Quirrell with a strange expression on his face, and finally gritted his teeth and followed.

Chapter 58 The Troll at Hogwarts

With a loud explosion, colorful firelight burst into flames, unfolding into a firework lion in the air.

Fred and George hugged each other and cheered: "It's done! It's more beautiful than we imagined! This golden color is so beautiful! It's more beautiful than gold galleons!"

Wizette also smiled. These twins have a magical ability to spread happiness easily.

In fact, he didn't do much. The main thing was to let the materials fully exert their effect and ensure that the color of the final product was bright enough.

But in the eyes of Fred and George, what Weizet did was the biggest contribution.

The twins were not idle. After the experimental fireworks were completed, they got busy again and tinkered with larger fireworks.

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