"Don't worry!" Dumbledore laughed dumbly and waved his hand helplessly.

This compound magic is not complicated, but it is full of creativity and cleverly combines the advantages of two kinds of magic.

Dumbledore was in a good mood and easily reproduced this magic according to Snape's casting movements.

He closed his eyes and experienced this magic again, but he still couldn't understand why such a life magic could suppress the Obscurus.

However, he knew someone who had a deep understanding of the Obscurus, and he planned to write to him later to ask for advice.

Snape looked impatient and asked, "Since Voldemort has set his sights on Vizet, will you tell him about this?"

Dumbledore hummed and whispered, "I'm thinking about this and considering how much I should tell him."

"Hiding part of it is your usual method, not surprising." Snape sneered, "My suggestion is that you might as well tell it all."

"You actually trust him so much?" Dumbledore's tone was a little surprised, "It's really unexpected."

Snape pursed his lips, said nothing more, and limped away.


"Vizet, take this."

In the corridor, Flitwick stuffed something into Vizet's hand, a large bag of "Honeydukes' Best Chocolate".

"Eat it!" Flitwick encouraged, "You didn't come to the Halloween dinner, you must be starving, eat some chocolate to fill your stomach."

The reason why Ravenclaw students love their dean is not only because the atmosphere of the spell class is relaxed and interesting, but also because Flitwick has a good personality.

He always has all kinds of snacks on him. When he sees an unhappy Ravenclaw, he will warmly stuff a bag of snacks and give a word of encouragement.

According to Penelope, if you are in a bad mood, you can also go to Flitwick's office, so that you can see Flitwick waving his wand and directing the little ones to do the jive dance for you to watch.

"Honeydukes' Best Chocolate" is worthy of its name. It tastes more than one level better than the Chocolate Frog. It has a smoother and softer taste and a richer and sweeter taste.

After eating two pieces of chocolate, Vizet felt warm both physically and mentally.

Flitwick took Vizet into a corridor. At the end of the corridor, there was a huge statue with a ferocious gargoyle carved on it.

The gargoyle had a ferocious expression and squatted on the stone seat with its wings spread out. It looked very lifelike and seemed to be alive at any time.

Flitwick shouted the command, "Jelly Slug!"

The squatting gargoyle statue really seemed to come alive, stretching its body and retracting its bat-like wide wings, and jumping to the side very nimbly.

Behind the gargoyle statue, there was a bright passage hidden, and the spiral staircase in the passage slowly spiraled upwards.

The feeling of riding the spiral staircase was very familiar to Vizet, just like the escalator in his previous life, with a constant speed and stability, and most importantly, he didn't have to climb the stairs by himself.


It was precisely because of Flitwick's good popularity and the practicality of spells that he was the most sought-after student.

While riding the spiral staircase, Vizet seized the opportunity to ask a lot of questions about spells.

Just as Vizet thought, none of the professors he knew were simple. They were all well-versed and could always answer his questions easily.

"Gestures, chanting spells, and relaxing your mind. When practicing spells, keep these three points in mind, and you will get twice the result with half the effort." Flitwick entered the teaching state and said with a beaming face.

"Beginners need to keep these three points in mind. Especially gestures and intonation, which will affect the final magic effect. Laying a good foundation will allow you to master more advanced magic skills."

"More advanced magic skills?" Vizet blinked and asked curiously, "Dean, can you give me an example?"

"Like wandless casting and silent casting, these two are advanced magic skills." Flitwick raised his hand and stretched out three slender fingers, "I'll give a simple demonstration."

He snapped his fingers, and a spring of clear water gushed out of his fingertips.

He raised his other hand, stretched out his slender fingers and gently stroked, and the spring water instantly froze into flower-like ice cubes.

Flitwick handed over the ice flower and said with a smile: "Water-making spell plus ice spell, through silent casting and wandless casting, can achieve such an effect."

"As the name suggests, silent casting means that without making a sound or chanting a spell loudly, it can show the effect that magic should have."

Vizet nodded, took out his notebook and began to record.

Without going into the so-called "silent", it is actually difficult to chant the spell without speaking loudly.

For the magic he is currently exposed to, only by ensuring the intonation can the magic have enough power.

"It doesn't hurt to record it, but laying a solid foundation is the most important thing." Flitwick smiled with satisfaction.

"Of course... I am very confident in you. Both your intonation and pronunciation are excellent."

This is what he admires most about Vizet. Not only does he have a solid foundation, but he is also ready to learn at any time.

"As long as you pass the O.W.L. exam, I will lead you to practice this skill in the sixth grade."

Vizet raised his head, "Dean, can wandless casting be learned in the sixth grade?"

Flitwick shook his head, "Hogwarts does not provide teaching of this technique. European wizards have been using wands for a long time, and it will be much more difficult to use this technique."

"The lack of a wand for assistance will make magic less accurate and prone to various accidents. I remember that in Africa, the local wizards were very good at this technique."

The spiral staircase led them to a corridor, at the end of which was a wooden door with exquisite relief.

Weizet put the notes back into his pocket and showed a satisfied smile, "I feel like I learned a lot again."

"Learning is never-ending, and you have to relax occasionally." Flitwick said with concern, "Because of this consideration, I let you join the Quidditch team so that you can combine work and rest."

Chapter 63 Meeting Phoenix Fox Again

Inside the wooden door is a spacious circular room with portraits hanging on the walls.

These portraits are also active, but the night is already late, and they all fall into sleep, their bodies rising and falling slightly as they doze off.

Entering here, Flitwick's voice was much lowered, "These are the portraits of the Headmaster."

Wizer nodded and looked around the room curiously.

Several desks are placed here. The desks against the wall are filled with silverware of different shapes. These silverware will rotate or jump, and spit out streams of smoke.

Two rows of curved cabinets were pressed against the wall. In one compartment was a tattered wizard's hat, which was used for sorting ceremonies.

Just when Weizet was distracted, a pleasant sound came from above his head.

He looked up and saw a large fiery red bird appearing in front of him.

The shape of the big bird is similar to that of a swan, with beautiful shining golden tail feathers. Its beak and talons are very long, giving it a deadly elegance.

"This is Principal Dumbledore's partner, Fawkes the Phoenix." Flitwick introduced in a low voice, "A rare magical animal."

"I've seen it in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." Wizette nodded in response, "But it's more beautiful than the illustration."

As if he heard Weizet's compliment, Fox groaned and hovered next to Weizet.

"Try to stretch out your arm. It seems like it likes you very much." Flitwick said happily, "Don't worry about you not being able to catch it. Phoenix is ​​very understanding of human nature."

Vizette did as he was told, raising his arms as if to greet an eagle, and Fox immediately flew up and stood on top.

As Flitwick said, the Phoenix brought him no burden and brought him warmth.

This warmth had a familiar feeling, reminding him of what happened when he first came to this world.

"I remember you..." Weizet said softly, very gently, "Thank you for supporting me."

Fox groaned again and nuzzled his cheek.

"It seems you and Fawkes know each other, that's great." Flitwick said with a smile, "I'll have someone prepare some food for you, and it will be delivered directly here later."

Weizet was a little embarrassed and said quickly: "That would be too troublesome."

Flitwick blinked, "It's late at night, and I also want to have some pre-sleep meals, just in passing."

Weizet had no idea what Flitwick's bedtime meal was.

But he was certain that what suddenly appeared on the desk was definitely not a bedtime meal.

If you eat a large piece of lamb chop or steak and three baked potatoes before going to bed, you may be full in your dreams.

However, he still couldn't resist the tempting smell of meat and enjoyed his "bedtime meal".

He nibbled on the steak and fed Fox some blimp plums.

He knew this from "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". Phoenix likes to drink dew and taste herbs and berries.

Airship Lee seemed to suit Fox's taste. It raised its beautiful head and motioned for Wizette to touch its neck.

Weizet put his hand on Fox's neck. The feathers here were smoother and softer, and the warmth emanating from it was even warmer.

After some touching, he felt that he and Fox were quite compatible.

He also felt more relaxed and could think about what happened tonight.

After thinking about it, he thought of many things that had happened before, and suddenly felt a little depressed.

After an unknown amount of time, Dumbledore's voice appeared, "It seems that you and Fawkes are getting along well."

He turned around and saw Dumbledore appearing at the door of the principal's office with a gentle smile on his face.

Time seemed to have whitened Dumbledore's beard and hair, but it did not cause him any more trouble. He was still energetic, and his bright blue eyes were full of energy.

Fawkes fluttered his wings, stood on Dumbledore's arms, and rubbed his cheek with his beautifully curved beak.

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