Using the giant monster as a metaphor is in line with Snape's usual style. Vizet didn't care. He had learned how to find the key points from these words.

"Professor Snape, can I stop processing the materials?"

"Of course not! You just succeeded in getting rid of the giant monster, and the materials that need to be processed still need to be processed." Snape still had no expression fluctuations.

"Soul Soothing Agent, this is the name of the potion you drank in the school hospital. A high-level potion, the function is to deeply soothe the spirit and make up for the damage to the soul..."

Vizet's spirit was lifted. What Snape said now was not superficial textbook knowledge, but a deep theory about potions.

He had actually heard this part of the theory before, but it was always mentioned in one sentence, and rarely said in such a systematic way.

He tried to understand these words, and had a general concept of the deep theory of potions-

When wizards can truly understand potions, whether adding certain materials or lacking certain materials, they can also use techniques, understanding or substitutes to ensure that the final quality of the potion is not affected.

Chapter 80 Always be vigilant

According to Vizet's original understanding of potions, as long as the materials are processed properly and the techniques are standardized enough, high-quality potions can be made;

But for Snape, adding more or less materials to the potion can make the potion achieve the effect he wants.

For ordinary wizards, brewing potions is like a puzzle. You need to find the right position for all the puzzle pieces before you can restore the whole picture of the puzzle;

For Snape, potion materials are building blocks. As long as you can finally complete the desired shape, no matter what kind of "building blocks" you use, it will be fine;

It seems that these two things cannot be compared, but there is such a huge gap between ordinary potion masters and potion masters.

The way Snape tells private lessons is the same as the way he instructs Vizet to handle materials. They all use concise and powerful language to tell all the key points.

The advantage of this is that it is concise enough, but the disadvantage is that it is too concise. Vizet must take notes while making associations in order to really keep up with Snape's teaching rhythm.

Especially the soul soothing potion he was learning was a high-level potion, which made him work very hard to record some of the content.

The lecture ended only when the sun set.

Vizet held his forehead and shook his head, feeling a little dizzy. There was too much knowledge in his head, and he needed to digest it well before he could roughly understand the mystery.

The reason why he said it was roughly was because he always insisted that theory and practice must be combined to make knowledge truly useful to himself.

"Continue next week." Snape stood up subconsciously, but immediately leaned forward, and a faint smell of blood appeared in the air.

"Professor Snape, thank you for your teaching..."

Vizet, who had just stood up, rushed over.

He held Snape's arm and asked tentatively: "Professor Snape, I actually wanted to ask you before..."

"I was injured." Snape frowned, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on his forehead, "You can go back!"

"The potion has no effect?" Vizet was still a little immersed in the previous lecture, "After all, potions are the best choice for those wounds that cannot be healed by magic."

Snape curled his lips, these words were indeed the content of the previous lecture.

"I was bitten by a dangerous magical animal. Its evil thoughts and toxins entangled it, making the wound difficult to heal. This magical animal is rare, and there is no record of breaking the evil thoughts."

"Just like the principle of breaking the curse, facing rare evil thoughts, if there is no corresponding method to break it, you have to use potions to constantly 'break the curse'."

He pulled open his robe, revealing his calf that was still bleeding inside, "I haven't found the corresponding antidote yet, it's that simple."

"Professor Snape, can you let me try?" Vizet looked at the shocking wound and couldn't help but take a breath.

"During this time... I helped Hagrid and treated many gods... and eliminated a lot of dark magic."

"Try it if you want! Give you three minutes!" Hearing this, Snape suddenly became a little irritable and remembered what happened a few days ago.

At that time, he changed the antidote formula and went to Filch to help change the medicine. As a result, he met Harry in the office, but forgot to deduct points in front of him.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He murmured in a low voice, "Ten points deducted from Gryffindor!"

"Huh?" Vizet was confused again. He couldn't understand why Snape suddenly deducted points, and it was Gryffindor's points that were deducted...

Is it because the wound hurt too much?

He didn't think about it any more. He drew out his wand and drew an "S" in the air, casting the Purification Charm.

The cyclone immediately rose up and swept around Snape's calf.

[The world-weary world 尒詤φ CHE Zhuan詀 1 ㈦ 九 ⑨ ④ 3 一 6 ⒋】

The cyclone gradually turned black, enveloping a large group of deep evil thoughts.

When the cyclone dissipated, those evil thoughts were suspended in the air, floating up and down like balloons.

Snape's brows relaxed a lot, and he raised his wand upwards. Various potion materials emerged from the cabinets around him.

He was like an experienced symphony conductor, using only his wand to direct the potion ingredients, allowing them to be processed in the air, with countless flashes of magical light during the process.

Weizet was dazzled by what he saw. Every step was a key point. He really didn't know where to look first.

The smells of various potion ingredients are intertwined, steam is rising from the crucible, and inside are fish-eye bubbles of the same size.

Snape waved his wand again, and the potion flew into the air and gathered into a ball, then quickly condensed into a fist-sized ointment.

He did not move a step during the whole process, and all the steps of brewing the potion were completed by the magic of the wand.

His expression is also relaxed and freehand, as simple and casual as reading a book.

The ointment slowly fell on the wound, and in the rising green smoke, the originally bloody wound healed quickly.

Snape finally stood up and dealt with the floating mass of evil thoughts.

He lightly drew a circle, and a transparent glass cover appeared, shrouding the suspended evil thoughts inside.

After doing all this, he looked at Weizet and said coldly: "Try not to show special effects with your magic. There will always be people with ulterior motives..."

"The magical world is not as beautiful as you think! Especially outside, you must stay vigilant and don't trust anyone easily in order to survive better!"

Wizette's chest seemed to have been hammered, and he responded subconsciously: "I know! Thank you very much, Professor Snape!"

After hearing Snape's words, he suddenly became frightened.

Life at Hogwarts was wonderful, and it did make him relax a little.

As Snape said, there is still malice in this world, such as the rune snake before entering school, which is the best example.

It can also be seen from the news in the Daily Prophet that there are various wizards outside the ivory tower of Hogwarts.

Among them are not only Voldemort, who is coming back at any time, but also an endless stream of dark wizards.

These dark wizards can also commit crimes, and even because of the existence of magic, the cost of their crimes is smaller and the harm they cause is greater.

If someone covets the Purifying Soul Curse, capture him for research, or threaten Luna and Xenophilius...

This can't happen!

Vizette secretly made up his mind.

In school he can study to his heart's content, but outside of school...

You need to be alert and prepared at all times to protect yourself and your family...

Snape said: "I just don't think you want to return to Hogwarts as a ghost after you die."

Wizette responded easily, "Okay, Professor Snape!"

"Besides...there are some things that can be done after Madam Pomfrey is gone." Snape added expressionlessly.

"Huh?" Weizet didn't respond.

"For example, judging the raw materials of the potion." Snape remained expressionless, "Although I don't know what you were thinking at that time, why you can resist the potion and still finish writing the formula."

"Hey!" Weizet finally understood. "Bodhi Patriarch knocked Wukong on the head three times" is probably only suitable for Sun Wukong, not him.

But he felt that there was nothing wrong with continuing like this...

Chapter 81 The First Quidditch Match

It's December, and there will soon be a Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

Early on Saturday morning, Arsenal, as captain, began to chatter.

"Don't be nervous, we have been practicing this tactic for a long time!"

"Qiu Zhang, please relax, we have to play two more rounds! There are plenty of opportunities!"

"If someone has a problem with their broom, remember to call a timeout in time! The best result is to avoid injury!"

The players were not that nervous at first, but after being told such a thing by Arsenal, they showed a bit of uneasiness.

Weizet was not affected at all. He was still reviewing the notes he had taken before and did not hear what Arsenal said at all.

I have to wait in the locker room later, and Arsenal will explain the tactics again.

Moreover, judging from his rich examination experience in his previous life, once he becomes nervous, it will actually affect his specific performance.

He has a methodology that only suits him, which can help him calm down, such as reviewing more.

There are not many entertainment activities for wizards. It is rare to watch a Quidditch match. The students also came to the scene early and responded with enthusiasm, waiting for the official start of the game.

As soon as Weizet stepped onto the court, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a fireworks eagle flying high appeared.

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