Vizette pulled the small trailer and looked back from time to time.

In addition to the crucible and the potion materials hidden in the crucible, the small trailer also had school uniforms and various stationery tied to it.

He suddenly saw a familiar figure passing by and walking into the Florin cold drink shop not far away. "Hagrid, have you seen Principal Dumbledore?"

"No..." Hagrid quickly looked around, "Are you still thinking about what happened just now?"

He said softly: "Weizet, don't worry about their opinions, you are a good boy."

"I didn't care." Weizet shook his head, "I knew the harm of the Obscurus, but I didn't expect that they all knew that I was the Obscurus."

"It's all because of the Daily Prophet! These are reported every day!" Hagrid suddenly became emotional. "That Rita Skeeter especially likes to spread rumors and exaggerate facts!"

"Daily Prophet? Rita Skeeter?" Weizet was very curious about these two new words.

"Yes, it is the most influential newspaper in the wizarding world of England." Hagrid pointed forward.

"You'll know just by looking at it... You'd better not look at it, that woman's words are so vicious!"

Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore, here is the ocean of knowledge.

The shelves were filled to the ceiling with books of all kinds.

Books come in various styles, ranging from hardcover books the size of floor tiles to pocket books the size of a palm.

These books containing magic are like living creatures.

Some books not only have the cover characters jumping, but the entire book is also restless, wanting to leave the shelf that restrains them.

The two clerks waved their wands repeatedly to calm the books down and prevent them from collapsing on the shelf.

At Luna's house, the only reading material Vizette had access to was "The Quibbler."

Originally, there were many books kept at home, but unfortunately Luna's mother had an accident, and these books disappeared with the accident.

It's still early and there aren't many wizards staying in the bookstore.

Weizet walked into the store and noticed the Daily Prophet in the newspapers section.

"Vizet the Obscurus repels XXXXX-level magical animals. How much does he hide?" What is Dumbledore planning? ”, this was the front page report of the newspaper.

Vizette roughly scanned the content of the report and finally understood why the wizard who knew his name had such an expression.

Emotions treat him as a born dark wizard, a walking barrel of explosives, and an extremely dangerous person.

These adjectives are all part of the report, and the "XXXXX level magical animals" mentioned in the title are only mentioned in the title, probably as a way to attract attention.

"Running Gorgon! Rita Skeeter is so scary!" Hagrid was furious. "Principal Dumbledore has obviously blocked the news. How could she know so much information?"

"Hey! I'm here." A wizard wearing black robes and a lowered head appeared at the door.

"Vizet! I still have some things to do!" Hearing the wizard's voice, Hagrid became excited, and his pitch rose a lot, as loud as gongs and drums.

"Then you go and do your work first!" Weizet was attracted by the huge amount of books, nodded and said, "How can I find you later?"

"If you don't see me, you can go to Ollivander's Wand Shop first! It takes a long time to buy a wand." Hagrid took a step towards the wizard, "I'll be back soon!"

Weizet didn't pay too much attention. He picked up a copy of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" and leaned against the crucible to read.

This book is rich in content and introduces hundreds of magical animals from all over the world.

There are also hand-drawn drawings on it, and the pictures are all moving, vividly depicting the habits of magical animals.

Before he knew it, Weizet had read the entire book and gained a deeper understanding of magical animals.

"Hagrid hasn't come back yet..." He looked around, and there was no sign of Hagrid inside or outside the bookstore.

At this moment, a subtle change occurred in his mind.

A book appears next to The Witcher's Practical Guide, titled Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Wizette sank his consciousness into it and opened the newly appeared "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

"It's actually the exact same content. How can such a magical thing happen?"

Wizette was happy to see Hunter Xin and opened another book.

He didn't deliberately understand the meaning of each sentence, he just flipped through the book line by line, trying to finish the book as quickly as possible.

Sure enough, a new book appeared in my mind - "Preventing Intrusion: A Brief Discussion of Protective Magic".

Weizet's expression changed, "I just need to flip through it and record these books in my mind?"

Chapter 10 Reading books attracts the boss

Wizette lived in an orphanage in his previous life and lacked a sense of security.

The easiest way to feel safe is to bulge your wallet.

Although he now has five hundred Galleons with him, for future considerations, increasing revenue and reducing expenditure is something he must consider.

He has not yet found the opportunity to open up resources, but he can implement it immediately to reduce expenditures.

In the wizarding world, the price of books is high, and the unit price is never less than one galleon.

If he only had a scholarship, he would have to spend nearly half of the scholarship just to buy textbooks.

Weizet checked the list and found all the teaching materials he needed for school.

He swam in the sea of ​​books and ate two biscuits when he was hungry.

The bookstore clerk stood observing from a distance for a long time, pouting as he watched the young man taking books back and forth, with impatience on his face that was about to overflow.

She has seen too many customers who read books, and she has mastered the skill of "reading the dishes and choosing the dishes".

The old wizard, who is dressed in a poor manner and has experienced many vicissitudes of life, generally has a thick skin and is difficult to drive away with a few words.

The Weizet in front of him was different. He carried a cauldron with him and the books he read were all first-year Hogwarts textbooks. He was definitely a new student who was about to enter the school.

The incoming freshmen must be thin-skinned;

The clothes are not flashy enough, and he cannot be a child of a rich and powerful pure-blood family;

I flipped through the textbooks back and forth, probably because I wanted to touch new books. If I really wanted to buy them, I would definitely choose a second-hand bookstore...

A combination of factors led the clerk to walk up to Weizet.

"Guest, you have been here for most of the day. Do you need to prepare a cup of black tea for you?"

Weizet subconsciously asked: "Black tea? How much is it?"

In his previous life, he also read books. In addition to selling books, he also opened a small cafe selling drinks and desserts in the bookstore.

"Then you have to go next door!" The clerk pointed to the door impatiently, "There is a cold drink shop there, you can go there!"

"Wait a minute..." The clerk's eyes suddenly widened and cold sweat broke out, "Are you the Obscurus?"

Weizet was used to these people's reactions and put the book back on the shelf, "Sorry, I'm leaving now."

He had exceeded his goal and recorded a stack of books in his mind.

Now that the clerk has issued an eviction order, there is no need to stay here.

Hagrid hadn't come back yet, so he planned to go to Ollivander's Wand Store to get the most important wand first.

"Don't say that..." The clerk waved his hands repeatedly, "You continue... I didn't say anything just now! You continue..."

"What happened?" A middle-aged man with bright clothes and elegant manners came over and stood between the two of them.

"Boss..." the clerk wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I just saw that this customer has been here for a long time, so I told him that he can go to the cold drink shop next door."

"Is that so?" the bookstore owner murmured, "this guest, why don't we go upstairs and sit down!"

Although Weizet was full of doubts, he still followed the bookstore owner to the second floor.

The moment you step onto the second floor, the hustle and bustle on the first floor instantly disappears, replaced by a kind of tranquility.

It’s clear that magic has been applied here too, creating a different atmosphere than on the first floor.

The layout of the second floor is very particular, and all the furnishings look very old and full of classical beauty.

Weizet couldn't help but sigh: "What a great place for studying!"

"Thank you." The bookstore owner waved his hand and asked Weizet to take a seat. "What would you like to drink? Is black tea suitable?"

Weizet was a little embarrassed and nodded slightly: "Of course!"

The bookstore owner spoke again: "I am the owner of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Clothar Bagshot, what do you call me?"

"Hello Mr. Bagshot, my name is Vizette."

"Their income is related to the bookstore's sales. Sometimes they take inappropriate measures. I hope you can forgive me."

Weizet was full of doubts. Why did this bookstore owner treat him so well?

"Of course I can understand it." But he also knew the hard work of being a worker. He waved his hand and said, "The clerk was actually right. He really asked me if I needed black tea."

Bagshot took a sip of black tea, "Oh? Do you really think... this sentence means literally?"

"Yes, I thought there was a teahouse or coffee shop here for the convenience of readers coming and going."

"A teahouse in a bookstore? I'm very interested in this idea. Can you talk to me in detail?"

Seeing Bagshot's sincere attitude, Wizette nodded and told his thoughts about the bookstore in his previous life.

Bagshot was indeed listening attentively, and even waved his wand, conjuring a quill and parchment to record what he said.

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