Harry and his friends successfully passed through the flying key room, but were blocked in the wizard chess room.

Ron played his wizard chess talent and won the wizard chess victory at the cost of his coma, and got the opportunity to enter the next room.

Hermione and Harry saw the broken body of the troll with the light of the magic illumination spell, and they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and then they kept retching because of the stench.

The two came to the potion room, and Hermione found two bottles of potion that could pass through fire according to the hints on the table.

Looking at the potion that was only a small piece, Harry decided to face the next problem alone, "Hermione, you drink the other bottle of potion and go back to find Ron."

"Ride the flying broom back up, and let him use Hedwig to send a letter to Headmaster Dumbledore. And the hint, if you give it to Professor McGonagall, she will believe us!"

"What if there is not only Professor Snape in it... but also the mysterious man?" Hermione said worriedly.

Harry flipped his hair to reveal the lightning-shaped scar, "I'm the 'Boy Who Lived'! I defeated Voldemort once, maybe I can turn the disaster into a blessing?"

"Hurry up!" He forced a smile with difficulty, "The sooner you find Professor McGonagall, or let Dumbledore come, the safer I will be!"

Hermione's lips trembled slightly, and she hugged Harry, "You are an amazing wizard."

"I have to count on you every time I do my homework!" Harry felt his ears red, "I had to count on Vizet before."

Hermione's eyes were red, "I just study hard... Being a wizard requires more things... Like courage..."

"Well!" Harry turned around, revealing a look of fear.

He almost stuffed the bottle into his mouth, making sure to drink all the potion, and then resolutely walked into the black flames.

The potion gave him a feeling of falling into an ice cellar, not only protecting him from the flames, but also freezing the fear.

The warm flames covered his whole body, just like the determination and courage that filled his body at this moment, making him fearless.


The last room was wider than expected, with a tall mirror in the center, which was luxurious in appearance and reached the ceiling.

"Sure enough..." Voldemort chuckled, "There is a magic prop hidden in this mirror. I can feel it. Everything is as expected."

He controlled Quirrell's body and stood in front of the mirror, as if checking something.

Vizet pursed his lips, constantly adjusted his breathing, and practiced the Purification Charm in his mind.

Everything was indeed as expected. Voldemort could not solve the secret of the mirror for the time being, and he was ready.

Not long after, Harry finally passed through the flame gate and appeared in the room.

Voldemort's voice resounded throughout the room, "Harry Potter! I heard your moving speech, what a 'boy who lived'!"

"It's not Snape?" Harry looked around the room, his eyes wide open, "Who are you?"

His attention was on Voldemort, he quickly ran down the stairs and asked, "Who are you?"

"Don't you take this as an honor?" Voldemort commanded Quirrell's body to open his hood, revealing a head twice as big as an ordinary person, "You still ask... who am I?"

In front of Quirrell's pale face, a layer of black mist covered it, vaguely forming a mask whose outline could not be seen clearly.

"This is Gryffindor, reckless... abnormally reckless!" The mask twisted slightly, as if the lips were buzzing, making a voice belonging to Voldemort.

Harry's eyes widened, and the scar sent unspeakable pain, which was a pain he had never experienced before.

He gritted his teeth and spoke in a broken voice: "Professor Quirrell? No! You are... Voldemort! You are Voldemort!"

"It's a bit..." Voldemort said casually, his attention was not on Harry at all, he kept turning his head to observe the movements in the whole room.

"It seems that you don't want to come out?" His voice was a little disappointed, "Hide in the dark and observe, observe again and again! You have been like this for more than ten years."

Chapter 115 Dumbledore in the Mirror

Voldemort paced slowly, "What did you observe? Those who worked for you were killed one after another by me because of your observation!"

"Even the person you want to protect, that James Potter... didn't he die in my hands? That Lily also..."

Several ropes appeared out of thin air and tied up Harry who was about to speak, like a mummy.

"I know your secret, Dumbledore! Are you still unwilling to come out?" Voldemort continued, letting Harry float in front of the mirror.

Seeing this scene, Vizette cast the "Guardian Meditation Method" to concentrate as much as possible.

Harry struggled like a caterpillar in a cocoon, but could only make intermittent humming sounds through the gaps in the ropes.

"Do you think... if you die, Dumbledore will mourn for you?" Voldemort suddenly said, and the ropes tied in front of Harry's eyes disappeared instantly.

Suddenly regaining light, Harry instinctively opened his eyes.

The mirror in front of him was so familiar, it was the Mirror of Erised that he encountered during his night tour during the Christmas holiday.

He saw a room in the mirror, which looked like an office, and the table next to it was full of silverware that was spewing smoke.

And most importantly, he saw Dumbledore!

Dumbledore's expression was very serious. He suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed his shoulders.

"Do it!"

Dumbledore's voice exploded like thunder.

Voldemort immediately looked aside. Vizet waved his wand and cast a spell "freely". He used all his magic understanding to draw an extremely smooth and swift "S"-shaped trajectory. "The dust and dirt are gone!"

At the same time, a chain like a tinderbox appeared and bound Voldemort.

The silver-blue light burst out in an instant, turning into an extremely huge beam of light, like a hungry man-eating beast, directly devouring Voldemort...

This beam of light was like a passage. Vizet could feel Quirrell's past from the beam of light.

Those pasts flashed and disappeared in front of him like a revolving lantern, from infancy to childhood, from childhood to youth...

Vizet saw a quiet and dark forest. In the deepest part of the forest, he saw the most familiar Quirrell.

Quirrell was entangled and eaten by countless poisonous snakes. His body was almost completely broken. Only the head still had a little light, holding on to the last position, so that the poisonous snakes could not completely erode him.

"Vizet! Bonds are important..." Dumbledore's calm and gentle voice sounded.

Vizet immediately opened his backpack and took out a frog-shaped chocolate.

He couldn't make chocolate with magic, but he could integrate emotions into chocolate by building a soul maze.

Vizet threw the chocolate into the light column, and the frog-shaped chocolate seemed to come alive, appearing in the black forest, and leaping towards Quirrell little by little.

At this moment, the chocolate frog was the natural enemy of the poisonous snake. As it approached little by little, the poisonous snakes continued to collapse and disintegrate, and then gathered together and turned into a ball of black mist.

Voldemort's voice came from it, "Very good! Great! Vizet, my student! You took the initiative to offer yourself to me!"

"I have been thinking about how to get rid of this weak body at the lowest cost. I am glad that you can help me! Hurry up and do it!"

Hearing Voldemort's voice, Vizet was not moved at all. He waved his wand with an extremely steady hand and whispered again: "All dust and dirt will be removed!"

The venomous snake that eroded Quirrell was completely removed, and the black fog over the Black Forest was extremely dense.


The passage was broken at this moment, and the gathered black fog appeared above the room. It was wrapped in countless blood and quickly condensed into shape...

A tall and thin humanoid object appeared in the air.

At the same time, Quirrell suddenly fell down, and his body felt withered, like a dried corpse that had lost all its water.

Vizet rushed forward and caught Quirrell who was about to fall to the ground.

"Ah!" Harry screamed, his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

Dumbledore looked serious. He held the unconscious Harry with one hand and reached into his pocket with the other hand. He took out a red stone and pressed it into Quirrell's chest.

The red stone spread out countless blood vessel-like channels, pierced Quirrell's chest, and burst out countless emerald green lights.

Quirrell, who was originally as weak as a mummy, suddenly became like a balloon that was constantly inflated, and his deflated body was filled again.

A smile appeared at the corner of Dumbledore's mouth, and he said to Wizette: "I said, if you haven't drunk the blood of the unicorn, then there is still hope!"

Wizette nodded, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and let out a long breath.

Voldemort created a pale body with a snake face, which looked grotesque and terrifying.

"Dumbledore... Professor! You really showed up on your own initiative... I always knew you were here!"

His voice seemed a little vague, "You seem to like helping the weak? You can give the Philosopher's Stone to Quirrell, let a half-blood bastard be a gamekeeper..."

"You can even let an Obscurial enroll... Then what about me? I am weak and I seem to have never been helped by you! I will always remember that day! The day you came to the orphanage!"

"What did you do to me? You lit a fire and showed me the horror of magic! Right? My professor... You were so awesome at that time! I will remember that day all my life!"

Dumbledore took a step forward, "So that's all you remember? If that's the case, I am willing to apologize. At that time, I was indeed..."

V The demon laughed wildly, "Apologize? Professor Dumbledore! I want to thank you! Thank you for letting me know that magic is power! You are not wrong at all, really!"

"I love that day! You asked me to return the loot, great! Asked me to apologize to a group of idiots, great! And told me that Hogwarts will not tolerate stealing!"

"It's great! Professor Dumbledore, I have come this far, but I have to rely on your teachings! Vizet, do you understand now? Why did he let you enroll?"

"Because he is trying to make up for his past stupidity and the mistakes he made! I! Voldemort! It was you who caused it! Professor Dumbledore!"

Dumbledore pursed his lips, supported Harry with one hand, and clenched his wand with the other hand.

The current Voldemort made him feel a little strange, as if he was more...human than before?

He thought of a possibility and glanced at Vizet with the corner of his eye.

At this moment, Voldemort laughed twice, "How is it? Did I guess it right?"

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