Not long after, Snape, who looked a little haggard in a black robe, knocked on the door of the principal's office...

Chapter 119 Time after the final exam

Snape's actions were similar to Dumbledore's. He carefully avoided the Mirror of Erised and sat opposite Dumbledore.

He asked in a cold tone: "Can't you take the mirror away?"

"It may be useful tomorrow..." Dumbledore pushed the pile of cockroaches towards Snape, "Eat some? I think you are exhausted."

"No need!" Snape curled his lips, leaned as close to the back of the chair as possible, and put on an extremely disgusted expression, "I sent the potion materials over, and didn't do anything."

"Now is a sensitive period. If you do something, he will definitely be suspicious." Dumbledore nodded, "You did the right thing!"

"A lot of things happened tonight." Dumbledore Duo Chang sighed, "Many of my speculations have been verified, and there are also surprising discoveries."

"Voldemort does not have his own body, so he cannot be considered truly alive, which means that he will not really die. The most important thing is that there is no sacrifice tonight."

"Harry Potter...that magic..." Snape's face twitched, and he took a deep breath before asking, "Did it work normally?"

"It worked normally, and even avoided a killing curse." Dumbledore picked up the teacup and took a sip of black tea.

"Voldemort has indeed returned... but it is not certain what state he will be in after tonight."

"It is not certain what state the Dark Lord is in?" Snape frowned, "He... was killed by you?"

"It is difficult to explain clearly." Dumbledore kept adding sugar cubes to the black tea, "He has a deep, very deep understanding of the soul. It is a unique theory of the soul..."

"He can mobilize vitality in a form similar to the soul... The killing curse is performed in this way. Strip Quirrell's vitality to release a powerful curse."

"Deprive Quirrell of his vitality?" Snape frowned slightly, "Did you use... the Philosopher's Stone on him?"

"You are very perceptive." Dumbledore said softly. Nodding, "The situation was very dangerous at the time. It was just a little bit... Quirrell might have died."

"That thing is not easy to deal with!" Snape crossed his fingers, "How are you going to explain to Nicolas Flamel?"

"That's easy." Dumbledore showed a sly smile, "Nicolas Flamel granted me the ownership of the Philosopher's Stone, so I can use it however I want."

"Originally, I discussed the relevant matters with him and planned to destroy the Philosopher's Stone directly... But now I have changed my mind, after all, it has become an important existence to maintain life."

"Hmm..." Snape hummed, slightly widened his eyes and looked at Dumbledore, "You seem a little different?"

"Oh?" Dumbledore asked back.

Snape crossed his fingers and tried to describe it: "Becoming like a traditional Gryffindor, with a feeling of being exposed."

"Compared to before, you seem to be less restrained? Perhaps it should be described as a lion about to break free from the cage?"

"Really?" Dumbledore gently shook the teacup, and the silver-blue armored giant appeared in his mind.

"So I said! There are some surprising discoveries tonight. Perhaps these discoveries have changed me a little bit?"

"Whatever you want." Snape said in a low voice, "My goal and appeal are very simple! Let the Dark Lord die!"

Dumbledore looked at Snape deeply and changed the subject lightly, "Regarding Vizet's soul soothing potion, can it affect people's souls in the long run?"

"I haven't touched that level yet... According to the potion, a person's essence is changed, either the potion itself is brewed incorrectly, or the person who takes the potion has some problems."

"Oh? Have you encountered similar situations?"

"I've only seen it in books. If a person's soul is fragile, perhaps some special potions will cause some changes in his soul."

"Is that so? It's a very interesting discovery!"


After the final exams, students and professors at Hogwarts were free, making the campus more lively than ever.

For some reason, what happened to Vizet and others in the basement was spread, and it spread throughout Hogwarts in a day and a half.

The idle students had a goal and rushed to the hospital ward.

A large group of people tried desperately to squeeze into the hospital ward, which made Madam Pomfrey a little overwhelmed.

In desperation, she asked Professor McGonagall for help and sent a lot of armor to guard the door, which made the students quiet down.

The flapping of wings woke up Vizet, and the afterglow of the sunset shone through the curtains into the hospital ward, painting a bright orange-red on the floor.

There were many gifts piled on the table next to it, mainly various candies.

The table next to Harry's bed was also like this, only the table next to Professor Quirrell was a little too empty.

Vizet stood up, picked out a few of each candy, and put them on the empty table.

As for the remaining candies, he planned to take them back to the Ravenclaw common room to share with everyone.

"Awake? Then sit on the bed, I'll check you out!" Madam Pomfrey arrived quickly, picked up her wand and circled it over Vizzet's head.

Vizzet asked, "Madam Pomfrey, can I be discharged?"

"You can be discharged!" Madam Pomfrey nodded, "You've recovered well, at least much better than them!"

"Professor Quirrell and Harry, are they seriously injured?"

"How should I put it? They were not harmed by magic, as long as they get enough rest, they will recover in two days. If you want to leave, you can do it now, there are not many people outside."

Vizzet nodded, took out a pen and paper from his backpack, and wrote a short message to Quirrell: Professor Quirrell, everything is fine, I wish you a speedy recovery.

After doing this, he packed up his backpack swiftly, just enough to put all the candies in it.

Under the layers of candy, there was actually a message from Dumbledore:

Enjoy your final time. If you have any questions, you can wait until the Quidditch game is over and come to the principal's office to find me. The password is still "Jelly Slug".

"Quidditch game!" Vizet was startled and hurried to Madam Pomfrey and whispered, "Madam Pomfrey, how many days have I slept here?"

"Only one day." Madam Pomfrey reminded again, "You have recovered well, but you must remember! Don't..."

"Use the Buffy Brain Refresher indiscriminately." Vizet smiled and replied, "I will pay attention to rest, thank you Madam Pomfrey!"

There were many students in the common room. When he appeared, many students surrounded him, wanting to know what happened last night.

Vizet told a story about a dark wizard invading the campus according to what Dumbledore told him, and lightly covered up the matter.


Chapter 120 Mirror of Erised

The next day, the last Quidditch game came as scheduled.

As the captain of Gryffindor, Wood still ran over to greet Arsenal even though there was no substitute seeker, and told Ravenclaw to do his best and never let up.

Arsenal looked at Wood's slightly lonely back, and still felt a little emotional, "He really loves Quidditch with his life, but his luck is not very good!"

He patted Vizzet's shoulder again, "How should I put it... I feel that as long as you haven't graduated, Gryffindor has a high probability... There is no chance of winning the championship."

The vice-captain coughed repeatedly, "Captain... You should say less! Don't let Wood hear it, and he will come back to duel with you."

The best way to respect your opponent is, of course, to fully demonstrate your strength.

In the absence of a substitute seeker, the score of this Quidditch game was pulled to 50 to 470, and Gryffindor suffered an unprecedented defeat.

Arsenal also fulfilled his wish and successfully won the long-dreamed trophy before graduation.

Under the magic of Professor Flitwick, golden rain fell from the sky, and ribbons and flags drew colorful arcs in the air.

The Quidditch field immediately became the center of the celebration. Ravenclaw students swarmed into the field, countless hands fell on the players, and the celebratory songs and applause continued.

Vizette still remembered the note left by Dumbledore. In fact, he had many questions in his heart and wanted to get answers from Dumbledore.

After the celebration, Vizette left the common room and met many familiar students.

"Vizette! That goal just now was really beautiful!"

"Thank you!"

"Vizette! Have you ever considered joining a professional team?"

"No similar idea yet..."

"Vizette! Can you sign for me? If you join a professional team in the future, this signature will be much more valuable!"

"Uh... don't squeeze... come one by one!"

Finally getting rid of the surging crowd, Vizette stood in front of the gargoyle sculpture according to the route he remembered.

"Jelly Slug!"

The squatting gargoyle statue moved, folded its wide wings and jumped to the side, revealing the spiral staircase hidden behind it.

Vizet knocked on the door for a while, and the door of the principal's office slowly opened with a scraping sound.

The moment Vizet stepped into the room, Fox swung in the air and landed on his shoulder.

Vizet took out a flying ship Lee, "Thank you so much... It must be hard to become a pendant box for a semester?"

Fox shook his head gently, rubbed Vizet's neck, and then flapped his wings with the flying ship Lee in his mouth and returned to the bird stand.

The principal's office was very quiet, only the silverware was spewing smoke and making funny and weird little sounds.

Many of the characters in the portraits were not here, and the portraits left were all dozing.

"Where is Principal Dumbledore..." Vizet looked around and frowned slightly.

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