Accompanied by the crisp sound of the welcome bell, the two left the robe shop.

Perhaps because of the hot summer, Vizette noticed that the blush on Luna's face had not faded, so he took her to Florin's Cold Drink Shop.

The owner Florin Fusco was making ice cream and waved his wand to hook up an ice brick.

Under the effect of magic, the ice brick rotated back and forth in the air, sprinkled ice chips, and gathered into a bowl of clear hills, and finally poured strawberry jam on it to complete this bowl of strawberry smoothie.

After completing this smoothie, Fusco used his wand to hook up a piece of ice cream, let it fly up like an owl, and then floated into the bowl.

Many girls like to eat sweets. Even if they don't like sweets themselves, they will like the unique shape, just like the smoothie and owl ice cream in front of them.

Seeing Fusco's performance, Luna's eyes sparkled, more dazzling than the clear smoothie.

Fusco put down his wand and asked with a smile: "What do you want?"

Luna did not say it to the shopkeeper, but to Vizet: "I... want a smoothie, citrus flavor."

Vizet turned to look at Luna and noticed the hidden little entanglement.

He hummed, and then said to Fusco: "A small portion of citrus smoothie, plus a mini owl ice cream, please?"

"Of course, no problem, please wait!"

Chapter 5 Ollivander: Vizet, you recommend her wand, right?

Vizet only ordered an ordinary-shaped ice cream, and a lot of nuts, chocolate chips and raspberries were sprinkled on the round ice cream balls.

He recalled Fusco's operation just now, which was just a slight change in the appearance of the ice cream, making it into a stick figure owl, but it can fly for a short time like a real owl.

It seems simple, but in fact, it should be the familiarity with the levitation spell and transformation magic that can make it so easy.

Thinking of this, he wrote down the speculation process in his notebook, then picked up the wand and started to try.

Just use the Transfiguration Magic to simply shape it, without making any changes, and then use the Levitation Magic to give it the ability to fly...

Fortunately, with the moisturizing and fresh-keeping spell taught by Snape, Vizette was able to repeatedly practice his speculation through the magic energy field, and then adjust the process of casting the Levitation Magic little by little.

Luna picked up a small spoon and started digging from the side, scooping out a spoonful of sorbet covered with jam.

When the sorbet melted in her mouth, her eyebrows also relaxed, enjoying the comfort of the moment.

She made a satisfied hum like a kitten, looking at Vizette with bright eyes, watching him constantly shaping the ice cream in the bowl, and then trying to make it fly.

Looking at Vizette's focused expression, her eyebrows were full of smiles.

Vizette kept trying, and finally achieved the expected effect;

Just like Fusco, he could keep the ice cream in its original appearance, just shaping the appearance, and it could fly around.

"Huh... I feel like this can also be used when making magic bread... Although it doesn't have any practical use, it's interesting enough."

"Of course... Maybe it can be used on magic bread to make a more interesting image, rather than just the shape of bread."

He smiled slightly, circled the relevant records in his notebook, and ticked it.

When he looked up, the two bowls on the table had disappeared, and Luna was looking at him with her chin in her hand.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" He smiled apologetically and finished the ice cream in the bowl in no time.

The cool air made his temples hurt a little, and he could spit out a puff of misty white mist when he opened his mouth.

"It's a very cute owl, even more beautiful than what I saw just now." Luna stood up, picked up the napkin and stretched it to Vizette's lips, gently scraping it.

Vizette subconsciously reached out his hand and touched the place he had just scraped. "Did you get ice cream on it?"

"You ate too hastily. It's okay to wait a little longer." Luna nodded gently. "It's still a long time before the time agreed with Dad!"

"I should have taken care of you. I really didn't..."

"Do we need to distinguish between us... who has to take care of whom?"

Vizette smiled and said, "Well, it's not necessary."

The blush on Luna's face faded, but he felt his cheeks a little hot at this moment.

It seems that summer is really hot. I think Ollivander's Wand Shop should be cooler...

Fusco looked at the backs of the two people leaving and stroked his beard. "Youth! It's so beautiful!"


As Vizette expected, the store was indeed much cooler.

As always, it was filled with various wand boxes.

Following the call of the welcome bell, Ollivander smiled, "A year has passed in the blink of an eye. Time flies, doesn't it?"

Vizet asked with concern: "Mr. Ollivander, you should be completely fine now?"

Olivander said; "Last Christmas vacation, I told you that I had fully recovered... Making a wand can help me recover faster, but the healer just doesn't believe it!"

He turned his head and looked to the side, "A new face... Vizet, who is this?"

"My sister, Luna."

"It looks like she is of school age..." Ollivander looked Luna up and down, and did not summon a tape measure.

"Vizet, why don't you give you a small test... You can recommend a suitable wand for your sister?"

Vizet's heart skipped a beat, "Let me recommend it...?"

"Of course!" Ollivander nodded, "Wandmakers often know their wands best, and use this to choose the right owner for them..."

"Vice versa, you can also choose a wand for your master based on this understanding. I believe you can pass this little test based on the contents of that notebook."

Luna asked with interest: "Do you need me to do anything?"

Ollivander blinked, "Maybe you don't need to do anything, it's just an indescribable feeling. I believe that as long as he reads the notes carefully, he will be able to complete the quiz."

"If it were me..." Weizet murmured, using the staff-making notes as a starting point, recalling various past events in his mind...

When they met for the first time, she crossed her hands in the sunshine, and the sunshine gave her a halo...

When facing the rune snake, her long hair was flying, and her eyes showed calmness and determination...

In the first time I spent with her, I heard all kinds of magic about the magical world...

In the letters exchanged one after another, the long flow of water in the letters is the peace and comfort she presents...

That magical potion brewed with daily morning dew...

His heart beat faster when he was blindfolded by her...


One by one...

The idea that lingered in Weizet's mind allowed him to put it together naturally.

As Ollivander said, it was an indescribable feeling that made him feel that Luna deserved such a wand.

Even if there is no such wand in the store, he will find ways to find materials and make it.

Thinking of this, Weizet spoke slowly, with a confident and firm tone, "Platus wood, unicorn tail hair, ten and one-half inches, flexible and extremely difficult to break!"

Ollivander smiled and explained: "A wand made of sycamore is suitable for wizards who are brave enough to explore. They are eager to gain a variety of new experiences. I think it is very suitable for you."

"A very good choice, I have similar thoughts." He praised, plunged into the darkness at the back of the store, and took out a brand new wand box.

"Weizet, this is a recently made wand. The unicorn tail hair inside it comes from your Christmas gift. It is one of my most satisfying works so far."

In the wand box is a golden wand with a greenish tint. The handle has a carefully carved spiral pattern, which is as beautiful as a unicorn's horn.

Luna took the wand box and carefully picked up the wand.

The moment she made contact with the wand, a ball of golden light illuminated the entire store.

The golden light jumped out of the tip of the wand lightly. After circling around Luna, the golden light returned to the wand lightly, appearing extremely agile.

Ollivander looked back and forth between the two of them, with a gentle smile on his face, "It only took one time to choose the right wand. It seems that Wizette knows you very well."

Weizet and Luna looked at each other, and they could see the smile in each other's eyes...

Chapter 6: First visit to the Ministry of Magic

After purchasing the items on the list, Weizet and Luna went back home first and arranged the purchased items into categories.

After confirming that everything was correct, we took the Knight Bus and headed to Whitehall Street, where the Ministry of Magic is located.

This street is very special. It is not only the seat of the Ministry of Magic, but also surrounded by many government agencies, connecting the Houses of Parliament and Downing Street.

Weizet and the others were lucky. All the beds on the bus were available and no accident like yesterday happened.

The Knight Bus drove quickly through the broad streets, passing tall buildings, weaving in and out of traffic, and finally stopped in a dark alley.

Walking out of the alley, there is a narrow street outside. The road surface seems to be bumpy due to lack of maintenance. There is also a lot of sewage accumulated in it, giving off a faint smell.

Seeing this scene, Weizet felt a little disappointed. He originally thought that the Ministry of Magic would be more impressive as it was located next to a government agency.

Luna said happily: "I think so too, if it can be built next to a zoo, that would be great."

Weizet agreed: "If it is really built next to the zoo, after we get our passports, we can visit the zoo. It will be really interesting."

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