Chapter 213 Snape wants heroes to save beauty!!

“Okay, now face your partner, bow!”

“Lockhart” shouted.

On stage, Miss Potter and Miss Malfoy barely nodded, and they stared at each other intently.

“Raise your wand and get ready! When I count to three, I will cast magic. ”

“Phantom Strike!”

But as soon as Lockhart counted to two, Miss Malfoy struck, and a spell shot out of his wand and slammed Miss Potter hard.


Miss Potter was slammed into the air, flipped several times in mid-air, and finally fell to the ground, not that Miss Potter was too useless, but that she did not expect Miss Malfoy to be so mean.

It was clear that she did it when she counted to three, but Miss Malfoy did it when she counted to two, which was simply an old silver coin.

“Oh! Poor Miss Potter! ”

Below the stage, many boys shouted, looking at Miss Potter who fell to the ground, full of distress.

Miss Potter looked at Professor Snape behind Miss Malfoy with those eyes, and being watched by those same eyes made Professor Snape feel quite uncomfortable.

Professor Snape couldn’t help but clench his wand and look away from Miss Potter’s eyes, afraid he would be unable to help it.

Miss Malfoy looked smug after knocking out Miss Potter, but before she could say anything, she was hit by a spell.

“Grin, hoo-la-la!”

A silver light hit Miss Malfoy in the stomach, causing her to bend down and begin to gasp for breath.

Miss Potter rose from the ground, wand in hand, apparently she had struck it at the moment.

“Oh! Poor Miss Malfoy! ”

Another group of boys were shouting.


Miss Malfoy gasped desperately as she aimed her wand at Miss Potter’s knee and struck a spell of magic.

However, what Miss Malfoy didn’t expect was that Miss Potter actually rolled to the left, avoiding the magic.

“Pretty dodge!”

Below the stage, Toby clapped his hands and praised.

Miss Potter was also obviously a little complacent, the actual combat training the other days were not in vain, and she remembered that when Toby trained them to dodge magic, they suffered a lot.

Almost every night, they were exhausted, sweaty, soaked in clothes, returned to the bedroom, and only hurriedly washed their bodies, and then lay down on the bed to sleep.

“Legs stand stiff and die!”

Miss Potter lay on the ground, the wand in her hand pointed at Miss Malfoy, cast a spell, and Miss Malfoy’s legs were hit by the magic, and then involuntarily merged.

“Spell stop!”

Professor Snape cast a spell on Miss Malfoy, causing her to finally stop breathing and gasping for air, and her merged legs were separated.

The little wizards below the stage, when they were dueling, there were also various accidents, the senior students were better, and the younger students were in a mess.

Two people fell to the ground and “perished together”; There are explosions caused by improper casting; There are also those who throw their wands and start hand-to-hand combat, which can be said to be full of tricks.

Although Professor Flitwick is watching, he is only one person after all, how can he watch it.

“Madam Pomfrey, someone is injured here!”

“Madam Pomfrey, come here, someone is bleeding!”

“Madam Pomfrey, come and save me!”

The little wizards shouted one after another, this was busy Madam Pomfrey, she walked this way for a while, ran to that side for a while.

“Oh! Merlin’s beard, Dumbledore really shouldn’t agree to hold any duel club! ”

Madam Pomfrey was almost fainting.

“Madam Pomfrey, if I don’t mind, I can come and die.”

Toby walked over to Madam Pomfrey and said to her.

“You? Oh, you’re Mr. Rigpo, but do you heal magic? ”

Madam Pomfrey was impressed by Toby.

“Oh, I still know some.”

Toby said as he pointed his wand at a little witch’s bleeding wound, which was on his arm, and he didn’t know how, but magic was dangerous if it wasn’t used properly.

“Quick healing!”

After Toby cast the healing spell, the little witch’s wounds began to heal gradually and did not bleed, and finally even the scars disappeared.

“Oh! It’s amazing, I don’t hurt anymore and I don’t bleed anymore. ”

The little witch exclaimed.

“Thank you, Ganbi.”

The little witch blushed and apologized to Toby, although Toby did not know the name of the little witch, but the little witch knew very well about Toby, who made Toby too famous, the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin of the First Class in the history of magic.

“No thanks, just raise your hand, then Madam Pomfrey, I will help treat the other students.”

Toby smiled lightly and said.

“Oh, thank you so much, Toby, you helped me a lot!”

Madam Pomfrey said with some excitement that a little wizard who could use healing magic so well, she was the first time she saw that Jian Bai was a natural healer.

With Toby’s help, Madam Pomfrey’s work was reduced by more than half, and many injured little wizards were cured by Toby’s spell.

“Need my help, therapist?”

Jamie asked with a smile.

“No need, let you help with the treatment, I’m afraid that the wounds of those little wizards will be more serious, and even rot.”

Toby immediately refused.

The magic of his light attribute itself has a bonus effect on healing, while Jamie’s dark attribute magic is the opposite, not only does not heal the wound, but causes more serious second damage to the wound.

On stage, Miss Potter was very upset that Professor Snape had helped Miss Malfoy break the spell.

“The duel can continue.”

Professor Snape didn’t dare to look Miss Potter in the eye, but he was still biased in favor of Miss Malfoy.

“Listen, do as I say, got it?”

Professor Snape whispered a few words in Miss Malfoy’s ear.

“Harry, come on, don’t be afraid of him, hit him hard!”

Hermione was cheering on Miss Potter from below the stage, who had knocked her opponent to the ground.

“Okay, come on, Malfoy!”

Miss Potter raised her wand again.

On the other side, Miss Malfoy also raised her wand in her hand, and many of the young wizards who had ended the battle under the stage also surrounded them again.

“Oolong out of the hole!”

Miss Malfoy roared, the tip of his wand suddenly exploded, and a long black snake suddenly jumped out and landed on the floor between the two, holding its head high as if ready to attack.


The little wizards under the stage suddenly screamed and retreated backwards, whether they were Muggles or wizards, obviously very afraid of creatures like snakes.

“Don’t move, Miss Potter, I’ll get it away.”

Professor Snape said lazily that he seemed to want to present himself in front of Miss Potter.

“Could it be that Professor Snape is such a senior and wants to save the beauty with a hero?”

Toby was mentally guessing.

At this moment, a spell shot out from the crowd and hit the black snake, and the black snake suddenly began to grow rapidly, and finally became the size of a house, which made those little wizards even more frightened.


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