Chapter 219: Learning Parseltongue!!

“He is worthy of being the most outstanding genius ever held at Hogwarts, and it seems that he has studied ancient magic texts quite deeply.”

“Those questions have been bothering us for a long time, and now listening to him talk like this, it is suddenly enlightening.”

Toby praised Voldemort as a genius in his student days, needless to say, and even Dumbledore had praised him.

“That’s it, we have almost a year to get wool from Tom.”

Jamie said.

“It’s not that easy, Tom doesn’t see the rabbit and doesn’t spread the eagle, you don’t give him some benefits and want to get wool from him, that’s impossible.”

“Moreover, we must also be wary of him telling us some wrong knowledge, and not put hope entirely on him.”

Toby shook his head and said that after all, they were now facing Tom Riddle from his student days, and it was a difficult object to deal with.

“Of course I know this, but it’s just a matter of using each other, to see who has the higher means!” If you can get the maximum benefit from Tom, it is naturally the best, if not, then it doesn’t matter. ”

Jamie said indifferently.

“In fact, the most important thing is Parseltongue, if you can learn Parseltongue, you can enter the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.”

Toby said that although they knew that the entrance to the Slytherin Chamber was in the girls’ bathroom on the second floor, they needed to use Parseltongue to open the entrance, otherwise they would have to blow the entrance open.

“In fact, you don’t have to learn parseltongue, you just need to learn some specific snake language, and the entrance to the secret room does not use complex snake language.”

James said that in fact, as long as you say ‘open’ to the entrance of the secret room in Parseltongue, the secret room can be opened, without using very complicated snake language.

“That’s right, parseltongue should be a bloodline inheritance ability, and it can’t be learned by learning.”

“I’ll try it with Harry first, and if I can learn to learn myself, if it doesn’t work, I’ll record Harry’s parseltongue.”

Toby said that the ability of parseltongue is only available to the descendants of Slytherin, and after Voldemort, the only person who can say parseltongue now is Harry, Voldemort’s horcrux.

In the evening, the Gryffindor common room.

Harry and Ron were crouched on their desks writing their homework for the day, and Hermione was reading while supervising them.

“Good evening, Toby.”

Harry and Ron saw Toby as if they saw a big savior.

“Good evening, you haven’t finished your homework yet?”

Toby also smiled and said hello.

“They know how to play all day long, how can they have time to write homework, if I hadn’t supervised them, I’m afraid they would have forgotten to write their homework.”

Hermione said from the side, hating iron is not steel.

“By the way, Toby, what are you busy with these days, not even seeing anyone at dinner?”

Harry hurriedly diverted the subject just in case Hermione said anything more.

“I’m busy with something, but things are already busy, so I should be able to rest for a while.”

“By the way, Harry, I need your help with one thing.”

Toby casually coped with a few words and got down to business.

“What’s going on? As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you. ”

Harry asked, after all, Toby helped him a lot, in fact, he always wanted to help

Than did something, but never found a chance, if this time he can help, he will definitely give it his all.

“Harry, you should be able to talk to snakes, right? In that dueling match, you tried to drink off the giant snake, but the giant snake didn’t listen to you. ”

Toby asked.

“What? Harry, you’re a parseltongue! ”

Ron’s face was full of shock, and Hermione on the side was also quite surprised.

“What parseltongue? In that dueling match, I did want to make the giant snake back down, and the giant snake didn’t know why he didn’t listen to me. ”

“Actually, this is the second time I’ve done this, the first time I didn’t know I was a wizard, and I went to the zoo with my uncle’s family.”

“At that time, I accidentally released a big python, and the big python told me that it had never been to Ba Xi, in fact, I didn’t mean to…”

Harry explained?

“Well, it seems that Harry you are indeed a parseltongue, this is a very rare ability, in fact, parseltongue means to speak snake language, maybe you don’t realize that you are speaking snake language.”

Toby said.

“Am I speaking the language of snakes? But – I didn’t realize how it was possible to speak another language and I didn’t know it? ”

Harry wondered if he knew what he had said, and he didn’t feel like he was speaking snake language.

“It’s normal, when you speak snake language in parseltongue, it’s the same as when you speak English, you don’t realize you’re speaking snake language.”

Toby explained.

“Ron, Hermione, what’s wrong with you?”

Harry saw that Ron and Hermione’s faces were a little wrong, as if someone had died, and couldn’t help but ask.

“Harry, don’t you know that being able to talk to snakes is Salazar Slytherin’s famous ability, so the symbol of Slytherin House is a snake, and the mysterious man is also a descendant of Slytherin.”

Hermione whispered.

“Harry, it’s best not to let anyone know about you being a parseltongue, otherwise the whole school will think that you have something to do with Slytherin or the mysterious man.”

Ron whispered as well.

“But I’m not, how could I possibly have anything to do with Slytherin, let alone Voldemort, don’t forget, Voldemort also killed my parents.”

Harry looked a little angry, and there was some unexplainable panic.

“Harry, you don’t need to be angry or afraid, the Potter family is also a wizarding family with a long heritage, maybe which generation of your ancestors and the descendants of Slytherin are married.”

“Wizarding families often intermarry with each other, just like Ron and Draco Malfoy are also related, this does not mean anything, if you really want to talk about it, maybe our ancestors are the same ancestor.”

“Your parseltongue may have awakened from a part of the Slytherin bloodline in your body, but the parseltongue doesn’t say anything.”

“I have always believed that there is no good or bad ability, only wizards can have good or bad, as long as you can adhere to the justice in your heart, Parseltongue can also be used in the right place.”

“However, I also think that it is best not to expose your parseltongue cavity, maybe some wizards will not care, but most wizards are still very afraid of parseltongues.”

Toby comforted that both Slytherin House and Parseltongue had ruined their reputations by Voldemort.

Now wizards in the wizarding world, when they mention Slytherin House, they think that

The academy is rich in dark wizards, and when it comes to parseltongue, I think that it is an ability that only dark wizards have.

The reason for this is nothing more than fear.

“Toby, you’re right, I shouldn’t be afraid, and I won’t expose Parseltongue, but I’ll use that ability on the right path.”

Harry said.

“If only you could think so, in fact, your parseltongue is still envious of others, just like me, I imagine you learning parseltongue.”

Toby said.

“Toby, you’re going to learn Parseltongue from me?”

Harry asked in surprise, and Ron and Hermione on the side were also quite surprised.

“Is there something wrong? Parseltongue is just a language, and if I can learn Parseltongue, I can have a conversation with snakes, which is very useful for me to understand snakes as creatures. ”

Toby asked rhetorically.

“All said, why should you fear parseltongue, as long as you don’t use parseltongue to do bad things, isn’t it good to learn one more language?”

“Toby, you’re right, as long as we don’t use parseltongue to do bad things, we don’t have to be afraid of it.”

Hermione said.

“So now, Harry, you can say it in Parseltongue, whatever you want, like you can say ‘open’…

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