Chapter 242 I am so stupid!!

“Actually, we can sit down and have a good talk, Mr. Riddle, I’m sure you have a lot to know.”

Toby turned a piece of rubble on the ground into a stone table, and three small pieces of rubble into three stone benches.

“Mr. Riddle, are you not here to sit, or are you afraid?”

Toby asked with a smile.

Tom got up from the ground, straightened his wizarding robes, and became the handsome and personable Slytherin prefect again, after all, he was only a little wizard in the sixth year.

Tom walked over to the stone table, faced Toby and Jamie, and sat down.

“So, Mr. Riddle, we should now formally introduce ourselves, my name is Toby Rigpo, a second year Gryffindor student.”

Toby said with a smile.

“Tom, I didn’t lie to you, my name is indeed Jamie, my full name is Jamie Campbell Ball, and I am a second year student in Slytherin.”

Jamie held his chin in his hand and said.

“Second grade! Are you just a second-grader? ”

Tom was a little surprised, he always thought that these two should be adult wizards, who knew that they were just second-year wizards.

“Surprised? Tom 19, I don’t think you should be surprised, didn’t you do a lot of outrageous things when you were a student, killing your relatives, opening the Chamber of Secrets and releasing the basilisk, killing a little wizard, framing Hagrid, and so on. ”

“Compared to you, what we do is just a small thing.”

Jamie said with a smirk.

“What exactly is your purpose?”

Tom did not refute anything, but said calmly.

“Actually, we don’t have any purpose, just to talk to you, doesn’t Mr. Riddle want to know how your essence is?”

Toby laughed and said that Tom Riddle is just a fragment of Voldemort’s soul resurrection, and some only have memories of his student days and magic from his student days.

Unless he can devour the other soul fragments that Voldemort has split, he will remain the way he is.

“What will happen to me in the future?”

Tom asked, he already knew what might have happened to his future self, but what happened, he didn’t really know, because now he only had memories of his student days.

“Before answering this question, I want to ask, Mr. Riddle, do you really hate Muggles so much because of your Muggle father?”

Toby asked.

“Yes, I just hate him, he abandoned me before I was born, shouldn’t I hate him? I hate all Muggle wizards, they are not qualified to learn magic. ”

“The bodies of those Mudbloods are full of dirty blood, and I will cleanse them all, because I am the successor of Salazar Slytherin, and I will complete his unfinished noble business!”

Tom said a little excitedly, his face flushed a little.

“But, Tom, as far as we know, you had an unhappy childhood, and your dead mother should also have a large part of the responsibility.”

“Your mother’s name is Merope Gaunt, she is from the Gaunt family, and the Gaunt family inherits the Slytherin bloodline, but because the Gaunt family worships purebloods so much, they will marry close relatives.”

“The long marriage of close relatives has caused more or less physical and mental problems in the people of the Gaunt family.”

“Your mother used a charm to confuse your father and elope with him because she fell in love with old Tom Riddle in the same town.”

“In the beginning, your father loved your mother very much, but it was because of the ecstasy, until your mother became pregnant with you…”

Jamie said that with his voice, Tom listened carefully and seemed to be caught up in memories.

“After your mother became pregnant, she secretly stopped the ecstasy, she felt that your father was really in love with her, but your father did not fall in love with your mother, and abandoned your mother and son because he was afraid that she was a witch.”

“Your mother, in despair, gave birth to you in front of an orphanage, and she had no will to live, so she died.”

“And you, too, were adopted by that orphanage, but because you also have powerful magical powers, you were isolated by the other children in the orphanage, until you were eleven years old, when the Hogwarts acceptance letter came.”

Toby continued.

“In fact, a large part of your childhood misfortune was caused by your mother, if she had not stopped using ecstasy, your father would still love her very much, and maybe you would have had a complete family.”

“I really don’t know what your mother thinks, since you used the ecstasy, then use it all the time, but I think your mother is probably carried away by love, women are emotional.”

Jamie said.

“There is no if, there is no maybe, these things will not happen, I am the successor of Slytherin, my body flows with Slytherin noble blood, I am different from ordinary wizards, I am born extraordinary!”

Tom said exclaimed, he seemed a little annoyed, perhaps Toby and Jamie’s words touched his sore feet.

“Well, then let’s not talk about these old stories, Mr. Riddle, don’t you want to know how your essence is?”

“Voldemort went to attack the Potters twelve years ago, and when he was about to kill Harry Potter, he was rebounded to death by the spell, turned into a lone soul, and has been wandering in the forest of Albania.”

“Last year, Voldemort’s remnant soul seduced a professor and infiltrated Hogwarts, intending to steal the Philosopher’s Stone to revive it.”

“It’s a pity that it was just a trap set by Dumbledore, and the Philosopher’s Stone is even more fake, and Voldemort’s remnant soul can be regarded as stealing chickens and rice, not only did not succeed in stealing the Philosopher’s Stone, but also made his own remnant soul weaker.”

Toby said as he pushed everything to Dumbledore.

Tom suddenly frowned, he couldn’t understand his future self, why would he be so stupid and fall into Dumbledore’s trap?

You know, he was able to hide from Dumbledore when he was a student, open the Chamber of Secrets, cast a basilisk, kill a Mudblood wizard, and blame this matter on Hagrid, even if Dumbledore doubts him, he can’t help him.

However, the future self will fall into Dumbledore’s trap.

“Tom, do you know that in the future, you will do more than one stupid thing, do you need to hear it?”

Jamie said with a smile.


Tom’s face was a little gloomy, he was absolutely confident in his intelligence, but 003 was now called stupid by two little wizards, which made it difficult for him to accept.

Next, Toby and Jamie took turns telling what Voldemort had done, mixed with some disdainful mockery.

This made Tom listen more and more, the more ugly his face became, and even he began to doubt in his heart that he would be so stupid in the future, only knowing how to use violence, and not knowing how to use wisdom at all.

Not to mention the mess of the great situation, and he killed himself, I really don’t know what his head is doing there.

If it had been him, I am afraid that the entire magical world would have been unified long ago.

“Tom, what do you think of the future? Do you also feel stupid, and the good situation is destroyed. ”

Jamie said with a smile.

“That Voldemort has nothing to do with me, now I am a new life.”

Tom said indifferently that stupid Voldemort, he didn’t want to admit that stupid Voldemort would be the future him.

“Okay, Mr. Riddle, now that we’re done with our business, we’d like to ask you to borrow something.”

Toby said.

“What? As long as I have, I can lend it to you, in fact, we can cooperate, I can see that you are also natural wizards. ”

“You and I are the same kind of people, we are not ordinary, so we should stand on top of all wizards and rule them.”

Tom said, but he was still secretly wary.

“Dear Tom, actually, we want to borrow your body to use.”

Jamie said with a smile, staring at Tom like a hungry wolf seeing delicious food…

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