Chapter 271 Second Grade Ends!!

“Professor Snape, please calm down, although Jamie didn’t say anything about it, he still protected the castle and the students after all.”

Dumbledore said, but he was also a little afraid in his heart, he never expected that Grindelwald had two helpers, and one of the helpers was still hiding in the Forbidden Forest, wanting to attack Hogwarts.

If the dark wizard succeeds, the little wizard in Hogwarts Castle will become chopping board meat.

Fortunately, Jamie found the dark wizard in time and chased him away, otherwise he really didn’t dare to imagine what terrible things would happen.

“Grindelwald, you are more terrifying and cunning than before!”

Dumbledore said in his heart.

He could only think that this time the war was planned by Grindelwald, but he didn’t know that this time the war, Grindelwald was just an actor who cooperated with the performance from beginning to end.

“Mr. Ball, I hope you will not be so willful in the future, you should come to report the professor when you find that dark wizard, instead of fighting the dark wizard alone.”

“Or does Mr. Ball think that his magic is stronger than that of the professor, so he feels that there is no need to report to the professor?”

Professor Snape said sarcastically.

“I’m sorry, Professor Snape, because the situation was too urgent for me to think so much.”

Jamie said that he did not refute Professor Snape’s words, although Professor Snape’s mouth was very poisonous, he was indeed a soft-mouthed person, but he was not good at expressing it at all.

“Hmph! You’re like a stupid Gryffindor lion, and it seems you’re getting too close to them, Mr. Ball, and I hope you can keep your head clear in the future and don’t get infected by stupidity. ”

Professor Snape snorted coldly, but his words directly offended the entire Gryffindor.

“Ahem! Professor Snape, if you’re not happy with Mr. Ball, I’d love Mr. Ball coming to Gryffindor House. ”

Professor McGonagall coughed twice and said.

She was upset that Snape called Gryffindor a stupid lion.

“Professor McGonagall, I think it is more appropriate for Mr. Ball to come to Ravenclaw House, you Gryffindors all have Toby this genius, so don’t grab another genius with me.”

Professor Flitwick said, then turned to look at Jamie.

“Jamie, you can come to our Ravenclaw House, our teachers and students will welcome you very much.”

“I’m sorry, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Mr. Bauer is a student of my Scottling Academy, even if he wants to transfer schools, he needs the consent of me, the dean.”

Professor Snape said coldly.

Although it seemed that Professor Snape was very ‘dissatisfied’ with Jamie, he would never agree to it if he did let Jamie transfer to another house, just as Professor McGonagall would never allow Toby to leave Gryffindor House.

“Mr. Bauer, what are you still standing here for, do you want to transfer to the hospital?”

Professor Snape said coldly.

“No, Professor Snape.”

Jamie shrugged and turned back to Scottlin’s long table.

As soon as he returned to Strytelin’s long table, many of Strytlin’s little wizards began to ask him questions.

How did he get rid of that dark wizard? Is that dark wizard powerful? What was the fight like with that dark wizard?

At this time, a group of owls flew into the auditorium

Constantly throwing items down, for a while, the feathers flew wildly, very messy.

“Look! Yesterday’s war has been published in the Daily Prophet! ”

A little wizard exclaimed.

The scale of the war at Hogwarts yesterday was so huge that even if you wanted to hide it, not to mention that the Daily Prophet also had people in the Ministry of Magic, and they were very well-informed.

Yesterday, the Daily Prophet sent a large number of reporters and photographers to Hogwarts, not only interviewing many young wizards, but also taking many post-war photos.

In fact, not only the Daily Prophet, but other newspapers also sent people.

The Daily Prophet is indeed the most sold newspaper in the Eagle Country Magical World, but the entire Eagle Country Magical World is actually more than one newspaper.

Such a big news, no matter which newspaper, is scrambling, which newspaper publishes first, it has the advantage.

The Daily Prophet also planned to buy his film from Colin Creevey at a high price, because Colin Creevey used his camera to take a lot of pictures of the Great War.

Although the photograph is just an ordinary photograph, it is also a very valuable material for the prophet in the future.

Colin Creevey did not ask for money from the Daily Prophet, but he donated his film for free, much to the delight of the Daily Prophet.

“The evil dark wizard Grindelwald started a war, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry almost fell!”

“The one who saved Hogwarts turned out to be the youngest Sir Merlin first-class medalist in history!”

“Hogwarts almost fell, the little wizard turned the tide!”

The conspicuous headlines in the Daily Prophet, almost all the pages of the newspaper carried yesterday’s war, and the large detailed description was accompanied by a series of conspicuous pictures, attracting the attention of all the little wizards.

The entire auditorium was quiet, and almost all the little wizards were reading the Daily Prophet, even if they did not subscribe to the newspaper, there were other little wizards crowded up.

Even the professors in the teacher’s chair were reading the Daily Prophet, sometimes nodding, sometimes shaking their heads, sometimes happy, sometimes angry.

As the minutes passed, breakfast was long over, and Dumbledore, seeing that the time was almost up, began to stand up and deliver his last speech of the school year.

“After breakfast, Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape will escort you to Hogsmeade Station, and they will accompany you when the time comes.”

“Finally, I wish you all a pleasant summer vacation!”

Dumbledore’s speech was very brief.

After he finished speaking, the little wizards stood up and walked towards the outside of the Great Hall.

“All lined up, don’t mess around!”

Professor Flitwick shouted.

The little wizards began to line up and walk towards the outside of the castle.

“Toby, aren’t you in the school hospital? Are you going to join us too? ”

When they were in the foyer, Harry, Hermione, and they saw Toby, and they were surprised that they thought Toby would not go back with them.

“Of course I want to go back together, I have nothing to do at all, Madam Pomfrey also agreed, she only let me rest after I go back.”

Toby said with a smile.

“That’s wonderful.”

Harry, Hermione, they were very happy.

Outside the castle, the huge courtyard looks as if it has been ploughed again

Everywhere there are ruins, uncleaned bodies and blood stains, telling the horrors of yesterday’s war.

“Everyone go carefully, don’t get tripped!”

Professor Flitwick wore his flying shoes and flew above everyone’s heads, reminding everyone.

Professor Snape followed the young wizards, expressionless, and it was not until he left the confines of Hogwarts Castle that the road was leveled.

Walking along a path, everyone finally reached Hogsmeade Station, and nothing happened along the way, which made Professor Flitwick breathe a sigh of relief, but he was not completely relieved.

The little wizards began to board the Hogwarts Express train one after another, and after all the young wizards were on board, Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape also boarded the train, and they needed to be escorted all the way to King’s Cross station.

Toby, Jamie and Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, they all had a full carriage.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny, they had been watching the Daily Prophet, and they were interested in the news on it and read it from time to time.

Toby and Jamie weren’t very interested, and after the departure of the Hogwarts Express, they watched the scenery passing by outside the window.

“Time is really fast, the second grade has passed Toby sighed softly.”

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